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54.05% Son Of A God

Chapter 20: Chapter 20 Back In New York

​After taking a cab to the airport and buying our tickets, we were now sitting in the plane on our way to New York. I had a window seat and sat next to Grover who had a stranger on his left. Behind us was Annabeth and Percy, also sitting with a stranger. We were in the air and I looked out the window seeing the clouds under us.

"Can you believe we actually got the bolt?" I asked Grover who shook his head. "I honestly can't. I mean who would have thought we would be able to complete what we did. Thank you Lucian, for coming with us I mean. You saved our lives many times throughout the trip, your a true friend." Grover put a hand on my shoulder. "So what are you gonna do after all this is done? Go back to camp?" Grover nodded. "You guys will, yes." I raise an eyebrow. "You guys? Does that mean your not?" Grover shook his head. "No, I'll be going on a quest of my own. A quest to search for Pan!" I rack my brain to remember the familiar name. "Pan? As in the god of nature?" Grover looks surprised and nods.

"I didn't think you would know of him. Yes, I will be going on the quest for the search of Pan, just like every Satyr before me. Maybe I'll even be the one to find him!" Grover said, but he sounded unconvinced that he would. "You'll be the first to find him? What about all of the other Satyrs before you who were also looking for him?" I asked him. "Remember my uncle Ferdinand? He also was looking for Pan, but he ended up dead. Most Satyrs who look for Pan either disappear or die, never to be seen again." I started to feel scared for Grover. "And you want to go looking for him? What if you die?!" Grover looks down and smiles. "Then I die, I will except my fate. If the fates cut my string, I will accept it."

"Let me come with you!" Grover shook his head, but smiled. "No, this is a quest I must do alone." I continue to look at Grover who stayed firm on his decision. "*sigh*...there is no way I could convince you is there?" Grover patted my shoulder. "No there is not, my friend. But I appreciate you wanting to jump into this abyss of fog with me." We stay silent after that, not talking to one another. I could hear Percy and Annabeth discussing about why their parents hate each other. Something about an old rivalry that came up after they broke up a long, long, long time ago. They used to date, but since they broke up they became rivals in many things. There were many circumstances that came up later in time that solidified their relationship as long time rivals.

I was taken out of listing on their conversation when Grover spoke. "You know, I used to be a nervous wreck back when I was younger. It took me a lot of practice to cover up my nervousness with fake confidence and comedy, but I still get scared to this day." I pat his shoulder while looking at him. "Your a good protector Grover, you have more than enough to be confident." Grover bitterly smiled and looked troubled. "I'm not a good protector. I failed in protecting Thalia, she died because I was not good enough to help her." Everything made sense, he was the protector that failed to save Thalia. No wonder hes not confident I himself, he is still blaming himself. "I wasn't there Grover, but Im sure it's not your fault. All you could do now is get stronger, to make sure a situation like that never happens again." Grover looks surprised but nods.

"Does Chiron know about your parents?" Grover suddenly asked. "Yeah, he said he would protect me the best he could." Grover smiles. "I'm sure Chiron will always be there to help you out. He's a good friend and teacher." I nod agreeing to what Grover said. "That power you used must of come from you father right? Aren't you curious about him?" I contemplated Grovers question in my head. I guess I am curious about him, but I don't even know where he is. "I don't even know where the guy is Grover, so even if I was curious, I cant look for him." Grover didn't say anything, so we sat there in silence. I decided to take a nap, and told Grover to wake me when we land.


Lucian opened his eyes and found himself surrounded by snow. He shivered at the cold wind trickling down his spine. He looked around and saw himself on top of a big mountain. A buff man with a red swirl tattoo, and a boy were throwing the ashes of someone deceased into the air. They were saying something but Lucian was not able to hear a thing.

This man, he felt a sort of connection with this man for some reason. Could it be? Is this man my father? Lucian was going to walk up to the man and look at him from closer up, but the man slowly turned around to look at him. He said something but like before, Lucian wasn't able to hear the words. Lucian felt his body shaking as the scene before him blurred and vanished all at once.

Lucian opened his eyes and saw Grover shaking him. "We landed Lucian, it's time to get off." Lucian looked around and saw all the passengers get their luggage and were walking off the plane. Lucian grabbed his backpack and followed his friends out of the plane. They slowly made their way out if the airport and were able to call a cab. "Look, I think I should deliver the bolt alone. You three should get back to camp and explain everything to Chiron." Percy suddenly told us.

"No way! I'm not going to quite once we are basically done with the quest, I want to go too!" Annabeth protested. I wanted to protest too, but realized me going to Olympus is not one of the best ideas. "I'll go back to camp, walking into the fortress of the God that wants me dead is not a great Idea. Although, I was kinda hoping in meeting my birth mother. Can you do me a favor and tell her I would like to meet her? I would have gone and seen her, but I cant because I might get caught by Zeus." Percy nodded. "I'll try and talk to her if I get the chance, I promise." Annabeth looked sour at not being able to go to Olympus. "Me too Percy, tell my mother I said hi." Percy nodded at Annabeths request. We all got in the cab and dropped Percy off at the Empire State Building, then took the cab back to half blood hill.

Me and Annabeth wait at the entrance of the camp for Grover, who was paying the cab with the last of our money. We all walk onto camp at the same time and find that the camp was still sleeping. We got here at around 3 A.M. meaning that everyone was still in their cabins fast asleep. "So what do we do now?" I asked them. "For now we sleep, and discuss everything to Chiron when we wake up." Said Grover. "What about me? Where do I sleep?" I asked Grover, since I still dont have a place to sleep at.

"For now sleep at Percy's house. You still haven't been claimed by a god, even though we know who your parents are. Once Aphrodite claims you, you will be able to move into her cabin." Grover explained. "What about Percy?" Asked Annabeth. "Who knows how long he'll take, I'm exhausted after fighting a god. That nap on the plane didn't really help, so I'm going to sleep. We can check in with Percy in the morning." They all nodded and went to their respective living quarters. Annabeth went toward Athenas Cabin, and Grover went toward the woods.

I went to the house Percy's father specifically built for him, even though he had his own cabin. He decided to sleep on the bed because he was just to exhausted right now, and has been running on fumes earlier. He will deal with everything tomorrow.

bamjrr bamjrr

We are almost reaching the end of book 1 guys!

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