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Chapter 43: Guest

Dhira asked Srisha to send Shivam into the study as soon as he came back after dropping Visha off. There were a lot of doubtful events that unfolded today. First, was Visha's unusually high power level. Second, was her house turning out to be a prison.

As soon as she came back, she had asked Visha how long she had lived in that house. She told them that they shifted when she was born.

Her powers couldn't have developed because of the Prison formation. This means that she was born with them! Payal had no other option but to suppress her powers from developing. If this was her infant level, what could she have turned into by now. The thought scared Dhira as she wiped the sweat from her forehead. She has never seen anybody this terrifying before. If someone else in the coven found out, they might harm her. She had to find out everything personally so she had all the facts before making any decision. But she felt that she might be biased. This was about her Puppy, after all.

Dhira picked out some books about mysteriously high magic and learnt it could either be passed down from the parentage, through blood sacrifices, through harnessing powerful blood, or bestowed by the Gods. Her gaze lingered on it for a moment. Visha might have gotten it in her genes. Payal was the most powerful witch in more than a century. Her father must have been someone with a very high powerlevel too. But even then she couldn't have had that much powers as an infant. Every other option didn't seem likely at all. But then a thought struck her.

The mysterious boost in her powers was unexplainable too. But now it seemed obvious. It was because of the Blood Bond. She was harnessing the power in Visha's blood! It all started after she exchanged blood with her during the bonding ritual. She lifted up her hand and stared at the scar from that time. Just a few drops of her blood increased Dhira's power by many folds. Who exactly was Visha? What else was she capable of?

The doorknob turned and made a click sound. Dhira lifted her gaze and saw Shivam enter while holding an envelope in his hand. He placed it on the table and sat down beside her. She picked it up and pulled out a photograph of Visha.

"Why is a gay carrying a girl's sneakshots around?" she asked as she tossed it back and got back to her book.

Shivam sighed as he now felt that even the end of the world wouldn't be enough to stop her taunts.

"Found them at Davar's place?"


Shivam was shocked by her negligence. How did this girl even get this position? She rarely ever gave attention to her surroundings, was never alert and hardly remembered anything.

"I told you on the phone today that he's the guy I went to give a warning."

"And why am I supposed to remember his name? You do know that putting a lid on a small coven isn't exactly an 'accomplishment' right?"

Shivam almost snapped at her snarky comments but controlled his anger. His tone was evident that he could barely suppress it.

"He runs brothels and Visha was on his list as well. That's why I brought him back alive to grill him for more intel. He's in the basement."

He finally managed to catch Dhira's attention as she glared at him. This made Shivam feel uncomfortable as he didn't understand the reason behind her anger.

"How about you start with the important information next time, and not irrelevant bullsh*t."

Dhira headed straight to the hall in the basement. The basement was old and unkempt with a pungent smell of dried up blood lingering around. Shivam followed her through the corridor into a wide hall. Two of his team members were guarding the gates and they too followed them inside.

Davar was tied to a chair in the middle with a spiked wire. The spikes pierced the skin around his wrists and ankles but none of it seemed lethal. He saw that a dark red circle was drawn around him. He suspected it to be a Magic Barricade as his powers were not working.

He saw Dhira and scoffed at her. This girl was the new heir? She didn't look like much and was just ruling on the power of the men around her. He hated weak people on powerful positions as he believed they didn't deserve it.

Dhira could see the ridicule in his reluctance to accept her as the leader of Bhairavis. But she wasn't here for his approval. One of the men brought a chair for Dhira and she sat down facing him.

Davar was confused as it had been a few minutes and she hadn't said or done anything. She seemed calm and laid-back as if she had all the time in the world. He knew she was just trying to intimidate him, he has been in this business for quite a while and has seen all kinds of tricks.

"Just say what you want already. Stop wasting time." he seemed aloof and unaffected by the fact that he was in someone else's basement, all tied up. There was even a hint of arrogance in his tone. Dhira smiled and looked at the man beside her. He nodded and pulled a dagger out of his scabbard. Without making any sound, he rushed towards Davar and stabbed him right in his heart.

Davar screamed in pain. He could feel his blood come into his mouth and he spat it out. There was a burning sensation in the wound and the pain was unbearable. He could feel his heartbeat slow down. It was about to stop! He could feel it all but his vision didn't blur, his senses didn't give away, he didn't die! He looked up in confusion and saw Dhira smiling. She looked like a predator playing with its food before eating.

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