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Chapter 5: Chapter 5

They had spent the rest of the weekend checking anything Takashi could remember. Ninety percent of the time he was right, when they could prove it. However, Saya was beginning to feel the other ten percent was simply things he really had not paid much attention to.

Monday came and they both arrived at school; Saya by car, Takashi by train. Takashi came into the classroom to find Kohta and Morita already there and talking.

"Hey, look who decided to show up for once!" Morita said as Takashi dropped his bag on his desk.

"Ohayo, Komuro-san," Kohta said with a smile.

"Hey guys. Been holding down the fort while I was out?" Takashi asked.

"Morita-san has been attempting to educate me on the art of 'rock and roll'," Kohta said with a smirk.

Takashi laughed, knowing Morita's belief that being a musician would get him a lot of girls, or at least one. "What about you, Hirano; what have you been educating Morita on?"

Morita shook his head and grinned. "Hirano has been telling me all about military movies. He knows more about them than anybody I've ever heard of! And not just Japanese ones either!"

Takashi just smiled and nodded as he saw Kohta blush slightly. Then the boy's eyes opened wider and he stood up.

"O…Ohayo, Takagi-san!" he exclaimed loudly, as Saya walked up.

Saya looked at the boy for a moment before replying, "Ohayo Hirano…umm…and Hirano, not quite so loud next time."

Kohta blushed and rubbed the back of him neck as he nodded to her. "Ah, y…yes Takagi-san, sorry."

She looked to Takashi next. "How are you feeling this morning?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "Okay I guess, still not resting like I want."

"So Komuro…what's up with you?" Morita asked.

"Fatigue," Saya said before Takashi could open his mouth. "Doctors think he's gotten over-fatigued for some reason."

Takashi smirked. "What she said."

Another girl from the class stepped in the door and called out, "Takagi-san, there is a senpai in the hall to see you."

Saya frowned, "I wonder who that is? I hope it's not another dumbass wanting to give me a confession."

Takashi watched Kohta's face as she headed for the door. It went from interest, to surprise, to gloom, all in the space of a second or two.

"Con…confession? Does Takagi-san have someone she likes?" the boy stuttered.

One of Morita's eyebrows went up as Takashi waved his hand in negative, "I'm sure it's nothing, Hirano. Stuff like this happens to her all the time."

Morita looked like he was going to crack off a smart remark, but caught Takashi's motion of shaking his head 'no'. Instead he said, "Ah it used to happen all the time in middle school. I'm surprised it's taken this long for someone to step up this year."

Before anything else could be said, Saya stuck her head back in the door, "Takashi, come here a minute."

Now Takashi frowned wondering why he was suddenly involved. Excusing himself, he walked over and stepped into the hall to find Saya talking to Saeko.

He stopped in surprise as the girls' eyes turned to him and Saeko said, "Ohayo, Komuro-san."


While the boys were talking;

Saeko strode down the hall toward the classrooms of the first years. There were still a few minutes before classes started and her curiosity had gotten the better of her. Saya told her Komuro was out getting tests run, after the incident in the infirmary, and now she wondered how that went. She knew it was not really her business, but something about the whole thing intrigued her, and she had to admit, Komuro did also.

Saeko was not prone to crushes like so many other girls. She'd had a few, but never acted on any of them because of something in her past. Something she could not let go of, and didn't know if she ever would. But there was something about Komuro, something about the way he looked at her. It was not rude or lecherous, but the gaze of someone that knew the secrets of her soul. That brush on the cheek the week before had stirred something in her, something that made her want to see more of this strange young man that seemed to know her. She shivered just thinking about it.

Stopping at the door of Class 1B, Saeko spoke to one of the girls heading in, "Excuse me, do you know if Takagi Saya has arrived yet?"

The girl glanced in the door and nodded, "Yes senpai, she's here. Would you like me to get her for you?"

"Yes please, and thank you," Saeko said and bowed as the girl smiled and went inside.

A short minute later Saya came out with a grumpy frown on her face. Seeing who was waiting, her face changed to a look of relief. "Ah Busujima-senpai, it's you! Good, I was afraid it was another one of those social climbers looking to confess to me again."

"This is a problem you have on a regular basis, Takagi-san?" the older girl asked.

Saya nodded, "It hasn't started yet this year, but in middle school, it got to be a regular occurrence. To be honest it's rather tiring and bugs me to no end. All they really want is to be the boyfriend of a girl with a rich and powerful family. They're all worthless if you ask me."

Saeko thought about it a moment before replying, "Yes, I can see why that would bother you."

"Was there something you needed, Senpai?" Saya asked with a smirk.

Saeko cleared her throat, "Ah well I'm sorry to bother you so early, but I just wondered if you knew anything more about Komuro-san's condition."

That's just what I thought! Saya said to herself. "Well I was just about to get an update myself, so let's find out together." With that, Saya stuck her head back in the door and called out, "Takashi, come here a minute."

Saeko's eyes widened in surprise, she never expected Saya to simply call the boy out into the hall with them. She took a couple of steps across the hall to give room for other students wanting into the classroom. When Takashi came through the door, he stopped in surprise.

"Ohayo Komuro-san," Saeko said with a slight bow.

A smile crossed his face as he stepped closer and bowed back, "Ohayo, Busujima-senpai, I hope you are doing well this morning?"

Saeko smiled as Saya watched in amusement, "Yes thank you. The question is though, how are you feeling?"

"A lot better now," he said with a smirk that caused the girl to blush and Saya to raise one eyebrow. "Ah, but you mean my fainting spells of course. I have not had one since last Wednesday so I guess that's good."

"Hmm, so I guess I no longer have the effect of knocking you to the floor with my looks, hmm?" Saeko said with a mischievous smirk.

Takashi looked shocked as Saya laughed, "Ha! That was a good one, Senpai!"

"Yes, I thought so," Saeko came back, her face changing to a look of smugness.

Saya laughed again and shook her head, "Okay, I'm going back and get ready for class. You two talk for a while. See you later, Senpai." She quickly crossed the hall and disappeared back into the classroom leaving the teens staring after her.

Looking back to Takashi, Saeko said, "She is a very unique young lady, is she not, Komuro-san?"

Takashi chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck, "Yeah I guess you could put it that way. So how…"

"Takashi? What are you doing?"

The voice came from behind him, but he knew in an instant it was Rei. Turning, he saw her standing a few feet away with an almost shocked look on her face.

Saeko spoke up first before Takashi could answer, "Oh, Miyamoto-san! Please allow me to introduce myself; Busujima Saeko, second year and vice-captain of the kendo squad. I was talking with Takagi-san when Komuro-san came out. I simply asked him how he was feeling after his fainting spells last week."

Rei's face darkened slightly, but she bowed before speaking, "Miyamoto Rei of the soujutsu club, Busujima-san. I am…pleased to make your acquaintance."

She doesn't sound like she's pleased! Takashi thought. She's pissed and I'm gonna catch it!

"It is a pleasure to meet you also, Miyamoto-san," Saeko responded.

Dong, ding, dong! The intercom chimed with the warning that classes were close to starting.

"Ah I should really get to class now. I will speak with both of you another time, please have a good day!" Saeko said as she nodded and started up the hallway.

"You too, Busujima-senpai," Takashi said before turning to Rei. "I didn't see you on the train this morning, Rei."

The girl's eyes narrowed, "I didn't really know you if were coming, so Hisashi and I caught an earlier one. Why was Busujima-san here again?"

"Like she told you, Rei; she was talking to Saya when I came out. Saya had just walked away when you showed up."

"I'm going to class," she said and with a huff she turned and stormed away.

"Crap," Takashi said under his breath as he went back into the classroom.


Classes started and the day moved on to noontime. Takashi sat in the classroom and ate lunch with Kohta and Morita. The chubby boy seemed to be getting at ease with the pair, chuckling and smiling at their jokes and play. A couple of times other students walked by and looked at the trio, but Takashi never heard anyone say anything like Saya had said.

That afternoon he went to the infirmary and told Shizuka what the doctors had said, and she made him promise to keep her informed as to how he felt. He hung around a bit, smiling at the bubbly woman's antics, before starting back to his classroom. Coming out, he found Hisashi loitering in the hall waiting on him.

"Hey," he said. "Were you waiting on me?"

Hisashi nodded, "Can we go somewhere and talk?"

Takashi frowned, "Sure, where?"

Hisashi motioned for him to follow. They walked down the hall and up a set of steps. Even though Takashi had not been there yet he knew the route; they were heading for the roof.

Coming out on top of the building, Takashi looked around; it was just like he remembered. Several other students were up there and even a teacher with a group, sitting in a circle talking about something.

"Dang," Hisashi said. "I thought maybe there wouldn't be anyone up here."

Takashi pointed, "Let's go up there."

"What's that?" the other boy asked.

"Astronomy Club Tower," Takashi stated as he walked toward the stairs.

"So you've been up here already?"

"Nope," Takashi replied.

Reaching the top, Takashi paused as he stood and stared at a spot by the railing. That's where I did it, that's where I killed my best friend, he thought.

Hisashi watched him for a minute, "What are you looking at? And how did you know about this place if you have not been up here already?"

Takashi snapped out of his trance, but still had a dazed look on his face as he responded, "This is where I killed you."

"What?" the other boy asked in surprise. "What the hell are you talking about?"

Takashi shook slightly, "Ah…um, sorry. That dream I had. This is where we were when you turned into one of Them."

Hisashi shook his head as he frowned, "What the fuck is going on with you, Takashi? Are you still going on about a stupid dream? Why did Rei come to me today bitching about you cheating with Busujima-senpai?"

Takashi sighed, "I told her it was only a coincidence that I happened to be talking to Busujima-senpai when she walked up. Takagi was there and had just walked into the classroom, Rei didn't see her. Busujima-senpai told her why we were talking, but Rei still only saw it the way she wanted to."

"You have to look at it from her point of view, Takashi. First you pass out calling the girl's name, and then you meet her in the infirmary, now Rei finds you talking to her in the hallway. Is there something going on between the two of you? Why are you suddenly ignoring Rei so much?"

"I'm not ignoring Rei. She never once came to check on me when I was in the infirmary. The whole time I was getting tested she never contacted me." He hung his head as he leaned on the rail. "The sad thing about it is it didn't bother me. Saya was more upset about it than I was." He laughed and looked at the boy standing next to him. "I was so looking forward to being back in the same school with her again, being able to do things together every day, coming to school, going home together, now…now I don't even know why. I care about her…I really do, but I've been hanging onto something that…I don't know what it means anymore…if it means anything."

Hisashi just stared at him with a stunned look on his face, "I don't understand what you are saying…"

Takashi looked up at the sky, "What I guess I'm saying is…I'm going to let go. I'm going to relieve her of that promise we made."

Takashi faced his friend and said, "So…if you will, don't go home with her today. I'll need to talk to her this afternoon and it will be less awkward if it is just the two of us. After that…well if she comes to you and you want to console her…I'm fine with that."

Hisashi's eyes narrowed, "That sounds like you are giving her to me…you shouldn't be talking like that, Komuro, she's not a doll to be passed around when you're through with her."

There was anger in the boy's voice as Takashi held his hands up. "No! Don't take it that way! All I'm saying is the three of us have been close friends a long time and she's more likely to come to you than anything. That's all I'm saying. I want us all to stay friends. I know she's going to be upset, but there is no good way for me to do this."

Hisashi seemed to calm down a little bit and took a breath, "What about you? Going after someone else now?"

Takashi shook his head, "No. I've got a lot of stuff to sort out right now and I don't think this is the time for that. I need to know more about what is happening with me first."

Hisashi just watched him for a minute, "Look I don't know what the deal is or what this is really all about, but I'll be here if you need me. I'll think up some reason not to go with her this afternoon."

"Thanks," Takashi said as he started down the stairs heading back to the classroom.


Takashi was waiting at the train station when Rei arrived. She glared at him and stood to one side, not quite ignoring him, but not moving toward him either.

He walked over nearby, and said, "I'll walk you home today."

"You don't have to do that. I'm really not in the mood to see you right now," she replied.

"But I need to see you," he said in return.

She glanced at him again, her face red, but said nothing else.

They boarded the train and stood together, Rei's back to him as they waited for their stop. Exiting, they walked down the streets with shops that always seemed to be clustered around every train station. Moving into the residential areas, they got closer to Rei's house and started passing by a small park.

"Let's stop in here for a minute please," Takashi said as Rei paused and looked at him in surprise.

"You haven't wanted to stop here for several years, why now?" she asked.

Takashi shrugged, "I just want to today. Please?"

Rei frowned, but nodded, following the boy in.

They walked across the grass towards the playground where the swings, sandboxes, and jungle gyms were. There were a few children, but most of the younger ones had not gotten home from school yet.

Takashi stopped at the corner of one of the larger sandboxes and just stood there looking at it, his hands in his pockets. Rei stopped next to him, looking around with a trace of annoyance on her face.

"Why are we here, Takashi? Why are you standing around staring at a playground?"

"Don't you remember, Rei? This is where we made it. This is where we made that promise."

"Promise?" she replied, "What promise…oh…why are you thinking about that now, Takashi?"

He turned towards her, "I'm thinking about that because what's been going on lately, Rei. A lot has been happening in my head and I've come to a decision."

He pulled his hands from his pockets and placed them on the front of his thighs. Bowing he said, "I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused you, Miyamoto-san. I want to relieve you from your promise and ask that we breakup. I…I know you are going to be upset, but I hope we can be friends after this."

He stood back up to see Rei staring at him in stunned silence. As he watched her face went from surprise to furious.

"Promise? What the hell do you mean you're relieving me of that promise?! Do you think that suddenly since you've found somebody new you can just cast me down like yesterday's laundry?!"

"No Rei…I just felt…" SLAP! Takashi rocked back on his heels as she hit him with an open palm roundhouse.

"YOU BASTARD! WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! YOU JUST…" she tapered off as tears poured down her face. She turned, ran out of the park and out of sight.

Takashi shook his head and squatted down, hugging his knees, to catch his breath. As he took a couple of deep ones, he stared at the grass in front of him willing himself to calm. Grass that suddenly, had a pair of children's shoes on it.

Looking up he peered into the face of…Maresato Alice, he remembered.

He felt like he had been punched in the gut. His brain reeled as a wave of sickness flushed over him. Going to his hands and knees, he grasped for air in huge gulps.

"Mister?" the little girl said. "Are you alright? Why did that lady hit you?"

"ALICE! What are you doing!?" he heard a woman call out.

Takashi sat up on his heels as a Caucasian woman ran up and pulled little Alice into her embrace.

"Onii-san fell down mommy! Is he sick?" the little girl said with concern in her voice.

"Excuse me! Excuse me please! I simply had a dizzy spell and she was asking if I was alright," he said.

The woman looked a little less worried as the boy bowed and said, "I'm Komuro Takashi, first year, Fujimi Academy. I'm sorry to trouble you."

Alice's mother relaxed even more. A snatcher or a pervert would not introduce himself, even if he was using a fake name. Plus the boy was sitting on his knees with sweat pouring down his face.

"Are…are you alright, young man?" she asked hesitantly.

Takashi nodded. "Yes, again I'm sorry. I've been having some dizzy spells lately and…ah…well…"

Maresato-san smiled, "It's alright, we…saw what happened. A breakup I would have to guess?"

Takashi nodded again, "Ah…yeah…well it's better for her this way."

Alice's gaze caught Takashi's. It felt as if she was looking into his soul. "You're not a bad man, Onii-san, and she's not a bad Onee-san either. Don't worry, you will be friends again."

Takashi sat stunned for a second before smiling, "Yes I think we will, Alice-chan. We have been friends for a long time. It just might take a little while for her to see it though."

The little girl smiled as her mother hugged her.

"Again sorry for troubling you. I better head home," Takashi said.

"Be careful and take care of yourself, Komuro-san." Alice's mother said as Alice waved goodbye.

Takashi got up, bowed again and headed out of the park. He stopped at the gate and looked back for a second where Alice had started climbing on the monkey bars.

Shaking his head, he started home as his cell phone rang. Looking at it, he saw it was from Saya. "Hey Saya, what's up?" he asked as he answered.

'What the hell happened and why is Miyamoto calling me screaming it's my fault?' she asked with a tone that told Takashi that if he was close, the beatings would have commenced.

Takashi winced, "Sorry Saya…"

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