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Chapter 2: CJP

Two fifthteen and Julie's speeding along the freeway in her two day old BMW. She had fallen love with the

car the moment she saw it and had written the check before the sales man had started his speech. Her friends had being at a

loss of words when they saw it so much so that they just confirmed what she already knew, that it was beautiful and that it

complimented her blues eyes. Those every blue eyes were now lost in a gaze that had no real apparent focus. Work was

usually at the fore front of agenda but that wasn't the case. She was still basking in the memory of the previous night, the

sensation that came with the first thrust and the way that it continued to increase with everyone after it. She was

determined to put all of the pieces together but right now she was starving.

Anya had not seen when Julie had pulled into the parking lot because on this Saturday afternoon, The Queen

of Queens Restaurant was unusually quiet, which allowed her the luxury of reliving her Friday night. Although she was

truly interested in Julie's night she secretly hoped that she didn't show or at least be late. It was nothing personal but at

that point she would be quite content just sipping on wine, puffing on a cigarette and thinking of the bronze skinned stud

that had her toes curling with her feet in the air all night.

With her back to the door, she didn't see the angel walk in and begin moving towards her. At just an inch short of

six feet, Julie seemed to always command adoration from all who were around her and needless to say her beauty never failed

her. There seemed always to have a cool refreshing breeze blowing through her hair and her fair skin always glowed like the

full moon on a cloudless night- today was not an exception. And of course not forgetting those blue eyes that were perfectly

matched with an arse hugging baby blue A-line skirt while her D-cup breasts begged to be played with, in a turquoise tank


"Good crowd today", she said to Anya.

"Yeah, best we've had" , was the response given with a sarcastic tone, because it was the slowest day Anya had

ever had since she opened her business two years ago and of that fact Julie was well aware of.

Standing to greet her friend, Anya then unveiled her imposing beauty. At six feet two inches, she was a robust

picture of perfection, with a big round firm ass of enticing proportions. To top it off she had a pair of double-D breasts and

the most beautiful shade of brown for her skin. Wherever these two went, men get into trouble with their other halves and

today didn't fail them.

"You pig! ", shouted a girl seated two tables from them. "How dare you sit here with me and talk to me like I am one of your friends. If you want to fuck them so bad then go to them but as for me and you-we're done!" ,she was now red

with anger as she stormed out.

"Mary, don't be so silly", the boy called after her but left his seat

No interest was directed towards Mary as she stood by the ladies and for a while stared down begrudgingly.

Instead Anya demanded,"what happened last night? How was it? I'm guessing great based on that glow,"

"To hell with my glowing, you're fucking shining," Julie said all excited. "What happened?"

Scarcely was the question asked than

had Anya's lusty pine brown eyes narrowed even more than usual. A moment later she was licking her lips as she

plunged back into her night, forgetting that she was in the restaurant and remembering the pleasure intensified

with each thrust from her black stallion's dick. How he never lost momentum nor missed a beat like a programmed

machine whist sucking on her breasts. She remembered the adrenaline rush it brought with it but her favorite

memory of the night caused areaction that neither Julie nor anyone who was enjoying their lunch expected.

In the heat of her flashback Anya started to grind on the chair like she was demon possessed. Her hand

then became alive –one tracing down her neck and squeezing on her now upright nipples while the other slide

between her legs and started rubbing on her silk panties. Tiny groans escaped her lips as her hand accelerated as

she basked in the memory of her flipping the guy over and rode his big thick strong piece of meat. The fact that his

face eluded her as he moaned her name coupled with the angle at which the dim light hit the drops of sweat on his

well built body and not forgetting his fingers that never for a second stopped dancing on her clit was about to give

her the orgasm of her life. Half way through her climax the big man started to quiver and faster than lightening he

turned the table around again, pinning her to the bed and fucking her like his life depended on it. It wasn't long

before they both let out a moan so perfectly blended that it brought an explosion of energy that had them going at it

right into the first light of day.

Unknown to poor Anya in the heat of her flashback she had herself to yet another great climax and was

now moaning also screaming in the mist of everyone. She heard herself and thought of how vivid it was. Too vivid,

then she heard Julie calling her. The hint of shock and concern alive in her voice. Julie she wasn't there. When

she finally plucked her eyes open they were met with skeptically raised eyebrows and "'Twas that good?"

An innocent smile and a shrug was given in response.

" What's his name?"

"Don't know."

"Where's he from?"

"I didn't ask."

"What does he do?'

"He didn't say."

"For fucks sake Annie, you gave your honey to a guy you just met and it was so good that you gave

yourself an orgasm in the middle of your restaurant just by thinking of how he fucked you and now you're saying you know nothing about him?

Anya was now staring sheepishly at her plate as the tears started to flow, Julie knew she had been too

hard on her friend.

"Oh honey. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you it's just that he seems to be the perfect catch but now

he's gone and we have no way of finding him."

"I know "she said now drying out her tears." I was gonna ask him this morning but all I found was

a red rose and this note."After fishing in her bag for awhile, she produced a small sheet of peach colored paper that

brought the welcomed scent of vanilla and roses and handed it to Julie. Taking it she began reading it in a low

controlled voice.

"My sweetest Anya,

Last night has done what I thought impossible and that is it has put me at a loss of words. I

apologize for not giving you any information about myself and also for not being at your side this morning. Due to

the differences in your lives this is the way it must be for now. I must also let you know that along with this note I left

you my heart.

Though I am not there right now I need you to promise that you will never be scared. Not even of

the deepest night for I shall be watching over you. In due time I will reveal myself to you and explain it all to you. May

you always be ten times more beautiful than rose that you are now holding and remember I'll always be thinking of


Now and forever yours,


After a few moments of silence Julie realized that her friend was looking at her expectantly and attempted to lighten the


" Well at least you know that your guardian angel loves you."

With a cunning smile she added, "Mine was hell sent but can't say he was bad but he sucked."

" No shit. You're a full moon, so spill it."

" What can I say, he's the best ever." Julie just couldn't help blushing from ear to ear.

" Yeah? How is that?"

" Girl, he was like a sex god. Annie he knew where I wanted to be toughed and when I wanted it. He said the right things at the right times."

After a momentary flashback, she let out a pleasure filled sigh before continuing," I will never forget how his hazel eyes lit

up when I agreed to let him eat me and I'm please with that decision."

She was now wearing a broad devious smile that would scare the devil himself as she said," what I would do to feel that

tongue on my clit again. Never have I come across e tongue with such power. After ten minutes with his head between my

legs I had just as many orgasms."

" So tell me about him, Mrs. Perfect," Anya said as if implying that her friend was no better than her.

In response Julie feigned being in deep thought and with a sudden burst of energy said," here's something his name is

Pierre, he's French and he is a musician. He also does poetry and portraits."

" Sounds like a great catch. So what's the score."

" He said he would like to see me again, soon he said so I gave him my number for when he is ready," was the lie.

With that being said both women withdrew into their heads to be with their memories so the rest of the evening was passed

with very little conversation. Anya had sensed that something was bothering her friend and had made numerous attempts to

find out what it was but to no avail.

Julie, who could never keep herself from talking, now just sat there and pulled on a cigarette and when Anya tried to start

a conversation, Julie would sometimes answer her but in about through she would give a response that it would be

impossible for Anya to pursue the topic further. Other times she would be in such a daze that it seemed like she were both

deaf and blind. Her gaze was focused on a spot near the ceiling and it was now her world.

Anya knew her friend better than Julie knew herself and was certain that Julie was trying to glue the pieces of some

puzzle together. It's a trait that lawyers have but none like Juls. Normal lawyers always have giant stacks of paper on

their desks comparing but Julie only needed to read them once and she would always have it. There was one other fact that

set her above the others; she would be out partying, home cooking or even working on a case and in the same breath she would

be processing an upcoming case yet still she was never overwhelmed by the load. Tonight however that barrier had been

broken and the depths of her thoughts were now on display across her face.

Never satisfied with "I'm ok "as an answer, Anya broke the silence.

"Are you thinking about 'Gay Lord' Pauli's case? For Christ's sake hun it's Saturday night, let's hit this city like

Katrina did to New Orleans.

This was said with a deadly mixture of lust and desperation which Anya had perfected over the years but she hated having

to use it especially on her best friend.

A chuckle along with evil looking half shut eyes were followed by this,

" It doesn't work Annie, never has, never will."

"What doesn't? "

"Come on, you know what. Your 'if you love me you would do this for me 'look. I never did anything for you because of it.

I do them because I love you and most times I need to clear my mind. Anyways where did you have in mind?

It was then that Anya knew that whatever that was bothering Julie was deep and suddenly felt bad about bringing Pauli up. Under normal circumstances Julie could've coped with hearing the bastards name but based on her look and response,

it was clear to Anya that her thoughts for once wasn't on work at all and that was wrong.

"I'm so sorry hun. I didn't mean to offend you, I just thought that since he is your most important client and you were

presenting his case on Monday, that you were thinking about that."

Julie just sat there with a saturated un-interested look in her eyes while she puffed on the cigarette she had taken from

Anya's bag. Anya sat on the other side of the table chewing on her bottom lip, her heart thumping harder with every

passing second and the knot in her stomach getting tighter with each puff her friend took. Her fear came because Julie is

not a smoker.

"Juls, really I didn't mean-"

"fuck it. I just hope you know that you just put me in a dark place and you better find me a suitable party."

This being said in a tone that would make a communist leader shake but, worse of all it was accompanied by the warmest of

smiles and that scared the shit out of Anya who, somehow didn't let it show. As she picked up her bag, she plastered on a

smile, "I know just the place.

Usually a stick in the mud, Julie, now in her "dark place" was enjoying herself, ten minutes after leaving the restaurant,

by now test her new car. The wind was combing through her hair, at ninety- five miles per hour. She felt alive. Drop top

down. Her hair was like a blonde flag behind her. There's no feeling like it.

Anya being the wild one in the two had began enjoying the ride but when she looked over at her friend, she saw Julie's eyes

darken and intensified. Then she caught the crocked smile creeping across Julie's face.

"Slow down Juls."

"Why," Julie asked not missing a beat as she danced through the eight p.m traffic as she moved eastward across town.

"I thought you wanted to Katrina this fucking place," she said adding an innocent smile and shrug.

" Yeah and I still do but, I want to live through it, not make the fucking ten o'clock news or an episode of cops."

" Well the only way you'll see tomorrow is if you shut the fuck up and let me drive. Now enjoy the ride. Okay? Stop

being a sixteen year old bitch."

" Juls I know that you are mad about Pauli and I'm sorry I brought him up but you don't have to punish me like this."

" Oh whatever. Fuck Pauli, I have a big cake in the oven for him and the 'ding' is almost there. Trust me, I'll enjoy serving

it but I need is a big intimidating audience for the party. Anyway brief me on where it is that we are going, I don't want to

look like a total ass, when we get there."

Though she didn't slow down, Julie's features were now void of their tension and that was more than enough to comfort Anya, so she too relaxed in her seat. After a moment she began recounting her chat with the young man from the restaurant

before Mary joined him.

"His name is Michael and he is a frat brat. It's their last party before graduation and we are special guests. All we have

to do is get there and introduce ourselves as friends."

"Are you sure we can trust him?" Julie asked now sounding like her old self again and that pleased Anya.

"Yeah we can."

"Okay, great! I can't wait to get a teenage dick in me."

All of a sudden, as Julie floored the accelerator, a mischievous glint appears in her eyes and Anya knew it would be a fun


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