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Chapter 11: Into the Lions Den

Pulling up to the dock there were plenty of guards around the Hotel that was along the oceanfront. Though the men looked weak at a distance their aura proved that they weren't people to mess with. We parked and walked to the front door. Everyone was searched for weapons by a metal scanner and cell phones were put into a lock box with the family name written on top of it. So no one could record their meetings and there would be no slaughter during them as well. Very well organized I thought to myself, though when the guards went up to do a physical check to make sure that all weapons were removed Marcos jumped in between me and the guard. Both men were at a deadlock in who would move forward, I gripped Marcos' arm and shoved him aside. Shaking my head at Marcos, I looked at the guard who was in charge of frisking me and just simply gave him a nod of approval. The man did a quick search and nodded his head to the other guards before leading us to the meeting room.

"Welcome Boss Park, and Young Master Park!" an old man greeted.

"That's the Big Boss Mcleod, be respectful." John leaned over and whispered.

"Thank you for having us Big Boss Mcleod. " I said respectfully.

John gave me the side eye, since I spoke to the Big Boss but would not speak to him. He told me to show the old man respect, so I showed him the respect deserving of an elder. The corner of my lips couldn't help but turn up at John's complete look of annoyance on his face. He deserved to be annoyed to death by this, I can't outright rebel against him so this is as much as I can do for now. I heard the old man chuckle at our exchange before we made our way to our seats.

"Today we are here to officially accept the new Master of the Park family and my official ceremony of stepping down as the leader of this organization. It was my intention to allow the young master Park more time to understand his position as the new family head, however, my age is not permitting such things. " Big Boss Mcleod rasped.

There were plenty of silent murmurs going around the room, and the black lines across my face shown how agitated I was about being appointed this position. I wanted nothing to do with this position and John knew that, yet I am still here out of choice to protect my mother and Grandfather. I looked across the table and was startled when I seen Jacobi sitting in the Boss seat as well. He simply gave me a nod before turning his attention back to Big Boss.

"It was a rule of this organization that everyone agreed upon that the previous leader could choose their successor no matter which family they came from. Since I only had daughters and I chose my grandson to take over the family business, it had to fall onto someone else. Someone whose values are similar to the original group of people who created this organization. So without further adieu I give you the new Big Boss, John Park!" He announced.

Everyone stood up and clapped as Big Boss Mcleod stood up shakily to give up his seat. John walked over and stood in front of the chair with confident steps. Marcos brought up another chair for Mr. Mcleod to sit in to conclude his final meeting. Everyone stood until Mcleod was seated and then waited for John to sit down. I stood there with my hand shoved into my pocket in silence. This was going to be a whole new level of hell that I've yet to experience I thought to myself. John finally sat down and sat bolt upright in the chair. He looked like a demon king brought to earth and we are just the pesky mortals to serve his will. This is the first time that John actually looked cool, I shook my head and stared at the table in front of me.

"Today, marks the end of one chapter of our organization and I hope that all of you will help me lead our families into a profitable future. I would like to ask of the Bosses of each family to create a strong business plan for their future endeavors. If you have start up businesses and you feel that they have potential to earn large revenue feel free to use those as your examples. If you have any conflicts with another family feel free to bring them to me and we will come up with a solution that is mutually beneficial to both families. " John spoke.

" Big Boss Park, I would like to ask that you would help clear up a misunderstanding between the Hans and my family the Garbers. We have a territory dispute and we would like to have you mediate. " Boss Garber requested.

"We can discuss this after the meeting here, are there any pressing matters with any of the family businesses that require a group decision?" John asked.

"No, Big Boss Park." Echoed throughout the room.

"If there is no pressing matters than I will ask that the Han and Garber family bosses stay behind and everyone else may leave. May we have a successful future cooperation. " John announced.

Everyone stood up and left single file as if this was elementary school. Marcos stood silently behind me and as soon as I made a move to leave the room he barely left enough space for me to breath. He was taking this protecting me thing to a whole new level, my right eye started twitching with irritation as I walked towards the line heading out the door. There many people gave me a side eye before continuing out the door and I didn't care enough to really think too much of it. Outside of the room all the bosses minus the Garber and Han heads of the house were chatting amongst themselves. I stood off to the side with Marcos hovering basically on top of me, when Jacobi came over to me.

" Hey Parker, since you are the Boss of the Park family I hope you have a phone now. I hope that we can have our two families still cooperate as your father has in the past. "Jacobi stated.

I nodded my head and reached into my pocket before remembering that my phone was confiscated at the entrance. Sighing I pulled out my notebook and wrote down my number before handing it over to Jacobi. He read it over and folded it neatly before putting it into his pocket.

"Still not speaking? Hopefully that won't cause any problems for you as the new Boss of the family. If you need anything be sure to let me know, I am but a phone call away. I will add you on WeChat when I leave. " Jacobi asked casually.

I shrugged before being tapped on the shoulder and a portly man gave me his card. He seemed to be sweating profusely and nervous as can be.

" Boss Park, I am Lionel Harper. I am the Boss of the Harper Family, and look forward to cooperate with you in the future." He wheezed.

After Boss Harper came up all the other bosses came up and gave me their business cards as well. Stating how they looked forward to cooperating in the future. If I didn't know better, I'd say that I was a chicken that walked into the lion's den.

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