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Chapter 10: Roomate & 'Joke'

(Author's Note: Just a heads up there is an important note at the bottom, also I wasn't a huge fan of this chapter...It just didn't sit will with me...maybe how I approached it being wrong but anyways, I don't really want to post this chapter with me not feeling right about it but I want your guys opinions on it. Maybe with your help I can understand why I feel like somethings missing.)

A few days later,

"Hmm room 108…ahh here it is." LeiYu said as he finally found his room.

Walking inside LeiYu saw a dirty room covered in dust with two beds and a desk as the only furniture.

"Man it sure is dirty in here…*finger snap*…there all better. Maybe ill get some sleep before meeting up with Ice and Snow." With the snap of a finger LeiYu cleaned the room before laying down on the bed to the left hand side, after lying down for a short while it wasn't long before he entered the world of dreams.

Around two hours later the door to LeiYu's room opened, in walked a handsome boy around the age of 12. Beautiful blue eyes, hair a mix of blue and pink. A butterfly wing on his coat.

LeiYu woke up to the boys entrance, already aware of who he was and he was quite happy inside being able to room with Wang Dong. Even though he knew what type of person he was at the start of the series he figured it wouldn't be long before they got along.

Wang Dong having given the room a once over, looked towards LeiYu with a arrogant look on his face, before stating, "It seems that you have cleaned the room neatly, ill permit you to live with me but I have a few rules that you must follow…"

"Alright hold it right there." Interrupted LeiYu as he rose from his bed and stood opposite of Wang Dong.

Once in front of his, LeiYu gave a friendly smile before reaching out his hand and saying, "My name is LeiYu and we are roommates from now on, what's your name?"

"Did I allow you to speak dumbass?" Snipped Wang Dong seeming to not be willing to befriend anyone.

'Man this might be harder then I thought. Maybe I should just go for broke and see how it goes?' thought LeiYu as he said, "Listen little girl I don't need your attitude so how about dropping it."

"!? What 'little girl'?! Cant you see I'm a man?!" Becoming frantic Wang Dong began to raise his voice.

Ignoring his blushing, frantic face. LeiYu moved closer until they were almost touching.

"You may have used a body changing art preventing others from finding out but you cant hide from my eyes girly." LeiYu said activating his Cosmic Spirit Eyes in order to drive the point home.

Wang Dong was at a loss as to what to do. She knew her identity was exposed and she hadn't even been in the academy for a day.

"What do you want?" Many wild ideas flashed through Wang Dongs head in an instant, wondering what kind of untold things might happen to him.

When Wang Dong said that many thoughts flashed through LeiYu's mind. He honestly didn't want anything from him, but when he remembered how beautiful and innocent she really was he couldn't help but want to tease her, so he said. "What do I want? How about you become my women, in exchange ill keep your little secret."

"What?! No way not happening!!" Wang Dong said as the blush on his face intensified.

"Oh? then looks like I'll have to tell everyone that you're a female who likes to dress as a man." LeiYu at this point was about ready to end the joke but he was surprised when he heard her answer.

"Wait!!...please don't tell anyone…ill…ill do it…." Wang Dong had tears in his eyes. In the heat of the moment, not realizing he was being messed with, ended up agreeing in fear of his secret getting out.

She didn't realize in her innocence, that the higher ups of the school already knew he wasn't a man. All he could think about at this moment was how his life in Shrek would be over if people found out. He had begged his Eldest and second eldest fathers to allow him to come to Shrek and study. With his stubborn personality he couldn't accept going back after only one day.

"…" LeiYu was dumbfounded and didn't know how to proceed. On one hand he felt guilty for taking the joke to far but on the other he was kind of happy that she agreed to be his.

"Good, now then I have business to attend to if you'll excuse me." LeiYu said, after all 'Of the Thirty-Six Stratagems, fleeing is best'. Staying true to this saying he walked out the door leaving a confused Wang Dong alone in the room.

When LeiYu arrived at Shrek Plaza there were many students already socializing. Finding a spot to sit down he began to wait for the two girls.

As he was watching an older student get smacked by a female student for being lecherous, the girls showed up. Snow was dressed in a white one piece dress with blue frills at the hem. With her beautiful and pure appearance it wasn't long before she became the center of attention.

Ice on the other hand was dressed in a white blouse and green skirt slightly different then her normal one which LeiYu made for her during their stay in his world. She had her hair in a single pony tail rather then the twin tails she normal has it in.

LeiYu always felt that the twin tails suited her and made her look rather adorable but when she had her hair down on styled he had to admit she looked a lot more mature, were it not for her height that is.

After standing up and greeting the two ladies they began their afternoon outing. They went for a stroll around Shrek city and visited many different shops and stores. If there was something the girls wanted LeiYu would buy it for them using the money he had (created) 'found' randomly laying on the ground.

After a few hours of shopping and having fun it was getting close to dinner time so the three stopped at a restaurant near the school and had a simple dinner while relaxing. After the three had finished their meals and were on their way back to the dorms, LeiYu spotted someone familiar.

"Hey Dong'er!" LeiYu called out.

Wang Dong who had also just went out to get some food heard the voice and froze, half in fear and half due to shyness he turned around and was greeted by someone he really didn't want to see.

"What do you want?" Asked Wang Dong in a snappy tone. Before he finally noticed the two girls by LeiYu's side.

"What have a problem with me calling out to you? Anyways girls, this is my roommate Wang Dong, Wang Dong my wives Snow and Ice."

"W..wives?! You're married?? How old are you like 12 how can you be married already?!" Wang Dong shouted rather skeptical that someone would like this person in front of him.

"No need to yell, why don't we find a private place and have a chat?" LeiYu's tune didn't really leave no as an answer. The four settled down next to a lake within the academy.

"Now then girls lets get down to business. Wang Dong why don't you tell us about yourself and why you're dressed like a man." LeiYu's words earned him two confused faces and one angry one, but soon the angry face turned into a resigned one.

"You really aren't going to let me live in peace huh? Whatever…It was because I didn't want to draw attention to myself." Wang Dong clearly had resigned himself to his fate at this point. He went on to talk about himself, his age and his spirit. The only thing he didn't mention was regarding him being from the Clear Sky Sect.

After the girls had found out about LeiYu's 'joke' they were quite upset at him. He originally wanted to explain that it was a joke but after thinking it through he decided not to. One because he felt it would only make the girls angrier and two because deep down he hoped him and Wang Dong could move past this event and become close enough for true feelings to develop. So with that LeiYu spent the rest of the day pacifying the three girls who now seemed to be on each others side.

After parting ways at the dorms, LeiYu and Wang Dong returned to their room. When they entered LeiYu didn't do anything inappropriate because he knew if he did he wouldn't hear the end of it from Snow and Ice. He decided he would only tease Wang Dong and not force him into anything.

The night past peacefully for LeiYu but for Wang Dong it was anything but. Knowing that LeiYu knew he was a girl made her overly aware of the fact they were sleeping in the same room. He wasn't able to sleep well and would wake up at different intervals through out the night thinking LeiYu would do something to him. This continued all the way until morning.


/!\ Important /!\

(Long Note ahead)

(Author's Note: Hello everyone! For those who are here only for this book and haven't read my other one Fate's False Servant then this may not seem as substantial, however, those who have read FFS know that the writing quality between Watcher of Reality (WR) and FFS seem to be vastly different.

When I started writing I was focused on creating a story that I would enjoy. I had never even intended to post anything anywhere. This lead to me not putting in 100% of my effort while writing and instead just focusing on the imagination aspect of it all.

My goal had been to get to 'the end game' and create one which I would enjoy re-reading in my spare time just for kicks. For some reason I ended up posting FFS, as soon as I wrote the first chapter, on the website and I ended up getting a lot of nice feedback, so I posted this one as well.

I only had 2 or 3 chapters done at the time of the post, and so it took me some time to get used to writing two-three chapters every day, and making sure I kept up with the schedule I gave to myself. Now that I've gotten used to it and had a chance to look back on my own work. I've realized that WR doesn't fit the standard I had given myself.

Re-reading FFS and then WR (as well as my 3rd book which is...bad to say the least.) I felt as if I didn't put In enough effort with WR and I want to put out a better quality story.

That being said, I plan to spend a couple of days, go back through and touch up on my earlier chapters. As I stated my goal was 'the end game' and I feel like we will be in for a long ride together. I want to make not only a singular well written book but rather a series of them, all of which connect into a bigger universe of my own making.

This chapter will be the last for the moment! Don't worry its not being dropped or anything like that, I will just be going through and basically changing the flow of the chapters. I swapped to the same style I use in FFS this chapter as a test of sorts and I feel like, rather then forcing myself to stay with the old style I had been writing in, I want to just spend a couple of days, go back, and make the story better. That way going forward It's a greater story over all.

FFS will continue with one chapter per day, WR will not have a chapter for anywhere between 2-3 days depending on how fast I can edit the chapters, and HDSL (My third book) will be going on a temporary Hiatus for about a month or so before I get FFS and WR in good spots, then I will re-write HDSL, with possibly a different concept.

Thank you all for your understanding and I hope no one is to upset with this. I feel like I owe it to not only you all but myself to improve my stories. Thanks again!

SnowRose SnowRose

I hope everyone sticks around and will continue to support me when I update the chapters in a few days. Much love!

Ps: give me feedback on this chapter so I can maybe edit it to idk feel less forced? I still don't know what's off, let me know your opinions please!!!

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