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Chapter 27: History Class

Jin already knew the general important events in the history of Remnant through his early studies in Signal.

As well as almost all of the cultures here that revolved around the world, of course. He knew, or at least got an idea of what the cultures was like on the neighboring kingdoms of Vale.

Based on what he read on books,or saw on the scrolls and televisions, of course.

Though, he might have some mistakes about things, or things that he either misunderstood or didn't understand, or just found a certain culture weird and stupid.

Oh, and let's not forget about unreasonable. Like literally, there are bizzare cultures and traditions here in Remnant that can really make a person ask, no matter the answer the originator told them -Why...

Call him outrageously judgemental - he didn't care. But he wouldn't speak out his judgements, as he might get crucified if his words spread and some sensitive people heard it.

Anyway, after a certain fat and bombastic Professor's Grimm Studies Class, was History Class.

History! Honest to goodness history; stories from the past of how the world was made into today's.

Stories of past events that had a great impact on the current world, as well as learning the important individuals that contributed to the development of the Human well as the Faunus kind of course.

And right now, our Elite Student, as well as team RWBY and JNPR, were in its classroom.

For Jin, this class was quite special, and he couldn't quite pull off the same boredom everyone else seemed to exhibit.

It was special, cause the Professor here was amusing and has a weird way of teaching. Well, not really weird, its just in the way how he spoke was weird.

But regardless of the Professor's faults, he was actually an intelligent man. And his intuition were telling him that something special might happen today in his class.

Or rather, Jin himself was going to do something to make things interesting.

The Elie Student couldn't help but let a small smile of anticipation and confidence to grace his handsome face.

Aware of the anticipating expression the silver-eyed teen had, Weiss sent her eyes to his way, "You seem...oddly motivated." she said to him.

"Well, I just feel like that this will be an unusual day."

"Define unusual?"

"A special day, Weiss, a special day. I'm feeling that our classes today will be quite...exciting." The Elite Student said as he relaxed his back on his chair.

Weiss just raised an eye brow at hearing his words. This guy was definitely one of the top 10 weirdest human beings in the planet.

He was just too abnormally intuitive and instinctive, he would even seem to believe his guts with confidence and no fear of the consequences if he was ever wrong.

Or he might be just oddly eccentric, or insane.

"Freak..." She muttered under her breath.

"Well, I'll consider that as a compliment."

Weiss slightly backed away from Jin in a second, startled. She then remembered on his what seemed to be sensitive hearing, and she sighed.

Monster, Demon, Freak, Abnormal, and any other exaggerating, yet degenerating words to describe his talent, Jin appreciated them all. In fact, he liked being called as such, especially in being called a Demon.

"You know, I think our Professor here doesn't only teach history lessons. I think, he might also teach us about politics, and strategies from time to time, which is a thing I'm kinda looking forward too." Jin said.

"Well…I suppose that's understandable," Weiss whispered.

"At least you have some enthusiasm, which is more than can be said for some people," She added and didn't forget to emphasize 'some', as she shot a glare towards Ruby.

But the younger girl didn't notice it, she too busy showing Nora a doodle from her notebook. Nora laughed at it, and that only seemed to irk Weiss all the more.

"Cmon, Weiss. Right now, your acting like Ruby's mom or something. She may tend to fool around, but she knows how to act in the right situations."

Soon a loud banging sound in the Lecture Hall was heard. Everyone turned to look and saw their instructor gliding in.

The man bursted through the door and whizzed over to his desk with a speed that rivalled Ruby when she uses her Semblance. He was quite of a hyperactive individual that might even make Nora and Ruby make a run for their money.

A metal thermos slammed down onto the woodcraft, the top pulled loose and filled with some hot stimulant beverage -tea-, before the class had even stopped talking between themselves.

'Gotta go fast ey, Professor.' Jin thought with a little amusement.

"Good morning!" the green-haired man spoke out.

"I know that some of you didn't get to come in class on the first day for some reason. Even though I'm very much upset, I'll let it slide for now."

"So for those who were absent, My name is Bartholomew Oobleck, but you may call me Doctor Oobleck or Sir.....But I would like it if you call me Doctor. Anyway, welcome to this, your first of the many history lessons within Beacon. Some of you may wonder why history is important for an aspiring huntsman or huntress, but we must all remember that those who do not learn from the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them." He rapidly said.

How wise…and obvious, but Jin still found himself nodding along. He wasn't surprised that everyone else lacked the same excitement. A few groaned, more slouched – and he could even see a person on the other side of the classroom rest their head on the desk and fall asleep.

"We shall begin our lesson today with a topic close to the hearts of us all, that being of our role within Remnant and how the standards we are held to today have come to pass."

Sounds a little interesting, Jin slightly leaned forward as the man dove into a lecture on how early records depicted hunters as a caste of people who specialised in combat and defence, a novelty at the time since back then everyone had to learn to fight but also balance training with domestic and industrial tasks.

The creation of the hunter corps (not that it had been called that at the time) enabled people to specialise in given tasks, namely fighting or whatever else they wanted to do.

It vastly improved their ability to defend themselves, while also enabling those protected to become more proficient at other, more civilian occupations.

Jin didn't take any notes as he was actually listening, he was confident that he wouldn't forget about all of the hyperactive Professor's words.

He may be outrageously biased on Peter Port, but the reasons for that was quite acceptable in his book, so he didn't care.

Doctor Oobleck, for he deserved the full respect that title gave, was a man who clearly held great passion for history.

He got that expression Jin had seen before, the look of excitement and awe that a certain Professor in Signal sometimes gained whenever he talked of a particularly complicated or volatile political situation and what the consequences of it might mean.

Both men clearly loved their jobs, and facial hair aside, Jin felt they seemed not so dissimilar.

History, Politics, and minus teaching how to scheme against your enemies, they were truly somewhat identical.

A flamboyant man, Oobleck seemed to be an incredibly deep and compassionate thinker, completely dedicated to and relishing in his roles as a Huntsman and teacher.

As the teacher got into it, he started to speak faster too, and it looked like some...No, many students struggled to keep up. Jin didn't have the same problem since a certain Professor in Signal tended to do the same when he got excited in his lectures.

He didn't take notes throughout it all, but Weiss besides him did – albeit her handwriting had gone from neat to frantic as she tried to keep up.

Oh, and it only got better. The frenzied Doctor continued on in one of his pumped-up rapid fire lectures, whilst the rest of the class, that was willing to listen, tried in vain to follow along in-between taking notes.

But when Doctor Oobleck moved onto the Grimm, however, Jin had to raise an eye brow.

"Naturally, the Grimm have existed from before recorded history," the teacher orated, "Mindlessly aggressive and with a burning hatred towards all mankind, the Grimm has been an ever-present problem that threatens to wipe out humanity and could attack at any time."

"Then why haven't they?"

The class bursted into murmurs as Jin's interruption was heard throughout the classroom. He felt their gaze focus on him, wondering in why the Elite Student suddenly interrupted.

"Ah, Mr. Rose, is it? A pleasure to have your input, but in future please do raise your hand into the air."

"Oh crud, I forgot," Jin muttered, "Sorry, Doctor." He said with an embarassed smile as he then held one of his hands up.

"Not at all – it's wonderful to see someone interested in joining the discussion. It only proves that you are truly listening in the lecture. Now then, could you rephrase your question for me?"

Ah, right, maybe he hadn't said it in the best way. So Jin faked a cough and lowered his hand, "You said that the Grimm are mindlessly aggressive and hunts humans, and that they could attack at any time to wipe out the Kingdoms...But if that's true, then why haven't they done so already?"

"Why have they not overran the Kingdoms?" Oobleck adjusted his glasses. "Well, that would be because of the combination of our hunter forces, and also the fortifications we use to defend our settlements. Neither would be enough without the other, but together they have allowed us to eke out a civilization that lasted for centuries."

Jin smiled, "But it's not like the walls could stop every Grimm. Take the Nevermores, for instance, they could just fly over – so if Grimms are mindlessly aggressive and go out of their way to kill humans, why aren't the flying ones constantly swarming Vale?"

'Shouldn't tell them about the Dragons...'


The class mumbled between themselves once more, as Oobleck didn't seem to have an immediate answer. Some even looked towards Jin with expressions akin to awe on their face.

That's an Elite Student for ya.

Others just looked like they didn't understand his point, which felt a little distressing. Jin wasn't trying to sound like he was smarter or anything, he was just geniunely curious.

His encounter with that weird Grimm - The Werewolf, changed his views about the Grimms.

From the hidden forces of the darkness, and to the possibly undiscovered diverse species of other Grimms that exists here in Remnant, they may all be real, and many may be unexpectedly strong.

'If there are any other kinds Grimm like that Werewolf...Then there must be like a faction composed of those kinds of Grimms, an association...They are just gathering more forces and strength, waiting for the right moment to go all-out in their attack against humanity.'

Padoru_Saber Padoru_Saber

Remember that Jin doesn't know anything about Salem, and since he only watched mid-way on Season 3, he doesn't know about Vale's destruction.

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