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Chapter 5: Chapter 5

I found myself on the roof of a tall building. I look around and notice a few other tall buildings surrounding mine, so i shrug and look down towards the ground. There I can see a bunch of monster roaming around down below, and I can see a single horn on them, so I know they are the targets.

What surprised me is the amount of them. From just where I am, I can see a couple hundred of them roaming around down below. The only thing that is good is that they are not all in one group. They are split in groups of 2-3, sometimes only one by itself, which makes it easier I don't know how strong they are, but even if they are weak, I can't fight a hundred or more of them alone.

I look back towards the roof I am on and notice something annoying. There are 4 other people on here with me, and they are all newbies with just a rusty dagger on them. I shake my head since they are just standing there dumbly and looking at the sky, so I guess they will probably die instantly.

I don't see any exit from the roof, so I just shrug and sit down somewhere while leaning against a pillar that is on the roof. Perhaps my movement startled the other 4, but they look at me now. They don't do anything but look at me, and they don't even think it is dangerous.

They didn't grab their daggers or anything, so they have no sense of danger. I was about to close my eyes but saw something interesting. One of the 2 guys in that group of 4 looked at me and instantly took out his dagger from his pocket or something and backed up.

His reaction almost made me laugh, not out of disdain but rather interest. The other three are just idiots who haven't adapted to the world yet, but this guy has already began to adapt. Although he didn't react instantly by taking out his dagger when he heard me sit down, but it only took him a few seconds.

Compared to the other three, this guy will probably live for a few missions. It all depends on how lucky he is. When I looked at the other three again, I instantly felt annoyed. They were looking at my armor and weapons with greed in their eyes that is clear as day, and I almost killed them there.

Are they that damn stupid? I have this gear because I survived more missions then them, but they still look at me like that? At least be like the other guy and put some guard up, my lord! I could tell that he felt greed for my gear as well, but that lasted for a second or two before he hid it away.

That's what made me interested in him. He could tell he stood no chance in winning against me, so he put away his greed and began looking around. He looked at the other buildings and then he peeked down to the ground.

He looked at the ground for a few seconds before he backed up and sat somewhere like I did, but his face is pale, which shows he is scared. I didn't think he wouldn't be, since even I am slightly scared and this is my fifth mission, compared to him.

When I was about to get annoyed by waiting here doing nothing, the stupid screen finally spoke up.

[Hello~ You guys are probably wondering what to do, right? Let me tell you~ You need to find a switch somewhere on the roof and a pair of stairs will appear in the middle of the roof after you switch it on~ Good luck~ Hehe~]

Fuck. That stupid laugh came back, which means this will be annoying. The three idiots finally reacted and looked away from me and began walking around. They were probably looking for the switch, but I don't expect them to find it at all. That damn laugh only appears when the task is hard.

Eventually the other guy joined them in looking around, but I just sat in the same spot thinking about this task. The screen said to find a switch, but he didn't say what the switch could be. Sure enough, even after looking around the roof for 10 minutes, the four didn't find anything.

"Hey, why are you just sitting there! Help us look around for the switch, you idiot!"

When I was thinking, an arrogant voice came from in front of me. I looked up and saw that the guy from the idiot trio is looking at me arrogantly, which causes me to frown. Is he just that much of an idiot that he thinks he can order me around?

I look at him straight in the eye for a few seconds while thinking whether I should kill him or not, and he suddenly cried out. I looked at him again and he was looking at me in fear for some reason, which honestly confused the shit out of me.

Maybe he figured I was going to kill him or something? Probably not, he is too arrogant and stupid for that. Maybe something is behind me then? I look behind me and spot something on the roof of another building.

There are 5 people just like on my roof. There is something different, though. Their roof has a couple of monsters on it now, which makes me frown. When I looked at the building earlier, there was no monsters on it before.

I suddenly thought of something and quickly jumped up off of the ground and took out my sword. I hold it tightly and suddenly slash it at the pillar that I was leaning against and sure enough. It crumbled into pieces and a few monsters appeared from it.

They look like the babies of the monsters down below. They are not even half the size of them, but they do have the same horn, even if it is smaller. The other four people are scared and back off, but I don't bother with them and kill the 3 small monsters that came out easily.

I cut off their horns and throw the corpses off of the building, since they are in the way. I head to one of the other 4 pillars and cut into it, and the same thing happens. Three small monsters come out of it. I repeat the same thing on the other 2 and killed the rest of the monsters, and got a total of 12 horns.

After throwing all of the corpses off of the building, I go to the pillars. There are three points at the end of each pillar, in a type of triangle shape. I place one horn on each point, for a total of 12. As a result, a hole appeared in the middle of the roof as I expected.

I am pretty glad that those people on the other roof released the monsters somehow, since it let me figure out what to do earlier than I would of. I ignore the other four people who are looking at me with surprise and a bit of fear and look at the stairs that appeared.

I can't see much since it is insanely dark, but I can feel that there is a decent amount of danger down there, so I start thinking about it. There are obviously some of the monsters down the stairs, but I don't know where. They are not the small ones from up here, since I didn't feel any danger from them.

When I was thinking, that arrogant bastard pushed past me and headed down the stairs while talking.

"Good job! Now move aside and let this Young Master go down. See which damn bastards kidnapped me to this roof!"

When I heard him say 'this Young Master' I found out why he was so arrogant. He is probably the son of some rich guy or clan, so he grew up to be arrogant like this. It also seems like he doesn't know the world has changed, and his wealth is nothing.

Looking at him going down the stairs loudly and arrogantly, the two girls from the group also quickly head down the stairs behind him, and I shake my head at their stupidity. They are all going to die for that, and I won't bother trying to save them. I mean, I could definitely do so, but why should I?

I'm not no damn saint, so there is no way I will take care of some arrogant prick and sluts. I look at the guy who stayed on the roof with me rather than going down the stairs and felt interested so I spoke to him.

"Why didn't you go down the stairs with those three?"

He looks surprised that I spoke to him and hesitates for a few seconds, but eventually spoke back.

"You didn't go down. I just finished the first mission so I don't know much, but you obviously completed your fourth mission, I can tell from your gear. Since you didn't go down after you opened the stairs, it means it is probably dangerous. I don't want to be like those idiots and heads down, getting myself killed."

When I heard what he said, I felt very interested. He is obviously scared of this whole situation, but he has good awareness. He already knows this is reality and not some type of dream like that idiot young master, and he also is picking up good senses.

The fact that he could already think of all of this and take out his weapon after only a few seconds means that he is very smart, so I am interested in what he did before.

"You are right. Those three will probably die in less than a minute, but I am more interested in you. You are obviously afraid of this whole situation, but you could already think of all this. I am curious, what did you do before the world changed like this?"

He looks a bit surprised when I said I was interested in him, but he quickly calmed himself down, which made me almost admire him. After a while, he spoke up.

"I was an otaku, you could say. I have read all types of novels and played games with similar settings to what happened to the world, so I was obviously interested in the beginning. But after the first mission, where everybody died but me, I came back to my senses. That this is reality and not a novel or game. Since I have played games and read novels like this, I could accurately start guessing what would happen, which kept me alive during the first mission."

Hearing him, I nodded my head slightly. He was pretty lucky, I guess. Being an otaku, he had knowledge about stuff like this, and he put it to good use, which kept him alive. When I was about to speak to him, we heard screams coming from the stairs, which were obviously from the 3 idiots.

The screams only lasted a few seconds before they disappeared, so they are quite obviously dead now. I shrug my shoulders at that, but the otaku guy is a bit scared. He calms down after a minute, though.

"You really are well suited to a world like this. You can calm yourself down this quickly, which is pretty admirable. I do hope you survive this, since I want to see how far you can go now. Mind telling me your name?"

After hearing I want his name, he hesitates for a few seconds before he eventually told me it.

"My name is Chu Nan. I used to go to Shiro High School, but due to an event I quit and became an otaku."

Oh? He went to my school, huh. I do remember that there was someone with that name before. I remember he was always bullied and was nearly killed once, so he quit. This is him, huh. I wound of thought he would be scared of everything after that. He is pretty interesting, huh.

"Chu Nan, huh. Interesting. My name is Zhao Feng. I don't know if you will survive or not, but good luck. I can't take care of you here."

After I told him my name, I headed down the stairs without hesitation. I held my sword tightly and looked around everywhere. I could feel the stares of monsters on my body, but they didn't attack me yet. Can they tell I am a risk? Whatever the reason, it helps me somewhat.

If this was on a flat ground, I wouldn't care if they attacked me since I could fight easier, but I am on stairs right now and don't have an even ground, which is a risky place to fight. I quickly walk down the stairs while keeping my guard up.

Nothing attacks me for at least 5 minutes, but eventually I felt something rush at me. Did they get impatient? I swung my sword and intercepted whatever was coming at me and noticed it was a body. The body was from the arrogant young master guy from before.

Since I just slashed my sword at the dead body, my balance was a bit off. A few monsters rushed at me with this timing, which caused me to frown slightly. Even though I am off balance, I can still fight. When they were in range, I slashed my sword at one of the monsters and cut it in half, it's body falling onto the stairs.

The other monster saw that and wanted to back away, but it was too close to me. I stabbed my sword into it's neck when I turned around, and killed it easily. I felt the stares on my body disappear when I killed them, which surprised me, but I quickly cut off the two horns and continued walking down the stairs.

By the time I got to the bottom of the stairs, I already killed 15 monsters. I could tell there was around 50 of them around the stairs, but only 15 attacked me, which surprised me a bit. Looking at the weird metal door in front of me, I push it open and could tell it was probably 50 or 60 pounds, which surprised me. I could easily push it open, which is why I was surprised.

Since it is this light, why is it still intact? Why did the monsters inside or outside not break it down yet? Are they unable to or something? Well whatever. I step outside and close the door behind me, just in case Chu Nan manages to get down here.

I look around and don't see any monsters around, which is confusing. I could see a bunch of small groups of monsters down here when I was on the roof, and only 30 minutes or so has passed since I looked down. Did someone come down before me, causing all the monsters to go to them?

That shouldn't be. I was definitely the strongest person out of the group of a thousand people, so how would someone get down before me? I might have killed 15 monsters along the way, but it only took me a few seconds for each kill.

While frowning slightly, I walk around the empty street. I could see a bunch of dried up blood on the street that looks like it has been here for over a month, which causes me to frown even more. This crap only began slightly over a week ago, so how could blood be here for a month?

I shake my head and keep walking around. I spot a few dried up bones here and there, which causes me to frown even more. Could it be something was wrong with my sense of time? Not possible, the screen was a proper time on it.

I shake my head to get all of this out of my mind and walk along the street with my blood covered sword and look around. I spot a few stores that had useful stuff, but everything is useless now. I wonder where I am exactly when I spot something interesting.

It is a black backpack, and it is perfectly fine. I saw a few other backpacks along the way, but those were all torn and useless, but this one is perfectly fine. There is just a bunch of dust on it, and that is it. I needed a backpack this whole time, since I can't carry a hundred horns on me.

This backpack is the perfect candidate for that spot. It is perfectly fine when everything else isn't, so it is definitely a very good backpack. I open it and notice a few sealed water bottles and food, but there is also 5 horns inside of it.

Thinking about it closer, I guess this was created by the screen, something like a supply drop? Who knows. I don't care. I put my 15 horns inside and add it with the other 5, getting 20 total. I count the food and water and found 5 bottles of water and 10 pieces of sealed food which is still good.

This will last me long enough for the 3 days I stay here for sure, so I am even more sure this is like a supply drop from the screen. I sling the backpack onto my back and continue my adventure - not!

I spot a few monsters further down the street, finally. I can see 4 of them, but there might be more, so I am a bit excited. Not to mention I need horns, the more I kill the more rewards I get after the mission.

I run over to them with my sword held tightly in my hand and begin fighting them. The fight honestly only took 20 seconds, but I got 5 new horns for my collection. I only saw 4 of them, but one came out of a store and jumped at me in a surprise attack, but it still died anyhow.

For the next 4 hours, I continue to find a few groups of monsters and kill them off, cleaning out an entire area. I did a quick count of the horns in the backpack and counted 83 of them, which is surprising.

I look up at the darkening sky and could feel that my body was exhausted from all the running around and fighting. Although I increased my stats, I am still human. I enter a random store and found a steel door that is closed, so I open it and look inside.

Everything is all dusty and expired inside of it, but it is still good enough for me to sleep in. It's many times better than when I was in the forest, since it is a building. I close the door and walk to the furthest wall and take off my backpack, placing it on the ground.

I lay my head down on the backpack and close my eyes, falling asleep after a few minutes.

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