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Chapter 22: Chapter 22

It felt as if the world was spinning around her, shifting and swimming and unable to form a concrete image. The act of opening her eyes alone made a sudden burst of nausea impact against her temples that nearly caused her to black-out once again.

Silent would not however, as this time she had been quick to gather her depleted spiritual energy and force herself awake.

It was dark, and based on the texture of the ground beneath her, she was in some sort of dim-lit cave. Stalagmites hung from the ceiling; dripping down tiny drops of liquid that made steady plopping noises in the stillness.



They went.

She didn't know how long she had been here, and even her memories were a tad jumbled from the moment she had acted on an impulse. It was like, something had taken over her at that instant; an instinct that refused any kind of logical reasoning from taking any kind of role in decision making.

All that she knew was that she wouldn't let go of her enemy because of fear? Thinking about it know, it wasn't because she was afraid of the enemy, but she was fearful of what that enemy would do if her hand had let go. It was strange. The notion of concerning herself for someone else's well being as a hollow, or whatever she was. Then again, she definitely wasn't the first as she already knew of one.

She pressed down on her eyes in an attempt to ward of her throbbing migraine to no use. However, that didn't mean that she would just continue to remain where she was.



Those names seemed to play like a record in her mind. Although she could match those names to the faces she had seen, somehow or another, she couldn't match them with any of her memories. This frustrated her to know end, but this wasn't the time to think about it.

Her fingers twitched, slowly feeling out against the cold floor until they stopped just beneath her, grasping for a stable hold.


Her mouth opened in reflex as the pain assailed her while she pushed up with her trembling arms.

The noise of shuffling movements were the only sounds that echoed within the darkness, and even then, it went on for much too long as she eventually staggered onto her feet.

Blinking her eyes, she looked towards the rays of light that pierced their way into the cave. Considering the deep black behind, the rays of light appeared to be her only exit.

Supporting herself while leaning against a wall, she began to make her way there; all the while, she could feel it.

Her spiritual energy was dwindling.

She didn't know what had been done to her, or maybe it was just because of her surroundings, but she was finding it increasingly hard to replenish her spiritual energy. Normally, this process should have had been completed after a couple hours or days of rest, but judging from her tattered clothing and appearance, more than enough time should have had already passed. Still, she had recovered barely anything. What she had in reserve is what she would have to make do with, and this amount was only barely enough to force her awake and moving.



One breath at a time, one step after another. It was increasingly difficult.

When her legs were near collapsing, it was then that she reached the opening at the end of the path. Having followed the trail of that light, all she could make out at its opening was an aerial view of the Seireitei. She wasn't surprised, as she had already considered that she would have had been taken to the Soul Society after she wasn't instantly killed.

Then again, what was truly concerning her at the moment as her spiritual energy gradually depleted, was the ominous presence she now detected above her.


And unbending.

The feeling described by hollows under a Shinigami's blade.

Yet this feeling, it appeared as if there were thousands of them in a single sword.

Nonetheless, she couldn't give up. Not when she saw something that caused an immediate guilt to well up from within her. She staggered on wobbly feet as she moved forward once more. Even if it were just a tiny step, she wouldn't allow herself to do nothing anymore.

After all, she could see hollows fighting outside in her elevated view, and there could only be a single reason for such a thing.

The oddest of all hollows, and the one she had first met upon awakening in Hueco Mundo.

The Vasto of White.

Her breath seemed to hitch as she realized the extent one hollow was willing to go for another. In that case,


A silent shout. Willful and fleeting, but filled with the determination of a soul unwilling to be extinguished so easily.

Her remaining spiritual force was like a beacon that shone in the misty harbour. Clear, and devoid of the general ferocity normally associated with other hollows for she was different in a way. This was why she had quickly considered the risk, but still followed through with it anyway. Compared to the hollows attacking the Seireitei, the sudden emergence of spiritual energy would probably not be prioritized too quickly.

Her outburst of energy had to be distinct enough to be noticed. Hence, she was gathering it all up to release it in one burst. Though that burst may be small, it should be enough; for there were those who would recognize it for what it was. After all, it was her spiritual pressure, a marker and symbol that shouted out that she was alive.

With this in mind, she continued to draw out the entirety of her reserves.

I'm here!

It was as if she was shouting this at the present moment, even if she was generally unable to.


"I'm afraid I'll have to ask you stop there," a deep and baritone voice filtered into her ears after a sharp pain struck her at the back of the neck.

Thereafter, a heavy spiritual pressure suffocated and snuffed out her own before she even had a chance to let it all out.


This thought was the only word in her mind as she blacked out into unconsciousness.


Starrk and Lilynette hadn't shown up yet. Then again, neither did Mila Rose, Sung-Sun, or Apacci. In which case, just how far have they gotten to not receive word of grouping up?

Shirou's brows furrowed in thought, and it wasn't because of the two children tugging at his face, rather, it was because of the fortifications he could see being made within his vision.

Located several hundred meters out in the buildings of the Seireitei, a plethora of Shinigami were bunched together in a tight defensive; a single old man stood standing at the forefront with his hands clasped over a wooden cane.

These several hundred meters or so of gap was like a buffer zone between both parties where the threat of retaliation was left unspoken for whom ever would step forward first. At this point, neither side was willing to do so as many of the hollows and Shinigami were still scattered.

"What will you do now?" Ulquiorra asked curiously from the side. "Has following this emotion to save others been of any use at all?"

His gaze momentarily left the battlefield and moved towards Ulquiorra.

After deciding to gather up his forces, Ulquiorra was one of the first to arrive. This was due to his close proximity and the fact that the density of Ulquiorra's spiritual energy was quite high, making it difficult for other hollows to miss.

"About that Ulquiorra," Shirou began as he stood up on his feet after brushing off Sogyo no Kotowari. "Our purpose here isn't meant to have been of any use. Hell, it was more of a detriment really."

Ulquiorra rose a brow. "Then why?"

Rather than him explaining, another voice cut in that left Ulquiorra at a loss for words.

"Then why is it that you have followed?" Harribel asked evenly. Walking up near him, she crossed her arms as she supported the weight of her back against a wall. "Thinking back to it now, no one here had prompted you to come along. Rather, you felt it too, didn't you? Something inexplicable. That is what emotion is, otherwise we'd all just be empty."

Ulquiorra turned his head to the side before raising his hand and charging a green cero. "Emotion is nothing compared to results," he said flatly before flicking the glowing orb of destruction in the direction of a building seventy meters to the right.

"You missed a few of them over there," Ulqiorra curtly explained. He then shifted his gaze towards Harribel. "Feeling a need to do something, and doing it is completely different," he said as he lowered his arm.

Harribel didn't even react. No matter what she would say, there were only three words that would matter. "You still came," she said evenly.

"…" Ulquiorra said nothing thereafter, turning his attention back towards where it mattered in the direction of the battlefield.

Shirou sighed at that moment. He could understand that Ulqiorra was just trying to explain things logically, and it was because of this that he renewed his resolve to end things as fast as possible.

"Harribel," he called.

Harribel seemed oddly attentive when her name was called, then again, he could tell that the woman hardly noticed it herself.

"Could you tell me what you saw in the Twelfth Division's building again?" He asked.

"No problems," Harribel said before she began to narrate.

Upon entering the research facility, she had noticed a variety of experimental subjects within various storage cells aligned against the walls. Similarly, there were cylindrical glass structures filled with supernatant and a type of organism growing from within it.

She had hardly paid attention to such things though since they weren't exactly what she was looking for. Instead, what she paid careful attention to was the deep jagged scars etched into the ground. These were sword marks indicating that some kind of battle had occurred within the space, but it was clear from the finesse of the attacks that this was not a battle between a hollow or Shinigami. Bladed weapons had been the main damage dealer, indicating that this was a battle between Shinigami. Further evidence was the unique residual aura of spiritual energy of some type of Kido the Shinigami used. However, why would a Shinigami fight another Shinigami?

Harribel paused in her speaking for a moment as she saw that he had fallen into contemplation.

The first time he had heard Harribel explain this point in her narration, he already had a suspicion in his mind. After all, he already knew of a Shinigami that wasn't anywhere near as loyal as the man portrayed himself to be in the Soul Society. Furthermore, it was this man himself who had directed him towards the building.

Aizen Sousuke.

Yet what did Aizen intend for him to understand upon him discovering what was in that room? It didn't take long for him to come up with something plausible.

The experimental subjects.

Although when Harribel had spoken of it, she had glazed over the particular topic as it probably didn't even count for anything in her eyes. In Hueco Mundo, the sight of dead bodies was fairly common place. It wasn't something a Vasto Lorde like her would ever pay attention to, but when he considered the personality of the Captain he had seen take Silent away, and the described experimental subjects in the building, then…

Then there was a distinct message implied after Aizen had sent him there.

'I saved her.'

It was that simple.

If so, then that would mean that Silent may already be safe, or was at least being kept somewhere safe. Concluding up to this point, he let out a sigh of relief.

"Please continue Harribel," he said.

Harribel nodded.

After discovering those sword marks and the general mayhem of the interior, she soon reached a single room that was free from any damage. This was blaring to her, and a signal that stood out in stark contrast with her surroundings. That, and she had managed to catch a lone researcher in the building who she had strong armed to follow her demands. Therefore, she didn't even take a moment of consideration as she ripped open the door leading into the room and stepped in. Besides, there were only a few things that could harm a Vasto Lorde, and she could not sense any in the immediate vicinity.

Once inside the room, this was where she had concluded the basis that Silent had probably escaped in the mayhem. After all, Harribel had faintly been able to sense the spiritual energy she had become familiar with in her time spent alongside Silent.

Silent had been in this room, and somehow, she had gotten free from her restraints, evident by the broken straps on the examination table. Furthermore, Harribel even observed signs that Silent was in mint condition evident by the lack of blood in the room as compared to the others.

Concluding up to this point, Harribel ended her narration.

However, this only left him with more questions than answers. With the injuries he had seen Silent sustain, it was impossible for her to have had been in any good condition without ample time, and he had been quick to give chase. Thus, the time frame should only have had been a matter of hours at the time, or perhaps a day or two of trying to locate her holding area.

It was then that a minor detail in Harribel's recollection entered his notice.

A lone researcher in an empty lab?

No matter how he thought about it, if Aizen had already taken over the place before hand, why would there be a researcher there to guide the way?

"It's hard to be perfect. Sometimes you miss things," Kyoka spoke up from within his mind.

So that's how it was. The answer clicked as soon as Kyoka spoke, and it wasn't her explanation. Rather, it was the reminder of Kyoka's ability as a Zanpakuto.

Then that lone researcher may have had been the Captain himself.

It was a startling conclusion as he recalled leaving Aizen behind before departing himself. However, it wasn't impossible for Aizen to reach the building first as he probably had a deeper understanding of the terrain.

"Oi oi, bad man?!" Sogyo no Kotowari called.

Unlike Kyoka who resided and spoke from within him, Sogyo no Kotowari adamantly stayed in a physical realm. At this moment, they were tugging at him.

"When will master wake up?" The two asked.

Speaking on that subject, he turned towards Jushiro's form. The man was still unconscious, and the volume of his breath signalled that the man was steadily recovering.

However, this was only possible because he had prevented any of the other hollows from approaching. This action had garnered some affection from the two boys, but they still insisted on calling him a bad man.

At first, he had considered dealing the finishing blow to Jushiro like he had done with many of the other Shinigami, yet something inside him strongly told him not to do so. It was incomprehensible, but now that he thought about it. It was indeed the correct call.

As a hostage, Jushiro played a larger role in mediating away any aggressive actions on the Shinigami's side. This was entirely because of Jushiro's history and favourability to others. Not only was he held in high regard towards many in the Seireitei, but he was also a student taught personally by the Head-Commander.

Jushiro was a VIP that should have had become a pillar of the Seireitei, but was struck down by the emergence of an incurable sickness. Still, not one person looked down on the man for it.

Even from where he, Harribel, and the others had made camp, he could tell that the Head-Commander was glaring at him with fierce eyes. Near the Head-Commander, there appeared two others who were staring at him just as intensely, however it was with a sense of helplessness.

These two were probably Jushiro's close aids or seated officers if he could recall how Shinigami formatted their ranks.

The Head-Captain would not move yet, but he was sure that if he made any actions towards Jushiro, then there would be nothing to stop the fires of the Head-Commander's rage.

"We're all gathered except for Starrk, Lilynette, and the other three. I'm not sure on Neliel's position though," Harribel said.

"We'll have to send someone to check up on her, but I'm more concerned about Starrk and the rest. They unlike Nel may be deep in enemy territory. Besides, Nel is strong. You yourself gave the evaluation, and I trust in you" he said after glancing away from the Head-Captain.

Similarly, the Head-Captain turned to deal with other matters on the side of the Shinigami.

Harribel was left stunned for a moment, just standing there feeling a sense of contentment which she couldn't understand.

It was at this moment though that he heard the steady sound of foot steps with his reinforced ears.

By the sound of it, it wasn't any hollow.

Shifting his attention to the left, he noticed a familiar figure that motioned for him to follow outside the gaze of the Head-Captain.

"If you'll excuse me for a moment," he spoke to Harribel and Ulquiorra.

Neither of the two seemed to hear him, but he figured that they must have understood his meaning.

Walking off, he schooled his expression before stopping in front of the person who called him forward.

"Aizen," he spoke a tad dryly.

"Well, its good to see you to," Aizen smiled cryptically.

He shook his head. He didn't want to bother with pleasantries anymore. For some reason, the more he looked at Aizen the more he recalled having dealt with someone similar, a priest of sorts.

"You saved Silent," he said bluntly. "And fooled Harribel into thinking Silent got away to avoid any suspicions on your end. Coincidently, if things did go your way, everyone here may have had to stay for far longer than what's necessary. What's strange is that you could have pulled this off far more smoothly by not posing off as a lone researcher to give yourself away. It doesn't matter though, you must have your own reasons."

Aizen didn't deny it.

"In any case, you still did save her," he spoke ruefully. "And basing everything on your actions, you only have a single purpose in mind."

He didn't speak further.

He didn't have to. Aizen would in his place.

"I can promise you that she's safe," Aizen spoke. "The only thing I ask, is that you give me some time and I can assure you that every single hollow alive within the Seireitei will be able to return to Hueco Mundo. A win win scenario."


Back in the tower, the sounds of sobbing echoed out into the dim-lit space.

"Kukaku, Ganju, the two of you shouldn't have come," Kaien spoke as he embraced his siblings.

Around him, Rukia, Orihime, Chad, Karin, and Ishida stood awkwardly at the side; none making a noise.

"You two shouldn't have come," Kaien said again, yet the grip he had on the two siblings only increased as he pulled them in further.

It was touching sight. More so for Orihime, Karin, Chad, and Ishida who knew that the only reason Kukaku had left her home was to verify the truth of Ichigo's words. And now, here lay the proof.

The air was heavy and fraught with emotion, yet it was because of this, that Kaien acted first. Shuddering, his embrace around Kukaku and Ganju gradually began to slacken much to the two's dismay as they persistently clung onto Kaien's arms.

"Kukaku, Ganju," Kaien tried to reason, yet the two would hear none of it.

He gave a bitter smile to Rukia who was staring at him before his expression grew resolved and solemn.

"Go, you all. Get out of here. I can sense that a Captain is fighting outside. You may not have long to leave," Kaien said.

"What about you?" Ganju asked, his expression distorting into a mess of reluctance made all the more striking with the tears in the man's eyes. It was natural though. A man would only cry after the most emotional of things. A reunion with a dead brother could be categorized into this. No one present could ever look down on this expression, for they knew they would be much the same if they were in Ganju's shoes.

Kaien's response was only an expression of distress that infuriated the woman that was the closest to him.

"I say Fuck them all!" Kukaku roared out emotionally, swallowing back a sob that was threatening to burst out from within her. "The fact that they have you in this tower means that…"

This damn tower. As part of a Noble family of the Soul Society Kukaku knew that being locked within this tower meant a coming execution. It was just that, she could never have had imagined that the person to be locked inside would be her own brother. Kukaku cursed again as she looked away. She couldn't understand it. No, more accurately, she couldn't accept it.

The grip she had on Kaien increased to the point where her knuckles became white, yet Kaien showed no signs of discomfort. Rather, he quietly placed a hand on Kukaku's head and began patting it softly.

Stubborn Kukaku. You have to remember to respect your elders or you'll eventually get into a lot of trouble.

Her lip quivered as a particular memory flashed across her eyes. In fact, many had already come and gone from the moment she saw Kaien's face. It was the same for Ganju. And all of these memories were pointed towards a single thought.

He wasn't dead.

He was alive.

He was close enough that she could touch him.

And he was to be put to death?

She couldn't approve of it even if the Head-Captain were standing before her. Hell, she'd probably even toss an explosive fire cracker if anyone insisted on it.

However, Kaien didn't appear to pay any head to the emotions in Kukaku and Ganju's eyes.

"I can't go," he spoke softly, the sound able to pierce into Kukaku's and Ganju's hearts like a vile thorn. "I've become part of a hollow."

The admission was met with shocked expressions. Yet perhaps the most shocked was Kaien himself, as he had thought it was enough to get the two holding his arms to let go. How would he have had known that they would only hold him tighter?

His expression stiffened, but to the rest, it looked as if he had been greatly moved.

"We're going to take you out of here, part hollow or not," Kukaku spoke lowly, determination swelling in her voice. "We are of the Shiba family, and family matters are to be left amongst family."

Kukaku immediately began strong arming Kaien towards the exit of the tower.

T-This, what the hell?

Kaien was perplexed. How did things come to this? All he wanted was to somehow drive everyone out of the room bar Rukia, but it seemed as if his strategy had backfired. He knew his tasks from the very moment Aizen had spoken with him. If everything was to go well, then he would accompany Rukia to Soukyoku hill and make sure she ended up there. Anywhere else may mean death as Aizen had not specified.

As a protest was about to well out from his mouth, he suddenly felt that he couldn't say anything. It was odd. Staring at his two sibling's expressions, he felt inclined to protect them and not hurt them in any way like he was planning. What the fuck was going on with him?

He shook his head. Unbeknownst to him, a reaction was occurring within his body.

The Surge of the Waters and the Heavens.

Nejibana was stirring.

"Kukaku, Ganju, we can't go out like this," Kaien persisted. "If the two of you are caught taking me out of this tower, then the repercussions for you two will be unimaginable."

Kukaku grunted. "Better us three dying together than dying alone," she spoke fearlessly. "Oi, ya brats! Hurry up and take the Kuchiki out of there. The restraints on them seal their spiritual energy making it difficult for them to move."

"Ah, yes!" Orihime said, moving to Rukia's side to give her a hand.

Karin took Rukia's other side. "I may not be Ichigo, but I can help too. Besides, there's still another person I want to save, and you may know where she is."

"You two, wait," Rukia bowed her head low. "Lt. Shiba is right. It's best for you guys not to get involved. you'll only bring danger to yourselves."

"Tch," Ishida clicked his tongue. "At this point Kuchiki, we're already in trouble caught with you or not."

Chad nodded his head on the side.

"That being the case, I'd rather you answer a question of mine," Ishida said as he pushed up his glasses.

During that night when Rukia was taken away, Ishida had fallen into a state of unconsciousness. During that time, he could vaguely recall the presence of another joining the battlefield in his bleary state of mind. However, he still managed to catch a glimpse, and upon further thought, he finally deduced why the image had stuck with him despite the relative blurs of the rest.

It was because he knew the person. He had even trained with her.

"Ms. Kuchiki, you wouldn't happen to know where they may had taken another human would you?" Ishida asked. After all, this other human was a fellow Quincy, and not someone, he as a Quincy himself, could abandon.

Unexpectedly, there was someone else paying rapt attention to Rukia's answer, and that was Karin whose hands had balled into tight fists. Ishida paid it no notice though.

"About that," Rukia seemed troubled.

"The Twelfth Division's research barracks," Kaien said. "Captain Mayuri was the one who had taken her so its most likely that she's kept in that Captain's lab."

"Lab?" Karin's expression seemed to stiffen, but neither Rukia nor Kaien elaborated further.

"Enough talk for now," Kukaku interrupted. "We'll have time to discuss amongst ourselves after we've gotten out of here and towards a safe location."

"Fine," Karin replied, her tone clipped as she brooded silently to herself, a mirror of her older brother Ichigo's general expression.

The group quickly walked out of the room and back onto the wooden bridge spanning the distance to the tower and the exit. However, the group was not moving as fast as they should have because of both Rukia and Kaien's indecision on the matter. As Shinigami, they knew their duties, and the exact rules that they had broken. As such, death was already the known punishment. What they would be doing now by running away form it was harming their own self image.

Kukaku would have none of it, and Ganju would never try to protest it. Under Kukaku's persistence, Kaien and Rukia were taken half-way past the bridge in just a couple of moments; Rukia unable to put up much of a fuss under Kukaku's assertiveness and her friends insistence, and Kaien remaining silent, allowing the group to move at a faster pace.

Yet nothing could prepare them to face the crippling Spiritual pressure that descended from above.

"Geh," Karin clicked her tongue as she was forcible brought down to her knees along with everyone else.

The sky was died red, a torrent of power beating forth strong winds that whipped harshly against everyone's faces. The pressure was malefic and vile, something that had the power to drive others away with its presence alone.

"Damn it," Kukaku shielded her eyes and attempted to look for the source of such an energy, but balked upon finally locating it.

Evidently, she wasn't the only one. The faces of those present were as if they had seen a monster, and in fact, it probably was.

"Move to Soukyoku Hill. It's a natural formation in tandem with the Soukyoku that should ward off the pressure," Kaien spoke in the tenseness.

Yet, no one replied to him, and no one moved.

Petrified under the absent gaze of the towering giant before them.


Moments earlier.

"Any chance we could avoid this?" Shunsui called out lazily, yawning into one hand.

"Yeah right," Apacci sneered. "Like we'd run away from a Shinigami."

"Exactly," Mila Rose followed swift. "Your kind always attack ours, so it's only natural."

"Is that so?" Shunsui leisurely tilted his straw hat. "To me, it seems more like the both of you want to indulge in a battle frenzy." Shunsui sighed before he plopped down on the wooden ground and sat comfortably. "And of course, it just had to be me to deal with this while the Head-Captain finally takes to the field. How unlucky."

"Unlucky?" Mila Rose scoffed. "Your lucky you're not facing Lady Harribel or Shirou, perhaps even Starrk."

"Harribel, Starrk, and Shirou? I'll have to remember that if I can. Stronger than you yes? Would you like a drink?" Shunsui inquired as he pulled out a small sake container.

Mila Rose was infuriated with the response, her mouth opening to reveal the sharp canines within as her hairs stood up on end. Vain vulgarities were threatening to spew out from within her, yet at the point that she was about to burst, she was interrupted.

"Stop talking Mila Rose, something seems wrong here," Apacci frowned. "Oi, you ugly old man. Why does it seem like you're preparing yourself for a vacation rather than a fight?"

Shunsui gave a very honest look to Apacci but didn't say anything, his actions were enough of an indication. "Fighting's tiring," he simply complained.

"Stop acting so smug," Sung-Sun called, hiding her mouth behind a pale hand. "You're as guilty as the other two," she then goaded.

"Oh?" Shunsui expression shifted into one of surprise, but did not react much at all.

Irritation welled up on Sung-Sun's face. It was a first for her to handle such an opponent who didn't seem to consider her on an even level now that she'd become a Vasto Lorde. In any case, at least she was better off than the other two who'd already started to become muddle headed. "It's not as if you'd let us go now that we're in front of you. Rather you have no intention to despite siting there," she said with a huff.

"Found out so easily, huh?" Shunsui smiled wryly. "To be frank I don't really enjoy this fighting stuff. I'd much rather prefer a good drink, but I can't let you harm my colleagues either. What would you say if I offered to just lead you to my barracks until this whole thing blows over?"

"Who would agree to that?" Apacci said.

Mila Rose and Sung-Sun were of similar mind.

"How unfortunate," Shunsui said as he stood up and placed away his drink. "Then what say we all play a little children's game?"

"Enough with this bullshit!" Mila Rose growled before she pounced forward. "If you're not attacking then I will."

"Hmm," Shunsui hummed at Mila Rose's approach, slowly drawing forth his blade. "Flower Wind Rage and Flower God Roar, Heavenly Wind Rage and Heavenly Demon Sneer: Katen Kyōkotsu."

The Zanpakuto in Shunsui's hands morphed into two large black and heavily curved Chinese scimitars with silver edges.

Promptly, he pointed at Mila Rose, and called out a single word. "White."

"?" Mila Rose was completely befuddled, but didn't stop her attack.

Shunsui was wide open. The man didn't even seem to be going to put up a defence.

Damn bastard. Mila Rose, clenched her fist tighter, her power coalescing into a single punch in correlation to her building fury. Shunsui didn't even seem to put her into his eyes.

Well then, lets see how you are after taking this!

The wood splintered beneath her, the sound of flesh meeting fabric echoing out in the battlefield.

And at that moment, not only was Mila Rose dazed, but so were Apacci and Sung-Sun.

"B-But that's impossible," Apacci muttered in shock.

Shunsui gave out a small laugh as he stood in his original spot, Mila Rose's fist still planted on his chest where it struck his pink kimono that was over his white Captain's Haori.

"Really now," Shunsui spoke. "It's all just a game. A child's game. Irooni, a game of colours."

Saying that, Shunsui raised his sword and tapped gently against the white hollow bone armour on Mila Rose's body.


"Mila Rose!" Sung-Sun called.

Neither Sung-Sun, Apacci, or Mila Rose could believe it.

That gentle tap from Shunsui left a cut that deeply gauged into Mila Rose's body.

"What trickery is this?" Mila Rose grit out through the pain.

As impossible as it may be, it had already occurred, and Mila Rose was experienced enough to know when to retreat. Smashing the ground as a cover, she appeared haggardly next to Sung-Sun, a hand attempting to close the wound.

Shunsui remained standing where he was. "Katen Kyōkotsu is a fickle thing," he spoke slowly. "It enacts the rules of children's games and forcibly implements them in battle after one is submerged in its sphere of influence. Irooni is much the same. In this color-based game, you say the name of the color you want to attack, and you cannot attack anything else. If the color that you call does not exist on your body, then the damage is minimal even if the attack would normally inflict a much more severe wound. In this case, I called the colour white which is on the majority of both of our bodies. In your case, you struck at pink, leaving barely any damage at all. Meanwhile I tapped on the colour white, and its strength is in proportion to the ratio of the colour white on me."

Shunsui flourished his white Haori. "As you can see, it covers a large portion of my body, thus the damage."

"How troublesome," Sung-Sun spoke. "But why tell us this if you have the advantage?"

"Because it's you turn," Shunsui shrugged. "And I'm barely ever one to willingly take the initiative."

"Ho, is that so?" Sung-Sun said wearily. In any case, she still lifted her finger and charged a cero. "Then I call white." Even if the pink kimono was in the way, the blast should encompass everything.

"I call white as well," Apacci yelled charging in at the same time.

Shunsui raised a brow before letting out a small smile before he jumped up high into the air dodging both.

"Brown," was all Shunsui said again, disappearing and then reappearing behind Apacci aiming for her brown fur.

"Shit," Apacci cursed, turning her body to the side, however, a flash of inspiration hit her as she then decided to raise up her arms which had white hollow bone armour.

"Nice move," Shunsui complimented. "However, Katen Kyōkotsu is a very fickle lady. Who says we're still playing the same game anymore? Takaoni!"

The expression on Apacci's face paled as she noticed Shunsui's blade cutting into her arm.


She twisted her body to escape, but it was already too late. With a thud, Apacci was sent crumbling to the hard wood, rolling heavily to a stop where she lay breathing heavily; her injuries far worse than Mila Rose's. Yet, Apacci was strong willed.

Coughing out blood, she still had the strength to stand and make her way over towards Sung-Sun and Mila Rose.

"Curses," Sung-Sun's eyes narrowed on Shunsui as soon as she had made sure Apacci was still alive. The current battle felt impossible. They couldn't even use their numbers to suppress this man with all the tricks Shunsui had up his sleeves.

What was Takaoni? Probably a new game, Sung-Sun quickly concluded. Still, she waited to see if she would get an explanation. Unfortunately, none seemed to be coming as Shunsui just stood there waiting, a small grin on his face.

Injured as Apacci was, her pride hurt more.

"Stupid old man, you won't be laughing for much longer," Apacci grumbled before turning her attention away. "Sung-Sun, Mila Rose!"

"No need to yell," Sung-Sun said. "But indeed, that may be our only way. You know what happens if this doesn't work?"

Apacci gavea nod while Mila Rose gave no reply, her actions were enough.

The three moved towards the air and tore off their right arms, tossing them together in a trail of red spiritual energy that assimilated and merged together.

"Well that's new?" Shunsui's eyes widened as he used an arm to shield his eyes from the strong winds generated by the towering spiritual pressure that erupted violently around.

Everything in the world seemed to freeze in that moment, the spiritual energy of three Vasto Lordes fusing into one.

And in the stillness, only two words resounded from the shout of three voices calling out together.

"Quimera Parca!"

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