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Chapter 6: Investing and Great-grandchildren



Annabella up from

school that day and they had immediately donated all the clothes that they didn't like and no longer used.

Layla was once again surprised when instead of asking to go a high end fashion boutique, she visited the smaller stores which needed a bit of help and bought clothes from there as well as donating in some and investing in others.

Layla never knew that her daughter was so kind. She knew she had done something right.

However, Annabella had to admit at least to herself that she was not investing and donating out of the kindness of her heart.

She simply remembered which businesses had previously succeeded and which ones has previously become famous.

Those were the small businesses she was investing in.

Just as she walked into the final store, she saw something that she immediately knew Leah would love.

It was all elegant but something about it made it... different.

She rung the bell and immediately, a beautiful young woman with bright red hair and hazelnut eyes walked out from behind, surprise grazing her lovely features upon realizing who the women infront of her were.

The lovely young woman was Catherine Loraine, or as she would later be known, Rin Rain. Owner of the #1 fashion brand/boutique, Nuit Étoile. In the short span of a year that would be her, but for now, she was just a small business owner to the rest of the world.

Anabella smiled kindly and said, "Hello, my friend and I are going to meet for brunch tomorrow, what do you recommend?"

Catherine was surprised that such a famous person would actually ask for her opinion, but she might just be doing it for her image and wouldn't actually listen to her.

Nonetheless, she said, "Where is this brunch going to be?"

Once again, Catherine expected the worst and thought that Anabella and her mother would tell her of for being nosey but Annabella simply answered with, "Oh, we're going to a café called, The Melody."

Catherine has heard of that place and knew that it was anything but just a simple café, it was eat or be eaten there, since there was a lot of elite always in there.

Catherine had no doubt in her mind that Anabella would be at the top of the food chain even there, though. So why was she here?

Catherine led Anabella to the back where a collection of more elegant but simple dresses were, and Annabella immediately fell in love.

She still earnestly listened as Catherine explained what she thought would be best for her, and as soon as she was done explaining, Annabella bought exactly what Catherine had pointed out, which made Catherine even more surprised.

There was no reason for Anabella not to, however. Catherine had taken into consideration where she was going, who she was going with, and the fact that the weather was getting my cooler.

Anabella had a satisfied smile as she pulled out her phone and clicked a picture of the bag that her newly bought clothing came in and said, "Would it be fine if we took a picture together?"

Catherine simply nodded, unsure of the reason for her want of a picture, but her question was answered when seconds after Anabella had finished typing away, she received a notification only to realize that she had been tagged by Anabella.

It was the picture they had just take together with the caption, 'Lovely shopping experience with Ms. Catherine Loraine at her boutique Nuit Étoile. Five stars, would go again. Definitely recommend.'

Catherine was surprised by Anabella's kindness as just minutes after Annabella's post, she received thousands of followers.

Annabella smiled and said, "I'm ashamed to admit that I have a favor to ask..."

Just like that, Catherine's hope in the rich disappeared once again.

'Of course she wants somethings, why else would she be nice to me?'

However, her hope was returned when she said, "I would love it if you joined me and my friend for brunch tomorrow. I have a business proposition for you Ms. Catherine."

Excitement bubbled through her chest as she heard Annabella's words. Would this be the break she needed to finally expand her business? Still, there was a slight hesitation to her actions as she realized that Anabella might want to buy her business from her.

Anabella smiled, noticing Catherine's hesitation, and said, "Don't worry Ms. Catherine, all we are going to do is talk. You have my insta just in case. See you tommorow Ms. Catherine."

Layla smiled proudly as she watched this unfold. She had no idea what her daughter's obsession with this place was, but she would support it no matter what. She seemed to be on to something anyway.

Layla smiled and led her daughter back to the car after waving goodbye to the young lady. She had to admit, she did see quite a bit of potential in this girl and the boutique.

As soon as they were in the car, Anabella said, "I came up with this literally right inside the boutique, but would if be fine if I handled next week's magazine?"

Layla immediately agreed to her daughter's whim, without a question.

"Do I also have permission to hire?"

Layla didn't take her eyes of the road as she said, "As long as they have an actual benefit. Your grandpa sent your allowance. What are you going to do with it?"

Anabella's normal answer to this question was that she would spend the money or just leave it, but this time she decided, "How much do I have saved up? Including this week's allowance minus all the money I've invested, that is."

"Five hundred thousand. Why? Is there something you want to do?"

"Hm...well yes, but not yet."

In her past life, there had been a sudden rise in idol production shows that instead of going through the process of eliminating idols, would show the production of them and at the end of the show, they would debut together as a group.

Anabella had given Freya the idea as well as the funds to start her own show, and as expected, Freya took full credit for it and therefore got all the money and fame that came with it.

That won't start until after Christmas week which gives me time to finish what I have in store for Catherine and Leah. Then I have time to find the people I need for the show as well as a place for them...

Layla couldn't help but get excited about the fact that Anabella was actually thinking about her future now and not only about how to please Freya.

"Momma, may I go over my inheritance when we get home?"

Unlike most people who got their inheritance when someone in the family died, Grandpa Vermillion had made sure her inheritance was accessible to her as soon as she turned twenty one, which was almost a whole year ago.

She had never bothered to go over it before but now seemed like a good time to do so.

She was going to build an Empire so that no one in her family would ever get hurt again.

She would build an Empire so that she could always be certain that those she loved were always safe.

She would build an Empire because sadly if you had a pretty enough face, a nice body, and enough money, you could do so.


As soon as they got home, Layla led her daughter to her office and pulled out a paper that showed what her inheritance was.

She took the paper only to see that it was actually a sealed envelope. A sealed envelope that had never been open, even by Layla.

As soon as the envelope was given to her, Layla stepped out of the room to give her privacy.

She opened it and read it over it carefully, a pleased smirk coming over her face as she saw a certain something, the pleased smirk turning into confusion after she saw something else.

She quickly disregarded that and focused on the thing which had greatly pleased her. Dear grandpa had given her the rights to an apartment complex which had quickly grown in fame, and a hotel which was currently making a lot of money.

All she had to do was walk over and sign the deep and they would both officially be hers.

That would have to be done very soon, tomorrow she had to meet Leah and Catherine at the café and then focus on finding a good concept for this week's magazine issue.

She would send somebody to check out the hotel the following day. She would probably send someone who was not well known in the circle to see how the hotel treated the less famous.

As for the apartment, she would also send somebody to check that out.

That same day, she would fulfil the important task of finding a certain person who never got their chance at fame, and then school.

Right after school she would make sure to get a date with a certain man who seemed to know her better than she thought he would.

A very busy week was coming for her, there was no denying that.

Layla stepped back into the room, a small smirk on her face, and said, "Someone is here from you."

"Who is it?" Anabella asked as she followed Layla out of the office.

Layla's response was cut short by a warm voice saying, "Hello Anabella."

Anabella immediately recognized the voices and looked over to see the boy that she was planning on asking out, "Livius, what brings you here at this time of the night?"

He smiles kindly and says, "I was originally here to talk to your mother about the Crimson Hotel, but she said I should talk to you instead."

The Crimson was in fact, the hotel that she had recently discovered she owned.

She sat on the nearest couch and said, "That would be the correct thing to do. What is it you wanted to talk about?"

"I want co-ownership."

"Not a chance."

"Thought so."

A partnership with the Winters family would be very beneficial but she was not willing to give half of the hotel away.

She smiled and urged him to continue with his hand.

A simple act, but an act that he carefully followed nonetheless. From the way her pink lips curled up to the way her head tilted to the side ever so slightly, revealing her neck in part.






Her lips curled up into triumphant smile. It was only twenty percent away from his original deal, but it was twenty percent nonetheless. She couldn't help but wonder, however, "What are you to gain with this deal? Your family is as influential, if not more, than my own. What are you to gain from co-owning twenty percent?"

He smiles complacently and said, "Soon, Ella, soon."

"Ella? Where did you get that from? Nevermind, let's go on a date."

He seemed slightly taken aback before he said, "Okay," and walked out the door.

What was that? We didn't even confirm anything...

Layla who was watching from the corner the whole time couldn't help but excitedly text her father, 'I think you were right Daddy. They're going on a date.'

She quickly received a response from Grandpa Vermillion.


'I don't know. They didn't set a date. ಠ_ಠ '

'I just might get great-grandchildren... Quickly LayLay, get the married.'

'I can't rush that Daddy...'

'Well...not straightforwardly.(。•̀ᴗ-)✧ '


Layla wished she could say she felt shocked by her father's actions, but alas she did not. Per his words, he wanted to live to see one more generation.

Anabella came out from the living room and saw her mother typing away furiously on her phone. She assumed she was busy so she just kissed her on the cheek and went to her room.

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