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Chapter 6: Chapter 6

The level of skill Lee possessed was impossible to achieve for anyone his age without some kind of cheat as this was the product of decades of work by an expert fighter that lived in a supernatural world.

Lee remembered everything clearly from his world about his physical stats, his training routine, his fighting style and his master and friends.

Everything else might have become vague but these memories would never leave as they were the core that made him Rock Lee.

In this world he had given up on the idea of improving his Hard Fist as it required inhumane level of stats that were impossible in this world.

He realized this within the first year by watching TV.

Adjusting his mind set, Lee took it in without a problem and decided to change it to suite his current need.

Taking the limitations into account, Lee watched all kinds of matches between fighters that were pure martial artist and mixed.

He saw the books and videos.

From there he added the things that he needed mentally while his body was still weak to copy them. He made lists of combos, moves that he wanted and what he needed to do.

Once his body was strong enough it was easy to go through them and improve at an accelerated rate, he didn't need sparring as he could remember the fights and fought against those foes in his mind as he knew everything about them after watching them fight. He also used foes from back home while applying human limits to them.

In ten years he arrived at the limits of his skill level as the human body couldn't handle more than this, his physical body would increase in strength as he worked on it but it was within his expectations so it wasn't going to affect the level.

His current body was weaker than his 12 year old body in the old world and would never surpass it as no human could pick up 5 tonnes of weight, no human could move faster than sound.

It was reality that he could never achieve the epitome of martial arts in this human world. Fortunately he was about to be proved wrong and his dream was about to get a second flame.


"Mister Song, we have checked your background thoroughly and we have concluded that you are a prodigy that has never been seen in this world.

Your level of skill is impossible for someone your age. We are unsure about your master as there is no data about him but he must have been a top class fighter."

Lee Na led Song inside the office of Charles and the man stood up speaking in an excited tone.

"It is the product of the power of youth, sweat and hard work plus some talent. But what is this about?" Song smiled as he heard those words, even in this world he was about to give his Master some well deserved respect and this was the first step

It might also alleviate his financial problems.

"Song Jae Gu, have you ever heard of Ki?" Charles asked with a teasing smile

"I read about it, some kind of life energy in every living being that can be used by fictional characters to make them stronger." Song was confused and hopeful when he thought about this topic

Someone like Charles asking about Ki must mean something.

"You are right, and do you want to know something. It exists." Charles extended his hand and Lee could see energy covering it as he pushed his Ki outward

Lee could feel his face change into one with a wide smile as the excitement was burning through him.

Charles was happy with the reaction and indicated for him to take a seat.

"I know you must have many questions so I will explain the situation to you personally. I made this school to help girls become stronger to help them overcome their problems in society. It wasn't just on a physical level but overall and it has been a great success, though it led to the problem of all of them ending single." Charles looked at him while Lee Na glared at him as it felt like he was stabbing her

"Cough cough, it was a great success and among these girls I found potential for even greater heights. These are the Wild Guards and I taught them about Ki, making them surpass the human limitation. You should be aware what the WG does so I won't bore you with the details.

Now, Ki isn't my personal project or anything but has existed throughout history. There are clans and organizations across the world with people using Ki but the normal world and Murim has been separated.

Murim or Jiang Hu is what we call the world of the Ki users and the masters of old decided that it was better for them to separate from the human world so that normal people could develop properly.

It was a good decision as you can see and now it is a law that you cannot spread this knowledge or use your powers in public."

"Did you just bait me?"

"Of course not and your expression doesn't seem to agree with those words either." Charles didn't what to expect but it seems he had roped in a fighting demon

"Guess you are right and there must be someone keeping watch."

"Yes, the Murim Association keeps watch over the people so that no rules have been violated. It works with the government and has eyes everywhere.

In Seoul is the main office of the South Korean Branch.

If you use your power in open then you will be taken in custody and the result depends on what you have done, and if you spread information about the Murim then death penalty.

Moving on from the dark belly of the world, Murim is filled with exciting arrangements and master fighters. Now, do you wish to become a Wild Guard?"

Watching his happy expression and outstretched arms, Lee thought about it.

He was already in the middle of it, though the man might not call the authorities about the information breach since it involved him so he had the choice to decline.

But there was one reason he couldn't decline.

"Will I get paid?"

"Haha, Yes. And it goes up according to the tasks you have taken."

"I am in but I need you to fix my problems first."

"Wonderful, you are such filial child. Lee Na, handle it."

"Welcome to the Wild Guard's, I look forward to working with you Song Jae Gu." Lee Na said calmly with frost expression before leaving

"Now, I know you didn't ask about why I am doing this but I will explain. In the Murim, many clans exist and many fighters exist of great power.

They are the real rulers of this world so power is necessary. The Wilde family is based on USA but sadly, it's one of the low ranking martial families.

I am the head of the family with wealth beyond your dreams but it is nothing in our world. The day the Wild Guards were established, I had a dream of improving my family status in the Murim world so this is my personal reason mixed in with my altruistic reason.

In our world we also wager on fights to decide business deals and such so I also need powerful fighters for such a thing. I might be strong but as the Head of the family I cannot participate and risk my life, which is why I have been recruiting potential fighters.

The world you are entering is filled with danger and risk of death is unavoidable."

"We are risking death everyday as nobody knows how we will die. I could die from choking or an accident without any choice in the matter so know that I am not afraid of dying, I am afraid of dying with regrets.

Your goal doesn't clash with mine and matches it actually as I am very much interested in fighting the strongest fighters."

"Good, this is a how a fighter should be. Now, do you want to start training today or tomorrow? Your Ki training will take months at least, and you will have to focus on it for five hours every day. I will also have you spar with the WG to help you improve your skills ever more and stimulate the production of Ki inside your body."

"This Ki has some special technique?"

"Yes or every strong fighter would have unlocked it by mistake. You have to follow some specific methods to unlock it and every clan has its own ways so Ki is unique for every clan and individual. If you get enlightenment about the Ki cultivation method than you can adjust it to your personal needs as the methods have their own ranking.

My family's method is considered average but I made it above average and Lee Na changed it to suit her own needs.

So I expect the same from you."

Listening to the explanation, he could see that it was like the chakra elemental affinity. This was a lot different from chakra training but he expected that his experience with chakra might help him get this done faster.

"Let's start today and I hope a good surprise is waiting for me at home."

"You will not be disappointed." Charles replied with a chuckle as he walked towards the door and asked him to follow


Inside the school there was a secret training area for the Wild Guard's and their living quarters.

Some lived inside the school and some lived outside but all of them knew about this place as it was their training area. All of them were required to spend at least five hours a day, training. It could be in other places but mostly it took place here.

It was an underground facility with all kinds of equipment for training and weapons. There was one large area for sparring in the center of the facility while different rooms were around it.

Lee was impressed by the secret place and it felt like he had entered the Men in Black type secret organization.

They had taken the stairs hidden from view inside the administration block and finally Charles led him to a room with candles burning with an aromatic smell.

There were mats in the room and the lights were off, the walls were decorated with murals of fighters in different poses and some writing.

There were ancient scroll placed in the room and most like contained secrets of Ki.

"This is the room where you will train Ki from now on until it has been awakened properly." Charles said as he picked up a scroll and turned towards him while pointing at the things around them

All of this was to help stimulate the awakening, the aroma made from valuable herbs containing high density of Ki, the murals made using Ki and the scrolls written by Ki.

It was a perfect environment to relax and meditate.

'He will get it done in a week and we can start the next step.' Charles thought but when Lee started, he was blown out of the water.

"I am done" This was what he said after an hour and Charles felt like he had attained nirvana, a golden goose had walked into his hands



A.N Hope you enjoyed

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