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Mike lay on his bed. He was staring at a picture. A picture of his dad, mom, Isabel and him together. He was still a toddler when the photo was taken and Isabel was also still a young child then. He wondered if his parents would ever reconcile and if his family could be whole again.

Then his mind drifted. He thought of Evie. That was her name. His hiccups only came whenever he was nervous or excited. Most times it warned him against some things - which may be due to his extreme paranoia - and when he stayed away from most, it protected him. Now, he had the same feeling about Evie. He couldn't explain why but he felt something was off about her. He made up his mind to stay away from her.

He placed the picture inside a box - a gift box containing a storybook and a letter - and covered the box. He stood up from the bed and scanned the room for a place to hide the box. He smiled to himself as he assessed the room.

It was big and spacious. Well furnished with black furniture, black bed, black walls and even black curtains, the room met almost all his requirements. No wonder Isabel had called to ask him his best color. Maybe she wasn't as cruel as his dad described her. Why did he even believe him in the first place?

The door knob turned and he quickly shoved the box under the bed. Isabel walked in and again he felt contempt for her.

"Can't you knock?" He blurted, not making any effort to hide his anger.

"Sorry. I'm not used to knocking." Isabel replied apologetically.

"Then you'd better start practicing." Mike retorted. He sat on the bed and started using his laptop which had been lying on the bed.

Isabel frowned a little at his behavior but still maintained her calm composure. "Do you like the interior design of the room?"

"Mm." He absentmindedly answered the question with a nod of head and continued with his laptop. Isabel was angry at his behavior but she swallowed her anger.

"Okay. If you need anything, I'm just a room away. And come outside by six so I can show you around."

"Mm." Mike nodded again.

Isabel bit her lip and clenched her fists in an effort to direct her anger elsewhere. She turned around to leave when she heard him call. Forcing a smile on her face, she turned to face him. "Anything else?"

"Yes. Have someone repaint the ceilings to black. Its being white is really out of place. Don't you think so?" Mike said without even looking up at her.

"I think so too." Isabel's patience had finally run out. Mike had really crossed his boundary. "And I also think there are some things I need to make clear to you." For the first time since he sat on the bed, Mike looked up from his laptop at Isabel. Isabel felt victorious. "First, I am in charge here and I give the orders. You don't order me around. Secondly, you don't ignore me when I talk to you nor do you reprimand me. And lastly, as long as you are younger than me in this house, even if it is by a day, you are to call me Aunt. Aunt Isabel. Am I clear?"

Mike smirked. "Very clear, T'sabel." He was never a person to be forced. If she wanted respect, she should earn it. He wouldn't call her Aunt Isabel unless he felt she deserved it. But since she was the boss now, he had no choice. But he could alter it. Sounding only the 't' in the 'Aunt' and adding her name to it, he called Aunt but he didn't really call her.

Isabel felt awkward. She clearly had won but Mike hadn't lost either so her victory was incomplete. She walked out of the room gritting her teeth. The boy was just as annoying as his father. But then they were father and son. They most likely would act alike. She hoped he wouldn't be as bad as his father. She couldn't have a snake in the house.

***** ***** *****

Mike sat on a sofa carrying his laptop. He was calmly focused like he wasn't aware of his surroundings. Isabel had received a call very early in the morning that Joanna had regained consciousness. She left the house after the call with Evie and Carlo, the driver. Evie's little brother sat quietly on the seat opposite him, watching him with keen interest. Mike felt uncomfortable by his gaze but he ignored it. After all, it wasn't a crime to stare.

The maids were redecorating the house - his room included - under the directions of Ruth. So no matter how much he wanted to, he couldn't escape the little boy's eyes.

His gaze shifted from the laptop to where the boy was seated but he wasn't there. He scanned the surroundings with his eyes a few times before looking back at his laptop. After a while, he heard some footsteps and as it reached him, it stopped.

"Brother Michael, would you like to have some juice?" Caleb's eyes widened with excitement as he look admiringly at Mike.

"No thanks." Mike forced a smile in an attempt to not make Caleb feel bad.

"What about tea? Or coffee? I can make it for you." Caleb continued not losing his enthusiasm.

"Neither." Mike sighed and moved away to another seat but in a matter of seconds, he heard Caleb's soft breathing again.

"Do you want water?" Caleb asked again.

Mike couldn't bear it anymore. Caleb was very annoying. "No. Leave me alone." Mike snapped and Caleb left him and went back to sitting opposite him. He heaved a sigh of relief and continued with his laptop. But his relief was short lived.

"Brother Michael, what are you doing?" Caleb asked, this time in curiosity.

"None of your business." Mike was already pissed. He would have been in his room if not for the work being done in it. But he was out here with an annoying kid. It was really a bad day.

"Okay." Caleb pauses for a while before he continues. "But Brother Michael, can you play football? Evie can't play so it's no fun when she's here. But if you play with me, it would be much fun."

"Ugh, kid! Leave me alone! I don't want to play with you." Mike blurted, already red with anger.

"It's Caleb." Caleb spoke sadly with a low tone.

"What?" Mike's voice softened. He didn't mean to hurt the child.

"The name. It's Caleb. Not kid." Caleb replied sadly. Michael didn't even know his name and they've been living together for over two weeks.

"Okay, Caleb. I'm begging you, please be quiet. I'm really busy so please don't make anymore noise. Okay?"

Caleb smiled. He was satisfied that Michael didn't hate him. If he did, he wouldn't have cared about his feelings. A part of him told him to be contented with that but the other urged him to make good use of this opportunity or he wouldn't have another chance to talk with Mike. He heeded the latter.

"If I shut up now, will you play football with me on Saturday?"

"Maybe." Mike shrugged, happy that he would soon be free.

"That's not a definite answer." Caleb sulked, clearly unhappy.

"I promise."

"Thank you Brother Michael." Caleb jumps up in joy and runs to Mike and hugged him. Mike was startled at first but then he began to smile. For the first time he could remember, he felt warmth in his heart. He was happy to have a sibling. He patted Caleb's back softly.

"Just call me Mike."

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