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The Convergent Universe The Convergent Universe original

The Convergent Universe

Author: Vish4SSAD

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Order of 13

I stand at the pathway of the most important decision of humanity. They don't believe me and never will. Not unless I prove it. They call me a madman but I know, that I am there only chance. I am their Saviour.

I sneak into the building that I created with my own hands. I saw it's rise, fall and rise again. Every time it would rise again with the help of me and my brothers. From just another building on the horizon of the Sindralain kingdom to the headquarters of the biggest mercenary organisation, Source of Order. My first assignments jump into mind as I duck under the wooden frame and into a lavish lounge with wooden flooring and colourful tapestries. Comfortable chairs and couches line the sides of the Eastern and Western walls. The Northern wall is host to the rules of the organisation as well as where people are supposed to sit. A deep warm feeling rises in me, remembering the trials and arduous journey I had undertaken to find the most talented enchanter in all of the Kingdom to make the visually appealing list of rules. They called me a fool, a risk taker. But it had been worth it. Just gazing upon the rules would make one feel safe and trusting. Trust was our foundation and because of it we rose even after we fell.

And now I would be the one making us fall.

The lounge is completely deserted, the sun peeking through the horizon. I stick to the walls, making sure to stay in the blind spots of the -Observer- that I had placed when I made this building. Swiftly and silently I make my way towards the stairs in the Eastern corner and start going up. I take the stairs three at a time.

After almost a minute I reach the 68th floor. I take a deep breath before climbing on the hand rail and look at the maze of the stairs that I just passed. If I had reached only a day earlier then I would've known the entrance perfectly, but now its only left to my deductions.

I take a deep breath and let myself fall, feet first. The stairs become a blur as I shoot down to the wood flooring. I shoot past the floors at a blindingly fast pace. My throat runs dry and my eyes water as I look at the ground. As I pass the 20th floor, I accelerate even more, the blur reducing as the speed increases. As my feet come into contact with the floor, they pass through, the floor shimmering slightly. I breathe a deep sigh of relief as I realise that my guess was correct.

I come to a stop abruptly, my feet touching a hard marble. I open my eyes to see a dim room, no more than 2x2 feet. But the items inside would make one puke blood with envy.

-Wind Origin- Allows one to achieve complete mastery of Wind for 12 hours...

-InterSpatial Transporter- Allows one to transport non-living objects to InterSpatial Receiver regardless of distance and size of object...

-Divine Cure- Cure's user of all and every poison and curse on body and gives 50% increase to all attributes...

-Curse of Draconia- Increases Dragon enimity to person/place by 100%. Increases chances of Ancient Dragon attacks...

-Vitality Leech- When attacked siphons 40% of persons or organisms life force, vitality and Spirit over a duration of 2 days. Target stays in near death state for duration...

A short and brief description automatically enters my mind as I look at these objects. All of the are classified as -Divine- and have multiple protection barriers, elemental guardians and more. But this is not the treasure that I seek. In one corner of the room lies items that barely classify as treasures but within lies the treasure that will save us all.

I rummage through various potions, weapons and parchments. Suddenly I feel a tiny burn and I instantly switch to the -Eye of Clarity- I had hurriedly attached to the entrance. A contingent of almost 15 soldiers belonging to the Legend realm enter along with my oldest colleagues. I give a rueful smile, as I see them making their way to the stairs. They would inevitably check the hidden treasury first. I start searching faster, throwing items left and right until I finally come across a sleek, black device.

The Device of the Ancestors. Many associated the Ancient Civilisations as gods, but I know that they were weaker than us. It was their intellect that let them rule this world and beyond. Towering buildings to floating continents. The device fires up and words in Ancient begin appearing on the screen.

I speak only three words, "Initiate Order 25"

The Device pauses before displaying information on the screen

[Order 25.]

[Total Candidates - 25]

[Awakened - 12 (Alive = 0, Dead = 12)]

[Dormant - 13]

[Awaken Number 1-13?]


I gave out an unavoidable gasp of horror when I saw the list.

12 dead already. I took a deep breath. I have never been concerned with being a saint, saving everyone along the path to survival. My decision here will cause countless deaths. But it will save many more. Reassuring myself with this reason, I say out aloud, "Yes."

A second later it displays more characters, "Number 1-13 activated."

I let out a smile and fall down in relief. My mission has been successful. Another burn indicates that they've reached the 50th floor. My death is near. I'm ready to destroy the device before I see more text appearing.

[Record message for Candidates?]


I wait for a second before confirming.

A beep indicates that the recording has started.

I take a deep breath as I say, "I found this device when I was 20. I did not know the implications at that time. You may not know why you have come here. You may not know what to do. But do not give up. No matter what. You are the ones that are destined to save us. Originally you were 25 and were supposed to be released together. But due to my mistake, 12 of your compatriots have died. There's no need to berate me, scold me or curse me. I have done that and more in these past 10 years. I have tried to repent for my sins, my mistakes which have led to the deaths of the innocent and guilty both. I will die before you receive the message. There is no point in trying to look for me. Your confusion can not be solved by me. Your questions are unanswerable by others. Your burdens heavier than the rest of the world. Your trust incapable of being granted to others. There were supposed to be 25 of you, keeping Order in this land. Now remain 13. I wish you luck and hope that you heed my words. You are the guardians of this world, the Order of 13."

Another beep indicates the end of the transmission. I smile as I realise that me, who hated even having long conversations with individuals, just gave a speech to our future. And a pretty damn good one at that. The roof above me shimmers and a person clothed in black robes lands behind me. One by one, 15 people enter the small 2 ft room within a span of seconds. I do not turn back. I simply take the knife in my robe and stab it towards the device multiple times, thoroughly destroying it. I feel the gazes of the 15, the ones who deemed me as their friend and themselves as 'righteous'. I imagine myself escaping.

But it is only my imagination. For my time is done. Not wishing to be caught and tortured I raise my knife to my throat. The 15 behind me run at lightning speed, realising my intentions. They figured that an old man like me would surrender than try. The desire to live is stronger than the desire to die. In any other case they would easily disarm their opponent. Unfortunately, I am their opponent. Before they reach me, I make one of the most efficient and simplest method of killing that has ever existed. Yes, arguably it was not intended to cause self-harm, but situations decide actions.

I slash.

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