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Chapter 35: Chapter 35: A God vs A Demon!

Gan Fall and the remaining of Luffy's crew were currently staring up into the thunder cloud infested sky where Luffy disappeared into. Gan Fall had a bewildered look on his face because he had never seen anything like this before.

"I have never seen the heavens this angry before," he said in a whisper loud enough for everyone to hear him.

"It's not the heavens," Sanji replied before he lit a new cigarette.

"It's just our captain who is angry," Nami said. All of them were still standing around Robin and Chopper, who was still treating Robin's wounds.

"What should we do now, Nami?" Usopp asked as he turned his attention to their navigator. Nami thought about it for a while before she gave him her response.

"For now, we need to get the ship away from the Upper Yard," she said. Just as she said that a bolt of lightning came down from the sky and struck the sacrificial alter destroying it completely. Chunks from the destroyed alter were blown everywhere with some of them even heading in the direction of the ship. Sanji, Usopp, and Gan Fall immediately sprang into action to defend the ship with Sanji kicking away some of the debris from hitting the ship, Usopp using his slingshot to shoot some of them out of the air, and Gan Fall using his javelin to stop a few of them.

"Nami's right," Sanji said as he kicked another giant rock away. "We need to get out of here. heaven knows how much of is power Luffy is going to release," he said causing everyone to nod their heads in agreement.

"Chopper, you should take Robin inside," Nami said as he looked over to the little reindeer who was treating Robin's wounds.

"Aye!" Chopper replied before he transformed into his heavy point and pick Robin up bridal style and carried her inside. Sanji then walked over to the anchor and pulled it up from the cloud sea while Nami and Usopp untied the sails.

"We are going to have to use the Crow to push us because there is no wind around here," Usopp said before he walked over to the side and hopped onto the Crow. He rigged the small boat that Conis loaned to them to the back the Going Merry before turning on the dials causing the small ship to act as a propeller for the Going Merry. The crew then began sailing out of the Upper yard the same they came in. On their way out they were all startled when someone landed on the main deck. Thinking that it is an enemy they all quickly turned their attention to the spot where they heard the land with all their weapons drawn. However, they all relaxed when they saw that it was only Nojiko who was standing in the center of the main deck with her three-section stall around her neck.

"You all weren't planning on leaving me, here were you?" Nojiko asked with a smile. "Where is the rest of the guys?" she asked as she looked around and did not see Luffy, Zoro, Robin, or Chopper.

"That Enel guy attacked Robin; Chopper is treating her inside. Zoro hasn't returned yet and Luffy went to kill Enel," Nami explained.

"Is Robin alright?" Nojiko asked with a worried look on her face.

"She has some burns, but look to be good for the most part," Nami replied causing her sister to nod her head while getting out a sigh of relief at the same time. Nojiko then looked up at the sky before she chuckled.

"I take it Luffy is beyond angry," she said.

"That's putting it lightly," Nami, Sanji, and Usopp replied simultaneously. The Merry then began its journey to exit the Upper Yard with the help of Gan Fall directing them.

**With Zoro**

Zoro was currently standing inside of a dome made of barbed wire like clouds along with 5 Shandorians, one of Enel's priests, 4 weird goat guys who work for Enel, a giant dog, and a giant snake. It had been a strange fight, to say the least. Every time Zoro was making headway against the priest he was either attacked by one of the Shandorians or by the dog. The only reason he is not heavily wounded is because of his observation haki. To be fair, he was not exactly taking things all that seriously after all he only had two of his swords drawn and he had not used his armament Haki yet. Currently, all the fighting had ceased due to that sky turning black with thunder and lightning flashing across the sky.

"You all should just give up," the priest said as he rests his sword against his shoulder. "There is no escaping almighty Enel's prophecy! And It seems as though he has grown impatient with all of you and is ready to bestow his divine Judgement!" The priest said causing Zoro to chuckle.

"I don't know about your god, but it looks like my captain is very pissed off," Zoro said getting everyone's attention.

"You're captain just like the rest of you Blue Sea dwellers, he is we-" the priest began before he was abruptly cut off by a bolt of black lightning coming down the sky breaking through the dome cage as if it was made of paper and striking him down. When the bolt of lightning dissipated everyone there was shocked to see the priest lying flat on his back with Luffy standing above him with his right foot on the priest's head pressing it down into the ground.

"I'm going to ask a question one time and one time only and if you want to live you are going to answer me," Luffy said with a murderous look on his face as he stared down at the priest who was beneath his foot. "Where is Enel?" he asked he increase pressure on the priest's head. His foot was covering the man's mouth so the priest couldn't even answer him. "Not going to answer huh, well that's too bad," Luffy said before he increased the pressure on the man's head exponentially crushing it like a grape under his boot. The onlooker had their eyes widen in shock at what they just witnessed. That man was one of Enel's priests, one of the strongest warriors in all the Upper Yard and yet he was killed so easily.

"How dare you!" the goat guys dressed in white robes yelled before they all rushed at Luffy trying to take him from behind. Luffy, however, did not move a single muscle he just stood there. "Take this!" they yelled as all of them pointed an open palm at Luffy.

"Axe Dial!" they all yelled as they activated their dials sending four pressurized wind blades at Luffy who just stared at his four attackers with a bored expression on his face. The wind blades sliced right through Luffy cutting his torso into three pieces and separating his neck from his body. What happened next surprised everyone there except Zoro. Luffy's body just turned into lightning and placed itself back together again as if nothing had happened to begin with.

"A logia user," whispered the leader of the Shandorians.

"That was a big mistake," Luffy, before he raised his right hand and pointed an open palm at his four attackers as electric blue lightning surrounds his palm.

"El Thor!" Luffy said lowly. As he said that a giant cylindrical beam about 10 ft wide shot out from his hand and engulfed the four attackers incinerating them along with everything that was behind them. When the beam disappeared and Luffy lowed his hand, the four men were nowhere to be seen nor was any of the ruins that were behind them.

"Umm, is everything alright Captain?" Zoro asked while looking at his captain.

"God paid Robina visit," Luffy said in a cold emotionless voice.

"Is she alright?" Zoro asked.

"She's fine. She is with Chopper now," Luffy replied as he looked around.

"I think he is up there," Zoro said while pointing at the giant beanstalk. Luffy looked over at the beanstalk which seems to go all the way up to the heavens, which is saying something considering that they were already pretty high up, to begin with.

"Well then, by all means, let us bring almighty god down from his golden throne," Luffy said with anger ever so press in his voice. He then walked to the edge of the dome where the beanstalk is. He held his right hand in front of him before clenching his fist causing pitch-black lightning to surround his body.

"Second Gear!" he said causing the black lightning around the body to intensify along with the thunder and lightning flashing in the sky. Luffy then pointed his index and middle finger just away from the giant beanstalk before he spoke again.

"Heaven's Sword!" he said in a menacing voice as he slashed his two fingers horizontally across the air leaving a small trail of black lightning following his fingertips. Two seconds after the slash was complete the deafening sound of a thunderclap shook the entire island and at the same time, the giant beanstalk was cut into two.

"H-he...he just cut Giant Jack down with his finger," one of the Shandorians whispered in awe and fear.

"What is he?" another asked. Even Zoro was somewhat surprised by this. He had thought that there was nothing Luffy could do to surprise him anymore, but he was wrong. The man just sliced a giant beanstalk with a finger, not a sword but his finger. The other thing that surprised Zoro was the black lightning, he had never seen Luffy used such an ability before. It made him realized that there were a lot of things about his captain's power that they did not know about. The beanstalk which was apparently named Giant Jack began to fall towards the West of the island.

**Angel Island**

"Everyone, look!" a Skypiean yelled out while pointing in the direction of the Upper Yard. "Giant Jack is falling!" the man yelled out causing everyone to look to the see the giant beanstalk tilting more and more with every passing second.

"What is going on over there!?" asked the leader of the White Berets. "First the heavens tuned black and now Giant Jack is falling. Just what is Enel doing over there?" he asked.

"Is this all because of those Blue Sea dwellers?" a person asked in fear.

"Do you think it is them who did this?" another asked in fear.

"People, please be at ease!" yelled out the captain of the White Berets trying to calm the public down. "We of the White Berets shall protect you!" he said.

**On the Going Merry**

The Straw Hats had dropped anchor some distance off the island. The crew was extremely lucky to run into Conis and her father who had come to the Upper Yard in hopes of guiding the Straw Hats to their escape. They used a series of dials to help the straw hats take a shot cut out of the Upper yard and to safety.

"Father, look," Conis said while pointing to Giant Jack. "Giant Jack is falling," she said as she stared at the falling beanstalk.

"Oh my, you're right," said Pagaya as he too stared up at the falling beanstalk.

"Just what could have cut a tree as mighty of Giant Jack down!?" Asked Gan Fall.

"Luffy," replied the straw hats casually.

**With Luffy**

As the beanstalk was Falling Luffy spread his arms out wide and spoke while looking up to the heavens.

"What's the matter, God?!" he shouted out knowing very well that Enel was on an island cloud just above them. "Afraid to show your face?" he mockingly asked trying to get under the so-called god's skin. "I guess you're not so much of a god after all if you too scared to face me, a lowly human!" Luffy said with a mocking chuckle. Just as he uttered those words a bold of electric blue lightning struck down 20 ft behind him reveling a man standing there holding a staff made of gold.

"How dare you speak to me, a god in such a manner," the man who was clearly Enel said with a cold look on his face. "You should be on your knees begging me to show you mercy," he added arrogantly causing Luffy to raise his eyebrow at him. Luffy was not exactly paying attention to anything he was saying. He was instead more focused on the so-called god's appearance. He was a pale-skinned man with a well-toned yet somewhat wiry build. Very distinctly, Enel's earlobes stretch all the way to his chest, being weighed down by gold earrings with diamond-shaped pendants. Upon his back, stuck centrally into his shoulder blades, is a large, gray ring and attached to it four wooden shime-daiko drums set next to and above his head, each with cream-colored drum skin depicting a black mitsudomoe on the front and back. Luffy had to admit, he had seen some strange people in his time on the grand Lin but this sure takes the cake. Apparently, while Luffy was focusing on the man's appearance, Enel had continued talking. When Luffy realized this, he shook his head clear before speaking.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention. Could you repeat all of that?" He asked with a slight smirk knowing very well he was pissing the god off.

"You scoundrel!" Enel yelled before he pointed his staff at Luffy.

"Sango!" he bellowed releasing a massive charge of electricity from his hand which traveled through the golden staff before blasting out of the staff in the direction of Luffy who just stood there and did nothing. The blast engulfed his entire upper body and lasted for three seconds. When it disappeared, it revealed the entire top half of Luffy's body gone along with it leaving only his lower half still standing there. Enel smirked in satisfaction for a few seconds before his smirk disappeared when particles of lightning from all over began gathering around Luffy's missing upper body rebuilding it. The process did not take more than a second before his entire body was back to normal as if nothing happened to begin with.

"Were you not paying attention?" Luffy asked with a bored expression on his face. "I am lightning itself. Your attacks mean nothing to me," he said with a smirk before he wiped the smirk off his own face and spoke in a chilling tone. "You are either a paramecia type user or a Zoan type user, either way," he said before he disappeared and then reappearing in front of Enel with his fist buried in his gut causing the god to cough up some blood before blasting off into some of the ruins due to the force behind the punches. "You have a physical form!" Luffy said emotionlessly as he watched the god breakthrough multiple ruins before coming to a stop 40 ft away.

"He just sent Enel flying like it was nothing," said a Shandorian warrior wielding two pistols.

"This is unreal," said another as they stared between Luffy and the downed Enel in awe.

"Hey! Blue Sea dweller!" yelled a Shandorian, who was obviously the leader. "Enel is mine to kill and right now you're in my way!" he said as he began walking towards Luffy.

"Hmm?" Luffy said looking over to the warrior walking towards him. "You are that gorilla that attacked my crew down on the White Sea," he noted as he stared at the man. "You couldn't even handle my crew and you think you got what it takes to fight me?" Luffy asked as he raised an eyebrow. "What arrogance," he stated coldly.

"This is none of you blue sea monkeys business," the warrior said. "Stop meddling in the affairs of our people!" the man yelled as he continued to walk towards Luffy.

"I could care less about you and your people," Luffy said coldly causing the warriors to growl before acting the dials on his shoes and charged after Luffy.

"Wyper no!" the other Shandorian warriors yelled. Luffy just looked on as the warrior named Wyper got closer and closer to him. Wyper then leaped up aiming both of his legs to kick Luffy in the chest.

'Fool,' Luffy thought as he stared at the oncoming attack. When Wyper's shoes impacted Luffy's chest everyone was surprised to see that it hit Luffy and did not faze through him as they all had expected. Even Luffy was surprised by this. 'Sea prism stone!' he thought to himself as he realized what was going on. Luffy then suddenly dropped to hos back feeling incredibly weak. Wyper did not let up he quickly planted both feet on Luffy's chest and stood there causing Luffy to lose a lot of strength to fight.

"Being from the blue sea world I am sure you are familiar with the mineral known as sea prism stone," Wyper said cockily.

"Is that it?" Luffy asked weakly while staring up at the warrior causing him to growl. "Sure, sea prism stones weaken devil fruit users however, it does not take their powers away," he said before suddenly grabbing the legs of the Shandorian surprising him. "It just makes us feel incredibly weak which in turn causes us to not be able to control our powers," he said enlightening the Shandorian. "But when you have the power of lightning-like I do. Who needs control," he said before he released a great surge of electricity from his body with no desirable target. Because he was holding onto Wyper's legs when the discharge occurred, the Shandorian warrior was electrocuted him causing his eyes to roll back into his head and him to fall over unconscious. Luffy then got up and dusted himself off and looked in the direction of where he sent Enel off to.

"Wyper is down," said one of the Shandoriands.

"What should we do?" another asked.

"I would advise your take your leader and leave here," Zoro suddenly said to them. "If the captain is going to cut lose you don't want to be around here when it happens," he said warning the Shandorians. Not even a second later they all grabbed their leader and ran. They had seen Enel's power firsthand and that was frightening, but Luffy's power was on an entirely different level from his.

"How dare you do this me, you insufferable little brat!" growled Enel as he began to pick himself up. "I am a god!" he yelled out before wiping some blood from the side of his mouth. "I've had just enough of you!" he said before lightning surrounds his body and he grew a few feet in height. His appearance changed slightly as well. His hair grew slightly and stood up straight as if it were defying gravity, his muscles became more defined, and his face became fiercer. "Allow me to give you a glimpse into the godly powered of my Human-Human Fruit: Model Amaru!" he said arrogantly with a smirk on his face while spinning his golden staff.

"Arrogant as ever," Luffy said with a sigh as he shook his head before he turned to Zoro. "Get out of here, Zoro," he said causing his vice-captain to nod his head before running and jumping off the island cloud that they were on. Luffy then held up his right hand and surrounded his palm with lightning before adding armament haki to the lightning causing his to turn into black lightning.

"Second Gear!" he said before clenching his fist and absorbing the black lightning into his body. Not even a second after doing that sparks of black lightning appeared all around his body.

"You made a big mistake messing with a member of my crew," Luffy said coldly as he narrowed his eyes. "Now you are going to die a slow and painful death," he said in a chilling tone before he kicked off the ground and dashed forward towards the god at top speed destroying the ground he once stood on in the process. Even though Enel knew what attack Luffy was going to do thanks to him knowing observation haki, he could not block the attack in time. Luffy appeared in front of him at speeds faster than lightning itself and delivered an uppercut to the false god sending him airborne at the speed of lightning. Luffy then bent his knees slightly and looked up with narrowed eyes at the so-called god ascending into the thundercloud infested sky. He then kicked off from the ground traveled straight-up breaking the sound barrier on the process. Enel, who regained some of his senses, looked down and saw Luffy flying towards him at blinding speed. He gritted his teeth before he tapped two of the drums on his back with his golden staff causing them to glow electric blue before, he pointed his staff at the incoming Luffy and yelled out.

"God's Judgement!" He bellowed out as lightning traveled from his hands through the staff and a large beam of lightning shot out of the tip of his staff heading directly to Luffy. With Luffy being in the air, Enel had expected that he had no way to dodge the oncoming attack. Luffy just smirked as the beam of lightning got closer and closer. he then turned his body into a bolt of black lightning just as Enel's beam of blue lightning impacted him. Enel smirked victoriously when he saw that his attack hit its target, but the smirk vanished from his face when he saw his previously blue beam of lightning began turning black from the bottom up. When the entire beam of lightning turned completely black the beam disappeared revealing Luffy floating directly in front of Enel.

"Thanks for the ride," Luffy said coldly causing Enel's eyes to widen in horror. Luffy caught a glint in the corner of his eyes of something shinning off to their left. Deciding to investigate it, he did the only thing he could do in a situation like this. He covered his fist in lightning infused haki punched Enel in the direction of the glint that the saw.

"Gungnir!" Luffy said as he punched the false god in the face. As his fist impacted the Enel's face a loud thunderclap was heard throughout Skypiea. Enel once again blasted off in the direction of the glint that Luffy saw breaking the sound barrier in the process. As Luffy what Enel fly towards the island cloud that he saw the glint on, he turned his body into a bolt of black lightning and shot up into the thunder clouds using the electricity particles inside of them to travel faster. When Enel was directly above the island cloud a bolt of black lightning came out of the struck him right in the chest sending him barreling down towards the cloud. As soon as he impacted the cloud, his body bounced back up about 3 feet off the surface of the cloud. It was then Luffy appeared once more and slammed his foot into Enel's stomach, stomping him back down into the cloud causing him to cough up a large amount of blood. In the process of coughing up all that blood Enel's body shifted back to his original state and all the lightning around him faded away.

"Would you look at that," Luffy said as he looked off to his right at the giant golden bell that was sitting on the cloud. "That must be the bell that Noland talked about in his journal," he noted as he admired the bell. he also took note of the Poneglyph that was attached to the base of the bell.

"Robin is going to want to see that,' he thought as he stared at the Poneglyph.

"!" Enel growled out weakly getting Luffy's attention. "It will be a great addition to the Ark Maxim," he said in a weak voice causing Luffy to raise an eyebrow at him.

"What the hell is an Ark Maxim?" Luffy asked while staring at the god.

"It is the ship I've been building for the past six years...*Cough**Cough*" he replied in a hoarse voice. "After I kill you, I am going destroy this sky island and send it back to the blue sea word before taking that bell and sailing on to Endless Vearth!" he said causing Luffy to look at him a though he was crazy.

"I got news for you, God," Luffy said as he bent down and whispered into Enel's ears. "You are going to live past the next ten minutes," he said in a chilling tone sending shivers down Enel's spine.

"I-I can't die," Enel said as he stared at Luffy with wide eyes. "I am a god," he said causing Luffy to shake his head.

"For the last time!" Luffy said coldly as he raised his leg off Enel only to slam it back down into his midsection causing him to cough up more blood. "You are not a god!" Luffy yelled out as he stomped on Enel some more causing him to let go of the golden staff he had. Luffy eyed the golden staff a bit before picking it up and twirling it around in his hand and spinning it around his body. "hmmm, I never did see myself as a swordsman," he said as he places his other hand on the sword strapped his side. "But this staff feels right in my hand," he said before looked back at Enel. "I think I'll keep it," he said with a chuckle.

Luffy then summoned his thundercloud that had all his stuff inside of it. The cloud came up beside Luffy and hovered there in place before something began rising from inside the cloud. It was a big fruit basket containing a variety of fruits. Luffy then looked back at Enel and spoke with a smirk on his face.

"You have such a rare devil fruit," he said with a smile while looking at Enel. "You mind if I take it, would you?" he asked in a chilling voice causing the beaten god's eyes to widen in horror. Luff then laughed coldly before looking at Enel and speaking in a menacing tone. "Well, you don't really have a choice in the matter," he said causing the already pale man to go even paler. Luffy then turned Enel over onto his stomach before grabbing both god's arms and pulling them back towards him.

"Wait! No stop!" Enel begged as he began feeling the pain of his arms about to break. "Have mercy! please!" he begged Luffy whose eyes just took on a cold emotionless look before he spoke in an emotionless tone.

"Did you show my crew member mercy when you electrocuted her," he said menacingly before shaping both of Enel's arms back causing the sickening sound of Enel's shoulders popping out of its socket to be heard.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Enel screamed out in pain. Luffy then let go of his arms before walking over to his legs. He then covered his right foot in haki before stomping on Enel's left foot breaking it.

"Did you even think of showing her mercy?" Luffy asked before he walked around to the other foot. "Or was she just an insect for you to crush under your boot?" he asked before breaking the left foot in the same manner or the right.

"AHHHh!" Enel continued to scream loudly. Luffy then turned him back over placed the bottom of his newly owned golden staff on Enel's chest.

"This is going to hurt, a lot," Luffy said in a cold tone before black lightning traveled from his hand through the golden staff and into Enel's body. As soon as the black lightning entered his body Enel let out a blood-curling scream which echoed though out Skypiea. The people of the sky were already frightened when they saw the heavens turned black and when Giant jack fell, but that screamed scared them even more than anything else. "Hurts doesn't it?" Luffy asked with a sadistic smirk on his face.

"Noo, please! No more!" Enel begged but Luffy paid him no mine.

"That is 1000 volts, let's try 10,000," Luffy said he increased the voltage. "100,000," he said once again increasing the voltage. "1 million!" he said he pushed it even further. Enel opened his mouth to scream but no sound came out. Luffy stopped after ten seconds and stared down at Enel who was foaming at the mouth. Luffy then placed the golden staff on the thunder cloud with the fruit basket before walking towards the giant golden bell. He stopped once he was about halfway there and looked back at Enel who was currently unconscious. "Why don't you help me ring this bell," Luffy said before he pointed his open palm at the fallen god causing a bolt of black lightning to fire out and wrap itself around Enel's neck. Luffy then grabbed a hold of the rope made of lightning before he started to swing Enel's body around like a windmill. With every cycle that Enel went around Luffy increased the speed at which he was spinning him until finally Luffy made a step forward and slammed the into the giant bell with such force that it knocked the bell back and off the island cloud causing it to fall down towards the upper yard. As Enel impacted the bell Luffy increased the temperature of the bolt of lightning that wrapped around his neck to such a degree where it sliced right through Enel's neck decapitating him. Enel's head rolled on the surface of the island cloud while his body went over the side of the cloud with the bell. Luffy then quickly turned and looked at the fruit basket and a red apple turning electric blue before swirl patterns appeared on it. When Luffy saw that he smirked victoriously.

Luffy walked over the Enel's head and picked it up by his hair before walking back to the thundercloud. He was about to hop onto the cloud but stopped when the sounds of the beautiful sounds of the bell ringing filled his ears causing him to smile. He then picked up his staff and the newly made devil fruit before hopping onto the cloud and flying off to the location of the golden bell. He arrived almost at the edge of the Upper yard where Bell had landed. When he got there, he saw that it was still swinging back and forth playing its sweet song for all to hear. He then turned his attention to the Poneglyph and closed his eyes as if he were trying to hear something. after a few seconds, he opened his eyes and smiled.

"A weapon huh," he said with a chuckle before hopping back on the cloud and head in the direction where he sensed Zoro being. After picking up a lost Zoro the two of them made their way to the ship which was currently sailing towards the Upper yard along with multiple other ships that had both Skypieans and Shandorians. The thundercloud stopped just in front of all the ships causing all of them to stop as well. Luffy walked forward with his golden staff in one hand the Enel's head in the next. "Guess he wasn't that much of a god," Luffy said as he held up Enel's head for all to see. he then tossed the head into the White White sea before hopping onto the Going Merry.

"He killed Enel..."A Shandorian said in awe as he stared at the sinking head.

"Unbelievable, he killed god," a random Skypiean said causing Luffy to sigh and shake his head before looking around his ship. He saw that there were more people on board his ship than he had left. There was his crew along with Gan Fall, Conis and her father, a little Shandorian girl, and those Shandorians and their leader that was fighting with Zoro. Before he could say anything to all of them Gan fall stepped forward and spoke.

"You have killed Enel and freed the people of the sky from his tyrannical rule," he said in a voice filled with gratitude. "How can we ever repay you, young man?" he asked while looking at Luffy. Luffy looked around and saw that the other Skypieans were all nodding their heads in approval of what Gan Fall was doing along with a few Shandorians.

"Well, I am kind of hungry," Luffy said as he rubbed his belly. "And we would appreciate some of the gold that Enel stole," he added causing his crew to smile especially Nami.

"That can be done," Gan fall said with a smile. "We sky people have no uses for gold really, a lot of us don't even know what it is," he said causing Luffy to nod in understanding.

"Hey! Straw Hat!" yelled out someone getting Luffy's attention. When Luffy looked over to the side of his ship he saw the leader of the Shandorians who he electrocuted sitting against the main mast of his ship. "How dare you ring the Golden Bell. Only a Shandorian may ring it!" he yelled causing Luffy to narrow his eyes before a loud thunderclap sounded overhead frightening some people. "I suggest you check your attitude while you are on MY ship before I finish what I started earlier," Luffy said coldly causing Wyper to growl. "As for why I rang the bell, I got a friend who is a descendant of this guy named Noland so I rang it for him," he added with a shrug causing the chief of the Shandorians eyes to widen along with Wyper's. Luffy paid them no mind instead he walked up to the Upper deck where Nami was and spoke to her.

"What is it, Captain?" she asked.

"Has the log pose reset?" he asked while looking at her. Nami looked at the log pose on her wrist before she replied.

"No, not yet," she said causing him to smile.

"Well then, let that vacation we were all expecting when we got her to begin," he said before he walked into his captain's quarter leaving his crew smiling behind him.

"Luffy!" he heard the voice of Robin yelled out stopping him as he was about to enter his quarters. When he turned around, he saw Robin who had bandages all over her body looking up at him causing him to smile knowing what she was about to ask.

"The golden bell is located at the South-Western part of the island," he said before she could speak. "I was previously on an island could to the west of Giant Jack, but I knocked out off of there when I kill Enel," he said causing her to smile along with every other Skypiean. He then walked into his quarters and closed the door behind him. Luffy sat down on his bed and braced his golden staff against the wall before he reached under the bed and pulled out a chest. He then reached into his coat and pulled out a key before unlocking the chest and opening it revealing a chat filled with devil fruits.

'Thanks for the fruit, Enel,' he thought with a chuckle before closing the chest and sliding it back under his bed.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter even though I am not that happy with how it came out.

Next chapter we wrap up the Skypiea and we will see some of the reactions of the people on Jaya along with the Navy talking about some stuff. So until then see ya!

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AaronTaichou AaronTaichou

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