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Chapter 19: 019

Ryan and his group entered the police station, and Rei guided them.

Rei knew the place, just like Asami, but Rei knew better, since she had come here since she was a child, since her father was a detective, and she visited him many times at work.

And as they passed the first floor, they found a few zombies, who were taken care of by the group without problems.

And then, Rei looked at a zombie who was coming down the stairs, and there was a gun in her hand, she shed some tears, for she knew him.

Ryan killed him, and took the revolver from his fingers, and then handed it to Kouta, who knows how to handle the guns.

Kouta: "Rei, do you know where the arsenal is?"

Kouta asked a little excitedly, and Rei said.

Rei: "It's on the third floor, but it's locked by a door that needs a password!"

As soon as Rei finished speaking, the group got a little excited, as there might be some guns there, and not everyone had a gun in their hands.

Soon they reached the front of the arsenal, and saw that he needed a password.

Takashi and Tamaru wanted to shoot the lock to open it, but Ryan stopped them and said.

Ryan: "Unless you want to waste lots of ammo, just as bullets can bounce, you can try!"

Listening to Ryan, the two stopped what they were doing and sighed, and then Rei suddenly went back to the second floor, and then came back and had a paper in his hand.

Rei: "I remembered there was the code in an office on the second floor!"

Listening to Rei, everyone got excited and then Ryan entered the password, but as soon as the arsenal was opened, everyone was depressed because it was empty!

There was not even a bullet on the floor or the tables!

Everything was clean!

This made the group's atmosphere a bit down, but then Kouta said.

Kouta: "How about we go to the evidence room? That's where the police seize the illegal weapons, if we can check, maybe we'll find some guns! "

Listening to Kouta, Ryan nodded in agreement, and then Rei led them there.

It was not too far, and as soon as they entered, they saw the rows of drawers, and they knew it would be a bore to look for, but there might be guns, well worth the waste of time.

Ryan, Riven and Saeko did not help search the evidence room as they were tending to the zombies, and Ryan left Riven in front of the evidence room to kill any zombies that were attracted.

And after almost half an hour, the first, second, and third floors were clean!

Just as Takashi, Rei, and the others, had already cleared the entire evidence room, and found some weapons.

There were 2 shotguns, 1 rifle, 1 semi-automatic, 3 revolvers, and there was even a Katana! There was a description along with the Katana, saying that a man cut the woman in half with that katana because she had brought it.

Seeing this, Ryan smiled and gave the Katana to Riven, who is better than using a machete.

There was also a large amount of ammunition, and the whole group, minus Alice and Shizuka, were armed.

Saya: "Let's go to the control room, maybe we'll find some information!"

Said Saya, and everyone agreed, because it is the police station, how can there be no information?

They went to the fourth floor, and found the control room, but almost all the computers were off except one, which was still running because of the emergency generators.

Saya then went to him and started looking for information, but found nothing useful until Alice went and clicked on some buttons.

Alice received a rebuke from Saya, who was soon silenced to see the following information, that there would be an evacuation of the survivors who will be at the Third Shintoko Elementary School, which was where Takashi's mother worked.

With this information, Takashi felt happy, because his mother could still be alive while Rei was sad, but then Ryan told to go to his father's offices.

Rei agreed cheerfully, and as soon as they opened the office door, Rei burst in excitedly shouting "Daddy!" But no one answered her.

Ryan: I do not know why you were screaming, did not you hope to meet him here anyway, and still shout that he'll be here? And without saying that we had not searched this room, and if there were zombies here ?!

Ryan said in his mind, clearly unhappy, and he would rebuke her later.

Rei seeing that his father was not here, was sad and Takashi went to comfort her, until Ryan went to a painting and then turned it and said.

Ryan: "Look!"

Everyone looked, and saw the following phrase: All the survivors, evacuate to the Third Elementary School Shintoko!

Rei: "It's Daddy's handwriting! He is still alive!"

Suddenly Rei screamed with joy at seeing these letters on the board, and the group was happy for her.

Ryan: "Well, it looks like our next goal is now to go to Rei and Takashi's house, to see if their families are there, as Takashi said before, your house is near Shintoko Third Elementary School, so it will be a good time to get there there, but only tomorrow, because we must rest and sleep for today! "

Listening to Ryan, everyone nodded a little happily.

They then with their new weapons, left, and soon they sheltered in a store of conveniences.


The next morning, it suddenly started to rain very hard as the group was eating.

Rei: "The rain is very strong!"

Rei said looking out of the shop window.

Ryan nodded, hearing this, and suddenly he saw Shizuka near where the condoms were, and he said.

Ryan: "Sensei, can you give me some?"

Hearing this, all the girls looked at Ryan strangely and Saeko blushed with embarrassment.

Shizuka: "What do you need it for now?"

Shizuka asked with a teasing smile on her face, and Ryan said.

Ryan: "To put it in the gun barrels, so that the water does not enter the pipe and cause problems!"

Listening to Ryan, all the girls relaxed, but the next words made them all blush.

Ryan: "And without talking, even if I wanted to use them, I could not, because they're too small!"

All blushed with embarrassment, even more Saeko, who went and punched Ryan by calling him an idiot.

Ryan laughed, as did Tamaru, Takashi, and Kouta.

But they just got angry looks from the girls while Alice asked.

Alice: "What are they used for Onii-chan?"

At Alice's question, Ryan and the other men froze and then all without hesitation, they said.

Tamaru / Takashi / Kouta: "Ask Ryan!"

Hearing this, Ryan looked at these bastards and then told Alice.

Ryan: "Alice, these are things adults use, and you're still very small, when you grow up, you'll know better about it, so I can not tell you much, ask Shizuka, she's the oldest here, that I!"

When everyone heard the last part, they looked at Shizuka with pity, and Shizuka glared at Ryan who just smiled.

Soon, the group wore raincoats and left!

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