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Chapter 22: Six Point Star-Seishigan

Stretching out once Ino let's go I climb off the bed "Well I feel fine now so let's go!" I may love working at the hospital but I HATE BEING A CLIENT! Ino shyly grabs onto my hand causing me to lightly blush her dad glares at me "Uh well let's go" We began to head out when I crashed into someone "Ow!" Ino looks down "Why did you suddenly fall? Are you still hurt" I shake my head looking up "No I just bumped into this guy." Ino looks to where I am looking "What guy?" I point "Him right there he has a scar on his cheek" Ino and her father give me strange looks "Marix there isn't anyone there."

"Wait you can see me kid?" The man says looking at me "Yes I can see you. Why is everyone being strange today. Is this a prank?" I reach out grabbing the mans sleeve. "WHO ARE YOU" Mr. Yamanaka get's ready to attack as a man with a scar on his cheek appears out of nowhere. "Inoichi? Wait it's me Tanza! I visited your shop to get flowers for my fiancee just last month" Mr Yamanaka is startled "You can't be Tanza! He died last week on a mission" Now me and Ino are shocked. I let go of the mans sleeve and he vanishes again from all others but me.

Mr. Yamanaka who is still confused looks towards the young boy "Didn't your Seishigan only have 4 points?" I can only say I am very confused. The man Tanza looks down at me "Kid touch grab my sleeve again" Well I can only follow what I am told to figure this so once more his sleeve is held making him appear like a living person. "T-t-this is amazing! I have tried everything to get people to notice me!" Mr. Yamanaka reaches out to Tanza only to have his hand go through "This is... incredible." Ino smiles and pumps the air "Yes Marix is the best!" She seems very excited about this for some reason.

Tanza looks over at me who still was holding him "Kid, I am here because I still have a powerful regret. You see... Before I left the village I told my fiancee when I get back we would get married but I ended up dying as Inoichi said." I nod my head. There are legends saying when someone dies sometimes they don't pass on properly "Wait don't those people end up as evil spirits?" Tanza hurriedly shakes his head "No only those who die with a deep grudge or hatred will turn into those."

I can't help but feel sorry for this man. He must have really loved his fiancee to still be around even after his death. "Maybe I can help you. Can you guide me to your Fiancees house?" THe man nods and I release his sleeve once more. Due to pure curiosity Mr. Yamanaka tags along well that and to watch over his daughter who is following me regardless. Mr. Tanza talks to me why we are walking. He tells me about his life. How he was put on the path of Kenjutsu from a young age. How he met his Fiancee and how he ultimately died.

I knock on the door which we have arrived in front of. A beautiful woman with long golden hair answers but her eyes are red. She has probably been crying a lot. "Hello Miss Momo. My name is Marix. Long story short" I didn't want to explain any of this so I grabbed Tanzas sleeve making him physical "H-hey momo" She began to cry hard and tried to hug him but only went through his body. "Momo I am dead. This boy seems to be able to make me visible while touching me but I can't touch or be touched by anyone else." there is a sadness in his voice. "Boy go into the house. In the kitchen there is a hidden compartment under the sink"

I shrug releasing his sleeve. I am really to tired today. I follow the spirits instruction and open the compartment and out comes a small box. "Open the box and grab my sleeve" I nod in the box is a golden ring "Momo. I'm sorry I couldn't make it back... It is my biggest regret. This here is the wedding ring I had made for you. I so wanted to put it on your finger but... Momo I want you to live your life to the fullest. Be happy ok" he reached out and touched her, well it looked like a touch but part of his finger still went through her skin. She cries harder and holds the box like it is the most precious thing in her life.

I walk out the house with Tanza and the Yamanakas. Ino is crying due to this. "Thanks kid" He touches my shoulder, since I am the only person he can touch. I feel something flow from him into my mind but I am not sure what it is. Soon a demon looking creature, which I now know is a Shinigami, appears and takes hold of the man. The Shinigami looks at me briefly then leaves with the mans who goes with a smile. "That was..." I can't really put it into words. Ino walks up and hugs me "Y-you won't die and leave me all alone would you?" My back drenches with sweat as I feel a large amount of killing intent focused on me from Inos dad " O-of course not. I will do my best to always come back for you" I says smiling and she kisses my cheek. "Don't go taking back your words to your girlfriend Marix" Wait she is my girlfriend now?! I'm only 8! Isn't this moving a bit fast?

I feel I should probably leave before Mr. Yamanaka acts on that killing intent. "I gotta go now Ino I uh kinda left Sasuke and Naruto hanging up on the roof" I quickly make an excuse and run away. But Ino manages to see a small pink shade emerge on my cheek causing her to giggle

ShadowRose13 ShadowRose13

Nothing to do with this novel but I once read a short funny page where Sarada asked her mother Sakura who her first kiss was, expecting it to be her dad Sasuke. Sakura tells her "Naruto". It shocked her so she asked her dad who is first kiss was with. He replies "Also Naruto" Oh I laughed so much at her expression. Anyway back to novel things. I'm going to try not to use I and Me so much.

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