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Chapter 9: Start (2)

It's been 3 days since my brother left for the demonstration of the latest Stark weapon. For the past two days, Jarvis has been getting the usual 'love' messages from Tony. Today, I was still at school sitting on a bench watching people play sports.

"Why are you at school again?" Shuri has been asking me the same question for 10 years every day ever since she gave me these glasses.



A week after we got back from Wakanda, I received a package from Shuri. Of course, Tony did millions of tests before he deemed it safe and gave it to me. Inside the package, there was a pair of glasses. There's a special note on the glasses that it shouldn't be worn by anyone other than me. I wore the glasses and saw the special note written in the box. 'Tap the side of the frame to activate' and so I did.

"It's on? Finally! It took a full month! How bad was the delivery service in America?" I was startled hearing the sudden voice.

"Who?" I said out loud

"Oh, were you surprised? It's me Shuri"

"Wait, Shuri? How?" I asked which made her explain every single detail of the process. After a few minutes of explanation (AN: Sorry I don't know how to explain this. I don't know the logic behind untraceable phones)

"-and to make sure everything is hidden I made sure to route the signal to a Stark satellite to make it look like your brother's been tracking you" Shuri proudly said

"So, in short, this acts like an untraceable phone with the camera always turned on. You can see what I look at and hear me talk. That's neat!"

"Well, yeah. That's a good way to dumb it down" she sarcastically replied

(Flashback end)


"Social life? At this point, I don't even know. I'm not allowed to do anything on my own anyways" I replied in a tired voice

"Well, you can still get it on with that Daisy girl. Just make sure you turn off the glasses before doing anything again" Shuri said to try and cheer me up but that just made me remember an awkward moment.

"Don't make me remember that." I snarled at her

"The way she slapped you was hilarious" She laughed wildly on the other end

"Why the hell are you even watching that? You should've just turned it off from there"

"I-I was just curious"


"W-what! You're the pervert! Doing it at school. Shameless"

We argued for a while before someone approached me.

"Talking to your girlfriend again?" Mark said

"How many times have I told you she's not my girlfriend?"

"As many times as it takes to make me believe you" He retorted then he continued

"If she's not your girlfriend then how come you didn't have a single one even now? I'll even believe you if you say you're gay. I won't judge"

"I'm not! Goddammit! I tried okay. Most girls approach me because I'm a Stark. Daisy's the only one different but then I messed up"

"Yeah, Daisy. Can't believe she told everyone how you were talking on the phone while you were about to do the deed. Still, are you sure girls approach you because of your name? Isn't it because you have the face and body sculpted by a god? Even I get attracted at times. No homo" He said while I look at him with a deadpanned eye. I then see Jessica approaching our spot.

"You're dead," I said

"She's here, isn't she? Did she hear what I just said?" He said nervously, I only laughed at him and nodded

"Hi, Daniel. And hello to my boyfriend who's attracted to Mr. Stark. Why don't you just bring Daniel to the movies instead, hmm?" Jessica said with contempt in her voice

"Oh, please. I'd rather go out with you than go with this idiot. How about tonight? My place?" I jokingly said to Jessica

"Ohh, that would be good if only we don't have baby sitters around. You'd be perfect if you're not attached to that childhood friend of yours." She replied with a mocking tone

"Damn, low blow babe. Speaking of which, where's your super-hot babysitter? She's late by more than 30 minutes already" Mark interrupted

"And how do you know the exact timing of her arrival?" Jessica asked. Mark noticed the flaw in his words and tried to explain himself

"W-well, you know how I always try to invite Daniel to hang out, right? T-that, w-well, look! speak of the devil" Mark pointed towards the gate to try and change the subject which earned him a hard pinch on the side by Jessica

"Isn't your convoy looks more than usual?"

"It doesn't just look more, it is more, by a lot" I replied, even I noticed the weirdness of the situation. We then saw Jen come down from one of the cars. She waved towards us as she slowly approaches.

"Quite the convoy there Jen. What's happening?"

"I don't know. I just assumed your brother became paranoid again and instructed this disaster" Jen said as she rolls her eyes thinking about Tony's antics

"Well, that's possible. Anyway, I���m going first. Think about my offer Jess" I said jokingly as I winked playfully towards Jessica

"I'll think about it baby boy" she replied as she laughs

"Oh, maybe we can make it a double date instead? I'll get the little man here" Jen added as she traced the face of Mark with her finger. Mark was stunned by the words, and combined with the sudden touch he blushed hard. Seeing the reaction of her boyfriend, Jessica glared at Jen which made the two of us laugh. Me and Jen walked away from the couple as they were about to start fighting.

Inside the car, me and Jen were laughing seeing the 'fight' of the couple as the car slowly move away. Well, it's mostly Mark getting his ass handed to him by Jessica. We talked for a while before I realize that I haven't heard from Shuri in a while.

"Shuri, you there?" I tried to ask her which didn't get a response.

'Maybe she's doing something' I thought as I shrugged and look at the window. Outside I could see we were going on a highway different from the usual route home. I suddenly had a bad feeling about things. Jen was just chilling in her seat as usual getting a drink from the fridge. I looked towards the driver only to see him looking at the rear-view mirror staring at me. I noticed that the driver was different from the usual one.

"Hey Mr. Driver, where's Nathan?" I asked him

"Nathan called for a leave today, sir. Said his wife is sick" he replied, that's when alarm bells started ringing in my head. Even Jen paused for a second before looking towards me. We were about to pass an intersection when the car in front suddenly stopped and made us crash into him in the middle of the road. Our driver quickly got out of the car before he pressed a remote. Jen and I tried to open the doors but they were locked sealed. She then tried to go to the driver's seat to make the car move on the reverse but the car that was behind us crashed onto us too.

Jen looked toward my direction nervously until we heard gunshots heading towards us. She moved to the backseat again to try and protect me. Thankfully, the car was a bulletproof one which is better than most tanks courtesy of my loving older brother. I now felt thankful for his overprotectiveness right now but that didn't make us any less anxious. We were in the middle of a road with gunshots raining on our heads. While our supposed to be protection squad blocked our way. Jen pulled out her phone and tried to call for help but it was no use. The last thing I saw was a bright light heading straight towards us before Jen pulled me into her embrace before I passed out.

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