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83.78% Son Of A God

Chapter 31: Chapter 31 New Camp Director

​After the farewell they had with Chiron, a conch was blown that was heard throughout the camp. It was pretty late already meaning it was time for dinner. Once outside they were able to see the campers come out from their cabins, first ones being the ones from Athena. They were 10 boys and 10 girls with blonde hair and grey eyes, they were all Annabeths half-siblings. Annabeth said she wanted to go say hi to her siblings and excused herself, saying she'll meet up with us later.

Next was Clarisse who had one armed being held up in a sling, and had a nasty looking cut on her cheek. She was leading her siblings to dinner. Soon all the cabins mixed in: Demeter, Apollo, Aphrodite, Dionysus. The dryads separated themselves from the trees, the Satyrs came out of the woods, and the Naiads came up from the canoe lake.

Once the last cabin came in, being the Hermes cabin which was also the biggest, Lucian led Percy and Tyson into the pavilion and sitting in their usual table after getting their food. There were a few murmurs ringing out throughout the tables, as they stared at Tyson. "Who invited that?" One of the kids from the Apollo table said, without bothering to watch how loud his voice was. Lucian and Percy both turn to glare at the direction of the voice but they couldn't find who it was that said it. When they were about to sit down at their usual table, they heard a voice come from the head table.

"Well, well, if it isn't the camps 'prince' and Peter Johnson. My millennium is complete." Lucian couldn't care less about this useless god, but he seems to grind Percy's gears. "Percy Jackson...sir." Percy gritted his teeth and spat out in a tone that said 'I have told you a million times!'

As Mr. D was responding to Percy, Lucian looked at the seat next to Mr. D and found the man he truly dosen't like. The man was pale and horribly thin, almost breakable. He was wearing a threadbare orange prisoners jumpsuit, on the top left of the jump suit near his heart was a number that read 0001. He had bags under his eyes so dark they looked blue, to pair that off he had horrible grey short hair that looked like it had been cut by a blind person. Whenever Lucian looked at the mans eyes, he always felt like the guy was always restless, and always wanted something. He also had a particular evil look in his eye.

That's right, he's our new Activities director. When we first met, we didn't exactly hit it off. "Im Tantalus. On special assignment here untill, well, untill my lord Dionysus decides otherwise." This guy is a real piece of shit in my opinion. He likes to mess with the people he doesn't like and likes to scare the little ones. Nobody here at camp really likes the guy.

I honestly couldn't be bothered to listen to the guy anymore, so I started to focus on my eating. Although I was brought out of my food devouring state when I saw Tantuls try to drink some rootbeer out of his mug, only to have it scoot away from his grasp. No matter how much he tried, he couldn't get a hold of the drink. He also tried to eat some of the food on his plate, but it did the same as the cup of rootbeer and slid off the table. "Blast!" Tantulus cursed out in hatred.

When I saw this comical scene, I couldn't help but to burst out laughing. No one else was laughing other than me, so I stood out. Tantulus being angry already at not being able to consume anything, took his anger out on me. "What the hell are you laughing at 'PRINCE'?" I dont understand why he says the word prince like if it was an insult, it was more like complimenting me in a hateful way.

"I'm laughing at you obviously. You must be really thirsty and hungry for not being able to consume anything for thousands of years." I said as I take a drink from my Doctor Pepper. Tantulus clenched his fist angrily, as he eyed my Doctor Pepper enviously.

Some of you may ask why me and him dont get along, and that's something very simple to answer. The first day he got here, he acted like there was nothing wrong. He acted like a monarch, punishing those who disobeyed. Whenever Thalia was brought up, he would blow past it and say that there is absolutely nothing wrong, then proceed to punish the person who spoke up. After the first few days everyone learned not to go against him, but I was having none of that shit. Anytime I found an opportunity to spite him, I would take it. He grew to hate me because I was the only one who dare to press his buttons.

Tantulus took a deep breath and smirked. "You know, I do think there is a problem with the camp." He said. "Yeah, Thalias tree." I cut him off, but he acted confused. "Nothing is wrong with the tree." He said in a tone asking for someone to tell him otherwise. "I guess you must be blind then." No one else will challenge him, but I sure as hell will. Tantulus smirked and continued. "I think that employing a monster to the camp is very dangerous. Monsters are ment to be killed, killed by the heros we train here in this camp. I think she needs to be slain."

Once Tantalus said this I rose to my feet immediately sending a glare that read 'I fucking dare you.' The entire hall was loud as they all exclaimed their shock. After all, most of the kids here at camp really like Mother Medusa, especially the little ones. For some, she has come to be like the mother they never had. A mother that doesn't really show her emotions, that is. Almost everyone in the hall was glaring at Tantulus, making the reciever of all the glares to sweat a bit.

Percy was also clenching his fist, as his friend was also a monster, technically. The fact that Tantulus was openly admitting he has no problem slaying a monster, Meant that Tyson is not safe either.

Tantulus seemed to not able to cope with all the hateful glares anymore, so he changed his attention to Percy once more. "This monster shall stay with us untill we know what to do with him." Percy was angry as he spat out. "Him." Tantalus raised an eyebrow. "We shall decide IT'S fate."

Percy said something to Tyson, then came to sit down by my side. Tantulus gave a crooked smile and talked about how he wanted to torture all the children here. Which he explained is his way of getting to know them. An important peace of news was that he was reinstituting the chariot races. I was able to find out about it from a few campers. They said it was a deadly race that they would do on chariots, like the old ways. They took it away because it was too dangerous. 3 deaths and 26 mutilations too dangerous.

Tantulus seemed excited as he explained that each cabin must have a representative participate in the race. He also said that the winner will get a few rewards and that the winning cabin does not need to do any chores for the month won. This seemed to get people excited as conversation started to go around.

However, someone stood up to express her objections. It was Clarisse who stood up from the Ares table. Lucian noticed that she had a piece of paper taped to her back that said 'YOU MOO, GIRL!' It was surprising to Lucian that a tough girl like her would object to such a violent camp tradition.

"But sir! What about patrol duties? If we drop everything to ready our chariots-"  Tantulus cut her off before she could continue. "Ahh, the hero of the day! Brave Clarisse, who single handedly bested the bronze bulls!" I raised an eyebrow. You have got to be kidding me, how can you shamelessly say that when everyone here saw me kill the bulls?

Clarisse blinked, then blushed at the embarrassment. "But sir, I didnt-" she was cut off again by Tantulus who said she was very modest. He was spouting some bull shit nonsense about having fun at the summer camp. Clarisse tried to ask about the tree, but Tantulus blew past those kinds of matters.

He started to point at Tyson, saying what they would do with him. "Normally I would throw him into the woods and tell you guys to chase after him with a pointy stick. However, since it seems that we already have a monster living in this camp, I found it in the goodness of my heart to spare his life. However now we must decide where we should stable such a beast. I thought about the stables, but that would just spook the horses. The Hermes cabin is to full for such a big beast-"

Tantalus was cut off by a sudden green glow. Everyone gasped as they looked at Tyson, or more specifically above him. Above his head glowed a green trident, the symbol of Poseidon.

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