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Chapter 16: The Meeting

The men slowly stopped just five feet from us and I glanced at Marcos to make sure that he was going to do what I had asked. Looking forward a the men in front of me, I laughed in my heart. They were here to bring me to their master, this master of theirs thinks that he is so important that he doesn't have to come to me?

"Boss Park, our employer is outside in his car and was wondering if he could discuss some business with you in private. Since he doesn't have your phone number he wanted us to offer an invitation to come to the Buckner Mansion for some lunch and then to retire to the study to discuss business. If that is satisfactory with you, we will be sure to tell him. If it is not then we will go with whatever Boss Park would like to do." The guard said respectfully.

Hmm, this man knew that he could not get out of the predicament his daughter caused so he is probably hoping that he can smooth things over with me and lessen the amount. Or perhaps he feels bad that he raised such a trash and wants to personally apologize for his negligence. I looked at my mother momentarily before I stared back at the man in front of me.

"Tell Mr. Buckner, that I would be delighted to join him for lunch and to discuss some business with him. I hope that this doesn't inconvenience him or Mrs. Buckner at all ." I replied.

"Mr. Buckner, will be glad to hear it Boss Park, Would you like a ride to the Buckner estate or would you prefer your own driver take you there?" He asked cautiously.

"We will take my car and will follow to the estate, please. " I calmly said as I gestured for the man to lead the way.

The man didn't hesitate at all and quickly lead the way out of the building, having the valet get our car for us and even helping my mother get into the passenger seat of the car. I smirked at that as my mother was being treated like a delicate lady even though I knew she would easily break that guys legs in under three minutes. I started the car and waited patiently for the BMW in front of me to pull away before following behind. It took a bit longer as traffic was heavy due to being in the downtown area, but we arrived to the estate without too much delay. The estate was just a bit smaller than the Park family estate though definitely not as grand as my home. I shook my head to get rid of these fickle thoughts. Afterall, you could live in a shack and to the person who lived in it would see it as a castle. The outside means nothing if the inside is cold, I thought to myself while I followed closely behind the Buckner car. There at the front door was the Heiress, and a slightly older woman was standing beside her looking elegant in her sundress. We pulled to a stop in front of the stairs and I hesitated a moment before hitting the tracking beacon that Marcos told me was in the car.

Mom jumped from the car and rushed to the drivers side to open my door. Though I know why she did it, it didn't make me feel anymore comfortable about it. I nodded to her though and gave a side glance to the car in front of me. I glanced around the area and noticed that there were few guards here at the residence. I took note of this as a upper class social tycoon has very few guards means something could be up.

"My apologies, I am a bit old so my mobility is a lot slower than you young folks. " A deep voice from the car stated.

I turned and looked at the open door to see a sickly man who had to be in his fifties slowly trying to get out on his own. He kept pushing away his butlers outstretched hand in an attempt to still show that he could do this simple of a task. Though one look from the the woman at the top of the stairs and the old man finally accepted the offered hand. My mouth twitched at the sight of this but maintained my indifferent mask.

"No need to apologize Mr. Buckner, us youngsters tend to be impatient and lack the self control to do what is right. I'm sure Mr. Buckner understands this very well. " I quipped.

I could see the tension on his face at my reply but I didn't care this guy's daughter stole money from my business. I followed the old man into the house and into the living room. Everyone sat in silence for a few moments before the old man cleared his throat.

"Mr. Park, my daughter has proved to me that she is a great disappointment to our family. Though I am very old the perfume company that I own is the only thing that is keeping us in our style of life at the moment. However, I will give you my shares in exchange for my daughter's debt. Would this be satisfactory for you? " Mr. Buckner wheezed.

I looked at my Mother next to me and she seemed to understand my thought on this. She just gave a slight nod and I turned back to the old man. I am not sure if my methods put this old man into such a position that he had to give up his own company to pay off his daughters debt.

"That would be fine, however I cannot take all of your shares. How else would you be able to take care of your medical expenses and your wife after you are gone? I will take half of your shares, and your daughter will have to work for me without pay for two years to pay off her debt. After that she will start getting regular paychecks if she decides to stay on with the company. However, she will not have any access to funds relating to the company and if I find out that she is skimming from the accounts again, she will be sent to the brothel to work off her debt that way. " I said calmly.

"Deal, I will have the paperwork drawn up for the shares as well as our agreement in regards to my daughter's debt. She will sign it or she can be removed from the family register and deal with her own mistakes that way. " Mr. Buckner threatened softly.

His daughter lowered her head in shame and sat in silence next to her mother. I looked at my own mother and knew that I was lenient with them. Perhaps I was too soft but only time will tell if this will bite me in the end. The butler served tea and pastries to us as we waited for the documents to be drawn up by the lawyers. His daughter signed resignedly and everyone else followed suit. I stood up and straightened my jacket soon afterwards.

"Mr. Buckner, Madam Buckner, I expect Anais to report for duty first thing in the morning to the Park residence to receive the details of her new position. I expect her to dress in casual attire nothing too extreme but something enough to show her status. We do have other engagements so we will be leaving first. Have a pleasant evening." I stated calmly.

We turned and left the residence without a second to spare for them. My mother quickly climbed into the car and we drove off to the residence. We sat in silence for a moment before my mother turned towards me giving me a questioning stare.

"She knows more ins and outs of that company. She will be a good asset to understanding how that CEO Ling swindled the money out from underneath our noses. As well as a potential elder of the group in the future so long as her loyalties prove true to the Park family business. Also, she stole from Father, not from me. If she was the balls to steal from him, she is someone that I could get along with. " I said with a smirk on my face.

My mother chuckled at first and then continued into a boisterous laughter that brought her to tears. She shook her head and something caught her eye in the mirror. She stopped immediately and looked back several times.

"Parker take a left turn and then another left turn." Mother said curtly.

"What is it?" I asked slightly panicked.

"We have a tail but I am not a hundred percent sure. I don't want to alert the elite team until I know for sure." Mother said softly.

I took the two left turns and so did the car behind us. I glanced towards my mother and seen her send a quick text, before she pulled out her side arm. My heart started racing and I gripped the steering wheel tightly. Mom looked again at the vehicle behind us and I could hear her teeth grinding. It sounded like nails on a chalkboard for me, I hope that the elite team will get here sooner rather than later. I started to panic and slowly accelerated a little bit more but not enough to hopefully make them notice. I was wrong, I heard the acceleration of the car behind us and then the impact threw me almost face first into the steering wheel. We both screamed in shock but Mom recovered quickly. Like she had done this a hundred times she rolled down her window and aimed her 9 millimeter handgun at the tire. She shot twice and you could hear the car break. I looked behind and seen the car speed back up to rearend us again.

"Parker Turn right!" Mom shouted.

I yanked the wheel to the right and accelerated to give us some distance. I thought we were in the clear until I heard several shots being fired and then I heard the glass shatter. I ducked down and did my best to keep driving on my side of the road. There seemed to be no traffic on this road, and then my eyes widened.

"Son of a ***** !!! They planned this and cleared these streets of people to avoid witnesses!" I cursed aloud.

"Shit!" Mom shouted.

She grabbed her phone again and threw it at the dash. There was no cell signal, we were on our own. She popped the clip of her gun and checked the rounds, there were five more left including the one in the chamber. She didn't grab the extra clip because we were supposed to be dealing with thieves not having a gun fight. I glanced at her again and swerved to avoid being rear ended again. Though as I swerved there was another group of shots fired and I felt a pain in my shoulder. I cried out in pain and looked down at my shoulder. There was blood and a lot of it, I looked at my mother and gritted my teeth.

"No matter what you have to stay awake, these bastards!" Mom shouted in panic.

She turned around and aimed at the driver, she shot once and you could hear the impact with the other cars window. Then she aimed again and shot at the passenger, I am not sure if she had hit her target. My vision was starting to get hazy, I hit the breaks trying to stop. The car screeched to a halt before I lost consciousness. The pain was intense, I could feel the pain and the cold.

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Sorry for the delay in publishing. Hope you feel that this chapter was worth the wait I am hoping that I can get more chapters out this week. Thank you for reading!! ^-^

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