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Chapter 4: So many spider things.

It did not take long before they met the enemy. Fighting tooth and nail for survival.

"Raahhh!" Michael stabbed the stone sword down into the spider. Its carapace gave way to the enhanced weapon. It took a lot of effort to get even this accomplished. "Strong creature, a pity." Pulling the stone sword free, he stepped back.

"Yah!" Haon and a few rats jumped on to a spider. Five of them piling on top. "Die, die, die!" They chanted as they attacked in a fervor.

The spider didn't have a chance as it collapsed. Moving back up, Michael was caught pinched between two spiders. *Chink!* Talons came down scraping the rock armor. *Chink!* Another talon came through and caught his wrist.

In a splurt, fresh blood painted the area and blinded the spider.

Michael groaned in pain. "Ahh." The sword almost dropped from his hand. Tightening his grip, he swung outward. The slash was full of power and cut the bottom eyes of the creature.

*Tssh!* A spider sent a silk thread from the ceiling pulling him up into the air. He didn't rise more than five feet when a stone dagger cut the line.

"Oof!" Landing on his butt, Michael yelled with a thanks loudly as he jumped back into the fray. "Thanks whoever did it!" Reaching another spider he rammed into it and stabbed a stone dagger into its mouth. Pulling back slightly, he started stabbing back and forth. Cuts forming and ichor pouring into and across his arms. 'Shit gonna need some clean up after this.'

"Get back!" Duo told to Haon. A spider was running straight for him. Talons raise to dig into the ratman. With a throw of the last stone dagger, Michael felt a talon stab into him. It scraped against his armor finding a opening. With a slide back, the talon took off his armor.

The stone dagger caught the back end of the spider. It faltered just enough that Haon was able to get the upper hand when it was close.

Aidleen had jumped forward whipping her tail around smashing the eyes of the spiders as she passes. She landed on a very heavy set spider.

(Princess Spider Level 3)

"Ekkk ekk!" the Princess spider started to squeal in pain. To the side, a trio of ratfolk threw sharp darts towards the eyes and underbelly. "Sreekk!" It screamed as the sack cut open.

A large amount of ooze came out. As well as little eggs falling out. One exploded sending goop everywhere. The spiders went crazy and ran towards her. Aidleen jumped off and away.

"Reeekkk!" The creatures smashed and clamored over the Princess spider.

"Throw everything at it!" Michael yelled. Throwing all the stones spears on his back. Five Spears were thrown into the air. They arced and came down going through a few. One fell to the side in the goo. Reaching to his side he threw in stone darts.

"Ahhh!" Haon let out a cry as he and a few others charged, swords upfront.

*Splurt!* Some found home. Drawing fluids.

*Ping!* A stone sword broke into a few pieces. The ratfolk kept stabbing.

Michael kneeled down and placed his hand on the ground. Pushing his power a few stone spears and swords appear near the ratfolk. They grabbed them and kept stabbing. Not aiming as they did so. Relentless and madly hoping to make contact.

Then it was over. Elation pass through them all. Several lights passed over all the Ratfolk. One on Michael as well. Just less dense.

(Choose promotions for summons)

(Would you like to claim the mine?)

'Eh let them pick themselves. Most of them have been here already. Makes the most sense anyway.' With a mental shrug, Michael leaned back on the cold floor. The ichor everywhere did not bother him in the least. 'Yes claim the mine.'

New information poured into his head. As well a few new options to make with the Essence.

"You allow them free-evolution paths... I never thought I would see the day." The summon Aleena said.

(Rat Lord: Has advance Command capabilities. Has basic functions of a Sovereign and can build in cities of own accord. Rat General next promotional level)

(Rat Archer: Has advance Archery skills. Intermediate skills Hunting & Scouting. Rat Sniper or Magical Archer next promotional level)

(Rat Berserker: Has advance Warrior skills. Capable of teaching others. Rat Champion or General next promotional level)

"I thank you my liege." The Rat Lord, Haon said happily. "So many times I was forced into different roles. I have so many skills I can now utilize. I will serve well with my brethren."

"No problem." Michael said. "Just get use to your bodies and we will go from there." Looking them, over he couldnt help but notice the height and body changes. The looked more human but still contained the features as Ratfolk.

"Yes, we will." A female rat archer said. She looked to the other three like her and smiled. "Let us get everything right this time." They nodded and started talking to one another. Michael thought they were all male. It was what Haon said before. Or was it?

"So boss we continue?" The Rat Besersker, Duo asked.

"Yes. Just resting a bit beforehand." Michael sat down and pulled the Essence around him. Pulling it from the defeated enemies, he absorbed them for himself this time. "Rraaagh," He gritted his teeth as the power course through his veins.

(Aleena has found an Altar)

"Ugh, why now?" Sitting up, Michael looked further in. There, was the Ratwoman pulling stuff off a little shrine. "Well, what do I do with the thing?"

"Oh right. Your info is missing on this stuff." She turned and frowned sympathetically at him. "Well since it is in your territory, you can choose one of the deities that exist in the Galaxy. They will give you blessings and the like depending on which one deems you are of worth. Usually a weapon or access to new builds."

"Haaa." Michael walked over, tired. As he did, he auto looted as he moved and thought matters over. The confusion inside leaving him briefly. Reaching the altar, the option appeared to make an offering. "Well, I don't have much to offer... What about any of you?"

"Not really. We are just poor ratfolk! Hahaha" Haon started laughing as he gathered the broken weapons and the like. He found a few decent ones for those back home to use. Tucking them into a bag on his hip, Michael watched as it disappeared. A type of inventory he guessed.

"I say wait. But then again that opposing force is coming." Aleena said. "You can always offer up your essences."

"Tch no way." Clicking his teeth he searched his inventory. Full of spider parts and the little shards that exploded out goo earlier. "Guess this stuff will have to do."

(Offering accepted. The Spider Goddess has found you wanting. Offer a race to her to gain loyalty.)

"Offer her a race? What kind of haberdashery is this?" Michael was slightly offended. Then it dashed away easily. He had no reason to feel that way.

"Usually one would offer their strongest race over." Aleena said. She looked at Michael then towards the ratfolk. "I think you won't do that."

"Not happening. Not doing the spirits or the treefolk either. That leaves the elves. Since I never got around to them anyway, it works." He turned to the alter having made his decision. "Spider Goddess you have them."

(Spider Goddess is pleased. Race changed from Elven to Spider Folk. Low Spiderfolk acquired, Spider applications acquired.)

"You are just so interesting," Aidleen said. "I wish a favor. Recycle me into one of them."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah. With your Ratlord there, no need really for me to stay like this. I can exploit the benefits of the other new Race better." Aidleen said. "Besides... I don't like this form. Despite it's advantages so far, it is something I am unaccustomed to. So short."

"Alright. Let me make the first homes for the Spiderfolk then I will do it."

"Wait! Change me first. I will have an advantage with controlling them and leading them. As your summon, it will help even more." Aidleen said quite anxious. Michael looked to Haon who smiled knowing something that he wouldn't say. "Please!"

"Ok." Michael outstretched his hands and use the knowledge to recycle her. In seconds she turned to raw essence and reformed. "Woah!"

In front of him was a dark gray-skinned woman with ears like a human. Just a tad bit smaller. Her eyebrows were very thin and black. Silk clothing formed from the surroundings and wrapped around her forming a dark silver almost Gray robe. Opening her mouth, Aidleen had a pair of pincers in her mouth that retracted to who knows where.

"I like and so do you." Aidleen smiled evily. "The builds will work better now. I was given a subcontract to help with Spiderfolk affairs. I received a little boon in power, so yay me."

"Right.." Michael started to create them with the raw essence in the area. A pulse from the altar sped things up. "Ah, 10 minutes and it will be ready." Unlike the forest were his home base was located, this place needed time to make the builds. 'Oh, I need to send more essences this way. Something to do later. I need my home base stronger.'

"Michael... I have finished." A treefolk said coming over. He was much shorter now and looked more humanoid. "I can return to my other form still. But this allows faster movement."

"Good. Enjoy yourself. We will have to sprint back extremely fast." Michael smiled and leaned against the altar exhausted. Despite the recent essences increase. "To tired." He went to sleep.

The others watched as he was pulled into the altar. They all smiled happily. If it was dangerous they would have been given the option to fight.


-A temple with a few eggs scattered all about-


"Hello, Michael. I hope you grow into a strong one. The place you are currently has a lot to gain. There are other altars all over but buried under different things, be careful."

"Why help me?"

"Your a Summoner for one. Also, it has been a long time since I have found one to work with. Your summons Aidleen will make a great Herald. She will serve you well, that I can assure you."

"What do you gain besides what you said?" Michael felt his head clearing up more. Bits of memory flashing in his mind of working a factory. Or maybe visiting a factory.

"I will tell you in time. You do not trust me. Which is good." The Spider Goddess outstretched her hand, Gray essence poured into Michael. "Good luck. Time to wake up."

"Hah," Michael popped up and saw the area was full of Spiderfolk. Well, young ones anyway. The Holmes were built. Giant sacks of webbing all along the top part of the wall. "Well, that is nice."

"You are awake." Haon said walking forward. "You have been out for a day. The others went back. Aidleen and I have waited till you woke up."

"Great, time to get going." Michael sat up ran essence through his body and felt better. A quick look he created the barracks for the place along with the little food farm that it showed. "Aidleen stay here to help organize the workers. Just till the first soldiers make it out. Send them towards the main base to help." Creating a few more homes and queueing up the upgrade for the place, he shot off with Haon following behind.

"Think it will work out? You know, your first contact with another Sovereign candidate." Haon was generally curious at what he thought.

"No, not really. But we will give it our all." Michael ran as fast as his legs would allow. His understanding of essence working better as it course through his legs. "There will be death. I remember that I have been around it a lot. Lots of funerals and burial plots. Very weird."

Remembering, he pulled out the stone sword. Reinforcing it and adding dirt as need be. With the increase in level, there was an increase in what he could do. The next compression gave the sword a weird shine.

"Your weapon, let me see it." Michael said. Haon handed it over no problem. The spear had survived the battles it seemed. It just needs major work. "Jeez, I need better skills." Getting to work the two chatted the next few hours all the way through the night. The essence supplemented them forcing their bodies to move on.

"Wait." Haon whispered. Both he and Michael stopped running as they came across a group of bird creatures. "Harpies!" His voice was very low but contained a weird tone to it. Info informed Michael that the two species shared a very eat and kill relationship.

"Hmm, what are they doing here?" Michael questioned as he listened in. He was grateful the others didnt reach or contact them.

"We have to catch up to the flock." One of the men said. "If we don't, we will be killed when she takes over the area."

"No, we won't." A hawkman was trying to stand but was to injured. "Damn it!"

"I don't want to die here." A harpie said. "I will do whatever it takes to live."

(A stray creature is offering itself up. Would you like to take?)

"Well, why not. Need the forces." Michael agreed aloud. Haon looked at him surprised. He saw the essence pour out of Michael and went to the harpie down below.

"Taking on strays? Hehe, nice." Haon jumped down spear pointing out. A regal power flowing off of him. "Stay down, if you get up you will be stabbed."

"Eep," the first hawkman squeaked. "Don't hurt us!"

"They won't. He is taking us in." The woman said. "Hello. I will tell you everything I know." she like the others were desperate to get taking in. 'We can do nothing but offer ourselves at this point.'

"Good." Michael said jumping down. His hand went out as he took in raw essence then used it to heal her. "Talk fast."

"Yes. Our former leader has rushed towards your base. She wants to take it over and rip the base apart forming her own. She destroyed most of us to boost herself. We were faithful, but to weak. She didn't have enough time to kill all of us, and extract more of the essences of a contested zone."

"I see. What is her class and level of her forces?"

"An Arcane Archer. She made it to the next class advancement after killing most of us. Her forces are about 80 strong. All lizardfolk left now."

"I see. Best option to kill them all then. Tch, why couldn't they not have come at all."

"Because we lost our first one. She can't afford another lost at this stage. That is why we attacked so hastily. And the bonus from taking out a new Pawn."

"I see." Michael groaned. "Then she will get it. Just not the way she wanted. I do not like the idea of our base getting wiped out."

"Right." The harpie said. Her hands came up as she flexed her fingers. "This is new." on the end of her fingers a Gray energy circled around. "It is poison. Thank you for this weapon."

"Poison?" Haon asked. "Where did you get that from?"

"The altar. I have earth, plant, and poison now." Michael had essence pouring all around him. Three different colors. "Anyway, we need to move still."

"Right. Are you going to heal the others?"

"No. They will head back to the mine." Michael sent a message to Aidleen. Something he should have been doing when they first traveled. His abilities were coming on faster as he used essence more.

"They are expecting you four."

"We can help. Just heal is up." The Hawkman said.

"No time. Bye." Michael left in a run. Haon and the harpie following after.

"We need to go." The other harpie grabbed him. The others walking in the direction Michael pointed towards for them to follow. "The faster we reach this mine and recover, the faster we can run to help them."

"Right." The Hawkman nodded.

"He means well." The harpie said with Michael just giving her a nod. "He lost his entire family when she robbed them of their essence."

"So, evil?"

"She was not always like this. Just the losses got to her. We were always in a peaceful area. Then a few months ago, we were attacked. Then again. And now last chance."

"Uh huh." Michael removed his sword and ran his fingers down the center creating a small line. Adding a little essence, a gray line appeared. Poison had been added.

The remainder of the time was spent doing small talk and finding out who was worth sparing.

Apparently none were left. Arriving by evening, the group was happy that nothing had happened to the base. Which was odd.

"What happened?" Michael asked a treefolk that looked at his arrival.

"Greetings.. All is well. The Ratsoldiers drove the enemy back. They never made it pass the treeline." The treefolk spoke assured. He saw the others and nodded. "They are to the east. Hunkering down trying to build a camp. The rats have rushed the camp outskirts injuring them and fleeing after."

"Hehe, good tactics." Haon said. "I will go and instruct the remainder. I recommend upgrading things as you can."

"Hah right." Taking a breath, Michael wave them off. The harpie following behind him. "Is there something the matter?"

"No. Just do not know what to do. I can go and scout if you like."

"Not by yourself. That is just silly. Take some of the archers with you. The fast ones." Michael turned to look her over. "I will not take chance, and I will allow them to build a base camp. Huh?! I can create Birdfolk."

"Yes, because you acquired us. Are you going to? Oh, my name is Linda."

"Hmm yes. My apologies. I need to get my head taken care of right quick. Get with Haon on what to do about the other group. As a Rat Lord, he should be able to give a suggestion." Focusing on his profile he needed to figure things out more.

Name: Michael Lvl 2 Rank: Pawn

Class: Extraction Summoner


Profession: Crafter


Health: 110

Energy: 160

Physical output: 1

Magical output: 3

Vitality 6.0

Strength 3.1

Defense 3.6

Magic 5.3

Resistance 3.0

Agility 2.7

Intelligence 3.1

Heroism 2.5

Essence: 3487.10

'I outnumber her in troops. But not with pure force strength. But the promotion for the others should bring them to the level of what they need. Building the Library will allow them to start studying and access their previous skills faster. I can also extract skills from enemies better. Time to improve me and take care of this invader.' Thinking it out, Michael started the build and watched it finished instantly. 'The time for whammy is now. Upgrade all the buildings and mine area. The excess essences are just getting wasted.' Feeling the rumbling as it all happened, Michael then spent the essence on his few skills tapping it out.

(Summon lv5, Sword lv5, Spear lv5, Throwing lv5, Craft lv5, Repair lv5, Scout lv5)

(New build's available)

(Insufficient Level)

"Tch!" Michael clicked his teeth annoyed. But the info increase helped him understand things better. Haon came up on his side. "What is it?"

"I have access to more things now. Good on upgrading everything. If we are maxed out build wise everytime you level up, we won't fall behind when you finally do level up." Haon smirked. "I can teach you a skill of mine. It is improve Command."

"Let's do it then." Michael agreed and nodded.

"It is a racial skill.. if you do it.. your body will acquire the trait of Beast Folk." Haon said. "Building us first already did things to you in the eyes of the Galaxy. Doing this will push you furthur."

"Hmmm, considering I have the Spider Goddess watching us as well.. guess we are going prominent animal kingdom base." Michael agreed and saw the smile on Haon's face. He then felt Linda the harpy flying in the sky look at him. "Do it."

(Improve Command acquired.)

(Beast Trait unlocked.)

(Spider Goddess has increase her watch upon you. Increase in poison.)

"Raaawrrr!" Michael growled as his body grew. Claws extended from his toes and finger tips. A slit in them able to send out poison was available. His canines grew for a bit then recede. "Haaa!" Breathing out, he felt his senses kick in a little better. "Ok.. we are defintely building a wash area. I am not licking myself clean."

"Hahaha!" Haon gave him a pat on the back. "Hehe, I have an idea what you may turn in to. But that is for later."

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