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Chapter 11: Daily life

Gaia continued to interrogate Ouranos on his and Kronos's actions, before she decided to punish Kronos on a later date.

Gaia-"So Ouranos, why were you looking for Swart, or should I say Draig, anyway? I can't think of a reason for this."

Ouranos-"Oh I wanted to give him my blessing, but I couldn't find him."


Ouranos-"Gaia are your ears going deaf with age? I said I wanted to bless him!"

Gaia-"Ouranos I promise you that your foul mouth will bring you my divine wrath! Moving on why do you, the great prideful god of space and heaven, father sky himself want to give a mortal your blessing?"

Ouranos-"It's actually a very simple reason."

(A wild cliffhanger appears! *certain nondescript classic video game where you collect mons in a ball battle theme and the screen goes dark*)


After that gruelling day of training and mana depletion, Draig collapsed in the guest room of the guild. Both his mind and body were completely exhausted, he had spent hours using magic right after breaking his body in Broad's training.

On the plus side he now gad a place to live in and a source if income.

The next day, Draig was up and about early in the morning.

Nanaera:"Hou? You're up early."

Draig:"Good morning Nanaera-san. Is it strange that I'm up early?"

Nanaera:"Yes, since healers usually want to have their 'beauty sleep' they're almost never awake early in the morning

Draig:"…I'm sorry on their behalf?"

Broad:"HAHAHAHA! Never thought I'd hear that! Well then boy, since you're awake early then you're able to start training, right?"

Draig:"Hai!*stomach growl*"





Nanaera started shaking silently, trying and failing to hold in her laughter as small tears started to collect in the corners of her eyes.

Broad:"…Well then, breakfast it is. Come on, follow me."

Broad had a wiry smile as he lead Draig to the dining hall.

Broad:"Gurlga, meet Draig. He's the kid I was talking about yesterday, and he'll probably be eating here from now on."

Draig looked at the man called Gurlga. He was a large man, to say the least. He had two fluffy dog ears and was the size of a bear.

Gurlga:"Hi there, I'm Gurlga. I'm getting payed by Broad to let you eat whatever you want. But first I need you to drink this."

Gurlga stretched out his hand while holding a cup out to Draig. It had a swirling greyish-black liquid.

Draig:"What is it? Does it taste good?"

Gurlga:"Let's just say it's something that helps you grow. It raises muscle strength, endurance, response and so on [at least that's what I was told]. As for the tase you'll have to find out yourself."

Draig:"Ohh!! How long will the effects last?"

Draig asked with stars in his eyes. Draig's enthusiasm made Gurlga feel slightly bad for not explaining how bad the taste would be, but he pushed on.

Gurlga:"It lasts about six hours, plus it doesn't negatively effect the body."

Draig:"Really!? Well then without further ado!"

Draig enthusiastically grabbed the cup, and started downing the whole thing. All the people in the dining hall looked at the innocent boy with sympathy, as he continued to gulp down the foul liquid.


The boy finally separated the cup from his mouth and grimaced slightly.

Draig:"This really tastes bad, but it beats worm soup with mud garnish."

The whole room shuddered with the idea of an even more foul tasting edible substance, and looked at the boy in pity knowing that he had tasted something worse before.

Gurlga:"…Broad, I think me and Draig here are going to get along just fine."

The large man said with a beaming smile.

Broad:"…Gurlga don't go too hard at the boy, he still has a long life ahead of him."

Draig was looking confusedly at the two men, as some scary sounding claims were thrown around.

Gurlga:"Anyway with that out of the way, I'm going to make you a special meal since you've got some guts."

The beaming man turned around and the air around him changed drastically. Suddenly ingredients began flying around and flames from a stove roared, Gurlga looked like he was dancing around the kitchen grasping his knife like a blade. The image everyone witnessing this, was a great soldier roaming the battlefield(kitchen) holding his blade(knife) and reaping the souls of his enemies(various fruits, vegetables and meats).

This awe inspiring image was burnt into Draig's head, along with a heavenly scent wafting across the guild.

Adventurer-1:"Ah, Gurlga-san is really fired up isn't he."


Adventurer-2:"Wait why are you here again?! Gurlga-san already told you that he wouldn't take you as a student!"

Chef:"Hora! I can't give up just like that! Even a glimpse of shisho working his magic is a lifetime of lessons!"

The rest of the peanut gallery continued to comment on the scene of Gurlga, Draig was dumbstruck by the speed and accuracy of Gurlga and his prowess in the kitchen.

Broad:"You should get used to this, he becomes a demon in the kitchen."

Broad slightly nudged Draig's shoulder and spoke with a tangible greed, that was not missed by Draig.

Draig:"…Do you want to share the food with me?"

Broad looked at Draig like he was an angel sent from above, the rest of the dining hall glared at Broad in envy when they heard Draig and some even looked at Draig in resentment since he didn't offer them any.

Gurlga:"Broad! If you take any of the food I'll be taking more than a couple fingers from you!"

The bear-like figure of Gurlga, gave Broad a death stare for a split second as his demon-like abnormally deep voice shook the hall. Broad broke out in a cold sweat along with the rest of the observers. Draig looked at his surroundings in confusion, he hadn't heard what Gurlga said due to the cook using his abilities.

Broad:"…I'm good Draig. You enjoy the meal."

Draig:"Ah ok!"

Draig let out another angelic smile towards Broad, and his surroundings felt like they were looking at someone too bright and innocent for their eyes.

Thus a year passed peacefully.

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