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Chapter 15: Ch - 14 #mayhem

"Lily you won't abandon me right??" a small boy asked a small girl who was wearing a beautiful purple colored frock with those two tiny pig tails. " Noope I won't leave you" the small girl beamed .

"promise?" he asked

the girl huffed " yes pinky promise!! and take this as my promise! " The girl took out a button from her frock "See this is my favorite frock do not lose the button !!" the girl puffed her cheeks.

The boy was wearing small shorts and shirt . They were playing outside , at the garden .

"wait why did you asked me that?" the girl frowned. The boy smiled and leaned over to give her a kiss on the cheek . The girl blushed. " hey Mikey why you gave me that kiss??" she threw grass at him.

"Cause you are cute " he smiled .

"Hey wait ..... I should have also kissed you back" she ran towards him....


Mike was laying down on his bed and was busy staring at the White button . He smiled and closed the brown box after placing the button inside it . He then hid the box inside his closet and crashed on his bed 'Where are you lily??' he sighed and stared up at the fan.


Lia's room was , full of chaos .

Every cloth was lying on the floor.

"Are you gonna select the dress or not ??" Arran pulled her hair and crashed on the bed.

In front of them stood 5 beautiful handpicked dresses from THE SPRIT .

"I don't like any of these !!!" lia shrank down as she crashed on top her boxers and tees .

"They are so beautiful!! What fault can you find in them?? those girls out there, are literally dying to wear these dresses !!! and they all are freaking In front of you!!" Arran yelled and groaned.

"Well this white dress here is too pure-ish and I will feel like that pure goddess !! plush its kind off see through dress." she then walked towards the next dress .

"Anddd this black dress is to sinister ! see the V line it's too low!!"

"And this blue dress is soo tight !! its literally sticking on my whole body!!"

"This Red dress is so sluty ! they will think that I am a prostitute!!"

"oh how can I not forget about this grey gown . Is this even a freaking gown??! dude wearing this , felt like I am going to a funeral!! "

lia stopped her ranting and crashed on the floor .

"Okay you win! I gave up now let me catch some Z'sss" Arran fell into deep slumber.


'Who is it??' lia thought and made her way towards the door .

Which was not easy, as she faced a lot of cloth monster .

Lia opened the door and saw Zack smiling

"oh hi Zack and uh Zack how did you came inside the girl's dorm?? and what's with all that bandages??"

Zack touched his wrapped wounds and flinched .

He had some serious bad history with these wounds .

" Hey I just sneaked inside ... oh yeah .... mike asked me to give you this " Zack gave lia a big packet .

"What's inside??"

" I don't know about that but it is heavy okay now I gotcha go....." Zack rushed towards his room .

Lia huffed and closed the door and rushed towards her study room and sat on the floor and tore open the packet .

What reveled was breathtaking .

Inside the packet sat a beautiful dress .

Lia gasped and gently took out the dress as if it was a fragile glass.

"Its so beautiful" she moved her hands on the dress .

Dress was a purple , knee length frock with a bow on the side waist , with beautiful lace design on the waist .

And it was just beautiful, funky and cute.

"Wow " was all lia could say .

'Who made this??' lia looked around the dress and found the tag with a circle with three dots forming a triangle .

"What that's it?? who the hell made this ??" lia made sure to ask mike about the designer.

Lia tried the dress and it was flowy dress that stopped just above her knees .

She felt that the dress was made perfectly for her.

Lia heard a lot of girls footsteps rushing from her room .

"Hurry ...! run! I can't wait to see that slut getting rejected!!!" a girl spoke while crossing her room.

Lia's brow furrowed 'Who is proposing ??' Curious as cat she tip toed out from her room , so that Arran could sleep and won't be disturbed from the commotion.

Lia flowed with the crowd . And found herself at the students garden .

She walked towards the circled crowd mainly consisting of girls , Who were busy shouting

"Look at your first !! you ugly whore!"

"How dare you ask our prince song out!!

" Bitch ! you should die !! "

"ha!! you are just a scholarship student how can you ask our prince charming!!"

" Such poor sluts are only after money , not love"

Lia squeezed through the crowd and managed to stand in front and watch what the commotion is all about.

What she saw was a sweet girl standing in front of a black haired , tall , handsome guy .

She was staring towards the floor .

Her mouth was quivering. Her eyes were closed . Her face showed pained expression.

While the boy ?

He was just staring at the girl without any expression.

"sooo you want to be my dance partner and my girlfriend.... may I ask why???" Deep voice boomed.

The girl looked towards him with teary eyes and couldn't say anything .

"First of all I don't like those whiny girls who cry for no reason "

he took a step towards the girl and took out his water bottle .

"and I think that you need a desperate face wash because your face is all puffy and red"

he poured all the water on her head .

The crowd cheered , some shouted I'll of the girl and some praised the boy.

Lia was horrified .

What would have happened to her if she wouldn't have Arran to support her???

Thinking of consequences made her shudder.

"Hey !! you dumbarse!!!! " lia couldn't control her anger. Looking at the small girl , she felt the urge to protect her as a younger sister.

The boy stopped and looked back towards the boxers nd tees girl.

"Who the hell are you ??" black haired guy asked.

Lia clenched her fist and walked towards the guy " kneel and apologize to her , right now!"

Crowd broke into loud whispers filled with excitement and anger.

The guy smirked and walked towards her direction

"So is this a new trend ?? to scold a boy and get close to him ??" he asked

"I think that you have an ear problem.... you didn't hear what I have said..... apologize the girl" her hands were almost shaking.

"What if I don't" he questioned

Lia aimed her punch at his face.

The sly fox jumped backwards.

Lia kicked the guy , but all he did was defend himself.

They were breathless and stared , each other angrily.

"AIYO LIA why the hell you locked me up- " Arran came yelling towards the garden one hand was holding a pillow and the other hand busy rubbing the eyes .Arran looked like she just woke up from a deep sleep . Her hair messed up, her yawn , her pillow,...

Everything screamed SLEEP!

Arran stopped walking when she opened her eyes and saw lia and a boy in a fighting position.

"Theo?? why the hell you are so late ?? don't you know that the ball is tomorrow??" Arran yelled.

Then Arran moved her head towards lia "And why are you fighting this dumbo??"

"HEY AM NOT A DUMB GUY!!!" Theo yelled.


"Wait ... what !! you are breaking a girl's heart??? again!!!!" Arran walked towards Theo and grabbed his bag and dragged him towards the school "I told you not to touch any girl ..... This time we won't spare you!!" Arran kicked Theo.

"Okay okay am sorry!!" Theo yelled while he was being dragged.

Who knew that the mighty Theo will turn into a cry baby in front of Arran.

"Oh I love The 3 Gang" a girl standing close to lia cooed .

"The 3 gang??" Lia asked .

"Oh you know about that !?? I thought that you both were close...." the girl tilted her face.

"She didn't told me"

"There are 4 prominent family and each of them have a control over their part. It is said that there were 3 friends and they swore an oath to stay close and help each other . THE RONGS are dominating the military , THE LONGS are dominating the business industries and THE SONGS are dominating the political side . Thus they are called the gang of 3 . And Theo, Arran and mike are the successors ."

Lia frowned 'So Arran knows about the Long's'

"and.... who is the 4th???" lia asked

The girl looked around and lowered her voice

"The 4th family is a very powerful family . No body could find them, no one knows about them ..... Even The longs , rongs and songs are finding them .... They are the king of the underworld , The rulers of the world of Mafias , gangs, drugs , money "

With this the girl ran towards her dorm.

Lia sat down on the grass

'The 4th family..... The ruler of the underworld???'


Plz review this book !!!

it would really mean a lot!!!!

And am sorry for the late update...*cries*

_White _White

Am late am sorry......


*proud expression*

Q- how's the cover ???

I made it my self!!!!

credits to Pinterest though ???

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