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Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Great. Now I have an affection meter too. What the fuck is wrong with my life. Hey, at least it's not a full blown dating sim.

Who the hell messed with the system? It was identical to the one I worked on for days on end, to the point I likely died of overwork because of it. So who put this crap into it?

You know what? I bet it was Jeff. The bastard would always scream about moe and harem animes whenever he had a chance back in the office. It wouldn't surprise me if he made a dating game system and implemented it in the game somewhere. If I ever go back to my previous world I will make sure to crush his entire figurine collection and then kick him in the balls enough times to make them be indistinguishable to scrambled eggs!

Sighing, after a little while I think of what this might mean for me going forward. Thoughts on how to torture Jeff can come later.

This is such a headache. I had it all figured out, I had my plans over what I would and wouldn't intervene in so as to gain as much as possible and avoid as many disasters as I possibly could in the future. While I can't really stop Kisuke from putting the Hogyoku in Rukia. I would easily be able to go with Ichigo when he goes to Soul Society.

There are things that I really wanted to take care of there. There is also the matter of me being able to get Kisuke to owe me one and possibly getting to invade the center of the technology division of the Soul Society. If I can take away stuff from there and perhaps get my Inventor skill to a higher level I could make some really good shit. Maybe even find out how to create gigais of captains like in that Filler arc (imagine if I can command an army of a hundred Yamamotos and Kenpachis, I would fucking steamroll Trihexa HAHAHAHA).

Not to mention, killing Mayuri while he was still in bad shape from fighting Uryu Ishida is too good an opportunity to miss. Leaving that Madman alive was just asking to be dissected in his Laboratory. I am definitely a rare specimen and I don't want to end up on the wrong side of his dissection knife.

There is also the most important thing, visiting Hueco Mundo. That place is dangerous as all hell, but it also has an abundance of enemies to face and I could get a freaking lot of points since there is basically no end of hollows there. My points have been mostly stagnant for the last year or so, going there is necessary for sure.

But now I see that the system I thought I knew has secrets I have no idea about. Who knows what could end up showing up that could force me to change all my plans? Besides, considering my luck this new system feature will likely push me into getting involved in these harem perverted antics of this world. It is like the fucker who sent me into this deathtrap of a world decided that fucking with my life once wasn't enough and sent me this wonderful 'present'.

Sighing I decide to let this go for now, I have hours to think about this later and Ruruko is waiting for my answer. She begins to fidget in place under my stare, she is likely nervous.

Well, let me think. I could say no, but considering the timing she likely wants to talk to me about the magician contract. It would undeniably benefit me, as I definitely want to learn magic. There is a lot I want to learn, and every advantage is a good thing for me in the long run.

But, she chose to call me out here, in such a public place. She could have easily come talk to me somewhere else instead of here with so many students watching. She likely wanted to corner me or something, well what if I change the game around a bit?

"I would love to go on a date with a sweet piece of ass like you." I said with a slight smirk, seeing her blush at my words.


Ruruko's P.O.V.

Well, that happened.

As I look at Hyoudou-senpai I can barely keep a smile from showing on my face. Don't get me wrong, I am not exactly thrilled by his 'Reason' for accepting this whole date idea. but I do like the fact he actually complimented me for my ass (it is my best feature in my honest opinion).

Being surrounded by so many beautiful girls, I kind of fade in the background within the Student Council. Most students don't even remember me when talking about the council. Which is really disheartening. I tried to look appealing as best as I can, choosing cute accessories and keeping fit with a stringent diet and plenty of exercise.

I lost so many chances to eat some great chocolate cakes and pizza with my friends, to try and keep in shape. But I still am barely noticed.

So being noticed like this is kind of nice.

With a sly grin I answer back.

"Oh, so I have a 'sweet ass', huh?" I tease back and he looks surprised before he chuckled and continued.

"Gotta admit, you seem more interesting than I thought. And now it wouldn't be just for that." He said and I could feel some butterflies in my stomach at his words. "Well if there isn't anything else, I have things I need to take care of. Talk to you later."

As he was leaving I wonder, did he say that in the end because he was embarrassed? If so I gotta admit, it's kinda cute. The big strong man getting all flustered because of some light teasing from me, how unexpected.

This date might work out better than I expected. I honestly just wanted to get to meet him somewhere so we can get a chance to talk about making a contract with me. But right now I am not sure if just that is enough anymore.

He is always so nonchalant, ignoring even the beauties that are Rias-senpai and Sona-kaichou, so seeing him acting flustered with me, is kind of nice.

With a smile I call out to him.

"Tomorrow, at the plaza in the central square, at 6 PM;" and he just gives me a thumbs up as he walks away.

Heheh, I just got my first date.


Third P.O.V:


Isane Hyoudou fell to her knees in tears as she watched the scene from afar.

Finally! Finally, her prudish but hot cousin has started to walk the path she wanted, the true path. The path of the harem! For the last four years Isane tried to push him into it, tried to make him want it, as now she could likely make him accept her feelings for him.

Don't get her wrong, she was attracted to both genders and struggled with it when she realized this fact. It was not easy for her to be able to reconcile this fact, not at all, especially seeing as most of her attraction to the male gender was focused almost exclusively to her own cousin.

She honestly loved him, she would readily admit to that. How could she not when he was likely the only guy that could look at her not in only lust (due to her body) or in disgust (due to her... tendencies)? She loved him, but she was also extremely attracted to other girls. She was in doubt about what she was to do until she saw a show that helped her in figuring it out.

It was a harem anime. In it the guy had all the girls by his side, but they also played with one another and it was perfectly normal for it to happen.

It was like she could see exactly what she wanted. The best of both worlds. After that she tried to seduce Ace many, many times. But all of them ended in failure. She tried all she could, she once even tried to masturbate with the door half open when she knew he was in the house in hopes he would catch her in the act, and let one thing lead to another. It still failed.

She began to wonder if Ace was gay, even though she had checked his internet history (research to know his kinks) and he certainly didn't seem like that. She has also seen him saying no to many, many girls asking him out before. But he finally said yes to SOMEONE!

This means that he is finally willing to entertain the idea of a relationship. Now she just has make him entertain the idea of a poliamorous relationship, and she would be set (she saw how sometimes, despite acting nonchalant, he would look over her body as if by accident. She loved that).

Jumping up, Isane started running off to her house to speak with her cousin, talk over the wonders of a harem, and make some great suggestions (which may or may not include herself).

'Perhaps some with smaller Oppai but better butts, he seems like he likes those considering his comment.' Isane thought before looking down at her ample chest, easily amongst the biggest in the entire school, and wondered if this would be a problem. Shaking her head she steeled herself, even if her cousin was an ass man, she would still make him see the wonders of Oppai. Even if he didn't, she was confident her own ass would not lose to anyone else!

"Excuse me?"

Isane stopped her running to look at the girl who spoke to him. The girl smiled as he stopped.

"My name is Yuuma Amano, could I talk with you for a Moment?"

As Isane nodded while staring at Yuuma's breasts she didn't notice the malicious smirk that 'graced' Yuuma's face for a few seconds.


Ace's P.O.V.

"Where is a rusty knife when I need one."

I groaned as I sat on my bed, not wanting to go and take care of the whole Mashiro situation immediately. I should have known that this life was destined to be troublesome. And it just grew a whole lot more troublesome. After getting home I finally managed to think more, I could only sigh in tiredness since I could not talk with the one who gave this system to me.

If I could get my hands on the person or the group that did this, I would have long since gone ahead and beat the crap out of them. But, I would not kill them.

Not because I am merciful, but because they would need to suffer for all the troubles they caused me. There are so many worlds that would be so, so, so much easier. But they put me in this world. Now I don't even know what the hell is going on with the system I have helped build. Feeling depressed since I couldn't extract my sweet revenge against the ones who did this to me, I sat down and started verifying what the changes to my menu were exactly.

My stats remained the same but it seems like I gained 10 points in charisma after that talk with Ruruko. Charisma is one of the most important stats for me seeing as it helps in the growth rate of my Haki skills, so this is a good thing. It seems like being flirty and getting my first date was enough to make me increase my charisma further. If only growing this stat was easier, and didn't involve potentially throwing me deeper and deeper into the harem antics of this world, powered by breasts I would appreciate it.

Taking a deep breath I continued checking the other changes.

'Heroine Status' was simply a way for me to check my current relationships, with people who I interacted with for at least 12 hours within the span of a month, that have affection towards me, since I got the system.

At least it's not any person who likes me. Dead God knows being flooded with notifications about fangirls would be annoying as fuck.

As I looked at it I began to curse as I could see how it currently was in more details.


[Ruruko Nimura: 'Mischievous Kohai']

[Relationship Status: Curious about her Senpai]

[Affection Points (6/100)]

[Heroine Summary: The only truly normal pawn of the heiress of the Sitri Clan, Ruruko Nimura suffers from lack of self-confidence. She works hard to try and stand out, but never quite manages to do so. She finds the prospect of figuring out this new mystery that has shown up in front of her quite interesting, and that you showed interest in her directly made it all the more so.]


[Koneko Toujou: 'White loli cat with kneesocks']

[Relationship Status: Respect your cooking skills]

[Affection Points (14/100)]

[Heroine Summary: Born as Shirone, Koneko is a young Nekomata who is part of a rare species among her kind, called the Nekoshou. She has considerable abandonment issues due to her and her sister leaving her behind after killing her master. If not for Rias Gremory she would have been executed like most of her race for her sister's sin. She carries great shame and blame due to this, as she believes she should have been able to see her sister 'losing control'. If she had, she could have tried to stop her sister and would stop more than forty thousand members of her race dying due to devil paranoia. She sees Ace as someone who makes the best food, gives great headpats and feels nice to stay close to. Her nekomata instincts are only starting to blossom so she can't yet differentiate properly the instinct for procreating with a strong male who can protect and provide for her and what proper love is.


[Isane Hyoudou: 'Sexy perverted cousin that wants to get in your pants']

[Relationship Status: Likes you for years now]

[Affection Points (72/100)]

[Heroine Summary: Since discovering her own sexuality, she has been attracted to you. She is a sexual being who knows little in the way of patience, and scoffs at the idea of taking things slowly. She wants you to create a harem so as to enjoy both sides of her sexuality, monogamy seems extremely boring for her. She houses the Boosted Gear inside herself and is unaware of the many dangers this will bring her.]


Again I felt like he wanted to hit the one who made this system modification.

With this it is like I am seeing things I really shouldn't, like the matters regarding Isane.

She really likes me? It isn't just her being a horny girl? Seriously?

And what is up with her objective of having me build a harem for her to enjoy? The hell?

Not only that, I got way too much information regarding Koneko. I knew from the show she had it rough, but this is absurd. Just reading about what she blames herself for, she is placing way too much on her shoulders. She is blaming herself for this when she was just how old when it happened? Not even in the double digits.

I will make her some chocolate chip cookies and give them to her the next time I see her. She deserves it.

There is also Ruruko, she too had some problems even if they were about self-esteem and not something as heavy as what Koneko has to deal with. However, I know that this was still something I couldn't just wave off as if nothing.

She may not be that eye catching when compared to some other girls, but she was still undeniably attractive and thinking otherwise is simply stupid. This is my first date, let's make sure that at least she will have a good time. Let her have a time worth remembering even if nothing comes of it.

Coming to this decision, I then proceeded to look at the next section of the menu.

Titles. This was easy to understand. The names I was known for or things that define me in some way. I have the following titles:


[Odd-Jobs Ace]: You need something done, Ace can do it for you! Anything and everything. If you have the cash then he has the solution (increases growth rate of the Charm and Aura stats by 20%).

[MC in a Harem Anime World]: You live in an anime world and are reincarnated into your own Isekai, accept your fate. (Events that lead to girls gaining an interest you increase even if you barely even try or want to avoid it. Chances are that dangers will appear around you if you try and run away from them).

[Laughing Stock]: The entities that sent you into this world laugh at you and what they throw at you, even manipulate events to ensure it is more fun and to laugh even more at you (extra 10% to Luck stat).

[Salt Lover]: Your system works like a damn gacha game, you probably love salt if you keep investing in it (your luck in the gacha decreases and so does the chance of getting the items you want. But if you invest enough, after a certain threshold the chances of getting extremely rare items increase considerably. Keep searching for it, but know that this system will drain you dry and you know it).


My eyebrows twitched a whole lot.

'Let's not think on that more than I have to, otherwise I might go crazy with anger over the [Laughing Stock] title'. Thinking so I took a deep breath, my brain already tired over this whole situation and I just decided to pretend I didn't see it.

It was decidedly better for my mental health anyway.

All that is left is the last change in my menu. The Achievement section.



[First of Many]: Unlocked at opening the first of many likely future routes (+3 in Charisma)

[Smooth First Move]: Your first move in the way of a harem king was correct, congrats (+5 in charisma)

[Entertaining]: Those above find your struggles entertaining. Good job (+2 in Charisma as a small gift, get more entertaining and you may get a better gift).


"Umu, that's it. I will run away, I have some cash and I can probably get on a plane to Brazil or something. Nothing big regarding the supernatural happens there anyway, I will most likely be safe." I came to this decision as my eyes got hollow.

I realized that the small trace of hope I had deep in my chest, where even I didn't know I had, was snuffed out just now. The hope that I could simply turn around, leave, and ignore everything and hope that the plots I knew would still happen as it did in canon, that everything would inevitably be fine, was true. But, that is nothing more than a pipe dream now.

There was likely no escape from the situation anymore. Reading everything it became clearer and clearer that there was some greater power somewhere that sent me to this messed up world on purpose. I guess deep down I honestly hoped it had just dropped me here and would simply ignore whatever I did afterwards, that if things truly got bad I could just leave, but it was clear now that this was not the case and even if I were to try and leave, the 'plot' would just find someway to involve me someway, somehow.

"ACE! You won't believe it!" Isane entered all excited into my room, she was so excited that she didn't even notice my state of mind and instead made me wince at her loud voice and how she barged into the room without even knocking.

She truly lacked the sense of modesty that japanese are supposed to have. But then again I know her better than to expect anything different I guess. Seeing her smile so broadly I can't help but think again about the words regarding how she really likes me. This is just such a surreal experience.

I mean, sure I know she wanted me to have sex with her. I am not stupid or dense enough to not see that. But I assumed she only wanted to have sex, considering she her actions. Her really liking me was unexpected to say the least.

"What happened?" I asked.


"What happened that made you decide to enter my room like that out of nowhere? And it better not be because you bought a new eroge you have been waiting for. God knows you have too many of those already." I said to her, honestly just wanting to get her to leave. I still had a lot to sort out in my mind, and I still have to get to Ichigo's house to bring Mashiro here.

Isane, in her typical fashion, ignored my comments and just smiled broadly.

"You may have gotten yourself a date tomorrow, but so did I! And my date is a hot chick with big boobs. I bet that you will like her too later on!" Isane said with glee and hearing this I knew what was going on.

I know who asked her out.

... So, some dumb bitchass slut with a bird brain, a superiority complex, and a stick so high up her ass she likely could see the Everest from Japan, thinks she can come and kill my 'innocent' (in terms of the supernatural) cousin?

I know that this is important for the 'plot', but fuck that.

Some dumbass bitch wants to die.

Looking at Isane's smile as she thought of what would be her first date. knowing what is really going to happen, I won't allow that shit to go down.

Standing up I began to move.

"Hey, why are you leaving so soo-"


A wave of Conqueror's Haki hit Isane head-on and she passed out instantly from it.

Catching her before she hits the floor, I put her on the bed. Putting the blanket over her, I look at her for another moment before I leave the house.

This world wanted her to have to deal with it's crappy 'plot'? Was it something those who made me their 'entertainer' wanted to see?

I get it, I really do. Stuff will happen regardless of what I do, but I will react to it in my own fucking way.

I take out from the system storage the sword I obtained a long time ago. It was one of the few great items I managed to obtain from the system, a truly lucky break.

Over the years I have invested at least a few millions in this gacha, and I have no more than 12 akuma no Mis and a few swords and guns to show for it, most guns were nothing that great and the swords were mostly trash with a few decent ones. Most of the good stuff I have, I had to build using what I got from the system. But this sword in my hands was one of my decidedly greatest items.

Muramasa, one of the 12 Supreme Grade Swords. I can still remember when writing the code for the game (when I had no idea I would be entering the game, otherwise the algorithm to get great items would be much kinder than this shit) me and my friends had a blast in deciding the blades we would use for the 12 Supreme Grade Swords. As only 3 were revealed at that point in time, we could really do quite a bit with the 9 spots left, and the one I have in my hands was amongst the best and worst of the bunch.

Muramasa, this sword had the best possible edge of the entire world, if wielded by someone who has Lvl 100 in swordsmanship, then this blade can cut anything in existence, no matter what it is this sword can cut any material in existence. But the lower the level of swordsmanship the less of the blade's power could he demonstrate. With my current swordsmanship skill level I can't demonstrate much of anything with this sword, being a mostly ordinary sword in my hands right now.

But, even if this blade wouldn't be able to be used to fight someone on a God's level (yet!) this was still a powerful sword that would not break easily, even if I couldn't showcase its full potential, I still had plenty besides swordsmanship.

Putting on my game face, I placed the sword in my belt. Looking at the my inventory I equipped one of the easily most stylish sets I got from this damn system that wanted to steal all my money and fuck with my life.

My attire now consists of a vest over a plain shirt, a scarf around his neck, suit pants, elegant shoes, and a fur coat draped around my shoulders. It's the same clothes used by Crocodile in the post time-skip, it is honestly a nice outfit for sure.

"I am going to go and teach some crows and whatever is watching over me that I am not it's plaything. If I can screw over whatever plot there is, then I will!" I said and began moving.

This world wanted to force me to get involved? Fine, but I will make sure that if this world intends to fuck with me then I will fuck with this world back as well!


3° Person P.O.V.

Meanwhile, at the Kurosaki Clinic, a certain green haired visored was playing 'tag' with Ichigo as he tried desperately to get back at her for having 'redecorated' his room. Honestly, he was tempted to just burn the entire room, but before he did that he had to get revenge for his poor room that didn't deserve to get all turned pink, with small berry designs all over it.

"Ace, this is the last time you make me go through shit like this!" Ichigo growled in anger as Mashiro passed through between his legs, went to the other side, did a pose, and gave him a V sign to his face.

His anger was real, but unfortunately this would not be the last time Ace sent Ichigo something this troublesome. And as for Ace, he had forgotten completely that he had to get Mashiro from Ichigo's place.

Poor Ichigo, having to deal with a pretty girl.


So, the MC has snapped and wants to vent. Well, the fallen angels are fucked for sure.

Anyway, about the fruits the MC has in storage, he currently has 10 fruits and he can always have 1 fruit of each type (as in Paramecia, Zoan, and Logia) equipped and change the fruit equipped at will after 24 hours of the last exchange.

The fruits he has are as follows:


- Pero Pero no Mi (candy human)

- Doku Doku no Mi (poison human)

- Horu Horu no Mi (Hormone human)

-Horo Horo no Mi (Spirit Human)

-Biri Biri no Mi (Static Human)


- Neko Neko no mi: mode Lion (lion human)

- Uma Uma no Mi (horse human)

- Ushi Ushi no mi: model cow (Cow human)

- Inu Inu no Mi: model arctic wolf (Arctic Wolf human)

- Saru Saru no Mi: Model gorilla (gorilla human)

- Tori Tori no Mi: Model Toucan (toucan human)

- Kani Kani no Mi: Model Tasmanian Giant Crab (Tasmanian Giant Crab human)

I wonder if anyone can see the small reference I did there. Anyway, this was a more light hearted chapter, expect the next one to have more action and be more action oriented.

Reviews are highly appreciated, thanks in advance for it. Follow and Favorite too, if at all possible since that always helps me get animated to write more.

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