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Chapter 2: Sparring

Time flies, as I finally recover from my malnutrition, I can finally move my muscles as I wanted it to be. But I still feel that it haven't recovered completely even tho I can lift my own wardrobe with one hand. Guess that what it mean to have 3.4 point of strength... I never do those in front of other people tho, since they would be surprised. I mean I can hardly lift 120 kg before. Other than that I can also move 4 m in a blink of an eye. Well normal adult can run 12 km/h so I can run at 42 km/h in dash I guess.... Which mean if I convert it to m/s it around 10-12 m/s, I can't control it tho. While my study in magic, is really easy and with my intelligence I can even multitasking. Basically I already read all the magic book in study room, from introducing magic for idiots to advance magic for monkey....

Yep, I also think the author is really rude, but his books got the best explanation, or should I said he seems like other worlder too... Since he even talking about chemical reaction to make a magic combination, which definitely not in other books. When I ask Jullian he said the book doesn't make any sense and he said it a scrap kind of book made by a jester of magician 400 years ago. But it worth the money from collector point of view, since his books always funny. Yep definitely other worlder. But after reading his introduction of magic, I already understand how easy magic is. You only need to imagine the magic image while channeling mana, to make physical or chemical reaction. So why am I reading all his book? It because I wanted to know what kind of magic did he invented, the results is I got nothing. All the things he write is only about common magic that already recorded on the other books.

As I am sighing while walking along the corridor from our mansion studies, Fran coming to me.

"Zein! So you're here. I was looking for you."

"Ah, morning Fran, you look excited. Why are you looking for me?"

"Did you forget that it is the day of the sparing?!"

"Ahhh... It is the day ey? I've been resting on my bed for days, so I kinda forgotten about it."

"Seriously even tho you already promised me to watch our spar? Also don't you say, you also forgotten that tommorow is the day we depart to the capital? Since a new semester will start in 10 days."

I am surprised when I heard his words. Damn I completely forgotten about that too. Looking at my face Fran sighing.

"Sigh... I guess it can't be helped since you're bedridden before the school end before. Anyway let's go to the field for now! It will be interesting to watch the best knight vs swift swordsman."

"Right. I hope I won't be a party poopers tho."

"Party poopers?"

He look confused at my words. Whelp, I guess he doesn't know what it means.

"It nothing. Lead the way buddy."

I answer him with a light tone and slight chuckle.


"So how much your chance?"

"My chance? Err... 30 percent I guess?"

"Really? You're one of the best knight in our school knighthood course tho."

"Still. It Lein we're talking about after all, 30 percent is high enough chance. Since most people of our year or even those upperclassmen got much lower percentage of winning against her."

Hearing his honest opinion I am surprised. I know Lein is such a badass in our school, but I never know it was this much. Now that I am thinking about it, I never there when she got a match or challenge or assignment or anything for 3 years... Whoa, I completely understand why she hate me now. I was looking after her in secret tho, but never when there other people. Okay that seems weird, I mean I am looking out when she is training from inside the house once in a while... Or more like 5 days per week?

"Why do you seems surprised?"

"... Well I know she is strong and powerful, but I never thought it was that much."

"... Zein when was the last time you seen her in sparring all out?"

"In our 13... By that it mean 3 years ago, when my confidence completely broken."

"I.. see... Well, she is that strong I guess. Right now she can even made Sir Rein to used his 60 percent power you know."

"Whoa... Please remind me not to make her completely mad at me from now on. I don't want to get killed by my own twin sister."

I replied exaggerated, while acting scared. Fran laughing when he sees me.

"Hahahaha, you finally got back to your old self aye. The depressing you won't be able to make that kind of jest."

"Whoops, you caught me. I guess now, I am much more proud of her tho."

As we bantering, we finally arrived at the sparring field. Father, Lein and Sir Richard already standing there, with our swordsmanship coach Rank A adventurer Doldman, and also most of out territories guard.

"What took you so long... Eh, Zein what are you doing here?"

Said my father as he move his sight to me, while Fran grinning boastfully. While Lein look surprised then throw her sight away from me with a growl.

"I bought him to the field as I promised Sir Rein."

"I never thought you really able to make this messy son of mine come to this hateful pit."

"Hahahaha, you must be jesting Sir Rein. Zein even said it will be intriguing to watch today sparring."

Hearing Fran words, my father and Doldman jaw slacken to the floor.

"Wh-what? He hate this field as much as he hate eating bell pepper!"

Okay for the note, it not like I hate bell pepper, it just... They serve it plainly, well my old self definitely dislike it tho. By plainly, they only wash it over then cut it, then serve it as a salad.

"Sigh... can you start your match already father? Look Sir Richard almost out of breath because of you already. I am sure you can used this chance to beat him profoundly."

I answer his words with light tone and grin plastered on my face. Sir Richard which trying to hold his laugh finally bursting out laughing.

"Pffuhahahaha... I never seen your face look like that Rein. Seems like those rumors about your son not entirely the truth. I never heard such a jester as him. So why won't you listen to your son advice and maybe you can beat me profoundly like how he said it?"

He is a guy with brown hair, and tough face with scar crossing from his upper right eyebrows till his left cheek. Even while laughing he giving pressure to other people, with his stature and body movement. His a middle aged man, with a great muscles and straight body. Hearing his word, now all the soldier got their jaw slacken down. Even Lein got a disbelieving faces. While father finally put it all together and facing him.

"You must be jesting Sir Richard, how could I do such underhanded method to win a match against you. Please forgive my rude son."

"Hahahaha, no need to apologise. He is pretty interesting son. Even right now he watching us carefully."

My father mumbling something with a surprised face, as they then speaking something in a lower tone. Hmm, I can't hear what they said but before long they called Doldman over, while he still got a confused face. When I look over once again to Lein she throw her face again...

"Ouch, seems like someone taking her revenge."

I stare at Fran widely as I heard his comments.

"Shut up Fran....."

"Whoa, you got gloomy just with that ey... Seems like someone really regretting being a jerk now?"


"Sigh... How about you tried competing with her again, maybe she will forgive you?"

"... Not gonna happen Fran. As much as I wanted her forgiveness, I don't want to get in her way like that. I guess I will just supporting her from the shadow for now."

"What a shame... I thought I would be able to see your hardworking back once again while swinging your sword."

"On your side! Ready?!"

As we were talking, it seems like the spar is going to start, as Doldman give a gesture on my father and Sir Richard.

"Whenever you're."

"May the best swordsman win."


As Doldman throw a white cloth to the air, my father dash towards Sir Richard with a thrust. He cross 10 m in one dash, while Sir Richard responding with a buckler in his left hand. He parried my father sword upward making his front open, as he swing his short sword from the other side which my father Dodge by back step. It all happened in a blink of an eyes.

"As sharp as ever ey."

"Nice parry"

They compliment each other as they exchange the next move, Sir Richard charging with his shield, while father like a matador move side step. But as he expecting father path, Sir Richard suddenly swinging his shield to father left side. Father dodge by falling down while doing a leg sweep, which Sir Richard followed with a slight jump. As fast as sir Richard feet left the ground father took the chance to thrust his stomach once again, without a proper ground Sir Richard can only blocked it. But as he got sent flying an mana blade flew out his sword straight to my father. Surprised father roll on the ground, and got greeted by another mana blade. They both got an attack in to their opponent. All I could said is fast. They moving really fast, by my estimation their body potential at least 2 point higher than me except for Mana.

As they stabilize themselves, I can see the buckler got broken in Sir Richard hand make a really painful bruise on his left hand, while father got a bruise on both his hand that he used to defending from direct hit also... There a small bruise on his neck. Well, his hand won't be able to hold off tho if Sir Richard used a real sword, so do sir Richard if father used a real sword. But even if my father stab got through at max it will only make Sir Richard left hand disabled, while Sir Richard will make both his hand cut off and his head. That aside just by aura mastery, Sir Richard is topping my father since he can control it much better. That definitely precise control of mana blade.

"Kuuhh... Nice stab Rein! Scary single point stab as ever."

"Tsk, I hope that injure your hand more than a bruise. But as expected of you Richard, tough as ever. With a well balanced mana slash."

"And the winner is Sir Richard!!"

"Eh? What? Why? They look like still able to keep going."

Fran look confused and so the other except Lein, me and Doldman that giving the final conclusion of the match.

"No, father lost. In the last exchange if it both using a real sword, father will pierce Sir Richard shield, and make him disabled for good. While Sir Richard mana slash will cut off both of father hand or even looped his head."

"Eh? That happen? How did you know? All I can tell is their figure clashing with each other than they both got thrown off."

Fran frowning as he heard my explanation...

"I just got a good sight..."

"I see... So you able to follow their movement ey?"

"Yup... "

With their spar end, they both shaking their hand while sitting on the side. Then Doldman called both Fran and Lein.

"Whoops, seems like it my turn now. Ah Zein when you hiding something, you got a habit of scratching your neck you know."

With that he left me and running to the field while grinning... Of course he also got that habits....

Then before the match Lein seems talking about something with Fran, as she got this completely mad vibe. While I can see Fran look apologetic. Even this far, I can feel her emotion, anyone want twin sixth sense? I completely got angry, curious, and shocked vibe. Luckily this connection didn't go as weird as sharing our mind. Then as they done talking, Doldman come to the center of the field.

"Then without further ado. Fight."

With his gesture like father Lein dashing in, her speed is only half of father tho. When the match starting father move to my side. Then sit down beside me with a serious face.

"So finally want to try swordsmanship once again?"

He said those, and like father Lein come straight with a thrust to Fran neck.

"Not sure."

"I see... I thought you finally change your mind back to before those jealousy of yours."

Fran dodge by rotating his body, and tried to bash his buckler to Lein. Which Lein easily dodge.

"I indeed change my mind, but it not about training. I am not sure if I am going to try swinging my sword again."

Or so I said, well I would definitely swing my sword again tho, but not on the training field here.

While our conversation going, I keep watching Lein and Fran sparring. They didn't evenly matched like father and Sir Richard but they not too far apart. Fran words was correct, I could see that from 10 match 5 will be Lein win 3 draw and 2 for Fran.

As the match goes on, Fran started to lose his breathing while Lein still got some room. If I should say, using a sword and shield isn't Fran way. If he change to long sword it will be much more balanced. He got a good way to parry Lein swordsmanship, and dodging her. His buckler completely useless except for bashing his way through.

"Why did Fran using shield again?"

Without I realized I mumbled those to my father. He look surprised hearing my question.

"You know the answer, it because he is adoring Sir Richard. Why did you asking those?"

"... His shield completely useless tho.."

I answer honestly to my father. Which make him grin.

"I know right, I also thinking that. But aren't you one of the reasons he using shield?"

"What me? Ahhh... Is it because that one time I said I need a knight that wilding a shield to protect me as a kid?"


"Seriously, that just a kids nonsense?! Didn't you ever told him to change to long sword?"

He smile mischievously when he heard my thoughts.

"I did. But his answer was 'Zein can't protect himself and Lein definitely not able to used this. I want to be able to protect both of them'. He said those around a year ago."

Hearing those I smile wryly.

"Sometimes his loyalty and honesty is too stupid. How did using a long sword make him unable to protect me and Lein. He would definitely be a stronger by 50 percent if he using those. With his trained muscle that not bulging and flexibility his reach would be so much better with a long sword. Also he could parry Lein sword easily without using a shield at all. Look that such a worse display of using shield. It look like a decorations."

Hearing my thoughts, father laugh loudly making our surrounding look at us. Damn... I answering honestly without thinking, I guess all martial arts practice back on Earth make me unable to hold back when it come to a fight and use of weapon.

"Hahahaha, you were right."

As he said those the match reach it conclusion with Lein victory.

"So son, why won't you try again? With your sharp observation, I am sure you would be able to raise from your slump. From all your explanation, I know that you aren't as weak as before."

"... Well father you're correct about me not as weak as before. But it doesn't change the fact I only got a normal aptitude. I won't be able to stand with them even if I give my all. So why not trying other things with my high intellectual? A place where I could help them from the shadow. Like doing business and managing the territory?"

"That... Indeed a great choice. So you finally figuring things out ey. So Dageraad for business, sound like it gonna be busy and messy~"

"... Okay father that a bad pun really."

"Oh well, just let it slide, and that my cue to close today training."

With that he stand up and goes back to the field. After a couple of pep talk he disperse the crowd, and Fran goes back to my side.

"So how was I?"

He grinning from ear to ear seems like a dog waiting for his master praise....



"You were horrible. Just give up using shield Fran."

He frowning as he heard what I said.

"But you're the one who told me to used shield before, you even praise me before."

"Fran, I won't lie anymore. You're using shield like decorations. From the start to finish you only used your shield twice, and it to bash Lein."

"... What do you know about using shield?"

"Not much."

"If it wasn't much, why did you said those. I work hard this entire time for you and Lein safety!"

He shout at me. Luckily the crowd already back to their own post. He stare at me furiously as I stand up and pick up, the buckler and sword. I throw it to him.

"Then follow me."

He look confused but still following me away from the field, to one side of forest near the city edge. Then I look back at him, and took the shield away from him.

"So Fran since you feeling insulted by my words from before, why don't we spar? I will only used the shield while you using your short sword there."

He creased his brow even more than before.

"You must be kidding me! Even when you fully recovered, you never ever able to parry one of my swing."

"Is that so? Then why don't we try?"

I smile at him mischievously.

"Well if you won't started then I guess I will."

With that I move considerably slow than what I can, and get in his range. When he realized I already in front of him with a buckler smashing to his lung. He try to back away, but I change my swing to his chin and making the buckler edge hitting his lower chin. Stumbling him to his butt.

"One, your bashing movement is too straightforward, there is no flexibility in it. Who would be stupid enough to accept a shield coming straight to them."

Being on his butt confused he stare at me in disbelief. When his mind clear he try to stand up, but I guess the bashing on his chin make him unsteady so he fell back down. He stand up once again tho.

"Th-that one didn't count, you caught me off guard!"

"Oh well, if there an assailant. They won't wait you up tho."

I told him some fun fact with sarcasm, which make him tongue tied. But he seem to understand it and nod his head.

"So are you ready for second round?"

"I am."

While saying those he dash to me right away and make a sweep motion from my right side. Well good thinking since my buckler is on the left hand. So I step half step away adjusting my position making the sword moving to my front, then blocking his sword while parrying it to the air, and knocking his hand up a little then palming his chin up, once again making him stumble. Honestly it kinda numbing my arm to do those, my body potential haven't reach him yet.

"Two you didn't need to bash your enemies body, you can also bash their weapon as parrying to make their balance off the ground."

He dazed as he look at me from the ground. He standing up right away, as I finished my words and took distance from me. Which I give him a chase while holding my shield in front of me to cover his eyes, expecting me to come he send me a stab with his sword to the spot which didn't got covered by shield like how father do to Sir Richard. Sadly those were distraction, I never fasten my buckler on my arm. So like matador against a bull my shield is only distraction, for him to target my other part of body. I shift my body as expecting his stab coming, catching his arm and throw him down with judo form.

"Three who said you must used it to parry and blocking, or even fasten it belt on your arm. You could make it a distraction too."

He completely shocked seeing my buckler drop just like that. As it falling with him.

"So you see my point Fran? You were horrible with shield. Just switch to long sword like how father advised you, and I think you will be able to protect me and Lein much better."

He stare blankly at me, as a tear streaming down from his eyes.

"Hey big boy... Why are you crying?!"

"Who... Who crying?! It just why? Why did you never told me you're this good?! Why you always acting as if you're weakling?!"

"Ehhhh... I am indeed weak tho!"

He stand up suddenly.

"Do you even realize you just beat someone that got 3rd rank in last year fighting tournament with only a shield?!"

"Beat you ass! I am only telling you, your weakness. It not like you're completely serious!"

He stare at me blankly.

"I am doing those movement seriously after you bash me the first time! Damn it Zein!"

"You can't be serious?!"

"No, I am! What do you mean by that?! Am I that weak that you thought I am not even serious??"

He make a turn and try to dashing  suddenly, but I manage to hold his hemp by instinct before he run away. And it making a ripping sound.... Boobs.... Yep.... He hold his chest right away as he sit down.


He stare at me menacingly.

"You see it ...."

"I-I guess I did?!"

"You completely seen it!"

His faces blushing.... Or should I said she?!


"You. . ."

"This... Is..."

Her eyes swimming around as she tried to say something.

"You... Know I won't buy your lie right?"


"Fran... You're a ..."


"Then all this time... That we sleep together, how we...."


I slumped down right away... I remember how I keep telling her how great her abs, that shaped perfectly while touching her belly. Or how I hugged her in my sleep before, or pranks....

"Oh my God. . . What have I done to a girl?! This entire time..."

I goes on break down, making her surprised.

"Ze-Zein, it alright! Yo-you don't know I am a girl."

"No! Just no! That doesn't change the fact, I am doing immoral things! I even make you stand outside for a day. What have I done....."

Suddenly I feel someone embracing me. Of course it Fran... No, I don't know.

"I-it alright... Deep breath Zein. It's okay..."

"Do I even know you? I bet you never plan to tell me your real name or your gender. Is all those things just a lie?"

"Eh... No Zein! I do planning to tell you... Before your break down...."

"Really? Like for real?"

I look up at her with a complicated feeling...

"Ye-yes... Then how about I start with my name?"

"Really you will tell me?"

"Yes. My name is Fransisca. So technically you only shorten my name!"

"What a wonderful name!"

She blushed as she heard what I .... Oh my God, what did I said?! I definitely sound like I am flirting with hi-her! No, but before those, I took off my blazer and cover her with it.

"Fransisca, I am really sorry ... I shouldn't have to do all those things before, and I don't mean to rip your clothes..."

She stare blankly at me as I bow down while apologizing. She suddenly laughing... But now her voice is much higher on pitch.

"Hahaha, Zein it alright. Really. It all accident and it in the past. Well it not like it fine if it was other people. But since I Zein, I forgive you already. Also I get your point about using shield already. But with your frank words, it kinda hard for me to accept it. It feels like you were rejecting all my hard work for those few years."

"No, no, I didn't mean it that way. I was thinking that, if you used long sword you would be much more amazing."


"Yes, really. Father also think you would. And we even said that you might be able to draw a match against Lein if you using those."

She blinking her eyes couple of time before giggling.

"Fufufu, you should have said those first! It will be much more comfortable if you said those first then telling me to give up sword and shield right away."

"I'll definitely noted those."

As I tried to get away, so she have her personal space she pull me back closer.

"So Zein, you finally found out my biggest secret."


"Then can we stay as a friend?"

"Of course we can! It just it kinda awkward knowing your best friend that you thought a guy as a girl suddenly. What worse she know all of your bad deeds and shameful things..."

I started to rush myself again, until she pull me down, and make me lie on her laps.


"Hahaha, you're so cute Zein when you're flustered. Honestly Zein I can't be your friend anymore."


I tried to stand but she keep me down. I can win physically against her....

"Hey, easy Zein. I mean I can't keep my feeling anymore since you already know I am girl."

I stare at her agape.

"I can't stay just as a friend, since I hope you could also see me as a girl from time to time?"

"Ehhh? Of course I am.... No, I mean even when you acting as a boy you look cute from time to time. But I thought your only a little feminine."


She blushed even more. Hold on, aren't we flirting right now?

"But do-don't you feel I am disgusting before?"

I said that to change the subject.

"Ah... But you never cross the line, more then disgusting it spiteful. You're acting like a spoiled kids, but you never cross the line. You still care about your family from time to time while acting you didn't care, that really cute. I also know that sometimes you visiting the slum, to buy something then when you got back you always losing your purse."

..... Yep, even when I was such a bastard, I am still holding on my bottom line. That one of the reasons I said I was walking in thin line of my own bottom line. Being arrogant, spiteful, full of sarcasm, insulting people, being alcoholic, but never did I injuring people or make things complicated for them. And hearing those words from Fransisca make my ears hot.

"Fufufu, did I embarrassing you?"

"Yes, you did..."

"So, Zein won't you answer my question?"

"Hmmm... Sure if I can answer it."

"How did you get this strong without I realized it?"

"Ahh... Nothing much. I just much more skilled than you I guess."


"Yeah, like I know how to used the most efficient way to parry, block, bashing etc."

"I see... I guess it make sense now why you said I am horrible when using a shield. But why suddenly revealing your skill now? I mean if you can be this skilled doesn't it mean you might be able to win against Lein? Why are you jealous then?"

"Ahh.... You do know I was running away from home before... Let just said I met a really great teacher there. Then as he thrown me out because I am getting arrogant, I got back to our territory and you know what happen next."

Well that really happened tho, but I never learn anything from him.

"The horse accident."

"Yeah. And why I revealing my skill to you, because I think it my responsibility making you learn a shield that wasn't suitable with you."

She goes in deep thought as she reminiscing something.

"Aaahhh... So it all for me.... I am sorry for getting mad at you Zein."

"Nnn, no problem. I deserve your wrath I guess. After all those things I did."

Afterwards silence decent, as we laze around under the tree outskirts of town. We enjoying our blissful moment until the third bell rang from the town.

"I guess it our cue to goes back."

"You better go back first Fransisca. I still got something to do. Here wear my clothes, it much more proper then only using my blazer."

She blushed as I strip my clothes. I never realized before that she got such a beautiful waist, and she indeed got a cute face...

"Thanks Fransisca for staying with me even after I become a jerk before."

"Eh .. that wasn't a problems. Also Zein thank for accepting who am I."

When I heard her, I kiss her forehead without thinking...

"I-I'll see you later then."

See then rushing back without looking back. Now seriously what have I done?! She used to be my best friend and a brotherly figure before! But now she somehow so alluring. Sigh.... Then without further ado I stand up then looking at a tree on my right side.

"So what can I help you Sir Richard?"

His figure suddenly appeared from behind one of the tree that I gazing.

"Oho... So you realized I was there boy. Since when?"

"Since the the spar I guess."

"From the start then?"

"Maybe, maybe not. Who knows?"

"Kuhahahaha, what an interesting boy. I guess even your old man doesn't know you're this observing."

"Thank you for your compliment Sir Richard. How may I help you then?"

"Spar with me boy. How you used your shield is kind of interesting."

"What an honor to be invited to spar with our kingdom best knight."

"Then let's do this!"

"But regrettably I must decline. I still want to keep my life."

Hearing that he stare at me dumbfounded. Before laughing really hard.

"Boy, your tongue skill indeed great. Much better than your old man."

"Thank you very much for your compliment. So may I take my leave now?"

"Wait up boy! You seriously don't want to spar with me?"

"Who want to spar with some master of mana blade? One wrong movement and you split in two after all."

I act exaggerated as I said those. He dumbfounded once again after hearing my exaggerated retort.

"Then... I won't used it!"

... Is he being real here? Whose on the right mind going to spar with the best knight in his own country without a proper equipment or power. I might be able to fight against him tho if I used magic. Should I try? I am carving to try my magic. After all I want to do magic experiment after Fransisca leave me, and here I found a tough guinea pig. I can also give up halfway if this getting dangerous.

"... Fine Sir Richard, but only if you allow me to use magic and keep it a secret."

"Use magic? I heard your aptitude for it, is the worse. Are you sure?"

"Yes I am. So do my swordsmanship aptitude."

"Umu, fine... Then let's do this!"

"Alright whenever you're ready Sir Richard."

"Is that so? Hahahahahaha, you sure are interesting boy!"

With that he dash straight to me. Fast! He cut the 30 m distance in a second. At once I got a glimpse of his movement. Not like I am going to let him tho. As I jump backward I made a foothold 3 m high and 2 m width, as it launching me up high. He collide with it face first. What amazing is he destroyed it completely with his charge, even tho it made out of dirt that still amazing. Still what was that glimpse.

"Hahaha, you're great magician eh boy?! Seems like rumors can't be trusted indeed."

I can see a mana gathering at his sword, as he launch it at me while I am airborne. I can see their trajectory path.

"Hey, you said you won't used it!"

"That only if you fight me with a shield. How do you expect me to hit you while you are airborne 20 meter away from the ground like that?"

"Fine then!"

I make a condensed air foothold as I stepping to dodge all his mana slash. This is work much better than I thought. I guess his mana slash ain't as fast as his physical slash, since I definitely won't be able to dodge his physical slash.

"What?! You can even do those? How did your sister become the prodigious twin instead of you? Are your people blind?!"

"Or maybe because I never let them know what I can do?"

"Great boy, you really hiding it deep! Then all those rumors?"

"I act to be like one."

I answer him coldly, as I misleading him. Hmm all this jumping around didn't even make me tired. My old self would collapse after 4-5 shot of fireball and it elementary magic.

"Great job then! I guess you can take my full power ey?"

"I might be, I might be not."

I launch a hurl of fire spear to him as I replied him. With my intelligence I can multitasking up to 8 things. So right now one slot focus moving my body, the other focus making air foothold, while the other 6 is free slot. I make 4 flame lance that glowing a blue fire at once repeatedly. He surprised as he watching a rain of fire lance coming. He cut it down tho, as he moving away from his spot, he slipped away. Ah it working, other then make the wall, I also make the ground slippery beforehand. At once I made a cage from a granite and catch him. I launch a huge blue fireball at him. This move kinda draining my mana, to remotely changing the ground shape and change the dirt structure.

"So Sir Richard shouldn't you surrender?"

"A three elementals magician, and can cast 5 magic at once. You really surprising boy! But it too early to give up!"

He do a round slash and cut the cage surrounding him. Then send a high condensed mana slash to me. I already understand how mana slash work tho. I disperse his mana with my own mana by dissembling his mana structure, with one wave of my hand.

"Whoa you can even do that? What kind of monster did Rein raising without he knowing."

"Hey that is rude old man."

"Gahahahaha just called it even since you called me old man. Well then maybe you would be able to fend this off."

At once a lightning striking at him out of nowhere, and he received it with his sword. Okay I'll be damned if I receive those... While try to predict his movement again, I got a glimpse of his future movement once again. Or should I said many of it at once... Which I am getting burned by the results in all of it.

"So are you ready boy?"

"... Old man are you crazy?! I gave up! I will die, my body won't be able to move as fast as that skill of your!"

I land to the ground as if walking on a stair. While raising both of my hand.

"Ehhh.... I haven't even used half of my power yet!"

"I surrender. I know you would be able to jump that high to cut me down, you just don't want to do that! Like I said before I still want to keep my life."

With that our match ended, and I think I only used around half of my mana. Well keeping the air foothold indeed took a considerable amount of mana after all. There also that granite cage. He still look disappointed so I speak up my mind.

"All right then. So can I took my leave now Sir Richard?"

"Kuhahaha....  Really boy you are amazing, even tho I am only using around thirty percent of my power, you could disperse my mana slash. That a real deal. Before you leave can I ask you a question?"

"Thank you for your compliment Sir Richard. I will answer your questions as long as it in my ability.

I replied him with courtesy.

"Why are you hiding it? With your power you could become a court magician, and in few years you might even be able to be the head of our kingdom magician."

He said all of those with an honest and bewildered face.

"Let just said that I don't want to be the head. It troublesome, and I dislike trouble."

"Just because of that?!"

"Yes... Then until we meet again Sir Richard, I hope you uphold your promise."

I leave without looking back. Seriously that old man smells like trouble, let hope we won't meet again. With my magic experiment done, I sneak back to my room. When I got in from the window, Fransisca was standing in there.

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