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Chapter 9: you owe me one

the next day at school, Lana was absent, she was ashamed to show her still reddish green face, she lied to her parent cuz she knew what will come after getting rose in trouble with them, the truth of how she tripped Anna will come out and rose will still threaten the life out of her.

during break Anna went to Ralph, to apologize but was shocked by his respond.

Anna: hi, she stopped him on his way to the school canteen,

Ralph: hi Anna how are you?

Anna: since when did you care about how I am? she asked in her head. am fine thank you, hum

Ralph: you need anything?

Anna: I wanted to say am sorry for leaving like that yesterday and thank you for stepping in for me.

Ralph: it's okay That you left, but am not accepting your Thanks

Anna: and why is that?

Ralph: hmm let just say you owe me one.

what? she opened her eyes wide, Ralph grinned at her cuteness and quickly compose himself back, looking serious.

since when did you become so shameless and moreover I never ask you to step up for me, I could have handled him myself anyway,

Ralph: and got late, I guess you have somewhere important to be at yesterday am I wrong? and whether you ask me or not I already did you a favour so you owe me ONE.

Anna: she massage her temple, since when did you become a talkative?

Ralph: since when I helped you, anyway you now owe me, and I may call it in anytime, look forward to it. he said and left her with her puzzle expression.

seeing him leave, she ran after him, wait, and he did, fine let say I owe you, what do you want?

I would think about it and let you know, so you better stick to your words, cuz there is no backing out,

Anna: funny, are we playing game here?

Ralph: whatever you call it, can I go now?

Anna: sure, seeing him left he remember her mother's words the other day, could it be? no no no she said hitting her head, not possible.

i wouldn't hurt that pretty head if i were you, have been looking for you, we never got to finish our conversation yesterday, thanks to Ralph,

Anna: hearing the familiar voice from behind, she frown. Ezekiel?, she turned around.

Ezekiel: sup? how are you?

seems like a lot of people cares about how I am today?

Ezekiel: excuse me?

Anna: meaning am not fine looking at your face so you better buzz off.

Ezekiel: shocked. what? buzz

Anna: yes you heard me buzz off or the next conversation we are gonna have will be in detention after I knock your teeth out. after saying this part her heart skipped , did I just said that? she ask in her head and prayed internally that he should just give up.

Ezekiel was shocked, he thought to himself that he has not said anything much not even quarter of what he planed to say and he has already got rejected even threatened, is this pay back for what I said to you the that day?

Anna: seeing that he is not taking it in a violent way she sighed and raise up her chin, think of it however you like, and as for your question from yesterday, no am not interested in you and I hope you never mentioned such thing to me again, moreover you are too tall for my liking. she said and turn to leave feeling good and proud of herself

but Ezekiel wouldn't let her leave just like that, not without saying his part, just as he was about to grab her hand, rose came out of nowhere and slap it off

rose: I wouldn't do that if I were you, she said in a warning tone.

Anna look back and was surprised, rose? she called but rose ignore her glaring at Ezekiel .

she ask you to buzz off, so if you don't mind, i would like you to do just that,

Anna: you have been eavesdropping on our conversation this whole time? she asked but still got ignored though.

Ezekiel was annoyed by rose words but knew he could not mess with her, the girl has many tricks up her sleeve, even if you are good at fighting, you will still end up being defeated with her cruel moves which involves aiming at your crucial points. fine, he said out of defeat and left.

rose turn to leave as well but suddenly stopped and look at Anna, if you are this good with your tongue, I suggest you learn to be good with your fist as well, next time don't expect me to buzz and help you buzz them off, she said and left smiling, for the first time she's proud of her sis but she knew if she just left like that Anna will keep disturbing her peace with questions and thanks that are irrelevant.

Anna: seeing her left she sighed, and here I thought she's being nice, tsk tsk she will never change. she said and left as well.

daoist0419 daoist0419

am sorry for the late ANNOUNCEMENT:

am sorry if you find my ways of writing annoying,

Am black and am not really good with English, I have the plots well planned in my head but to write it down accordingly in English is the problem, have always wanted to write stories and it seems easy to me but after trying, I realise it's nothing near easy, I had to edit and edit still it still consist a lot of errors, am so sorry for that

please bear with me and support me by reading it please please .

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