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Chapter 5: Camp this sucks!

    "Oi, you're late, miss come with me into the first floor with you." a lady screams at me viciously. Her brown almost red colored eyes threaten my way. I burst out of shock ? Please Mrs. Grenoble it won't happen again I promise.? Mrs. Grenoble took no mercy in that comment ?Doesn't matter,wrench you're not special you are not going to own up to anything in the future. Go to your room and don?t come out until you finished a 1,100,000 word essay about curfews.?

       Snatching my arms; Mrs. Grenoble's nails pierce me by the arm and swings me up to the attic above my room. Crashing and banging across the stairway I reach an odd shaped room, dust smothering the walls.Pushing me to the squeaky wooden floor, with loose nails and screws.

    At those moments surrounding me in darkness of the coldest people, I realized she's wrong, she's always wrong. I will be someone, I'll be some one? one day.

    Signals of unshakable chills shoot through my spine as I saw it... the thing that never leaves. The shadow appears to be in the corner of my eye. A part of me didn't care anymore what could happen to me so I started walking toward it, but it disappeared into black clouds of smoke like coal ash, or steam. Suddenly the door broke open, "Sis, sis, where are you?"  My twin brother Hayden calles out leading up to the room.

     Bursting in through the door he scurries over toward me lying on the floor holding onto my knees rocking back and forth.

 . Hayden smiles at me with his green eyes, and freckles that checker across his slim face. Watching him smile made me almost cry. I love him to death, but while he got special attention I was there in the dark, all alone, bullied, beaten, and sometimes starved for 2 days of neglect. At this point I would be better of on the streets with Luke.

Hayden walks over to the bed and asks me "What plan where, where are we going, what... on a train, and how can we afford it?" . "Its ok we will be fine, Luke said we all need to get jobs that, "pay well". So we can get enough for 3 tickets.". I could tell that Hayden wasn't up for it by the way he looked. "We can start a new beginning where you and I can be safe. Remember we will always be together you and I. I would never desert my only family."

Hayden stands up in a sore way like he is about to fall, or even worse pass out. With each step Hayden looks paler and paler. 


  "Craaaashhhhh", "Hayden, Hayden!!!!!!!!!!.... Wake up, wake up its ok come on Hayden." I scream as I wipe black cloudy tears off of my face, with my cloudy mascara all over my hands.

     The first time we went to the doctor was when we were five the doctor said he may not make pass 16. But we both are 15 not 16. Please... he's my brother what will I do without him?

 Lacking in hope  I start looking around the room for something that could possibly save him. I got up with every step I could limp, all I could remember at this moment was all the times he covered for me, saved me, and memories of good times.

 On the other side is a strange bed across the room with teal blue moldy sheets and two unblowed balloons that said its twins. Trampling over the bed I reached for the balloons desperately in hope of saving him. When I reached for it I realized there were some small metal rods that are on my bed. "bang!Bang!" Trying to knock the bars out I thinking "keep kicking that bed" . In a sudden urge to slam the bars out of the ancient bed. I started to blow up the balloons and rub them swiftly against the pair of socks on my feet. 

    Suddenly the static got stronger and stronger and I tapped the cold metal bars with electricity. Pulling the electric crawling bars to the sides of my brother, Hydan started to cough like he is waking up, It's working now bringing the bars closer to him and... then he stopped moving... my baby brother is dead. This is all my fault! If only I wasn't so stuipid.


Laying next to my brother on the floor I grabbed his cold-heavy-pale hand, trying to find even the slightest pulse. It's too late, He's dead. At this point Hayden was a goner, if I left my room I will be tortured by the others.


  At the final beat of his heart I hugged him so tightly I couldn't let go. Again in corner of my eyes: the shadow, but only this time it was in front of me looking directly at me. Reaching out for my hand, I let go of my precious brothers hand and grabbed the hand of the dark, cold presence feeling shadow. 

"RRRRIIIIIIIINNNNNGGG, ring wake up Haylee, your going to miss your stop." Luke screams. All of a sudden I see myself in a tent with a gray body with green trim at the base. "Luke where am I?" I mumble as I struggle to sit up. "I brought you to my home since you fell asleep on the bus. Are you ok? You kept rambling on and on about your brother.? Luke says as he puts up his sleeping bag and gets out a fishing pole and cleans his rusty- silver-sharp metal hook off.  

I have a feeling where he took me is definitely not Zima.

     Luke stretches his head to wake his body up. "Hey are you going fishing?" staring at me he questions, "Why do I need to go fishing?" I reply disturbed. Speaking in an annoyed tone "You want to eat dinner and lunch, don't ya?" He snarles at me. "I don't want to go fishing." I say impatiently. "Come on it will be fun. I know... I should have woken you up, but I would have startled you and I could not do that to you." Luke said warm heartedly. "Well you should've! Now the orphanage will be looking for me!", "Luke do you not think? The guards could track us here with in seconds!" I ramble on. 

    Bringing his hand up to my lips he puts his ring finger straight up, indicating to be quiet. "Woodie you know they can hear you..." he states dramatically. Pulling in closer ;grabing my caramel looking brown hair and twisting it around his finger. I head straight for his ear "If this is some pick up line I'm not falling for it. Who's they, Nobody's here except you and I?" Biteing his pinkish reddish bottom lip, he springs closer to my ear. "Open your eyes woodie, I brought you to where I live, and I live in a camp with other runaways, and troubled backrounders who just wanted to get away." Slowly the words flow into my ear.

     Pulling of his shirt, he heads closer to me and leaning in toward my neck. Dodging me he throws his shirt into the laundry bin. "Not cool! Put your shirt on stuipid!", I squeal out of awkwardness. "You like what you see Woodie!" Staring intensely he smirks. Turning down at my side seeing a blanket. Moving my left hand reaching for the red blanket with patterns that wave around it, I throw it over him to cover up his shirtless self. Popping from underneath the blanket he pulls his arm out and yank it of his head. 

     "Woah woah! Sorry to interrupt my bad! Luke I didn't know you were like that..." A guy with dark brown, almost black hair pops in. Squealing his laughs, his eyes stare at us like an emerald. Tilting my head up at Luke leaning close, I push away to get him off, and my face lay red.

"Come on dude! you're not introducing your cute friend to me" Smiling the guy flicks his hair of dark brown locks. Turning to look at Luke I notice an expression on his face of pure rage. Glaring Luke chuckles "You better watch out Ethan, she's mine!", "Hey baby, I'm Ethan." smirking directly at me. Out of know where Luke leaps to his feet sprinting in Ethans direction.

Hanging out peeking into the tent, Luke pounces on Ethan, toppling them both to the ground. Playfuly punching Ethan; Luke yells "Looks like Princess Ethan missed me!". Embarrassed Ethan starts yelling "No, no, who would miss you.", "Oh now you're being shy! First you hit on Haylee and now you don't want to welcome me back!" Tessing at Ethan; Luke helps him up.

Still inside the tent, I stifly raise of the ground. Dodging clothes and bags on the ground I head for the entrance of the tent. Pearing out of the tent I gasp in shock; there's so many people here. Surrounding the scene teens, young adults, and some younger kids. Many surrounding tents, and shacks filled the area, along with trees, bushes, flowers, grass, rivers, streams, ponds and caves.

Awkwardly standing, Luke notices me standing at the entrance of his tent. "Gorgeous, did he bother you?" Reaching out for my hand, and pulling me in closer. How dare he again! Luke is getting on my nerves right now. Yet again I bring my elbow closer and yank it into his side. "Idoits..." I sigh dissatisfied.

Swarming laughter flows all around us. "Hey! Woodie what's that for!" glaring at me he mumbles. Standing in a black short skirt with a white blouse, I shiver in cold. Noticing I was cold Luke puts his arm around me. Moving closer to feel his warmth he whispers in my ear "I accept your apology beautiful." Intrigued the audience tries guessing what he was saying.

Anger surrounds my body and I yank my elbow for the hundredth time into his abs. "Really Luke! Ugh..." I roar at him. Confused Ethan jumps in "Wow! Mr. Alpha's got it bad with the ladies!".

Glaring at Ethan once again Luke tackles him to the ground. "What are you jealous?" Luke directs at Ethan, "Haha, you're joking. Btw that girlfriend of yours is looking pretty pissed right now!" Ethan scoffs back. "Yo, boys! Where am I!" I shout.

Laying on the ground entangled the two boys stare. Blue and green eyes tremble over. Luke puts his hands up and walks slowly over to me. "Sorry, we're in the camp right now." turning to everybody else; putting his arm around me "This is Haylee! Haylee say hi!". Sounding sweet and innocent like this whole shananogan didn't happen "What'spoppin my dudes, my names Haylee. Btw Luke and I are just friends so you can take your arm off me!". Seiftly Luke buts in "Friends for now! You'll fall for this handsom devil.".

Walking next to Luke he led me to a group of people. About ten girls, and twenty boys around 11 and 12. "These are some of my students, Caden come here please?" Luke stiffens. A tall guy for his age, he flips his brown hair, and winks with his blue eyes. "Caden this is Haylee... make sure she doesn't do anything stuipid." Luke winks with his sparkling ice eyes. Distractedly staring at Luke's eyes, Caden yells "Luke! I think she's frozen!". Chuckling his evil grin he stutters "Combat, survival skills, weapons, medicine, and all the other classes are canceled for today and rescedualed for tomarrow with the older kids.

"Can we just go fishing Luke?" I stare impatiently. "Finnally you agree to it! In that case let's go."

Grabbing my slim petite hand, l he smiles as Luke and I start to head toward the fishing tent. I take a glimpse of Luke starting to reach for the silver zipper, and unzipping the tent with a tug that was harder than the last. I glance at the tye dye sleeping bag with two buckets of fishing poles. Having two poles out of the bucket, Luke and I head out.

When I start crawling out of the tent, Luke was already out at the time. "How do you fish, and where is the lake?? I said grouchily. As soon as I saw the river by the side of the shore line, my eyes saw the prettiest thing I have ever seen. When I looked down at my feet on the fresh cut grass, and took my feet out of my black boots. "You coming?" Luke smiles as he grabs his fishing pole and heads of to the river bed. I followed along and saw a piece of string and a twig.

My thoughts kept coming and coming as Luke is moving branches out of my way. When we reached the river I started to sit down and Luke quickly says "Wait; no girl deserves to sit on the ground. Here sit on my jacket. I insist.", "Thanks Luke. I didn"t want to get my clothes dirty, but what about your jacket." I question swiftly.

I really should get going to the orphanage, I kept thinking repetitively. What if my brother Hayden isn't?t okay? What if the dream is a warning of the future? Could we all be in danger? Oh my? All these sad thoughts come all at once. "Hey, I caught one, Haylee! I caught one." Luke sprung out of his mouth. "Wow! Luke what bait did you use to catch that monster of a fish?", I sputtered out as I was looking at a tannish-pinkish looking barbel with a hook through its mouth. "Oh, uuuhhh?" he barely managed to say as he stumbled over his own words, "Well I wouldn't call it a monster" he blushes. "Whatever it is it's going to be good." I say as I look at it.

I wasn't sure what to think after that. "You Shouldn't go get your brother... He'll be safer at the orphanage. Luke mumbles. "Ok, you're right, He's safer there with his medical supplies." I reply on the verge of tears.

A few minutes pass as we're heading back with three buckets full of fish. Running towards us boys come over excitedly at the fish. Handing them the baskets. I walk off.

Walk over to the tent I unzipp the zipper. Slowly I walked in and reached out for a dusty red colored backpack.

Without thinking my hand slowly dives for the metal zipper. Unaware I start to unzip the bag. "Hey what are you doing with my bag?", "Answer me Woodie!" Luke demands. "Yikes! I'm so sorry I didn't realize I was opening it and_!", "You didn't realize you were opening a bag when you are looking right at it!" Luke complains.

"Bu-Bu-But, you know what I'm so sorry, can you ever forgive me. Your highness I can't live knowing you are mad at me!" I get down to my knees dramatically, with that typical cheeky smirk of mine. "Woodie, you can't win me over if you don't mean it!" Luke teases, as he taps my head with his pointy oak stick with little green leaves spewing off of it. "Ow! Luke! Not cool, so not cool!" I shout in annoyance. "Just hurry up ok.? he smiles and walks out of the small cramped tent.

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