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Chapter 27: The Academy Circle fest: Day Two (4)

I chased her throughout the festival ground until we are near the dormitory.  I could still tell her position base on her mana. Oh, she stopping and moving back to my way. I also slow down my movement... I see, she definitely would play something since she thought she lose me already. Then as her mana reaction come closer, I starting to act tired and frustrated.

"DAMN IT... Hufht... Hufht... I.. loss... Her..."

I could see a figure coming 15 meters away, it is her. I laid down on the ground as I sit down while acting tired. She then approaching me with a shocked face, her face definitely different from before. I see she used something before. Right now she got black and white colored hair and cat ears! She is a beastman... Her eyes are big, and her pupil got a blue color like a cat. She looks cute and innocent, her height is around Vincent. While her tail got black fur with a white fur at the tip of it. Well... Her chest is kinda flat, although she got long legs for her small stature.

"Wh-what happen, mister?"

I smile wryly when she comes near me. She is definitely good at acting! She looks worried at me, as she coming near to me. Ah, she didn't use nya at the end of her sentence. I guess those novel were wrong after all.

"... Hufht... It.. a thief.. ther..."

"Thief?! Who could that be? Isn't it a private event?"

"... Indeed... It mean.. there a thief in.. the students.."

"Di-did you chase the thief?"

Whoa, she didn't take the bait. I tried to lead her stating the thief gender.

"No... I lose... Her... "

"Her? Is the thief a girl? How could it be! The-then should I tell the girl dormitory?"

Seriously she is good! She changes her clothing and face, before coming to meet me like she just took a stroll. Then she asking for advice as she looks worried about the other female student. Seriously what a sly person! Even though her face seems innocent.

"There...  no need.. it would raise... Her wariness..."

"I.. I see. Then, I should listen to you senior."

Ahhh! Reiya finally near us. I starting to smirk and try to bind her with quagmire at once. Feeling the change she jump backward, she really nimble and got a fast reaction speed.

"Woah senior, w-what are you doing?!"

"Now, how did you know I am a senior."

I stand up at once, as I cast a mana pressure on upon her body. She got surprised as she fell down on knees.

"Yo-you what are you doing?!"

"It the same as you right, oooh great thief."

Her face change when I said that.

"Your act is really applauding, you have no mistake, you come like an innocent student and you giving a concern at me that look tired. You dodge most of my bait and try asking for advice as if you are really worried about the thief in the girl dormitory. Although you only got it wrong in the last part..."

I stop my words slowly.

"By calling you senior?"

"No, by admitting it right now!"

She got dumbfounded when I said those with a playful smile under my mask, I mean there a high chance that I am a senior. That completely logical, but those also a bait. I bind her with earth magic at once.

"You! You already know from the start that I am the one you chase?!"

And that is when Reiya arrived.

"Brother where is that thief?!"

"You finally come. Here is the thief."

He looks at the girl who bounded when I said that. Then he exchanging a glance at me.

"No, I didn't mean asking you if she is Diefa since I know she is. But I am asking you  where is the thief..."

"She is the thief, not Diefa."

"... You didn't spell her name correctly. I could see you are catching one of the students on our list, but didn't you said you won't force someone?"

"She is the thief!"

Hearing our argument I could see the thief curving her mouth.

"Nee... Reiya helps me... This senior suddenly catch me when I am asking what happened. He tries to force his way on me."


Reiya then looks at me questionably.

"Brother... I never thought you would do something like that."

Damn, he definitely misunderstands what happened here! This girl definitely good at acting, now she acts like a damsel in distress. I am sure she didn't bring those purse with her, as she stopping before. She already hides it for sure! Damned it, now I don't have any evidence. I never thought this thieving cat is the one that we're going to recruit! Good... Very good...


I dispelled my magic at once. As I move away, to a distance. Until I couldn't hear what they said, but I could tell that Reiya apologizing. Before goes chasing me.

"Brother what were you thinking?! Now she doesn't even want to meet with us again."

"She is really the thief."

"Are you crazy?! The thief might be an outsider that sneaking in the academy ground."

"... It wasn't possible since the academy got magic formation that enclosed the air around it. Without permission or going through the gate, a small thief like that won't be able to come in."

"... Are you seriously thought she is the one that robbed me?"

"It up to you to believe me or not. For now, you better locating the other weirdos."

"... Ugh, fine then. But don't force the other like that."

"Meet me at the grand fountain on the eighth bells"


I could only sigh, as I saw him walk away. Now I better catch her up, I teleport right away to the place where I could feel her mana. I didn't use it before since there are many eyes. But since there rarely anyone here, I used it at once. I follow her right away, I am sure she won't bring it to the dorm. Since it would be weird if she got a magic pouch and many other people purses. Also holding it for a long time wasn't a good move too. With her smart acting, she wouldn't do something so stupid like that. As expected, she goes outside the academy ground, and walk to the East gate. It the slum, she definitely going to that place. I tail her while and using water magic, I make my body coated with water.  It made me seems invisible, although I only made refraction of the light. So it an optical illusion, I also suppress my mana and used wind magic to lessen my footstep sounds. The results are amazing, I didn't make any sound when I walking. After tailing her for quite a while she arrives at a tavern near the slum. She keeps making a detour, she was indeed wary of her surrounding. On the door to the tavern there a watchman. He is a man who got a big scar on his cheek.

"State your business."

"It raining outside."

"It clear days, whose you fooling with?"

"My heart and the entire life of course."

"It has been awhile Miss Regendag. You may come in"

The watchman nodding his head then letting her inside. Whoa, a real-life secret code. I was amazed, but it doesn't stop me from slipping inside right before the door closed. I keep my distance a few steps away from her until suddenly the people inside surrounding her... No, they surrounded me.

"So it seems some uninvited guest been following you. Then where is he? I've been checking outside, but find no one."

The watchman comes inside from behind, as he closes any escape route. Well, I could always leave right away with teleportation. She then turns around as she points her finger at me.

"You've been surrounded, senior. It kinda unexpected how the table turn ain't it?"

She definitely staring at my location now. But I pretend I wasn't there and keep quiet until she throws a dagger to my body. I dodge it of course, but I am bumping a man those surroundings me. The man surprised when he felt the impact before they starting to smile. Now I am sure, she knows where am I, as the people surrounding me made their move. I teleport to the edge of the room at once before they could touch me. They hit at each other as the results, while getting bewildered. While that Diefa suddenly turn her face to me. I am wondering how she locating me so easily, I dispelled my magic as I am leaning on the corner.

What I am sure is, I need to seems tough right now. That why I unleashed 50 percent of my mana to the air, making the room got heavy air and hard to stand for the other. Quantity and quality itself, I am sure I am already at master magician level, because of extreme magic mostly got science fundamentally and a high understanding of how nature works. The only reason I am not qualified to be called as a master magician is that my other potential hasn't reached there yet. All of them got limped at once, as they could hardly breathe.

"So how did you find out I was following you?"

She didn't answer me as... ah right, my pressure is too much for her.

"Oh my bad, you can't answer me with this pressure."

I lift my mana off her, only her while keeping it at the other... Oh, someone with mana around 20 percent of me come out of the stairs. A figure suddenly pouncing at me.... what with today? is it a pouncing day? Like most people today, they keep pouncing at me. His movement is slow and sluggish tho, it means my pressure is working against him. I dodge his attack easily and countering him with a punch. Yep, this skill pressuring with mana definitely good, it kinda seems like a domain. It is pure mana it got no attribute, as all it did was making the area around me heavier. As if they were inside water, that is the reason the person in front of me moving sluggishly. Surprisingly, he could accept my attack as if it was nothing... No, he moving the force to his feet, as I could see the ground shaken. He is a master for real, he staring at me confusedly.

"Who are you? Your mana definitely reaching a master level, or maybe surpassing it almost reaching a magus level in Magician term... But your physical prowess, technique aside, definitely far from master level. How could your body hold on that mana of yours?"

"Isn't it normal to introduce yourself first before asking the other name?"

I replied to him in a relaxed tone, this domain of mine would hold up for 20 min as long I am not using advance magic. Although I am really curious about what he said. What did he mean by that?

"Don't think too highly of yourself kiddo. You think you could hold me with this amount of mana pressure?"

He snorts at my reply, well I could guess that he is some sort of master of this tavern. Either he is the owner of this thief guild, or he is someone working with them. But he wasn't lying for sure, as he suddenly releasing mana around 90% of the mana that I released. I could tell that he is someone with a high level of martial arts. The way he channeled his mana definitely like my father and that bucket head old man!

My calculations alarmed me at once, as I conjure a spell at once to restrain him. It one of fusions magic, with a dual attribute of space and earth, which I only try in training. It as hard as teleportation, since this is gravitational magic. Also, I could not grasp it properly if I didn't gesture my hand at the target. Before he made a move I wave down my hand as I point it at him. At once the gravitation force surrounding him increase by 10 fold taking him by a surprise, as the ceiling, floor, and roof on top of his fall down at high-speed. If this world got the same gravitational force as earth, it means those rubble falls at him with a minimum speed of 300 meters per second while those higher definitely got higher velocity when it reaches him. It as fast as bullets, while the roof definitely twice of it... The rainfall of rubble, making a huge noise when it hitting the ground. It as if a bombardment happen now.

I hope he won't die, he is a master tho. The sudden magic made the other peoples shivering. As expected, he didn't die from my sudden magic, although he got critically wounded as many rubbles puncturing his body. In those split second, he slightly moves his body to dodge fatal damage, also destroying those that could kill him. That a few second shifts of gravitational pull, making devastating results. As the building got puncture around 2 meters in diameter, and the ground sinking with him in the center.  I turn around as I face Diefa, now she got a terrified face as her body is trembling uncontrollably.

"So... How did you found me?"

When I open my mouth and said those with nonchalantly, her face goes paler as she trembled in fear. Now, this isn't acting like before. Everyone in the room did, as they shaking in fear. I could feel my head aching slightly from that magic honestly, while my mana still around 30 percent. Which mean a whopping 54 points, my mana pool definitely abnormal.

"  do-don't hurt me... I—"

"Who wants to hurt you, I only asking how did you found out I am tailing you. It important because I am definitely sure my optical illusion was perfect."

"Tha-that... I.. I could smell your... Scent... Also... Even though you... Covering your footsteps... I could hear it..."

"Ah... So you're really a cat beastman, I guess that as expected from cat traits. They got 5 million more cells for smelling after all, and they also got a good hearing. Now would you come with me, and explained things to Reiya. But I hope you won't misleading him anymore. I won't hurt you and keep an eye close for today."

"Ye-yes? Yes senior!"

I walk to her and grab her hand.

"Also you guys, hmmm... Keep the good work? If you could please just stealing from those bad merchant and bad nobles. Don't make those honest people sad, alright. I am not a hero of justice, so I won't uproot your guild. Actually, an underground guild got their own role in a kingdom growth. Just don't take it too far, because if I found out, I would chase you guys like this girl. Also, do donate to the orphanage on the slum, their budget getting lower every month. Since the sisters, there is too easy to fool."

I look to the surrounding man that still trembling on their butts. They nodding their head at once.

"Yes, s-sir!"

I used teleportation at once when I heard their answer. It the start of a new page for the thieves guild on the capital. They would be known as the orphanage sugar daddy and mommy. When the guild leader got questioned about the guild rules by a new member, he would only say 'That was a favor from a mysterious magus raid us before. Since we completely got raided by him alone, we made these new rules. He already good enough to keep one eye closed for us and let us on the loose. So all we could do is giving him face and made a rule about it'. But it another story for a later date.

Anyway, Diefa was shocked when the view suddenly changes to the academy ground. It definitely near the location she was stopping before.

"Alright, before giving an explanation to Reiya, you better took out all those purses and pouch you steal."

"Ye-yes senior."

She took out all the purse and pouch she stole, then we made our way to the grand fountain. Reiya already standing there when we arrive. Of course, I already stopped my mana discharge, the teleportation from before wasn't taking too much mana tho. While the headache wasn't so bad, I wonder if it because my proficiency improved that made my headache lessened? Anyway, when Reiya saw us, he surprised. He even more surprised when he sees his magic pouch.

"So here your pouch Reiya. Now, you better be a good girl and explain the truth to him, of course except for that part."

"Ye-yes senior!"

She has been in good behavior since the fight from before. I left them as I lighten up my cigarette. I was thinking about the difference between that man from before and Dapper. From how he acting, he definitely on master level or at least a step away from it. While Dapper... He is overwhelming for short. I couldn't follow his movement at all, although my calculations did happen I can't respond at all. He moves as fast as the rock he threw at me, while the guy from before was affected by my mana discharge. One thing I am sure, Dapper definitely two times stronger than him at least. What a hack is he?! A fifteen years old man, with a power close to the peak... Are you one of that overpowered main character? Your storyline would be boring if you become overpowered brother! Although its mean your thigh is bigger than I thought, I would hug it for sure! The problem is why he falls for Lein? It a thorny path, your heart would be broken. All I could hope is Lein wasn't a complete lesbian, if she wasn't, I would ship you both for sure! But there also those about age? It only a year difference tho, and it pretty normal for people with high amount of mana living longer. Grandpa, for example, he is 72 years old... But he looks like those middle-aged men around his early forty. Then won't he live until 150s then? When I  am thinking those stupid thought Reiya come to me with an embarrassed face.


"It fine. Just believe in me once in a while, if I was you, I would definitely think the same."


"Honestly Reiya, I am not the greatest in this kind of thing. More if it a male that apologizing. I know you said those because you were concerned about my action. You just need to know, I am not someone that would be drunk in power. I already drunk in jealousy before, I don't want to drunk on other things for now on."

He sighs, and smile wryly.

"At least let me say I am sorry. I am sorry brother Z—"


"Right... I am sorry brother Johnny."

"Then it good. Anyway... You thieving cats, come with me. We must return those things you steal."

"Yes, se-senior!"

Good girl, now she is obedience. With that, the three of us go to the festival ground lost and found. Well, they make one for sure. When I arrive there, the students looking at our way.

"Ahhh he is the senior from before?"

"Is he losing something too?"

"There was a thief before!"

They were agonizing because they lost their purse or pouch. At that time, we go to the organizer's student. While the organizer got busy with many lost item reports. When we walk to their tables, one of the organizer look at us.

"Don't tell me you guys also losing your purse?"

"No actually. But-"

"A pouch then?"

"No, we are here since we found the thief."

"You found them?!"

When I said those the crowd goes over to us, they look angry and furious. Diefa which is the thief looking at me questionably since I promised her I would overlook it.

"Yes, I found them but they got away. Although, I got all the students belongings back."

When I said those the events organizer student suddenly shout out.


The shout made all those students that crowding the booth, shifting their eyes to us. When I took all the purse and pouch they cheer at once. They then gather around us.


"Thank you, senior!"

"Brother fox, good job! It already great enough to be able to take it back."

Many of them complimenting us, as they thanks me, Reiya and Diefa. While the organizer's student, giving their belongings back one by one. Not too long, all the students that were gathered starting to go. I wonder how they would look like if they know I am their notorious senior and beside me was the one that steals their belongings. Diefa got a blank face the entire time, as people thanks to her.

Finally, all that left was few people that really losing their wallet by themselves. The organizer's student then comes to me.

"Thank you for your help."

"It was nothing. Coincidentally I was chasing her since she stole my junior magic pouch. Then while we chase the thief, they keep stealing other people coin purse and pouch. Our chase was one of the reasons, they could steal the other anyway."

"Ah, even if you didn't chase them, they would still do thievery. But since you chase them, at least there are no damages being done. You got our gratitude as the event organizers too. Without you, this 23 Academy Circle Festival would be smeared. Our year's organizers would get critique badly."

"It wasn't a problem. I am also one of the students of our academy."

"Could you tell us your name? The academy would definitely award you for this."

"Ah... No need for those. I don't want people to catch their eyes on me. I never plan it to be like that. Anyway just forget about it, since I don't want anything."

"Whoa brother, you are a real chivalrous noble ey?

" What do you mean?"

I ask those because I didn't get what he means.

" I could tell from your clothes and your accompany that you're a noble. It pretty obvious even though your clothing seems cheap, it wasn't as cheap as it looks like. Also, the freshman besides you is Reiya van Rames. Although I don't know who's the girl is."

"I might be a normal students tho."

"There is no way, a duke son would make that kind of face when he looking at you if you're a normal student."

I look at Reiya which got a worshipping and respectful face... Okay, that definitely not a normal face that a duke son normally uses.

"Cough... Anyway, I got another appointment. "

"Thank you for your help, then I'll see you around brother."

With that, I pull Reiya and Diefa away from the crowd. After walking back to the Grand Fountain, I look at them. They got completely different face when I face them. Reiya still got that looks from before, while Diefa is wary of me.

"Alright, case clear. Then I'll go right to the point. Would you like to join our circle Diefa?"

She and Reiya got dumbfounded by my question.

"You still want to recruit her brother?!"

"You want me in your circle, senior?"

"Yes, I want you to join us. Your slight of hands, nimbleness, fast response and quick thinking definitely up to my standard. What more you're a complete loner."

Those are the truth, except for that crazy couple, she is the best after Reiya. Although I don't know that chuunibyo skill, yet. If it only speeds, she surpassed even Reiya.

Hearing my thoughts she got suspicious of me.

"I-is this a punishment?"

"Err... no. You could decline if you want. I won't do anything as long as I didn't hear you stealing from good people. "

She pondering for her decision when she heard my answer. She is good for sure, but I stick to my rules. I won't force anyone to join us. But somehow her face getting paler by the times until she looks at me. She sighs and gulps down her saliva.

"I would join your circle then."

"Good choice. Then please fill this form."

She fills our form in complete obedience. Then she returning the sheet form to me.

"Then until we met again in a week. Also, hold your hands on your pants."

"I understand. See you later, masked senior and Reiya."

"I don't know if I want to meet you again or no. Since brother Z—"

I stare at Reiya at once, when he almost omitted my name.

"Johnny wants you, I guess we would me either way."

"Until next week then."

After parting words, I walk away with Reiya beside me. There another 2 people left, to be recruited.

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