3rd day
since we went to top 8th guilds we became
popular we got more dark thoughts and
then a guild raided us but failed,and then we
went to a cave we fought an ice vampire dark
tought and then finally we got a dark tought
polisher a dark tought polisher upgrades your
dark thoughts the levels are bronze,silver,gold
,diamond, legend,black legend,and mythical.
4th day
we got another dark tought polisher we sold
it and got 1,000,000 dark coins (money)
dark polisher is very hard to get that can be
get by killing ice vampire dark tought and my
dark tought level is now diamond my others
dark tought level is legend if u didn't know to
get dark thoughts u need a dark soul capturer
it captures dark tought and our guild now has
16 members since we don't accept many
people,we went to the temple of fairy
demon/dark tought and then we captured it
,it was level gold and yeah.