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Chapter 23: Teaching Eva and thoughts of the future.


(The talk with Eva went well and now John and me have a new companion. John didn't really give off the impression of someone who likes kids with how he always seems to be stone faced when not talking. He even came up with that excuse of a gut feeling.)

Liz gave Eva some instruction on how to flow her energy so she could have an easier time practicing the disguise technique. After she turned to John.

"John can you go get some material for me to make clothes?"

"Sure how much do you want?"

"As much as you can carry."

"Got see you in a few hours."

"Don't take to long."

"OK, and I want to learn that technique later."

"Got it."

John left the cave to find materials for the clothes.

"Alright Eva it's time for you to learn the Auratic disguise technique."

"Um. Will it be hard to learn?"

"Nope you don't have to be worried."

The Auratic disguise technique was a standard technique for people of higher standing back when Liz had been a guard at the palace. It allowed her best friend to play more than a few pranks on her.

After a few minutes of practice Eva had gotten used to the flow technique. Now it was time for the girl to actually begin using it.

"Good now that you've gotten the flow down try to have an image in your head of what you want to look like. Try using John looks as an example."

This was one of the ways Liz had learned the technique. Use an example and it will all become easier to imagine the appearance you want.

After a few minutes Eva seemed to have made an image acceptable to herself. She had a serious expression on her face as she was focusing on the image she wanted.

"How do I start?"

"With the flow technique try to move the energy around and into your skin. First try to imagine the color changing to what you want. After that keep applying it to your body till it solidifies like a thin mud or makeup."

After a short while the oni's skin had turned from its original red to a whitish pink that was a bit similar to Johns but in a more girlish way.

"Good now focus on your eyes. Try to use the image of placing an eye shaped lens like a window over them and tint it so that it makes your eyes change to the color you want."

Eva opened her eyes and with a little undulation in her eyes they turned form their previous black to an inky blue. She looked into a jar of water and seemed dissatisfied. Before Liz could tell her it was natural to have trouble with the eyes she had already changed them to a more icy blue like Johns. Liz stopped what she was going to say.

(I'm starting to have an idea of why those people were after her. This technique is a fairly complicated one that takes practice to use well and she was able to progress this far really quickly. I was considered pretty good and even I took a few hours. She might even have some kind of special bloodline that's related to learning. That alone would make other desire her.)

Although she hadn't given much of an explanation of how rare bloodlines were to John the truth was having a bloodline would make a person far more desirable to any force. For example bloodlines that are related to specific elements are almost guaranteed to attract forces that study them even when that person isn't suited to their specific cultivation method. Just the observations can help others progress themselves. Sometimes this competition could get down right bloody which is likely what happened to Eva.

(If it was known to forces that focused on beast taming or assassination that John had two bloodlines related to those fields they would definitely try to rope him in. Luckily a persons affinities are usually measured at around the time you turn ten so it's unlikely that anyone will try to measure his. Most forces might just turn him away due to his strongest affinity being light. Well except for those that focus on fighting beings of the dark or curses. Those forces tend to have the most extreme goals with the most corruption.)

While Liz was thinking on the possibilities of problems that could pop up due to John's bloodlines Eva had gotten familiar enough with the technique to be adjusting even the little details of her eyes like the size of her irises. Liz decided to move onto the next and very important part.

"Good looks like you've gotten used to this part. Now time for the really hard part. Hiding your horns and changing your hair color."

"Um. I can understand why hiding my horns would be hard but why is hair considered hard?"

"Hair is difficult due to it not being alive in the same way as the rest of your body and once changed it can take a while to return to normal."

"OK. Are horns the same?"

"Nope horns are hard due to that once you get past the hard outer layer the nerves become really sensitive. If your not careful they'll hurt a lot. Now gently pool your energy around your horns and gently try to obscure them against your forehead. After that use the same method as with your skin to dye your hair but be careful to only use about a third of the power. You don't want to have to grow your hair out and then cut it off just for it to return to normal."

After hearing Liz's instruction Eva sat down and began to practice the instructions with a serious look. She managed to make her horns almost completely disappear in about an hour and after that Liz left her at her side of the cave to practice and adjust.

Liz moved to the opposing side and began to draw up the runic formation needed to make some leaf cloth. As she drew she began to remember how strange her situation had become. The sole free dragon, co-master of a strange dungeon core, other half of a being from another world and now a teacher to a little oni. She knew life was filled with many twists and turns especially after the war with the gods and the other races unresponsiveness but her current situation was without a doubt unique. Well what could she expect? An easy journey? No. She may very well cause this era to fall into chaos when she unleashes the dragons.

The chance for reconciliation with the gods was none. This time however would be different than before. She was a dungeon master now. Dungeon masters regardless of stage or level were far more dangerous than any other being. Not only could dungeon master control hordes of monsters they could completely dominate a land effectively leaving any other forces present completely vulnerable and subject to helping their enemy. After all how can you fight a being that will only gain profit from your very invasion?

BookishHymn BookishHymn

I will likely slow down releases in order to better the quality of the chapters.

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