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Chapter 2: Let's Fuck!


I felt a sharp pain in my cheeks making me flail my arms wildly in the air as I sat up only to find myself hitting my head on the wall. I winced in pain as I grabbed my now throbbing in pain head. I quickly got up and took a fighting stance to face my vicious attacker.

"Sammy! That hurts! You know how sharp your claws are!" I cried but my cat just stared at me through her yellow eyes. Sam meowed before raising her legs up as she licked her private area making me scrunch my face in disgust.

"Eew Gross! Sammy stop it!" I hissed as I threw a pillow over to her but her cat reflexes made her dodge it with ease Then she went back to licking. "I tell you stop licking your pussy!" I shrieked.

Realization of what I said hit me and I clasped my hands over my ears as I shook my head violently. "Gah! Dirty thoughts get out of my virgin head!" I cried desperately.

Sam just stared a me as if I just went looney and meowed before jumping down, landing gracefully on her feet as she head out of my room.

I was about to reprimand her for waking me the hell up but I found my energy dispersing away so I just threw myself over to my comfy warm bed. I was on the verge of drifting off to lalaland when my clock decided it was a wonderful time to break me up from the relationship I was sharing with my bed.

"Jesus! You jelly clock!" I cried out. "You shall kiss the floor!" and with that I slammed my alarm clock towards the floor and it went silent.

Take that! My special slam-that-annoying-clock move! It finishes anyone in just one slam. Although up until now I still haven't used this move against my bullies .Ha-ha.

I don't want to go to school. I despise that place! Since I'm a hundred percent sure the moment I enter the room I would have chalk dust all over my head followed by a series of laughter and pictures and lets not forget the huge amount of humiliation I would get.

Well let's just all wish that the guy who runs by the name Josh Jacobs will die due to extreme amount of pussy-licking-saliva-sharing-body-rubbing-and-penis-vagina-colliding disease.

God did I just thought of that?! Im a genius!

My train of extremely disturbing thoughts was put to a stop when mom yelled from below.

"ALEX GET YOUR ASS UP TO SCHOOL!" my moms voice rumbled like thunder from below.

"Yeah! Yeah! I'm up!" I said as I let out a big sigh.

I pulled out my driveway and drifted off to school. I parked my car and I took a deep breath before opening my car door.

Okay Alex remember. 'Everything's gonna be just fine. Everything's gonna be just fine. Everything's gonna be just fine.' I chanted inside my head like a broken record. I clutched my books closer to my chest and I lowered my head down meeting no ones gaze. They're probably laughing at me anyway.

' No matter what people do just turn a blind eye and ignore it cuz they are no worth your time. If someone asks you from something do it for yourself and not for them. The feeling of helping others is quite good you know.' my wise father once said to the six-years old me. And no I don't believe his words I mean what's the good in helping others when the next thing they do is beat you leave you in the dust once they're over you? What's the good in being good if they won't appreciate it? Don't get me wrong. I love and admire my dad but sometimes his quotes and words of wisdom is just too ... positive for me. Know what I mean?

"Hey Nerd!" A voice called out from my behind as I felt an arm sling to my shoulders making me gulp.

God damn it.

He didn't die.

Well that's a bummer.

I saw Joshs wide grin in my peripheral vision which means..... well I will surely get played with today. And by play I don't mean playing dress up and braiding hairs. I meant the fun play, You know the throw-eggs-at-me play.

Wanna join? Its so much fun! mind the sarcasm.

"Before going to the room can you come with me to the canteen?I have a bit of a problem you see." Josh begged using his Im-trouble-but-handsome-as-hell-so-you-just-do-what-I-ask look and voice in which I admit goes too well with that handsome face of his which makes it almost impossible to say no. I turned my gaze at him and held a deep breath before putting on my fakest nice smile.

"Sure." I said my voice breaking a bit. 'Everything's gonna be just fine.' I chanted once again.

When hebheard my reply Josh's grinned wider as he dragged me up to the canteens door.

"Here we are. Can you please open the door for me?" he once again begged using that look.

What is his hands for? Display? And beside I can pretty much know what awaits me at the other side of the door.

Let's just get this over with.

Nonetheless I gripped the door knob and I held a deep breath as I twisted it open.

Blag! Splat!

I was met with a series of eggs being bomb at me one after another.

Yup called it.

I stood there as I placed my hands filled with books at my back using my front as a cover to prevent it from being damaged. Although they were a bit egged. This went on for about five minutes before teachers went in and crashed the throw-the-eggs-at-Alex party.

"Alex you go and freshen up dont worry you're excused." Mrs. Gomez stared at me with the look of pity.

Do I look that bad?

I stared down at my clothes and noticed that the only part that was eggless was my back and my eyes since It was protected by my glasses.

Hurray for big-ass glasses! I walked towards the ladies room and washed my face when I heard a series of high pitched giggles coming in. I wiped my face using the extra towel that was in my locker and wore my already wiped clean glasses. I was well prepared since this always happens on a regular basis. The series of giggles stopped and I was staring right through a familiar ocean blue eyes.


Well this aint good.

Candice stared at me wide eyed for a second but she covered it up fast.

"Why hello to you nerd." One of Candice's minions said mockingly. "Did you enjoy the egging?" she added as they all laughed but Candices laugh was more high pitched than normal which means she was nervous.

"Candice you okay?" the other minion asked.

"I'm fine. Can you girls leave us for a bit? I want to give this bitchy-nerdy a lesson." Candice turned to them leaving my gaze for a second. Her minions agreed and left the ladies room. Candice hurriedly ran up to the door and twisted it, locking it up.

"Until when are you planning on continuing this nonsense!" she screamed at me making her usual bitchy face ten times bitchier. "Just please when you embarrass yourself know that also embarrass me! Gosh why are you even my sister?! "

Yep you heard right were sisters well HALF- sisters . Well let's just say that my dad was a person whonhas no control over his sexual homones, who fucks almost everyone in the female population.

Sounds familiar doesn't it?

What a shocking resemblance with Josh! I don't know maybe he's also my step brother?

My line ofbthoughtsbwas cut when I heard Candices high pitched yelling which honestly sounds like a cat screeching.

"You're an embarrassment! You hear me?! AN EMBARASSMENT!"

"Shut the fuck up." I said in a voice above a whisper. If only she could just..... I don't know? go to hell where she rightfully belongs?

"You are ugly to the point where we don't even know if you're human! How is it possible that you share MY genes!" she continued on screeching.

I simply stared at the floor.

Seriously can't she just you know shout it all out and get this over with? Her voice isn't really something I can handle.

"Look at me!" Candice demanded. "Look at me!" I raised my head as I met her gaze. My vision went blurry and my glasses flew to the other side of the room as I felt a stinging pain on my left cheek.

She slapped me?

I stared at her in disbelief. She just effin slapped me?!

"Why are you looking at me like that?! How dare you even look at me!" She was about to slap me once again and my survival instinct kicked in so I took a step back dodging her slap.

"Don't freaking dodge my slap!"

"If I wont then my face would hurt." I said in a 'duh'

"So? Just don't dodge!" she charged to slap me again and I still dodged. "I said don't dodge!"

Hell no way I'm getting slapped... again! I ran towards the door and I tried opening it and yep I'm stupid because I forgot that bloody Candice locked it up! And no by bloody I didn't mean her period blood it's just..... Gah you get what I mean!

We ran around in circles like freaking tom and jerry and I was starting to go dizzy since Incould feel my stamina slowly diminishing but I stood my ground.

Shit! I'm starting to lose my breath!

Yep I definitely need exercise.

I turned to look at Candice and she was still running fast, faster than I want her to be. My pace lessened and she caught up to me. She grabbed my collar and pinned me down. She raised her hand in the air and I shut my eyes closed and waited for the painfull slap that would reach my cheeks but a knock was heard from the door making Candice's hand freeze in mid-air.

"You fucker your disturbing us!" Candice hissed in annoyance.

"Well I deeply apologize. I didn't know you were the owner of this school Ms. Candice Bellrose. " The voice of my hero said.

Hild on a second...that voice don't tell me?

Candice's face paled as she stood up and opened the door in a hurry.

"Madame Jacobs I am deeply sorry I was just...... using the toilet." Candice said in a nervous tone.

Wait! Madame Jacobs?! The owner of this fucking school and least of all Josh's Mom?!

Spell AWKWARD. Candice was acting giddy and nervous that she completely forgot about me so I guess this is my chance to make a run for it.

"Ummmm I better get going so if you'll excuse me." And with that I got out of hell.


It has been weeks since I didn't do it with anybody and I am frustrated!



This is the very first time that I had no release!

I grumpily walked the hallways and girls were busy flirting and throwing winks at me but I just ignored them.

Even I am shocked as to how I could just ignore girls when all this time they were the only thing I enjoy doing... or more like screwing.


I badly need someone to play with. I searched my eyes for someone to prank on just to get off some steam and one green eyed girl passed by and my mouth curved to a grin.

Ahh perfect!

"Hey! Nerd!" I called out. Alex heaved out a big sigh as she turned to face me.

"What do you want Jacobs? I already gave you your assignment. What more do you want?" She asked as she held her books close as she fixed her crooked eyeglasses in place.

My mind froze for a second for readons I don't understand.

Wait why did I call her again? Well whatever.

"Just wanna remind you that the project I asked you to do is due tomorrow." I smoothly lied.

"Oh yeah! Project, tomorrow. Got it!"Alex said as she tucked back a strand of stray hair since it was bothering her. Her small gesture flicked something in me and I began to swallow huge chunks if saliva.

"Anything else?" Alex asked as she looked up to take a good look at me. I don't know why but her eyes... they enchant me... those green eyes. This wasn't the first time that I saw her eyes yet today it looked so mesmerizing.

I stared at her.

From her unbelievably long eyelashes, dragging my gaze down to her amazingly green emerald colored eyes, down to her perfectly shaped pointy nose, till my gaze reached her cherry pink lips that seemed a bit dry but still stirred my hormones making it run wild and the most unexpected thing occurred;

it went up.












Why the hell did it go up?!

Wait why do I even care as to why?!

No matter what the reason I don't care as long as I'm healed baby!

I did an inner victory dance.

And now that my dick is finally NOT impotent why don't I go and give my newly raised dick a try?

I wanna do it now!

Anyone will do!

I looked at the person in front of me.

She'll do.

I grabbed Alex's shoulder as I stared into her green colored eyes.

"Let's Fuck!''

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