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Chapter 3: Summoned to home

Waking up from her stupor, she gave an apologetic smile and said, "Sorry for letting you see such embarrassing sight. Welcome, my future husband. First of all, let me apologize again for forcefully bringing into this world without any notice. I ask you to forgive me."

Ranga's mind crashed hearing the answer. Well, any sane person mind would. He asked slowly, "Excuse me?"

She gave a wry smile this time and a person clad in steel armor behind her says in monotone voice,

"Your majesty, as the summoning has succeeded you should start explaining things soon as we don't have much time."

Ranga thinks in his mind, ['summoning'? 'not have much time'? This is.... am I really summoned to my ancestor's homeland? ]

By this time he notices, there are four armor adorned soldier as well as an old man with long hair and beard who is wearing long robe which would remind you of mages. The place is a closed room without any window and only one door, the wall is made of stones while the floor is covered with circular and hexagonal inter-weaved sign which would remind you of magic circles. At this time the woman answered, "I know Tripa, you don't have to remind me. Well, my future husband, I presume you have no idea who am I, what is this place and why are you here. May I explain the chain of events? "

Ranga inwardly screamed [Hell dumb bimbo, why are you repeating just what I just asked, explain things already!] but outwardly said, "Yes, please. And can you please not call me future husband. My name is Ranga Agni." The woman had a disappointed face at first part of his speech but froze at last part. She woke up from the stupor quickly and said, "Certainly Mr Agni. Please let me explain first,then you will understand everything. But first let me change the location as this place is not suitable for long conversation. Please follow me."


She leads him out of the stone room and the four guard follows. After walking through corridor for a while after they enter a spacious well decorated room where sun shine is ample amount. Ranga and the woman sat face to face. She was surprised to see the man in front of him knows noble etiquette. She thinks that may be this person is noble in his world. While she is dazed in her own thought, Ranga asked, "So, miss can you please start to explain things now?"

She gave a light smile and said, "Yes, let us start with our self introduction. My name is Chaya Agni. I want you to call me Chaya."

Ranga answered in a straight voice, "Okay, miss Chaya, as I said earlier, my name is Ranga Agni. You can call me Ranga as well."

-"You are relatively clam even hearing we share the same surname Mr Ranga."

-"Well, it is not uncommon in the world to possess same surname. What is there to be surprised about?"

-"You are right.... Well thank you, Mr Agni, for remaining clam in such situation and showing virtue of patience. I shall now explain the chain of events happened to you and where this place is. Please do note, whatever happened to you is not irreversible though it shall sound absurd. For the unfortunate event that this situation is to disliking, I shall undone what has transpired. So, would you remain patient a little longer."

-"Thank you... for your consideration!?"

-"Let us first clarify about the place you are in. This is the royal place of Omobaha, in the capital of Kingdom of Omobaha, which located at the southern part of the Armetian continent. Well, I pretty sure these names means nothing to you as you are most probably hearing them for the first time. Well let me tell you, this is another world in existence apart from your world where you were born and lived in."

Chaya paused here for some moment to let Ranga digest the information, while Ranga maintained his usual expressionless face. She was disappointed to not see the expected surprised expression.

Ranga then said,

-"You mean to say, this completely another world in existence?! "

-"Yes, you are correct, Mr Ranga."

-"Well, can you prove it to me?"

-"Okay, of course I can. Let me ask you this, does your world have magic?"

-"Actually we do."

Chaya has an embarrassed expression then again asked,

-"Okay, do your world has dragons, a lizard like animal variant ranging size of horse to huge mountains?"

-".....Those who can breathe fire?"

-"While it is not compulsory that all the species breathe fire but some of them do, yes..."

-"Well, no."

-"That makes it easy then. "

She says to one of the soldier behind, "Do it.". The soldier went to the balcony adjacent to the room and tapped his spear on ground twice. After that he returned to his post. After few seconds he heard galloping sound similar to horse galloping yet different from it. When he looked out of window he saw Rhino like creatures ridden by soldiers are coming across the compound. Only that they have more petite bodies and scales instead of skin, also two horns instead of one and a long tail. While he was intently observing the creature, Chaya spoke,

-"Those are 'Inuthalus', a subspecies of dragon species 'Thalus'. They are herbivorous, and can be domesticated for riding and pulling carriages. As they have more stamina and strength than horse and strong scales, they are frequently used for combat purposes in this continent. Only down side is they are rarer and more valuable than horse as it takes 36-42 months for them to reach maturity instead of horse's 12-18. "

The Inuthalus riding knight squad stopped near the balcony gave salute then rode off again. Chaya then asked,

-"Are you convinced Mr Ranga?"

-"Partially.. I shall full convinced if I was able to touch them and confirm they are not illusion."

For the first time she felt angered with Ranga. What's with this youth keeping straight face and saying something so offensive (to a queen). She said in slightly angered voice,

-"It can be arranged. Do you want to do it now or after all explanation?"

Ranga gave a light laugh seeing her like that. He said,

-"I was just joking miss. I can tell they have mana in them and so they are real. I believe you now. So, continue the explanation."

Chaya's face turn a little red (which is already reddish by default). She fell for such a childish trick. So, she went on with her explanation and after fifteen minute Ranga took a deep breath and said,

-"So, your majesty saying is that this is another world, this place is Omobaha kingdom's capital's royal castle and you are the queen of it, and you used your bloodline magic Space-Time magic to summon me here. Did I miss anything?"

-"No, that's the gist of what I explained so far. Thank you for understanding Mr. Ranga."

Now, he is sure of it. He is summoned at his ancestor's home and the cause of bloodline resonance. It is because of their compatibility with bloodline magic is very high, even though they very very distantly related. So, here comes the hard part. Why is he summoned here? What could have happened that the proud royal family is forced to summon a descendant of someone whom they banished to a different world 120 years ago? This question gave him a very bad feeling.

-"So your majesty. could you please enlighten this humble one why have you summoned me here? Are you need of a hero? Not to disappoint you I am not someone who can fight. You can tell that even looking at me."(Author note: biggest bullshit of the 2019)

It is true that he has muscular body but it toned to perfection which led him have a ideal body proportion and not a gorilla like burly figure despite his explosive strength. When his figure is adorned with trench coat like at that moment, you can mistake him for handsome scrawny young master. He meticulously used this deception to test the situation. As per the ancestor's instruction, he don't have to lay down his life for the royal family. Hearing his ques Chaya answered,

-"Now what's with this sudden formality, Mr. Ranga. Continue to call me Chaya."

-"How can I do that your majesty? "

-"Because I dragged here without your consent even though you are not my subject which is a violation of authority. And also you are not even from this world so normally we didn't even have to meet ever in our life. So, you don't have show me respect as queen. Just normal etiquette of fellow noble would suffice."

-"I see, then.... miss Chaya, please tell me why I am here. You need me for something right. Like I said before, I not someone who can fight."

-"You are right, I really in need of you for something. But you are completely wrong thinking something like, I shall make you something dangerous like fight. Our Armetian continent has embroiled in war for decades and generations. Due to that all eight royal families had severe losses. Even though we, Omobaha kingdom, manages stand on victorious side, the price was too steep of all four. Most of the member of royal family have been lost to the war. Other royal families lost their members too, but it is not as severe as ours as I am the last remaining member of our royal family. Thus the kingdom facing an impending crisis of sudden end of the royal family. Thus my marriage became a national duty so that the kingdom has an heir and the royal family can continue on. But not any random person would do for marriage candidate. As you can see, our royal family posses bloodline magic which is passed down from generation to generation. So my marriage partner must be someone who posses the Agni blood so that the bloodline magic can be passed down to next generation with strong inheritance. "

After thinking for while Ranga answered,

-"So, you summoned me so that you can marry me and have children with me."


-"But I am a person from different world. How I have Agni bloodline!"

-"No Mr Ranga. You clearly inherited the Agni blood. Because when summoning I didn't do a random summoning, I specified the person with my own bloodline and you appeared. So it is apparent that you have same bloodline as me."

-"But how can that possible?"

Releasing a big sigh Chaya continued,

-"Here is the point I apologize to you again Mr. Ranga. You see approximately 120 years ago, our crown prince fell in love with someone he shouldn't have. It could be a commoner or a princess of a rival country. The exact detail is not even known but me as it was erased from the royal records. But the myth goes as, the crown prince married his love going against the king. In a fit of rage, the king banished the two to your world using the magic 'reverse summoning'. He left the world but never bent his will for love. Quite romantic if you ask me. So, I expected that there could be his descendant left in your world and tried the summoning. Thanks to Solomon and Martha, you appeared."

Ranga for the first time had a little surprised face which pleased Chaya. The cause of surprise is he knew that his ancestor was banished but didn't know the cause. He asked his father but his father also didn't knew. Looks like the ancestor intentionally hid it. He regained his composure and asked,

-"Even if we consider what you said is true, then it is my great-great-great-great grandfather. Ain't I inherited only a tiny portion of it? Would that satisfy your requirement? "

-"Yes, you are correct. I was mentally prepared for that. We have our own means to forcefully reawaken the hidden Agni bloodline within. As I still cannot delve further into that as it is a royal secret. But that wont be necessary either as I can feel that your royal bloodline is to the level of a direct descendant. For some reason your bloodline didn't deteriorated from the main brunch even a tiny a bit. I can feel a full resonance from you what I used to feel from my father and elder brother. This is a lucky surprise for me. So, what do you say, Mr. Ranga? Would you accept my proposal? "

Cidny_Remon Cidny_Remon

What shall our MC do.... would he accept or decline? But if he accepts what happens to his vengeance?

Well this develop is partially inspired by light novel "Risou no himo seikatsu."(A perfect lazy life) by Tsunehiko Watanabe. But if you have read it you know what is different. There shall be scheme breaking and war, battle scenes, and a lot of scientific bullshit :P .

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