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Chapter 30: Chapter 29

The boy they were facing was beautiful, indubitably. His blue eyes betrayed the fact that one of his parents must have been a foreigner and Jimin felt them burning holes into the skin of his face so he decided to look downwards before a bright smile could strike him, unsure of what the dynamics between the stranger and his boyfriend have been. He didn't want to let himself be intimidated by something that happened way before they have met.

"I never thought I'd see you here." The boy chuckled after he said that and the sound distracted Jimin from the fingers that were still intertwined with his and that were meant to remind him that everything was alright.

"It's been a while, Minhyuk. You don't have to call me sir. I'm not your sir anymore." Jungkook's tone was playful and his hand moved so it could wrap around his lover's lower back, getting his attention.

"I guess old habits die hard." The younger was already changing his weight from one leg to the other but he decided to focus on his breathing, trying to think reasonably. No matter how pretty that Minhyuk was, he knew the tattoo artist had nothing to do with him and it was very improbable for that to change. "And who are you?"

"Park Jimin, my boyfriend." Jungkook presented him (he knew he wasn't necessarily fond of introductions) and he looked into ocean eyes as he extended his free hand for the other to grab. Being called his "boyfriend" and not his "submissive" must have taken the boy by surprise because his lips remained parted for a few seconds before they curled into an amiable smile.

"It's nice to meet you, Jimin! I'm sorry I've randomly interrupted your date, I didn't mean to intrude."

Maybe if that wouldn't have been the given situation, he would have befriended Minhyuk because the young man seemed to be very sweet.

"Don't worry about that." It stung a little bit – he wished that weekend would have belonged to them and them alone but unfortunately that was not how life worked and he had to deal with it.

"I'd love to catch up, Minhyuk, but we're in the middle of something." Jungkook's words lacked hostility and Jimin was endlessly grateful for their presence. It might have been selfish of him but he wanted to go back to being just the two of them, he wanted to continue to steal kisses and to have sweet things whispered to him because it was their getaway and the time was limited.

"Of course, I just wanted to say hi." Minhyuk smiled wider. "I hope you're happy, hyung."

"I am and I hope you are too."

The brown-haired boy couldn't remember how he got into the tunnel that lead to the sharks' area and realised what was going on only when he spotted two hammerhead sharks. He walked a little too fast in their direction and tried to read the few words that were written about that tank but realised he couldn't concentrate on their meaning, his anxiety probably playing tricks on him. There weren't a lot of things that could be said about the meeting and he had no idea if they were going to talk about it – half of him wanted to, the other half didn't.

"Min –" Jungkook sounded apologetic so he turned around and put a little smile on display in order to signalize that he wasn't upset at all. "What are you thinking about?"

"He's beautiful." The tattoo artist was ready to protest so he hurried to continue. "But you love me, not him."

Surprise was an insignificant word compared to what the man was truly feeling. He expected his baby to be upset, maybe even be anxious or slip in little space because of the unexpected event but the outcome was better than he could have imagined. He felt his heart swell at the thought of how much they've progressed since they first started dating – Jimin was slowly learning how to love himself and along that evolution came the growing trust in their relationship.

"You're right." Jungkook whispered and kissed his forehead through the caramel-coloured bangs. "I love you to Saturn and back, remember?"

The boy giggled and nodded before raising on his tiptoes and pecking inviting lips. An octopus plushie was bought in order to befriend the pink Korean one the boy received on their first date and he spent the evening pressed against a soft sweater, its owner making sure he wouldn't get lost. They decided to have room service for dinner and the following day came before they could protest, as they were both incredibly in need of sleep. Luckily for them, there were going to be fireworks in front of the Osaka castle as everyone was celebrating Hanami so they decided to spend the afternoon there, aware that there were going to be a lot of stands with everything they could have wished for.

They decided to rent traditional clothing so they would get lost into the landscape and enjoy the full experience. Jungkook chose a classic black yukata that had a dragon imprinted on the back so Jimin was the one who stole the show because he finally decided on a pale pink one, a baby blue strip securing it around his waist. The tattoo artist felt all the air being kicked out of his lungs as soon as his boyfriend stepped out of the dressing room and his expression must have been funny because the other giggled animated.

"You're looking like an angel."

"Thank you." There was a faint blush covering chubby cheeks. "You look very handsome too."

It was not rare for people to stare but Jungkook was sure it was because of his boyfriend's beauty and not because of the fact that he was wearing a cloth that was supposed to be dressed by a woman. The glittery lip gloss was on point and the artist's self control was getting out of hand, his own mouth always tingling for a taste. They wandered around for hours, hands locked together as they were pulled towards different areas by the curiosity invading their minds.

They were sitting on the grass when colours began exploding on the sky and Jimin jumped startled at first, earning a low chuckle and a innocent kiss on his cheek. His head was guided on a broad shoulder and he closed his eyes for a few seconds, enjoying the feeling surrounding him more than the show itself, hoping there would be similar moments in the future.

"Do you think it's possible for us to always be this happy?" It was more of a rhetorical question but Jungkook decided to answer it, not before kissing his lips.

"Happiness is having you by my side." He would have scrunched his nose at the cheesiness if his heart wouldn't have been so hurried - it sometimes felt like it was trying to leave his body. As soon as he felt a hand resting on his thigh he cupped a beautiful face and pressed their mouths together, orchestrating a gentle and languid kiss. He couldn't think of a place he would rather be in than where he currently was.

Jungkook's fingers remained glued to his body the entire evening and it was around midnight when they reached the hotel where they asked for their key from the reception desk. Their room was on the second floor of the building and as soon as the elevator's doors opened, the tattoo artist lifted his boyfriend into his arms, making him squeak in surprise. The yukata didn't allow him to wrap his arms around the other's middle but his anxiety faded away as soon as he was pressed against their door – room 707 – and Jungkook began leaving small bites on the side of his throat.

"The key."

"I'm on it, baby." They were making out as soon as they stepped inside and Jimin was already fumbling with the man's piece of clothing, trying to take it off. It was tied securely around the little waist so he puffed his cheeks in dissatisfaction, earning a grin and a playful slap on his backside. "Do you want to play, sweet thing?"

"Yes." Hands were groping his bum so he let out a shaky breath. "Green, yellow and mango." He hurried to say, causing for laughter to boom inside the room.

"Such an impatient kitten." Jungkook teased. "Go and sit on the bed like a good boy."

He didn't need to be told twice but gave up on the idea of undressing himself because he didn't receive clear instructions to do so. He sat on the edge of the bed and started swinging his legs as he watched his boyfriend moving around the room. The elder cracked the window and then grabbed two cans of soda from the mini-bar. Waiting was a form of submission so the boy didn't flinch, maintaining his position even if he was aching to be touched.

"Are you thirsty, baby?" He shook his head but gulped when Jungkook opened one of the cans and took a gulp of the sweet substance before placing it on the wooden table resting next to the TV they never turned on. His steps seemed almost calculated as he approached the expectant boy and his fingers cupped a small chin in order to tilt the head back. Browns found browns and they both smiled. "Lay on your back."

Jimin did and his breathing hitched when agile hands began tugging at the material covering him, parting the sides of the yukata and revealing almost everything he had to offer. He could feel himself getting hard under the searching gaze. Jungkook was a tease so he let his fingertips touch the chest and abdomen feathery, eliciting some barely audible moans.

"You're so damn pretty." The tattoo artist whispered and leaned to kiss a pink nipple that just hardened because of him.

"Off, Daddy." He was obviously referring to the clothes but the dom grinned and shook his head, wanting to admire the sight for much more time. Theoretically, they couldn't dirty the yukatas because they were borrowed but practically, Jungkook was sure that he could find a way to clean them before returning them. He never knew he had a fantasy with his baby dressed like that but the boy looked absolutely divine so he wasn't going to hold back. "Please?"

"Give me a pillow, sweets." He took the object he's been offered and placed it on his side of the bed before manhandling the little one and placing him on it, on his front so his backside would be in the air. Small hands grabbed a fistful of the sheets as soon as hands began to push upwards the material and reveal more and more of his legs and Jungkook began peppering kisses all over his thighs. "I want to taste you, baby."

It was not a question so the grip tightened on the sheets as soon as his underwear has been revealed. He was wearing light blue panties and as much as the tattoo artist liked the look of them, it has been a matter of seconds until they've been pushed aside in order to uncover an already clenching and unclenching hole. It looked puffy and delicious so a tongue was pressed flatly against it, earning a loud moan. It was not rare for Jimin to be eaten out but this time, the elder decided to take his time to make his baby squirm because he felt like they had all the time in the world.

It started with simple strokes and as soon as the boy began moving around, a strong arm secured him in place by wrapping around his middle.

"No." The protest came out softly but Jungkook didn't miss it so he took a break to slap the pale skin he could reach, warning the other. It left a pinkish handprint behind so he smirked to himself before resuming his technique, choosing to move his muscles circularly, feeling the way the entrance relaxed under his touch. "Daddy?" The artist hummed against the skin. "Enough?"

He knew the younger was concerned whenever he was spending too much at the receiving end but he didn't want to compromise so he pulled away in order to speak.

"Not yet, sweets. What's the matter?" Jimin rubbed against the pillow suggestively. "Is my baby boy getting hard?"

"Yes, sir." His member was already feeling heavy in between his legs so he moved against the now-warm material a couple of times before he's been stopped by a tightened hold and whimpered loudly. "But –"

"Daddy wants to spoil you but that doesn't mean you can disobey me."

"Okay." He sounded borderline annoyed but Jungkook decided not to challenge that part of him, instead pressing his lips against the waiting entrance. He kissed it slowly before slipping his tongue in between his lips and then letting it press more forcefully against it, causing for a shiver to run down the boy's spine. "Fuck –" A slap. "'m sorry, it just –" Another moan. "Feels good."

Jimin's body was going limp so he let his tongue wander freely, tasting his skin and his insides, groaning from time to time at the sounds he was eliciting. He could only imagine the dampness that created in the front of the yukata his boyfriend was wearing and he would have touched himself a bit if it wasn't for his current attribution. He wanted his baby to come at least three times that night so he stopped only to grab the lube from his luggage. He kissed the chubby cheek that wasn't pressed against the mattress before coating his palms and spreading the substance all over the ring of muscles.


"Yes, baby." The first finger slid in with ease and Jimin arched his back, trying to rub against the pillow. "Don't you dare to move." His voice was hoarse so the boy moaned instead of replying, wanting to feel more and more. He didn't need too much stretching but the movements were slow either way, the fingertip knowing exactly how and when to brush against the little bundle of nerves. When the second finger joined Jimin almost turned on a side. "You're in for a show, sweets."

"I'm sorry, Daddy." He knew apologises couldn't cut the fact that he ignored a direct order.

"Hush now and stay still." The movements increased in pace and the brown-haired boy focused on doing as he was told, not wanting to overstep the line again. His Dom seemed to want to bring him to the brink and as soon as he felt his orgasm approaching he tensed, not wanting to cum without permission. The fingers disappeared.

Jungkook sat on the bed and spread his legs before pulling him in between them and parting the yukata completely, revealing a very sticky situation that turned him on more. His own erection was beginning to feel uncomfortable but he encouraged his baby to lean on him instead, letting his mouth nibble at the tempting skin.

"Why did you misbehave, Min?" The question would have consequences.

"I'm sorry. It felt so – ah." A fist wrapped around his leaking member, its palm already slick with lube. "Good." It started moving and Jimin thought he would lose his mind because it was excruciating slow and tight and he felt impossibly close. "I – Daddy, please!"

"Please what, sweet thing?"

"Please make me cum." A loud kiss on his cheek.

"Patience, love." It took five minutes for the younger's vision to get foggy and for him to begin to blabber, hoping his boyfriend would have mercy. Jungkook was everywhere – he could feel his touch, his heartbeat, his breath that fell on the back of his neck where his lips would make their way from time to time. It was too much so he gushed one more time before his toes began to curl.

"Daddy, please! Minnie's been a good boy –"

"If you want to cum, you can cum but I won't give you more than I already am."

"Please, Daddy!" His voice was pitched and one more tug was all he needed for his semen to begin to spurt, the fist suddenly pulling away from his member. "No, no!" His penis began bobbing helpless, little pears of cum dribbling from the tip, the ruined orgasm causing for Jimin's body to tremble, his eyes getting teary because of the frustration that became greater. He came on his abdomen so Jungkook collected some of the drops and brought them to his mouth in order to taste them.

"Good boy. Tell me your colour, angel."

"Green." He was sniffling so the tattoo artist kissed his temple before wiping the result of his orgasm with one of his sleeves and changing his position so Jimin would lay on his back and they could start kissing once again. His sweet boy had tears sliding down his cheeks still but his tongue was responsive, showing that he wanted – no, he needed more.

"I'm so hard because of you." The man whispered and untied the knot that kept his yukata in place, revealing his proud erection. His tip was red and the younger would have wanted to wrap his lips around it but waited for further instructions, his legs bending slightly and parting. Tattooed fingers entered his mouth as more lube was spread all over and he had to hold himself from biting too harshly on them when the Dom entered him with one long stroke. "You feel perfect around me." Jimin was hardening again so he gave him one encouraging stroke before completely stopping and leaning so they could kiss some more.

He loved the way his kitten would kiss him during sex – he would cling onto him with both arms, as if he was afraid to be left alone and his lips would desperately press against just as soft ones until they would become red and tingly. A soft moan vibrated against their mouths when they've heard a door being opened and the boy pushed the other as if he was afraid someone entered their room.

No one was there but they could hear people talking in Japanese on the other side of the wall, which reminded them of how thin the walls actually were. Jungkook didn't lose any time, beginning to move and causing for Jimin to moan loudly before covering his mouth with a hand.

"I want to hear you, baby."

"But –"

"No buts, don't act as if it doesn't turn you on." The younger was quite the exhibitionist and even if he didn't want to push his fantasies to the extreme, the tattoo artist liked to tease him like that from time to time. It didn't happen just once for them to fuck against a window so people could "see" who Jimin belonged to. The thrusts became progressively more violent and loud moans echoed through the room, braided with intentions of words.

"Daddy, Daddy –" The chants were music for Jungkook's ears so he grabbed the legs in order to place them on his shoulders.

"Let them know who fucks you so good, baby doll." He was close himself but he insisted to go on with the show, knowing that it was driving his boyfriend crazy. When the brown-haired boy spilled again and he felt everything tightening around him, he allowed himself to orgasm, making sure to coat his insides.

Jimin's body convulsed for a few seconds, his toes curling as the elder kept stroking him, not caring about the fact that he was impossibly sensitive. When he finally let go he exhaled loudly and closed his eyes, ready to give in to everything he was feeling. It wasn't the first he passed out because of how hard he's been fucked and he came back to Jungkook holding him pressed against his chest. He was singing a lullaby that came to an end as soon as cinnamon eyes fixed his face.

"Hey, baby boy." His tone was sweet and Jimin nuzzled his nose against the pulse point he could reach, taking in the familiar aroma.


"You've been out for a few minutes." The artist whispered and kissed his forehead two times.

"I've been a good boy?" He was obviously still in sub space so Jungkook nodded and brought their lips together. He tasted of salty tears and even more made his eyes glistening as soon as the little make-out session ended.

"Such a good boy."

"Love me, Daddy?" It was a request more than anything else and the elder understood that his baby needed confirmation after being handled so harshly. Of course his little enjoyed roughness but it needed to be followed by pure feelings in order for his mind to be able to rest. He needed a little reminder that he was a lover and not a submissive and that was completely fine with Jungkook.

"Do you want to ride Daddy, sweets?" He shook his head so the other placed him on his lap, gently lowering him on his half-hard member until they could rest their foreheads against one another. "Is this okay?"


"I'll do all the work, okay?" Jimin whispered a little "yes" and hands rested on his hips, helping him move slowly. They settled a rhythm and began kissing again, parting only to whisper i love yous from time to time. "You're so good for me, Minnie."

They came together and the smaller one collapsed on top of his boyfriend, his arms wrapping around his neck. He would have fallen asleep if it wouldn't have been for Jungkook helping him off and engulfing him into a warm hug.

Tiredness crushed his body so when he's been asked if he wanted a shower he refused, wanting to spend the night exactly like that. He was feeling pure bliss so he curled next to his boyfriend's body like a cat would do, accepting every praise and kiss that was offered.

"I can't remember ever feeling so whole." The elder's murmur took him by surprise but a smile immediately tugged at the corner of his lips and he did his best to peck his cheek lovingly. "I want this happiness to last forever."

Forever. Honey-coloured eyes widened because it was the first time he's heard that specific word coming out of his lover's mouth. It held a lot of meaning but somehow, neither of them were scared of it anymore. They weren't tiptoeing around the notion like they would have done during their first months of relationship.

A short pinky finger curled around a longer one.

"You and I against the world." Jimin promised and smiled widely.

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