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Chapter 2: ...

Rai laid back in his bed, which was considerably furbished like the rest of his room when compared with other cells. Most people didn't bother having their cells altered since if they were unable to pay rent for the cells they wouldn't even have a room to sleep in. The prisoners were tortured daily in Crusade Prison for the ridiculous rules. A prison that tried to simulate reality outside the prison the best that they could. For example, rent money for the cells. If this was not paid they would be evicted from their cells and forced to stay in a communal area where nothing belongs to anyone. Whatever people can get their hands on makes it there's. Or at least those were the rules until Rai was imprisoned. He kept a sort of law and order in the otherwise chaotic place. Pretty much everything flowed through him in some way and he was considered a king in the prison. Being able to enforce his own kind of justice and rule in his own way. Because of this Rai always had all the units he'd ever need. He wasn't particularly sparing with them either. As he laid on his bed he was silent. Clara was on a bench in Rai's room fiddling with a coin in her hand. Clara had tanned skin tone with brown eyes. Her hair was black and tied up behind her head into a bun. She also wore the same uniform as everyone else but she had taken off the top and instead wore a white t-shirt. She wasn't on death row so her uniform was white and blue. Rai looked down at his chest.

"Hey Clara do you mind handing me one of the other shirts in that drawer there?" Clara looked to her left. It was less of a drawer and was really just a metal bin. But she said nothing thinking about how everyone copes in this place. Some people cope by accepting their fate and others cope by being delusional.

"Uhh… there are no shirts in here."


"Yeah it's just trousers for this crappy ass uniform of ours."

"Shit. That means I need to get more. That sucks. Why is everyone always tearing my shit whenever we fight?" Clara smiled smugly.

"Have you ever considered not fighting?" Rai immediately shot up sitting on his bed at incredible speed.

"There's no such thing!" Both Rai and Clara laughed. Rai looked out of his cell window and pout to the walls. He was able to see the spot in the wall where he was able to kick Tucker through it. "Do you think I went over bored today?" Clara continued laughing.

"Define overboard. For you it's the same thing as fighting with restraint."

"Well it's not my fault that humans can't handle an attack like that. I didn't even have to use my magic."

"Hey as a human I take offence from that. A little bit racist man." Rai stared at Clara with a disinterested look.

"Seriously? Don't try and change me. I'm not an SJW ok? Don't try and change me Clara." They both chuckled. "You knew the offensive prick I was the moment you met me." Clara smiled sweetly, an actual rare sight in that prison. Nobody ever smiled for real. If there was a smile in that place it was because someone was keeping up an appearance or trying to hide their own insecurities. Whenever Rai smiled, he did it to freak other people out. The first week he was in the place he didn't smile, not once. Rai tried to stay out of the action at first and just ride out the wave, but one day in a cafeteria, one of the other prisoners demanded that Rai move from the bench he was sitting at. Rai questioned the guy but he was given no reply and was instead grabbed by two guys. Rai didn't put up a fight and was moved forcefully out of the seat. Every day for the next month Rai would do the exact same thing every day. Going to that same spot and eating his food every meal time and every time the same guys would come round and move him. However after that month, something changed. Rai was smiling a smug confident smile. When the guys attempted to move him once more Rai used his unnatural strength to split their bones apart inside their own bodies. With that one display of power, Rai earned the respect of pretty much everybody in the prison. Eventually he ended up punishing the worst kind of prisoners in the prison and given his stature he was called the king of judgement. Since that day smiles have been used to show a person power. Normally the bigger the smile the more powerful the prisoner. So seeing a genuine smile made Rai very happy.

"Whatever. SJW or not who really cares."

"Ooo careful. You can anger a lot of people with that kind of thinking." The two of them laughed shortly. Rai turned his back to the barred window and leant against the wall. "Although maybe that's what's wrong with this world."

"What do you mean?"

"This world is fractured. None of the races can really agree on anything now and no one ever considers the possibility of working with each other again. Most people see the legends of this world as, just that, legends. No one believes that we could have ever fought alongside each other and work together for the sake of the kingdom." Rai sighed as he looked up to the ceiling. "All the races are different and now we have our own different cultures. It's because of those that reuniting the kingdoms is practically impossible now… but even still, I'm sure it can still be done." Clara looked a little concerned.

"Careful Rai. You're starting to sound like those Outcast guys?"

"And what's so wrong with that?"

"Well they were like a terrorist group right? My granddad use to tell me stories about them. Apparently his dad did the same thing to him. They said they were on a mission of peace but all they ended up doing is spreading death and destruction. And apparently they didn't die either. They just went their separate ways once there commander was captured."

"Commander? Is that what people ended up calling the leader of the Outcasts?"

"Yeah. Not only that he was part of this other group. The outcasts had an elite force. The Zodiac of Rebels. They were terrifying."


"There power wasn't natural. Any one of them could take down an entire army all on their own. And no member of the Outcasts ever hesitated taking a life." Clara seemed genuinely scared. She grabbed her shoulders and hugged herself tightly.

"Are you scared of them?"

"Of Course I am. The entire group is comprised of killers and their power is so great that no one would ever be able to get away. If they wanted to kill you, you'd be dead within an hour." Clara sighed heavily. "But who cares anyway. That was like 300 years ago when the group disbanded. I know a lot of the races have an extended life span, a lot more than humans, but if they did exist I'm sure they stopped in their mission after their commander was captured. For the sake of the world, I hope that man is rotting away in agony." Rai looked away from Clara and laid back down on his bed.

"Yeah guess you're right. Nothing to worry about anymore." Clara regrew her smile.

"Yeah, nothing to worry about anymore." Clara approached the bed and lent on it with her arms propping her up. "Anyway, did you want to go again today?" Rai chuckled from Clara's question.

"Nah, I'm good thanks. Sometimes I feel like your only here for that." They both chuckled again. "You know there a person attached to this right?"

"Pfft who need the person?" Clara joked with Rai. Clara got off his bed and stood up straight. "Anyway, if you don't need me right now, I need to be on my way. I can start a couple things early."

"Clara? Are you being mischievous again?"

"I don't know what you mean." Clara spoke with fake honesty as she winked and walked out of the cell. Rai chuckled to himself before closing his eyes to try and drift off to sleep. It took him awhile but he eventually was able to sleep. As he slept he kept on dreaming about the Outcasts. The stories that were told about the legendarily evil group. Something about them just brought a smile to his face, a real one.

Suddenly there was a large crash. Rai woke up startled. He could tell by the lack of sunlight that it was night. He looked outside and took a guess saying it was about midnight. He heard another crash and heard some screaming and a lot of laughing.

"Get the hell off me!" He heard someone yell out. Almost immediately he recognized it as Clara's voice and ran to her. When he got there, there were five guys. All of them grabbing at Clara. "I said get off me you swine!" one of the guys came up behind her grabbing at her chest.

"Aww now is that anyway to talk to the guys you just tried to rob blind? You're just a piss poor thief. How the hell did you get thrown in this place with skills like that?" The man squeezed tightly and Clara squealed. She managed to wriggle on of her arms free from the men and quickly punched one of them in the face. She then sent her elbow to the one behind her and after that the men started backing off. "Ahh. You bitch, How dare you!" Clara smiled.

"Aww is that how you talk to the girl you just molested and then she beat the crap out of you." Clara kicked in front of her hitting the thug in the face. Just adding to the damage her elbow already caused. Rai chuckled from afar seeing the events unfold. He chose to stay away since Clara was handling the situation. Suddenly however there was a slight change in the air pressure. A chill went down Rai's spine as a small breeze circled around his neck. A similar breeze concentrated around Clara's neck.

"You ass holes. I told you to wait for me." A voice came from behind Rai. He didn't recognize the voice but when the man walked past him he immediately recognized it. Clara turned her head slightly and saw both Rai and the mysterious man. Clara yelled out quickly.

"Hey, you're one of Tuckers men." The man scrunched his face in anger. He pushed one of his hands forward and another gust of wind flew forwards. The wind currents finned themselves and became as sharp as blades as they passed through the molesters. Blood gushed from there body's as they fell apart. The man was crying hard.

"My name is Aaron you whore." He kept crying as the winds kept circling Clara and Rai's necks. "Why the hell did you have to kill Tucker?"

"What?" Clara questioned. "Why do you think? He was gonna-"

"He was gonna kill a guilty man. A man which you killed anyway. So why kill Tucker? He was… He was a great man!" Rai looked at the man weirdly.

"Wait hold on. Did you have a thing for…?" Aaron shut his eyes as he continued to cry. "Wow, didn't realize Tucker swung that way. Makes me like him just a tad bit more actually. Wish I didn't kill him now." Aaron opened his eyes again and let his rage take over. He washed his hand over Rai and the winds sharpened again around his neck. His neck was pierced and blood was freed from the fleshy prison. However after seeing the display from earlier, Aaron was taking no chances and completely beheaded the guy right in front of Clara. Rai's beheaded and lifeless body feel to the floor.

"Son of a bitch, what did you just do?"

"I killed the only man capable at saving you right now. I figured out what he is. That healing wasn't natural, he must have been one of the other races."

"What do you mean, he… he's human!" Clara was crying slightly as she spoke.

"You idiot. No magic gives people healing like that. It had to be his body. Yeah no mistaking it. He was a member of the demon clan's descendants. He must have been a vampire. So I beheaded him." Aaron felt triumphant but was still crying out of sadness for his dead lover. "And now it's your turn." Aaron raised his hand out in front of him and started clenching his fist. The winds around Clara's neck started tightening. But unlike the other wind attacks, they weren't sharpening. The winds were squeezing tightly around her neck and stopping her from breathing. "Fun fact about wind magic. You can control the winds with very little magic power. Because of that one fact I'm one of the most powerful wizards in this place. Just because no one can create magic attacks better than mine." Clara was choking. She grabbed at her neck to try and help herself but it wouldn't work. She couldn't grasp hold of the winds. Her tears flowed even more. However, as she looked up she saw a sight which filled her with hope. Rai's body was standing behind Aaron with a dark black mist flowing from his neck. Suddenly, Rai's arm was plunged deep into Aaron's back and with his hand flat and straitened it split through Aaron's body like a spear. Aaron's body grew limp as he tried to look behind him. "But… How…?" The winds around Clara stopped swirling. She could finally breathe again and she dropped to the floor in exhaustion, coughing heavily. As Aaron looked behind him the mist started forming into flesh and bone. A sudden layer of skin covered the freshly made head and Rai was back. His hair magically grew out longer. Now a little more tamed than it was before. It was shorter than before and the bandages on his face magically appeared around his eye.

"Damn you! It took me ages to grow my hair out. Hey Clara. You ok?" Clara didn't answer. Not only was she still coughing a lot but she was also too taken back by her friend, seemingly surviving death. Rai pulled Aaron's body off of his arm and dropped him onto the floor, barely breathing. Rai crouched beside Clara and tried to hold her up a little in his arms. "Clara? You ok?" Clara looked up at him finally catching her breath.

"How did you do-?"

"Never mind that. Just forget about it, ok?" Clara was very confused. She looked at his left shoulder and saw a faded scar of some sort of symbol that was tattooed onto his body but it was like he had tried to scratch it off. It kind of looked like a wavy curved line with a circle at the end of it.

"Screw… You both!" Aaron tried to speak as his blood kept gushing from his chest. He was paralyzed on the floor, only able to move his head and one of his arms. "I will… have my… revenge!" Aaron breathed through his teeth to show his pain. Suddenly he pointed his arm towards the pair and a large gust of sharpened win raced towards Rai and Clara. Clara was unable to move and after just recreating his entire head he wasn't able to see the wind until it was too late. The wind past right through them both. Multiple large slashes appeared on both of their bodies. Although Rai was able to heal them like he did with the other wounds, Clara was not so lucky. She was completely torn to shreds. He body was in tatters and her skull was split in two. Rai was covered in Clara's blood and guts. Rai couldn't move, he couldn't speak, he couldn't think about anything. Cora was dead and she was in bits all over him.

"We-Well… I guess you really fell apart on me hehe. Get it Clara? Fell apart hehe." Rai tried to make jokes like he always would with Clara after something like this. Tears started forming in the corners of his eyes. "Come on Clara. That was a good one. Fell apart. Come on… laugh…" Clara obviously said nothing. While laughing and crying at the same time. Laughing from killing Clara but crying over the death of Tucker, Aaron finally took his last breath. Rai was left alone in the room. He did nothing but hold some of the chunks of Clara's lifeless body for minutes. Suddenly steam started rising off of his body. The room got much hotter as more and more steam and heat was being emitted from Rai's body. The cuffs around Rai's body started getting much hotter as well. The metal frame of the cuffs got redder from the heat and even started melting, molten metal dripping from Rai's wrists till the cuffs were so malleable that Rai could just rip them off. "Ok then. Don't laugh. I'll be back later ok?" Rai stared at the dead chunks of meat on the floor. "Cool, Talk to you later Clara." Rai was delusional with his own rage.

The guards around the walls of the Crusader Prison all awoke in a panic as they started hearing large crashes and explosions from inside the prison. Large amounts of dust came crashing from inside of the prison and flooded through the windows and gaps in the structure of the building. Multiple prisoners were also flying through the walls, which were in tern crumbling all around the prison. The guards tried to get visuals on the inside of the prison. They tried desperately but all of the magic crystals around the building to act as a way of the guards to monitor the prisoners were all, for some reason, no longer responding to the control on the Guards gauntlets. Multiple Guards pulled out staffs to focus magical power through as they prepared to attack whatever was causing such a ruckus from inside the prison and prepared for a possible attack towards themselves. Finally the guards managed to get some eyes, on the prisoners. They were all panicking greatly as sudden waves of magic power was blasting them out of the building. Any that weren't already dead were falling upon the cursed runes which killed them eventually. Some were flown so far away that they died on impact. The guards managed to get some magic drones flying, which consisted of a metallic sphere wrapped around another of the crystals that allowed the guards to see the events of the prison. The drone was somehow able to use some sort of levitation magic which allowed them to fly above the prison to see what was happening, now that the roofs were completely blown to bits, they had a perfect view of what was happening. Suddenly the entire prison came crumbling down except for one large room. Around the size of an average throne room, which was small for the prison's standards. The drone hovered above and they were all shocked to see the carnage that was inside. Countless dead bodies were piled up inside and hanging from some of the walls, skewered by metal pipes and spears. In the center of the blood soaked room, Rai was sitting on the floor. His legs were crossed and he was hunched over staring at the ground. His face was still enveloped by rage and his upper half was completely soaked in blood while his lower half only had patches and splatters of the blood of his victims. Rai had murdered everyone in the Prison and sentenced himself to solitary confinement.

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