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New Game Plus.

Author: Resgenex

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Communication is Good Pt1

"You know what Mars? I think, that out of anyone, any singular person in the universe, I might just hate you the most. Bar none."

In the vast expanse of darkness, known better by the void, two beings reclined with relative ease. There was no physical basis for either of them, but it would be incorrect to describe their actions as anything other than completely relaxed. They were like galaxies in and of themselves. Spiraling masses of space dust and chemical lights, flickering around their centers, completely free of all influence. If nothing else, then you might think that the two being vaguely resembled humans, gender aside.

"And why is that."

He didn't need to ask that and at this point, he wasn't even asking a question in return. Now, it was a statement, a mere formality for the tangent that Gen would no doubt go on. His partner had been griping about this for years without rest. Even after decades and centuries had passed, he had never stopped complaining.

"I'm so glad you asked." Gen spoke, ignoring the whispered 'again' that came from the source of his unending annoyance. "You never just let things end when they should. Even when they die more peacefully than what fate would allow, you just snatch them up from the grave and put them back to work for your own twisted plans. Like honestly, you pulled an entire universe from your ass just to screw with one guy for literally no reason-"

Mars sighed for the umpteenth time in what felt like a millennium. Sure he had bent a few of his rules and skirted a few laws when he was playing in his sandbox, but in his defense, it was his sandbox.

He could dump all the sand he wanted in there.

"-ure to you how much shit you're in with all of the other? They laugh at you! Them! The ones that couldn't even figure out how to finish a fate line without asking for help! Like, what the fuck man! All you had to do was stick to the plot. Just stay on track and everything would be just fine and dandy. But nooo, you had to flex your-"

Gen stopped speaking, the silence so sudden that it made Mars flinch. Sure it was a bit tedious to listen to the man, it was still better than the utter quiet that tended to cloak the void.


"I've got it."

Mars tilted his head, a small asteroid losing itself in the motion and careening into the darkness.

"I'm the singularity, I can do whatever the hell I want." Mars nodded. "It doesn't matter what you do, you can't stop me from doing whatever I want with my universe." Another nod. "And my universe is a literal mirror version of yours."

Mars' nod was a bit more confused this time. Understandable considering that Gen was simply speaking common knowledge.


The originator of the first universe watched as the god who had decided to copy his entire being and subjugate it to himself, completely fall into a fit of laughter. If it sounded a bit deranged, then he wasn't going to make a comment about it. Gen was prone to doing this sometime and while it wasn't as shocking to see, it was still a bit unnerving.

By the time that Gen had got a hold of himself, his whole being was vibrating. Planets were falling out of orbit, stars were blinking uncontrollably, and with the amount of energy that was being expelled, the god looked much brighter than before.

Mars was mildly concerned now.

"This isn't your world anymore." A much slower nod. "And I can literally do what I want, bar nothing, with no effects on my being?"

Wait. "The other gods might be a bit annoyed by your actions but they can't do anything serious-" ...why did this feel like a terrible idea? "-But yeah, no one can do anything to you but you. I don't see why I need to tell you this though."

Gen smiled. Mars had never seen a god smile. It was like a tear had torn its way through the top of his universe into the shape of an entirely too frightening cut that just barely resembled a grin.

"No reason."

Then Gen, the mirrored universe of the original progenitor of his cosmos, in all of his wisdom and power, with nothing but pride in his voice and actions-

"What the fuck?!"

-Tore his legs from his body.

Resgenex Resgenex

Well now.

That escalated rather quickly.


Bippity Boppity Boo.

Don't expect a chapter 2.

Cause it's not coming any time soon.

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