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Chapter 3: Perfect core and a tremdous beauty

After Su Li's emergence inside the blood pool a large amount of Qi exploded inside him making his body a lot stronger . A week passed by , Su Li's body has turned more solid his muscles a lot rounder .

" This blood pool is a tremendous help ."

Su Li's cultivation has been raised from the 5th stage to the 7th stage if people were to find out they will be speechless . For normal cultivators need a months time or more to reach another stage so Su Li's tremendous speed is monstrous .

Su Li found a couple of treasures inside the cave their were some 2 star pills that will make any cultivator of the same realm jealous in envy .

Su Li left the area after " With this much beast cores I could probably get some spirt stones " For Su Li spirit stones were nothing in his previous life but he is no longer the same person . After several hours he arrived at the eastern city arriving their were several guards blocking the gate . And countless of mortal humans carrying their bags lining up .

" They must be inspecting the tourist and citizens alike I should not attract to much attention . " Su Li walked on the back of the line .

" look it's cherry tree disciples ! " the crowd saw 8 people walking forward they wore a prideful look on their faces each of them are are around 3rd stage of the Qi gathering realm while the highest was a tall young man who was a 5th stage . They continued walking to the entrance not bothering about the line .

The guards noticed the men and women alike wearing a pink and light white colored clothing they immediately recognized them as disciples of the cherry tree sect so they let them in without any troubles .

Su Li did not bother about the situation and waited for his turn . 2 hours passed by and it was his turn . The guard gazed at him " are you new ? " he asked

Su Li gently nodded his head to acknowledge .

" that will be 2 gold coins "

Su Li's faced turned dark he did not expect that such daylight robbery to happen to him . 2 gold was not a large amount of money to him but now that he was Penniless he had to think wise before using any money . " I have no money but I have this badge given to me by a man I saved . " Su Li showed the badge given to him by Ma Gang instantly the guards attitude turned 360 degrees . " I'm sorry sir please you may enter" the change of attitude caught even Su Li surprised .

Su Li finally entered the city walls eastern city was one of the 4 major cities with each city being lead by a major family , this families are Xun,Cai,Song and Lim controlling this families was the king . The eastern city was controlled by the Cai family and the Cherry tree sect .

Each city also has an allocated alchemist guild and a auction house .

" I should start earning some spirit stones that can help me with my cultivation , with this beast stones I can probably sell it for a high price "

Su Lin walked and approached a blacksmith he showed the beast cores he had . But disappointingly the black smith was not able to gather enough money to buy . But they told him to go to the tallest tower to ask .


" a large tower here was nothing compared to the large towers on the divine world " Su Li could not help but sigh .

After walking for several minutes he arrived at the largest tower " an auction house ? "

Su Li entered the main lobby he began to inquire about selling his beast cores . This cores shocked the visiting cultivators and the clerk herself . " customer I will call the master please wait ." She said .

On the 20th floor on a luxurious office sat a middle aged woman her hair was long that reaches her shoulders her lips red and her complexion was white . She was also emitting a mature aura that will make any man lust over her .

Knock .. " come in " the middle aged woman said as she stares on her large window with her back turned back to the entrance door. The female clerk walked inside her complexion seemed to be sweating " Mistress we ... " she stuttered .

The middle aged woman turned her face forwards and sipped her hot tea . Stared at the woman " speak "

" mistress , their is a young man who brought a tremendous amount of beast cores and seeking to sell ! " she said . The middle aged woman had an anxious look " very well bring him here "

A few minutes later the clerk arrived back on the counter she had a respectful tone and a smile on her face . " please young sir follow me " the other guests were speechless .

Su Li gave a smile and followed the clerk inside the elevator .

Su Li was lead down an aisle the corridor was packed with doors leading to luxurious rooms only special guests were allowed to live on they were on the 20th floor . Finally they arrived on the mistress office . " please come in " a gentle voice sounded from within the room her voice made Su Li think otherwise .

Su Li stared at the woman " is their anything on my face please sit down " the woman was startled when Su Li entered she did not expect Su Li to be so handsome .

It even made her blush when she saw him looking at her with his eyes .

Su Li sat down on one of the two seats situated near the large office table . " I heard that you are interested on selling your beast stones ? "The young woman said

Su Li nodded his head " I am but I hope for a 80-20% " the woman was shocked " young man the auction has certain rules that it will need at least 60-40 . She was angered she never expected Su Li to act such a way her respectful tone changed after figuring him out .

" miss you have me wrong " , The woman was confused " may you kindly enlighten me"

" As you know demon cores are very hard to find it will need more than skill to find but luck plays a large part . " Su Li said " indeed it takes more than skill to attain such a tremendous number of cores but many of our cities cultivators at a higher realm can easily attain this within time so it's not that rare . " the young woman said her voice was calm .

" That I know, but what if I enhance this cores to a perfect grade ? "

The young woman was startled " young man a perfect grade is not something you can just say it takes countless of alchemist to make a low ranking core into a perfect grade and also a tremendous time and effort " . Su Li smiled " that is why I am here I can assure you that if you agree to my condition you will attain a tremendous sum of spirt stones "

" what about the ingredients needed ? " the young woman said ...her voice still has some bit of unbelievable on it .

" well I can find the ingredients myself and turn this beast cores after 3 days , but if you have The required ingredients and a cauldron then I can make the condition 70-30"

" very well what will you need .. " the young woman said she still does not believe that this young man could turn such low tier cores to perfect grade .

Su Li handed a piece of paper and written some ingredients . " have them gathered "

The young woman looked at the ingredients " very well I can gather all of this in an hour . I will ask my assistant to bring you to the VIP room you can wait there for now "

Su Li headed to a VIP room the room was a little bigger than the mistress office it had a large bed a table a comfort room and a large window . " young mister if you would wish for any of our services please feel free to ask we will be happy to accommodate " the young assistant said .

" Any service ? " the young assistant blushed usually they do not do such shameful acts but after looking at Su Li's handsome face she could not help ." Yes I will be happy to "

"I'm just joking " Su Li said , meanwhile a spark of disappointment can be seen from the young assistant .

Su Li can see the disappointment on her eyes but he did not bother . He has had countless of sexual intercourse with maidens fairies alike on the divine world .

" but you may if you want I'm not forcing you "

The girl's eyes showed a happy sensation he slowly approached Su Li and undressed his zipper . Su Li's little brother was shown it was a large lion waiting to devour a cat . " You may go ahead " the girl was surprised she didn't expect Su Li to have such a character of being superior she gently teased his little lion and started sucking it the pleasure could not be seen on Su Li's eyes . " enough " Su Li said after a few minutes .

" I'm sorry I am inexperienced " the girl said . " no need to apologize " Su Li stood up and held her hair and pushed his little lion inside her mouth the assistant did not bother and instead used everything she got to pleasure him by sucking it harder .

Finally Su Li launched his hot cum inside the girl's mouth , the girl was surprised after the sudden eruption she licked his penis and cleaned it with her mouth . " how did I do ? " the assistant asked

" you did fine "

" I want you to plant yourself in me " the girl said . " very well " Su Li held her up and placed her on the large mirror wall . The girl's face was red " please be gentle "

Su Li only nodded in reply the girl did not know weather that was a yes or a no .

Su Li slowly thrusted his little lion inside the girl's cave . The girl gave a shout , some blood dropped from the cave and landed on the floor . Su Li continued thrusting his lion the thrust was gentle and fast at the same time .

" ah ah " The girl gave out moans while her cave was being drilled .

A few minutes later the lion launched an eruption that filled the inside of the cave .

" ahhhhh " the girl shouted as she lands gently on Su Li's chest .

" thank you " the girl said . " I'm Wang Zexi "

Su Li buttoned his zipper and stared at Wang Zexi " are you alright loosing your virginity to a stranger ? " .

" I don't hold you accountable besides I rather loose my virginity to you than someone I am forced to marry . " wang Zexi said in anger

" this man is easy to deal with if you wish I can take care of him ."

" I don't want to bother you it's really alright " Wang Zexi said .

Finally an hour passed by . Wang Zexi lead Su Li to the alchemist room there was a large cauldron and the materials he needed to create the perfect grade core . He saw the mistress situated nearby she was sitting on a chair with her legs crossed . " The items you requested are all here you can start anytime " she said she also noticed her assistant's Qi has changed from before . " could they had ... " but she did not bother

" I will begin the process will take me a couple of hours don't let anyone enter or everything will go to waste , you may stay if you want but do not make any sound " Su Li said .

Lu Si began he ignited the cauldron with his Qi the tremendous fire shocked the mistress and Wang Zexi they as never seen such a strong fire for the mistress she believes that even the old alchemist could not produce such a fire .

Lu Si placed all the cores inside the cauldron and then inserted all the ingredients .

" wait don't you need to do it accordingly ?" The mistress shouted even if she was inexperience with alchemist she has never seen anyone throwing everything immediately . Su Li stared at her " I told you not to bother me and continue watching from their "

The mistress backed off .

A few hours later the process was finished all Su Li had to do was control the temperature and let the ingredients melt into the cores . Actually Su Li can finish this in a blink of an eye but it would bring numerous problems for him if the mistress ends up betraying him .

A few hours later . " It's done " Su Li's words caught the mistress and Wang Zexi attention they looked at the cauldron which was emitting a tremendous amount of Qi .

Su Li opened the cauldron and 20 cores were emitting a golden light . The mistress had her eyes wide open in disbelieve . " it's the legendary perfect grade core ! "

" I told you didn't I ? "

" I agree to your offer of the initial 80-20 you don't have to worry about the ingredient expenses " the mistress said . She also approached Su Li and lifted her hand " I'm Cao Min I hope to do business with you " She smiled .Su Li lifted his hand and smiled back .

" in token of appreciation I hope you can accept this " Cao Min handed a VIP card and 1000 spirit stones . " then I shall receive it " Su Li said while he was leaving he saw Wang Zexi " here take it "

Wang Zexi was surprised " young master this .."

Su Li gently gave her a nod " if you need my help just find me take this it will help you if you truly wish to be free . " Wang Zexi eyes teared up

Seeing this Cao Min was jealous inside .

Su Li handed Wang Zexi 300 spirit stones which is a huge amount even for cultivators .

Su Li left afterwards he left the 20 beast cores for sale .

" the auction will begin 3 days from now " Cao Min said , Su Li nodded and left .

Su Li planned on visiting the cherry tree sect so he asked for directions lots of people know about this and pointed him the right direction . After a few hours he arrived at the Cherry tree sect .

6 outer court disciples were guarding the entrance they were all 4th stage Qi gathering realm . When they saw Su Li walking by they immediately asked him his purpose .

Su Li reached out for the badge and showed it to the 6 they were surprised and one of them escorted him to the outer court elder . " that kid has Ma Gang's token he must be someone he knows what a lucky person "

Su Li was lead to a house the house was large when he entered he saw a old man with his eyes closed . " elder you have a guest "

The elder opened his eyes and was able to see Ma Gang's badge " so your the person that saved Ma Gang this elder gives you his deepest gratitude " the elder said

" there is no need I was only passing by "

The elder took another closer look and was surprised to see that he wasn't able to pinpoint Su Li's cultivation . " young man are you planning on joining the sect ?" The elder said

" if I can I would love to " Su Lin has planned everything out he hoped that the sect can give him a place to live and resources so that he does not have to waste that much spirit stones .

" of course but do you have a Dao partner ? It is a prerequisite for all cultivators to have a day partner as our sect focuses on training the yin and yang of each person "

This made Su Lin speechless " well .. "

The elders eyes lit up " if you don't have one I could recommend you to a few outer court female with your looks and talent no one will resist you " .

" I will find one I don't want to trouble elder " Su Lin said politely elder lan nodded " very well I will give you 2 days time if you can't find one you can come back to me "

Su Lin nodded .

Su Lin exited the house , he saw Ma Gang walking " savior ! " Ma Gang hurriedly ran towards him .

" savior are you planning on joining the sect ! " Ma Gang had a yearning voice

" Su Lin stared at him " I am planning to but I did not know that this sect requires a ado partner . "

" well that " Ma Gang had a smile on his face " don't worry savior with your looks and strength anyone would be willing to be your companion "

" I'm Ma Gang by the way , savior may I know your name " Ma Gang asked

" Su Li my name is Su Li "

" thank you for saving me again Brother Su Li " Ma Gang bowed .

" Ma Gang is their any nearby inns here ? Because I have not yet truly become a disciple I have no shelter "

" senior Li if you wish you can sleep on my bed ! " Ma Gang said he was really respectful of Su Li . " this I appreciate your gratitude but you should know that you are a disciple and I am not if people hears about this it will only do more bad than good "

" very well then I shall accompany you to an inn " Ma Gang said ," I would appreciate it"

A couple of minutes later ... Ma Gang and Su Li arrived at an inn Su Li rented a room for a day . " thank you for bringing me here "

" no worries if brother Li needs anything just ask me I would always do my best " Ma Gang said and left .

Su Li entered his room and started cultivating.,.,

At the dark of the night 9 figures were silently fighting over the roofs of the houses and inns one young girl was being pursued by 8 assassins .

The young girl seems to be injured she has a wound on her right shoulder containing some hint of poison " the poison is starting to get worst " the you girl said as she dashes faster leaving her pursuers behind .

She was able to escape but the poison has deeply entered her body and slowly weakening her senses seems to be slowly loosing control .

One of the pursuers managed to find her " you bitch time to die " the pursuer launched a technique and quickly arrived on the young woman's back and prepared to slice her .

The young woman prepared a defensive attack .

The pursuer felt a large wave of Qi stopping her attack . She could not believe it " what the fuck " she tired her best to hit the young woman but her dagger was hitting an invincible wall . The young woman was also startled but fell unconscious, slice a slice killed the pursuer in one hit. One has to know that the purser was a 7th stage of the foundation establishment realm but was till killed in an instant .

Su Li appeared and looked at the unconscious woman he touched her hand and felt her meridians " poison ? " Su Li lifted the young girl up and disappeared .

Meanwhile the other 7 assassins arrived at the scene and were left speechless " that bitch could not have killed him the bitch was only an outer courier disciple at the 8th stage Qi gathering realm " a assassin said

" then could she have been saved .." another assassin said there eyes showed some seriousness " if this cultivator who saved the bitch is someone capable of killing a 7th stage foundation establishment realm easily then this mission will be to difficult of us " the leader said

" we will flee for now let's go "


Back at Su Li's room he placed the young girl's body on his bed he was tinned after looking at her figure he never expected someone in the mortal world to have such fairy like looks . " this poison can easily be subdued "

Su Li undressed the young girl and started the healing process . The young girl opened her eyes and saw a young man undressing her she was about to shout and kick Su Li , but she could not expect that he was treating her wounds .

A few hours later the young girl was surprised by the effect she could feel her Qi coming back to her and the poison disappearing she even felt a lot stronger than before . But she can also see that Su Li was sweating from the amount of effort he has done this captured her hearth .

" finished " Su Li dressed her again and began to sleep on the side he has used a tremendous amount of Qi so he started to cultivate .

The next day ...

The young girl opened her eyes and felt stronger she sat down and stared at Su Li who was focused on his cultivation . " was he the one who killed my pursuer ? " she still could not believe that such a young man was capable of killing a foundation establishment realm. Su Li opened his eyes " are you feeling well ? "

The young girl blushed and nodded " thank you for saving me "

" I'm sorry for taking your clothes off I had to open some of your closed meridians to take the poison out "

The young girl was startled " you opened my meridians ! " she could not believe it she has always forcefully tried to open her hidden meridians but was unable to do so if she could open all her meridians she could cultivate in a faster rate so when she heard him say that he has opened her meridians she felt joy . " thank you very much "

Su Li nodded " I asked the innkeeper to bring some food to this room feel free to eat it I will be cultivating for some hours I hope you can guard me for the next few hours " Su Li said

The young girl nodded " I'm Xia Rong nice to meet you "

" I'm Su Li "

Su Li I think I heard that name from somewhere " Xin Rong contemplated but did not bother asking she maintained inside the room the food arrived a few minutes later she ate her share and continued to look after Su Li .

3 hours later ..

Xia Rong could feel the Qi inside the area was becoming more refined as she look at Su Li who was floating on the air . " this man has reached the foundation establishment realm! " she could not believe her eyes . " does that mean that he was able to kill someone at the foundation establishment realm at the Qi gathering realm! "

Su Li eyes opened " I am halfway through to completing my first star and the reward is amazing .

Su Li also could not believe how fast he's cultivation has risen he has broken through to the 1st stage of the foundation establishment realm .

" congratulations Su Li " Xia Rong said

Su Li smiled " thank you and I see you have completely raised a stage prior "

Xia Rong was shocked " indeed after you opened my meridians I have managed to reach the peak of the Qi gathering realm this is all thanks to you "

Suddenly Su Li remembered that he hasn't found a suitable dao partner .

" brother Li are you planning on joint our sect ? " Xia Rong asked her beauty eyes stare directly on Su Li .Su Li gave her a nod .

" that is amazing ... but you will need a dao partner have you perhaps found .. " Xia Rong face turned red as she ask Su Li .

" I don't have a dao partner ." Suddenly after hearing that Xia Rong felt joy " brother Li if you don't mind may I be your dao partner "

Su Li was shocked " aren't you a disciple already how do you not have a partner ? "

" well female don't necessarily have to have one only male are required to before entering " Xia Rong said

" I see so that is why elder said he has some female ready anytime "

Su Li glanced at Xia Rong " May I ? " Su Li lifter up his arms in embrace

Xia Rong nodded her face blushing. She jumped to Su Li's arms " then its decided you are now my partner " Su Li hugged her back " what a wild girl but she has the looks that defy the heavens I'm lucky to have her .

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