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Chapter 16: Truth untold

At the photo shoot Yuna suggests she and Joon-young date for real, and when he doesn't answer she asks what his relationship is with Eul. She calls Eul too low-class for a top star like him, and grows upset, asking what Eul has that she doesn't have.

She accuses Joon-young of making her feel bad, but he reminds her that she's the one who agreed to this fake relationship. He does express his gratitude to her for helping him and Eul, but that just makes Yuna angry. She storms off, and trips over a power cord hidden in the sand. It's attached to the light behind Joon-young, and it crashes down on his head.

Just as Eul is leaving to go back to Seoul, Gook-young jumps in front of her car and tells her that Joon-young was injured. He begs Eul to go to the hospital with Joon-young, and she jumps in the van that's about to leave. She's worried sick on the drive, and asks the driver if Joon-young was badly hurt.

He says he was, that his life may be in danger, and Eul is too scared to even recognize Joon-young's voice behind the driver's mask. She grows angry when he stops for a cup of coffee, and yells at him to keep going because she has something she needs to say to Joon-young.

He says it will just take a few minutes, so Eul jumps out of the van and goes around to drive herself. She screams when the driver doesn't respond, and he finally gets out and takes off his glasses, revealing a small bandage and Joon-young's sparkling eyes.

He asks if she was so worried about him that she was planning to confess her love, and earns himself a kick in the shin. Yeah, he deserved that. Eul takes off down the road and Joon-young trails after her, contrite now, saying that it wasn't really a lie because he did get a bonk on the head.

He whines at her, asking why she pretended she didn't like him when her worry gives her away. Eul trips on a rock (dang, this girl trips over everything), and Joon-young takes off the mask to blow on her scraped hand. But his bare face reveals an even worse gash on his cheek, and the sight of it melts away Eul's anger.

Out of nowhere, Eul leans forward and kisses Joon-young, on the corner of his mouth below his scratch. He's struck silent, and Eul admits, "Fine, you're my style. Okay? And yes, I like you. Are you happy now?" She fusses at him for planning a date when he's this hurt, and he stops her complaints with another kiss. A really, really good one.

Some time later, Haru aegyos her father to take her along to a k-pop festival he's attending, but she's distracted by something and asks her driver to stop the car. It's Jik, walking to school, carrying something in his jacket — and it's meowing. She's surprised that he's in high school, but he says he never told her different, then he asks if she has any money.

They get his kitten some food, and he says that someone abandoned it. He asks her politely to look after it while he goes to school, even calling her "noona," but she refuses. Jik turns his puppydog eyes on Haru and pouts that pretty people are usually nice, and it works. Well played, sir… well played.

Gook-young tries the same Joon-young is hurt, you have to come quick trick on his mother, but she's not a soft touch like Eul. He has to physically drag her out and takes her to a fancy clothing shop, where Joon-young is waiting. Mom tries to leave, but Joon-young stops her, and Gook-young literally hangs on her leg to keep her from moving, heh.

As it turns out, awards are being given to mothers of Hallyu stars at the k-pop festival today, and he plans for his mother to go. He buys her one of every outfit in her size, and tells the saleswomen to ignore Mom when she tries to refuse.

Joon-young reveals that a lot of important people will be there today, including Assemblyman Choi. He asks her to be proud of her son just this once, and Mom is too shocked to object.

Ajusshi is also going to the ceremony, and he cleans up really well in the tuxedo that Joon-young sent. His daughter plays the reporter and asks him to say a few words about Joon-young's mom, but he can't think of anything to say about her helping make her son a star.

Ajusshi wonders where Mom is — she's huddled outside, scared to go to the ceremony and possibly run into Choi. Joon-young watches her from his car, unsure of what to do.

Eul goes over the footage from the cameras she's installed in Joon-young's home, and wonders what he's saying all the times he looks at the camera and talks. She plugs in the audio but she still can't hear, and wonders what's wrong with the recording.

Joon-young had told her not to come to the ceremony today, but her colleague says that as the PD of the documentary, she needs to go to film the festival. So she goes, cleaning up in the restroom as best she can, and doing a pretty good job with what little she's got.

Jik calls to ask when she'll be home, and she says she's got an unexpected shoot tonight. Na-ri snatches the phone to remind her that it's her father's memorial day, and Eul stops cold, shocked that she totally forgot. Jik takes the phone back and says that Dad will understand, and Na-ri admits that he's right… making a living comes first.

Eul is so taken aback that she can't even respond, and they assume she hung up. Jik keeps checking his phone, hoping to hear from Ji-tae, who always comes to their memorial services. But he's not calling either, and Jik can't call him because he's changed his number.

Ji-tae is actually standing on their doorstep in a suit with a bottle of wine, but he doesn't go in. he just leaves the wine on the stairs, and goes.

Choi, his wife, and Haru are on their way to the festival, and Mom nervously asks if Joon-young will be there. Both Haru and her father say he won't, and Mom pretends disappointment. When they get to the venue Mom tries to send Haru home immediately, but Haru whines that she wants to at least see Joon-young first. Whoops.

The kitten jumps out of her purse where she was hiding it, and Haru chases after it down the red carpet. Mom asks her husband why they lied about Joon-young, and Choi says that he just thought she'd send Haru home, and convinces Mom to let her stay.

Eul holds an impromptu memorial for her father, apologizing for forgetting about him. Haru's kitten jumps up and knocks over the soju, then starts chowing down on the french fries. Haru comes to retrieve the kitten, and offers to pay Eul for the ruined food.

Eul is insulted and knocks Haru on the head, saying that she should have apologized. Choi comes looking for his daughter, and Eul recognizes him with horror. Choi is perfectly polite, though Haru lies that Eul just hit her for no reason.

Eul asks if Choi recognizes her, and Haru whines that this is the gold-digger who tried to get her claws into her precious Joon-young. Choi shushes her and takes in the ruined food, and Eul flatly tells him, "Today is my father's memorial day."

He seems genuinely sorry and offers her more money to make up for it, then even more when she doesn't take it. A voice from behind them says firmly, "You should apologize first," and Joon-young strides up to the group.

He snatches the money from Choi's hand and angrily throws it to the ground. He repeats that he should apologize to Eul, and he and Choi lock eyes in a battle of wills.

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