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Chapter 8: How to Make a Love Connection

Two things you need to think of when making a "Love Connection"

1. Rejection

2. Fear

How to make a successful Love Connection

Option A: Add them on Social Media

It's simple, just click Add Friend or if you are too shy to click the Add Friend Button, then Just Follow the person, and any update they did to their account you can see it without having the person You secretly Love, zero in on you. But there is a time limit to waiting for the acceptance of your Friend Request. If they don't add you more than 5 days, Cancel the request, they are ignoring your request for a reason. And the reasons are, they don't like your profile picture, or they don't like your nickname or username. Third reason, they might be dead already. Because no matter what your intention in adding them, they will realize they don't want to add you or they do want to add you in the next 10 minutes. If they accept your request within 24 hours, that means they want to add you, but they have to think about it. They might already have a girlfriend or boyfriend or worse, they are already Married. But remember boys and girls, even Married Men cheats, why not the single but already committed?. The point is just try adding the person you love, then if you get rejected, don't feel bad, there's other fish in the sea. Of you can make another account and pretend it's another person and not you, try it you might get lucky.

Beware: Don't try it while you're drunk, you might add a different person's name instead of your beloved. Also don't blame me if they block you, I'm only making a suggestion.😀

Option B: Message them, or send and Email, It can also be face to face

If you are truly confident of your proposal to your love one, then send them a message, but don't face time with them, they might not like your face, instead of acceptance they might turn off their phones and delete their account entirely because they got scared.

Beware: Don't do this when you're horny, nor fertile, or ovulating, you might get tempted too say unnecessary things, or send them nude pictures, because you might get scammed and use your photos for extorting money from you. Plus remember the email can be hacked, messenger can be hacked, and social media can be hacked. If you are brave enough to see them face to face like barge in their homes prepare and have an anti-rabies shot, because the owner of the house might have a dog, they might let it attack you, if they think you're dangerous. Please love yourself, don't kill your self. It's not love that rules the world, it's money. Make more money then again you might get lucky.

Option C: Download a Song that holds the Secret of Your Heart

I tried this a million times, it works, then when the song is played over and over the person changes their mind. Why? because when you play a song like "Baby" by JB, you will know why. Just pick out a song that is simple and direct to the point, like "Love me for a reason", the lyrics are "Don't love me for fun girl, let me be the one, love me for a reason, let the reason be love", straight to the point.

Beware: if you are downloading, don't save it on a CD or DVD, you might get charged with piracy, then don't scratch the DVD, instead of a good song, it might get stuck on the word, "Sexy", "Sex" or Just want to have "'Sex all through the night", they might think you're a pervert. Okay! be careful, music is powerful it can make or break your proposal.

Option D: Just be honest, Think of it like it's Your Last Day On Earth

I was tempted to do this that if I turn 40 years old and my secret love is still Unmarried or already a Widow, or divorced, I might tell him my feelings. Why?, because it's already past expiration date I"m already menopausal I won't have kids anymore, it's easier to accept someone when they don't feel pressured to pro-create, this is my own opinion. Then the person widowed already had their true love, then I might enjoy his companionship instead. Then a divorced is okay too but I need to know how many kids is he carrying with him. It might not be easy to handle more than two.

Beware: Of divorced with motives of marrying you only for your money and house. They might take away everything from you even your dog.

Option E: If all of the above didn't work, then cut the connection and Meet Other People

Lastly, if you tried all of my suggestions, don't feel bad or suicidal. You know life is so short to feel small.

Live boldly and freely, so what if they reject you. At least you still have yourself, your money, and your house. If you are retired, just travel, meet other people, if you're still young then have as much sex as you want, everything has an expiration period, even your sex drive.

Again these are only tips, I'm only lightening up your mood. I got a friend request sent, and if he adds me, then I will be tempted to troll him, but that's it, I won't do anything else if I see him already happy in his life. Maybe I'll wait for another decade, maybe then I will get Lucky.

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