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The Mob Bosses Lost Child The Mob Bosses Lost Child original

The Mob Bosses Lost Child

Author: juri8960

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: How it began

The only way to explain what is currently happening now, I'll have to go back to the beginning before I got into this situation.

I was raised solely by my mother, I never knew who my father was. I just knew that he was sweet to my mother but things happened and he couldn't be with us anymore. My mother raised me in a small town fifty miles from the closest hospitals out near the mountains. I was teased and ridiculed by most of my classmates, which hit me pretty hard. You see, the town I was raised in was very religious and stuck in their ways. So when they seen my single unwed mother with little me attached to her hip, they started to gossip. Thankfully there was an older woman, a hippie who knew how to live life with positivity and harmony to the max. Though you would never want to see her when she got angry, I shudder just remembering the one incident of her temper. Hopefully that person has recovered from the asylum.

The hippie woman I was telling you about her name is Persephone, and my mothers name was Jane. Yes, plain Jane and Persephone the hippie. I know it's an odd mix to understand at first but these two ladies made me realise who I wanted to be in life. My name is Parker apparently it's the name my father gave me before he left. My mom told me that no matter what my name should be Parker, she obliged though I don't know why. She told me that they were soulmates and that if things would have been different she'd have stayed by his side till the end. Whatever that means, I was in my freshman year of high school when I noticed that there were more people in this town than usual and dark SUVs were rolling down the street more. I was curious and so I asked the teachers what was going on. They just casually brushed off the questions because in this small of a town usually when all blacked out SUVs come around it was never a good thing.

Things didn't get too weird until about a month after I noticed the suvs in town, when I noticed that they were following me around this small town. First, when I left the school and went to the gas station. Second, when I went to the antique shop to look for different books to read. The owner and I had a book swap deal, he would loan me the book so long as I'd bring it back in the same condition as I got it. If I wanted to keep a book i would have to work for two hours to pay for the book. It was simple and old school, as Persephone called it. Once I left the antique shop I walked home which we lived in the back cabin on Persephone's property and there were four blacked out black Cadillac Escalades sitting in front of the property. Big burly men in suits were outside of the vehicles and there was my mom on the ground in tears. Standing next to her was an old man in all white, with a wooden cane. I rushed over to my mother and stood between my mother and the old man.

"What have you done to my mother!" I shouted in anger.

"Parker! No you have to leave! Get out of here! RU.." My mother cried hysterically before one of the men knocked her unconscious.

"What the hell did you just do to my mother?!?!" I roared.

I turned around and rushed towards the man who had struck my mother. I stood in front on him and as the man looked down I shifted to be on his left side and punched towards his rib cage. As the man was turning to defend I changed my attack into a leg sweep and brought the big guy down. I hit his acupuncture points and rushed back to my mother. The old man stood there silently watching as the events unfolded, as if everything that was happening was of no consequence to him. When I picked up my mother, the old man finally seemed to move for the first time. He raised his hand up as if to wave and I froze where I was not sure what to do at that very moment.

"Parker, I am sorry. In this matter you really don't have a choice but to listen to what we want or you will have to live with the consequences and they will be quite severe. " He rasped.

"You come here and bully the only person who has cared for me since birth. Yet you expect me to listen to your demands with my Mother in this state! Tsk, don't make me laugh!" I sneered.

" She will be fine shortly, but you will come with us or I will have no choice but to cause harm to her in order for you to comply with my demands. So choose quickly will you come with us quietly and your mother will be fine or will you refuse and I will have to destroy the person that you hold dear?" He spoke softly but every word he said was traced with venom.

I looked at my mother in my arms and then I looked at the people around me. There was no way that I could escaped at the moment with all these people here that could use my mother as leverage. I had to leave in order to protect mom, This isn't what I want, I was just starting to enjoy my life in this place and now.. Now it was all coming crashing down like a torrential rain storm. I gritted my teeth and nodded my head before setting my mom on the bench off to the side. I kissed her forehead before turning towards the SUV'S and this new hell that this old man as brought me to.

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