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Chapter 4: Chapter 2

After one and half hour Taehyung fell asleep tired from all the crying he did. Namjoon is still in that state which is making rest of the friends worried for him. "Namjoon!" A voice comes and they all looked up and saw Hoseok standing there shocked and crying. "What happened!?" He asked everyone. "He got into an accident hyung. He is still in the ICU." Jeongguk replied crying which almost made Jimin run to him and hug him but then he remembers what happened between the two. Hoseok pushed his hairs back in frustration. He can't understand why this happened? Everything was going on so well then why? Why did god hurt one of their friend? He quickly walked to Namjoon and sat on his other side. "Everything will be OK. Our hyung is so strong. I know he will be fine." He spoke but mainly to himself. No one knows what will happen. Their breath are being stuck in their throats for hours. "Anybody. Anybody informed his family?" Hoseok asked to which all of them shook their heads. "I will go and inform them OK?" He spoke and walked away.

Few minutes later doctor came and Jimin rushed to him. "There is a large amount of blood loss which made the condition more critical. Right now we are giving him blood and then we will operate on him. But for now we cannot say anything." Jeongguk started sobbing after hearing this and Jimin stood stunned. Hoseok who just came after informing Jin's parents froze on his place after hearing the news. The doctor walked away leaving the six boys completely broke. "H-He will be fine guys. I trust him." Hoseok tries to cheer up his friends but he himself couldnt stop his tears. Taehyung clutched to Yunki tighter after hearing everything while the latter started stroking his hairs. Seeing the younger like this is breaking Yunki's heart. He still can't believe that he got agreed to tell him everything. About his past, his dark secrets but when he saw the younger's face he just couldn't. No matter how much he tries to deny, the fear of loosing Taehyung has developed in his heart and he knows that if the latter will know everything about him not only he will leave him but will also start despising him. The only thing he told Taehyung is that Hyunki is his brother's son and which is true and he doesn't want to tell anything further. Not now. "It's my mistake." Namjoon spoke for the first time making others shocked. "I-I knew something bad was going to happen. I could ing feel it then why the did I ask him to pick me up? Only if I didn't ask him he would have never came out of the house and all this would have never happened." "It's my mistake. My hyung is there just because of me." He started rambling. His face became pale and his body started shaking which made his friends worried. Hoseok quickly went to his friend and hugged him. "No Joon. It's no one's mistake. You would have never known. Please calm down. He will be fine." This was when Namjoon started crying and hugged Hoseok tightly.

The operation is taking too long making all of them agitated. "I am going to drink some water. Anyone else want some?" Jimin asked and looked around at his tired friends. Yunki nodded. "Bring some for Joon" Hoseok said "No. I don't want." Namjoon replied. "You need to drink some. Look at yourself. How tired you look right now. At least have few sips." Hoseok looked back at Jimin and signaled him to which Jimin nodded and walked away. Soon after sometime he came back with two disposable cups filled with water and gave one to Yunki and other to Namjoon. Instead of drinking himself Yunki gave it to Taehyung. "Aren't you going to drink it?" Taehyung asked to which the elder shook his head in denial. "It's for you." Taehyung smiled slightly and took the cup in his hand before gulping down the liquid. "Thank you." He spoke and laid his head back on Yunki's chest. Meanwhile Namjoon only took four sips before giving the glass back to Jimin but no one forced him any further. They all know that how hurt he is feeling inside right now. The pain inside is more than he is showing outside.

After years of waiting the doctor finally came. Hoseok and Jimin rushed to him immediately. "It looks like his head had collided hard not only for once but for many times which gave a hard impact on the skull leading to brain hemorrhage. The shock to the organ is huge. We tried our best but couldn't prevent the patient from going into coma. We don't know when he will be back. It can take few hours, days or years or maybe he can never come back. We will do whatever we can do but most of the work is on patient's inner will." With that the doctor left. Shock is an understatement. Everyone is devastated. They can't believe that they are at the verge of loosing their precious friend. Taehyung finally broke into loud sobs and Yunki hugged him tightly while his own tears were streaming down. Jeongguk was sobbing alone while Jimin is still standing in shock. Hoseok covered his mouth to not let out his own sobs. "Hyung! Namjoon hyung!" Jeongguk cried and everyone looked into his direction and saw Namjoon fainted. They all rushed to him scared and worried and Hoseok ran away to call a nurse.

His eyes fluttered open and he looked around and found himself in an unfamiliar room. The smell of medicine is telling that it's a hospital room but what he is doing here? "Oh Joon! You are finally awake!" His friend's voice came and he looked in the direction and saw his friend coming inside through the door. "How are you feeling now? Should I call a doctor?" Hoseok asked and he shook his head in denial. "W-What happened?" He tried to speak but his throat is so dry and rough but somehow Hoseok got his words. "You didn't remember? You got fainted just after hearing about Jin hyung." Hoseok replied sympathetically. All the memories of the previous events flooded his mind making him broke into loud sobs. Hoseok quickly rushed to his friend and made him sit before giving him a glass of water. "Where are the rest?" Namjoon asked after calming down a little bit. "They left last night almost an hour after you fainted." "Last night?" Namjoon asked confused. "Yes dude it's the next day and it's 10:21 in the morning." Namjoon's eyes widen. "He is still not awake?" He asked tears threatening his eyes. Hoseok shook his head in denial with guilty though it is not his mistake. "But he will be soon. I know that."

"You really are not going to Busan with me for the Christmas!?" Jeongguk asked shocked. "No." Jimin replied and walked into the hall and sat on the couch. "And why is that?" Jeongguk raised his brow and followed him. The elder sighed and looked at his brother. "I don't want to meet dad now. He will only force me to meet one of those girls and also it's good for both of us that we will be away from each other. I need some alone time and you can direct your mind to the right path and forget about those stupid feelings of yours. And also everyone is going and Namjoon hyung needs someone with him so I will accompany him." "So my feelings are stupid for you?" The black haired glared at his hyung. "It is. If it is not possible then yes your feelings are meaningless. And you better forget about them till you come back here." Jimin replied which made Jeongguk scoff sarcastically. "Oh I see how it is now. You can fucking use me for your own benefits but cannot accept my feelings." "When did I even use you Gguk!?" "Oh please. You kissed me and flirted with me when you were missing your ex boyfriend. Didn't it come to your mind that time that we are brothers. You just used me as a toy and when I told my feelings everything became stupid and meaningless to you." Jeongguk spat. "It's not like that. I never intend to use you. I thought you were just playing around." This made Jeongguk laugh sarcastically "Who the fuck play around like that with their brother unless they don't have feelings? And you want to stay away from me right? Then fine! I will leave for Busan alone and won't even talk to you for the mean time. Stay happy hyung that's what you want." With that the younger stormed to his room and banged his door shut making Jimin flinched and shocked.

"Do you really need to go today? Can't you go tomorrow?" Yunki asked making Taehyung chuckle. He finishes packing and looks at the elder who is leaning at his room's door with a small pout. He chuckles again and walked to the latter. "You know I have to. I have already booked the tickets and I am missing my dad." He said while putting his arms on Yunki's shoulders. "Will you miss me hyung?" He asked looking into the latter's eyes. "Because I will miss you so much." He added. "T-Then don't go." The elder mumbled making Taehyung smile. "It's only for few days. And I will call you daily OK?" He made both of theirs foreheads touch. "I love you." He whispers and connected their lips in a passionate kiss to which Yunki responded with the same intensity. They soon broke the kiss and looked into each other's eyes. "You will call me right?" Yunki asked "I will. I promise." "Take care." "You too hyung and don't talk to that Hara so much." He pouted and the elder broke into chuckles before planting his lips over others himself making the younger surprised for few seconds before he starts responding back.

A week has passed and Jimin really didn't go to Busan. His mother called him and scolded him that he should have at least meet his parents and she is missing him but he just replied that he needs some alone time. His mom understood that her son is really suffering with some stress so she didn't pressured him. And Jeongguk was telling the truth. He really didn't contact his hyung in the mean time. Yeah sure Jimin is missing his baby bunny like crazy but he knows that whatever he is doing is for Gguk's own good. They cannot be together since they are brothers and because of that Jeongguk needs to forget his feelings. He is not feeling guilty for his decision but just missing the latter so much. Jimin has also changed a lot in a week. He started going to gym and practicing dancing a lot. He reads a lot now. He started spending more time with Rose and the rest of the time he spends with Namjoon. No Jin is still in coma but doctors are saying there is slight improvement in his health. Namjoon spends almost all of his time with his boyfriend and only goes back to home when he needs to shower and change. Sometimes Yunki or Jimin give him company but the rest of the time he is with his boyfriend along with Jin's mother. Jin's father and brother had to stay in China but Jin's mother came back to Seoul to meet him. His mother cried a lot seeing her younger son in this condition but soon she collected herself and started taking care of him along with Namjoon. The bonding between Namjoon and Mrs. Kim grew faster and stronger. She already sees him as her son in law and is proud of her son's choice. Yunki spends most of his time with Hyunki but he misses Taehyung a lot which of course he will never admit in front of the younger. As promised Taehyung and Yunki call each other every night and talk about their day. Jeongguk started staying depressed. The fact that his Jimin didn't consider about his feelings and called him stupid still stings him. He already knew that the older will never accept him and love him back but seeing it happen for real shattered his heart. Now he is only trying to forget about his feelings for the latter as his hyung demanded. Hoseok went to meet his parents mainly his sister. He got to know that her marriage was going to happen with Jin's brother which is now postponed which is not surprising for him. Of course with Jin being in a critical condition how can they celebrate an occasion of happiness. Jin's presence is important and until he gets well neither of the family wants to take the next step.

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