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Author: missbg

© WebNovel


Parents(protectors) hear shrill moans from daughter's room in the middle of the night.

They rush into their daughter's room and find their daughter asleep due to exhaustion with a man beside her. The only thing covering their naked bodies was a blanket.

The man smiled and said "She is mine now I will come for her with our child when it's time" .

Then he vanishes in black fog. The parents looked at each other looking somewhat grieved like they've lost something.


3 years later

"Jade are you going home to celebrate your birthday?". " Yeah but I've been feeling.....oh no" . she practically teleports to the bathroom to puke.

"Wow such speed no wonder you got first place in the race during the inter houses competition"

"Effia it's not funny I feel like a wreck"

"A wreck you say? Ha. Try being a victim of cholera or yellow fever that's when you feel like a wreck"

"Tofiakpa* not me never" Jade exclaims.

"...This is why I was against her reading these medical books, with the number of facts she'll give I won't need to study nursing all I'll have to do is write the exams, and Bam! I'm a nurse"

"Effia, stop complaining about Ginger she's totally fine and if you become a nurse or a doctor what's so bad about that ?"

"You are asking me, what is wrong with seeing people ...vomit' see all types of wonderful wounds and needles. Do you want me to faint? Please Jade, just don't. We all know I have nosocomephobia.* Haa* President Richard Nixon I totally understand you. If I go into the hospital I'll never come out alive*."

"Speaking of phobias have you heard is hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia"

"hippopotomonstro- what now"

"The fear of long words I read about it in a library book"

"Jade, see my point. Even you can't mention it."

"hippopotomonstro- you know what I give up. Ginger what are you"

"I'm Ginger".

" No your a cyborg. Jade our best friend is a cyborg".

"Come on she couldn't possibly be a- wait are you, a cyborg?"


"OK OK ow that yell my ear. Yep, it's Ginger alright and she's human ow."

"Jade about your birthday party when does it start". Effia enquired.

" At 4 pm and ends as early as 7 pm for some reason"

Suddenly her friend turned pale.

"What is it girls? Why do you look like terrorists are on their way here?".

" Hmm, we wish- What?! nothing".

" Nothing, so are you staying over there since we're on vacation" "Yeah" "Okay, It's exactly 7 am we will see you in eight hours thirty minutes now go take a bath get dressed, and be on your way before grandpa Jameson starts nagging about how we keep, his granddaughter to ourselves"

"oh no not again she rushes to the bathroom room to vomit yet again"

"Jade, are you sure you're not pregnant?" Ginger enquired

"Why do you ask that?"

"Just saying, because you have shown most of the symptoms of pregnancy"

"I haven't had sex with a guy."

"What about that dream you said you had about making love with that handsome guy, was it a dream, or a memory,"

"Effia if a wet dream could make you pregnant all men would have been fathers, besides that dream happened three years ago so yeah not, possible*"

After Jade was done she parted with her friends and left still feeling a bit light-headed and nauseous.

"Hello, Mum I'm on my way" " OK sweetie drive safely" "OK mum" Then she hung up after thirty minutes she reached a two storey mansion that made her heartwarm.



Author: *shiver* w what is it?

ML:How could you make me look like a rapist in the first chapter?

Author:Don't you want to claim your woman?

ML: well yeah but

Author: but nothing is either this or I'll make you a villain now go sit down and finish your porridge.


Tofiakpa* means over my dead body

which is usually exclaimed in Ghana, Africa to mean it will never come to pass on my life.

To Jade's it impossible I say oh really *heheheheee*

if I enter that hospital I will not come of alive is something president Richard Nixon used to say.

missbg missbg

Sorry this is my first time publishing so i didn't know how and were to write the authors thought when I found it had already written the explanations and I'm feel way too lazy to go back and rewrite it here, so if you know how to copy the entire thing here please let me know.

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