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Chapter 12: Chapter 10

Jimin currently is sitting on the couch waiting for the younger who went on another date, while thinking of all those things happening since last few days. He doesn't like the way his and Jeongguk's relation is going currently. They almost everyday argue with each other and then avoid the other rest of the day. Well it is mostly the younger who avoids Jimin. The older sometimes try to talk to the latter but to no avail. Jimin wants them to live happily like before. Only if he could turn back the time and prevent the younger from confessing his feelings for him. But would that make the things better? Would Jeongguk have stopped loving him eventually if he never told Jimin or would he kept getting hurt always? Jimin doesn't want his brother to get hurt but for some strange reason he doesn't want the other to move on too. He is scared. Scared of the strange thoughts invading his mind lately. The way he looks at the younger. The way he wants Jeongguk to keep close to himself forever. The way he gets jealous whenever someone else tries to touch his baby bunny. He is scared of all of that but he doesn't know why he is behaving like this or maybe he knows but doesn't want to accept it.

He heard a car's honk and he knew the younger is home. The main door opens and a black haired boy in blue hoodie and white jeans with timberlands underneath walks inside. Jimin smiles seeing his favorite boy but then frowned when he saw his swollen pink lips. He gritted his teeth and was ready to explode when he remembers that the fight will only make the matter worse. He took a deep breath to calm his boiling blood and got up from the couch before walking to the other boy with a big smile plastered on his face. Jeongguk looks up when he sensed other's presence near him and saw a smiling Jimin walking towards him and soon engulfed him in a tight hug. "I missed you baby bunny." He heard the other say which made him confuse as why is Jimin suddenly behaving like this? "O-Okay?" he replied which came out as a question. "Lets have some fun just you and me." Jimin smiled making Jeongguk widen his eyes and blush profusely. Realizing that what he said have double meaning made the older awkward and he cleared his throat blushing. "I-I mean that lets do something like watch movies or we can play video games." He smiled hoping the blush on his face to soon disappear. "But I thought you are not into video games." Jeongguk raised his eyebrow not getting the real intention of his brother. "I know. But I will do that for you. Come on lets go." with that Jimin dragged the confused boy with him.

Sitting on the couch both the boys started to play. Jimin is happy that finally they are getting along again. He doesn't want them to argue anymore. Only he knows that how much he have suffered being away from the younger and now he will try hard to get them back together. "You can choose your character first hyung. Either way I am gonna win." Jeongguk smirks making the other boy glare at him. "Is that a challenge Jeongguk ssi?" asked the older while raising a brow "Yes Jimin ssi." replied the other still keeping his teasing smirk. "Fine then. I am on it." replied Jimin and selected his character and they both soon started to battle. "We should keep a bet too." Suggested the black haired. "What?" asked Jimin keeping his focus on the screen. "What about the looser will do one thing asked by the winner?" "Deal."

One hour later the older starts rolling on the floor while laughing hysterically while the younger keeps sulking on the couch. "I know you have cheated. No way in this damn world you can defeat me ever!" Jeongguk glared at the laughing boy who seems to not stop laughing at anytime soon. The older took a deep breath to calm himself down when his laugh converted into few giggles and snorts. "J-Just because you lose doesn't... doesn't mean that the other is a cheater." Jimin spoke between his heavy pants making the younger huff. Smirking Jimin got onto the couch. "Now about the deal." Jeongguk groaned "What you want?" Jimin thinks for a minute before speaking. "Stop meeting with that Chinhae guy completely." a sigh escaped the younger's lips hearing the other's demand. "We have already talked about this Jimin." "But you promised. And now according to the rule you have to do as I say." "I won't do it." replied the younger fuming Jimin in the process. "Why? Don't tell me you started loving him." "And what if I do?" "He is not the right guy for you Gguk. He is a playboy and he will only use you!" Jimin almost screamed. "Playboy? Who told you that?" asked the black haired frowning almost challenging the other with his eyes. Jimin was about to open his mouth but then stopped. "Tell me." "N-No one. He just gives off that vibe." he replied which made the other scoff. "Oh really? Just because you feel like it I am not gonna stop living freely!" He shouted getting as angry as the other "You can be with anyone you want but when it comes to me you start ruling over my life. Tell me Jimin can you leave Rose if I ask?" "We are not together!" "But you will be. Dad is gonna force you and you don't have enough guts to refuse him." "You know I tried." Growled the grey haired. "Yeah I can see that." replied the younger mockingly and left from there. The older sighed and pulled his hairs in frustration. "Fine! I just wanted us to get back to normal like before but if you want everything to end like this then LET IT BE!!!" he shouted to make sure the other hear and stormed into his own room after. He grabbed his phone from the night stand and dialed a number. "Hello Rose? There is a party tomorrow night. Wanna come?"

The loud buzzing of the alarm woke Yunki up. Groaning he opens his eyes and sees a heap of soft brown hairs on his chest. A smile appears on his face after realizing the owner of it. He moves few hair strands over the younger's forehead and looks at his cute sleeping face with admiring eyes. His soft pink lips are slightly puckered out making him look like a baby. He is holding a small part of the Yunki's shirt in his fist while the other hand is lazily resting on the bed beside them. A light frown appears on the sleeping boy's face and a whine escapes his mouth. "Turn it off." He spoke and nuzzled into the blonde's chest more. Chuckling Yunki turns off the still buzzing alarm. And encircled his arms around the sleeping boy. " We need to get up. Don't you wanna go to the bar?" "No." The younger replied and hugged the older more. "But we have already took many leaves. The manager will be quite angry." "I don't care. I want to sleep." Whined the younger making the other chuckle at his cute actions. "Come on don't be lazy. Get up." Yunki shakes the sleeping boy. Scrunching his nose the younger opened his eyes and met with the other pair of dark browned ones. "Good morning." smiled Taehyung making the other laugh lightly. "It's not morning." "It is for me if I see your face. Because you are my sun." A faint blush appeared on the Yunki's face but he scoffed pretending he didn't like it. "Isn't Hoseok the sun in our squad?" "He is for the rest but for me you are the sun. You bright up my life whenever I see you." Yunki cleared his throat and looked away too awkward to react in this situation. "W-Whatever. Lets go. We are getting late." Chuckling at the other's cute reaction, Taehyung pecked his lips and got up from the bed. That is when Yunki realized the onesie younger is wearing. "You are cute." He commented without realizing which brought a smile on the younger's face along with blush "Thank you." He replied shyly and made his way to his room.

The next day came and Yunki and Taehyung decided to meet Hyunki. "Wow Prince you are so funny." said Hyunki who is laughing at Taehyung who is mimicking few funny characters in front of the kid. Meanwhile Yunki is in the kitchen helping Mrs. Han in cooking. "He is a nice boy." Mrs. Han spoke suddenly startling the boy working with her. Yunki stopped chopping and looked at Mrs. Han with confusion written on his face "Huh?" Mrs. Han lifted her head and looked at him with a smile. "Taehyung. He is a nice boy." Yunki smiled and nodded and resume chopping onions. "I am happy that you are with someone like him. Now I will worry less about you." "Mrs. Han, you are misunderstanding. We are not together." "Are you sure about that?" "I know you very well Yunki. Like my own son. And I can tell when you like someone. I have never seen you treating someone like you treat that boy." "It's nothing like that Mrs. Han. He is just a good friend of mine." Mrs. Han smiled knowing very well that what she is implying won't be understood by the boy at the moment but soon in the future he will realize his feelings. And she wants that to happen soon. She doesn't want Yunki to loose this opportunity of finally moving on with the past and creating a better future and she wants someone like Taehyung with him. She knows that that boy is trustable. He is someone who will never let go Yunki and the older really needs someone like that in his life. Someone who will understand him. Someone who is willing to be with him. And Mrs. Han knows that Taehyung is that someone. He is perfect for Yunki.

Almost an hour later everyone gathered to eat. "Wow! I love this soup!" Hyunki exclaimed. "Yeah? Your uncle Yunki made it." Mrs. Han replied. "Oh really!? Thank you Uncle Yunki. You are the best!" Yunki chuckled and patted his head. "Yeah hyung it's really delicious. You are the best!" Taehyung complimented exclaiming like Hyunki while giving the said person his cute boxy smile. His reaction made the older blush and he looks at his plate and resumes eating. That reaction surely didn't go unnoticed by Mrs. Han who smiled at the boy who is oblivious of his own feelings.

The lunch is not silent instead it is complete opposite. Everyone is saying something time to time except the kid among them who is speaking non stop. Mr. Han is not with them right now. "Prince, when I will become this much big like you. I will marry you." Hyunki said expending both his hands in either sides parallel to the ground indicating 'big'. His comment made Taehyung widen his eyes and blush while Mrs. Han started laughing at the cuteness of the little kid. "Hyunki my child that is not possible because Taehyung is much older than you. Why don't you like someone of your age? When you will start going to school, you will find many boys and girls. You can choose one of them. Alright?" Mrs. Han explained but her words only made the kid upset. "No! I want to marry Prince only!" he shouted and glared at Mrs. Han while pouting. "Hyunki, don't talk to your elders like this." Yunki said sternly which made the younger lower his eyes and pout more. "It's OK son. He is just a kid." Mrs. Han smiled and then turned to the still pouting boy. "OK fine. Marry him but first you have to grow as much as him OK?" Hyunki beamed and nodded his head vigorously making everyone smile at his cuteness.

After the lunch Taehyung and Yunki left. "I had so much fun today!" Taehyung exclaimed. They both are in the car going to the hospital. "I can see that, Prince." Yunki smirked making Taehyung blush at the nickname. He knows the latter is just trying to tease him but hearing that pet name from the other's mouth is something he would like to hear again. "I guess Hyunki really likes you." Laughed the older of the two. "I know I am beautiful." He flipped his non existent long hairs. and batted his eyelashes. "I agree." replied Yunki making the younger blush again.

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