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Chapter 2: Erectile Dysfunction

Qin Linhua went to get the checkup in the form of a test to prove to his parents that he was fine, only for the doctor to tell him that he suspects that Linhua has Erectile dysfunction. What a joke!

What was he supposed to do when they only show loose vulgar women naked to him; force getting hard? He wasn't interested in it so he left.

As he was headed to his black Maybach, his assistant Min Shiyue , quickly ran to catch up to him.

Mingze was now feeling the effect of the drug, she was very hot now. Luckily she hadn't started stripping her clothes in the taxi.

As she was walking, she saw the Maybach slowly moving and she just stopped in front of it. As she peeked at the driver's seat, she called out Min Shixue's name.

Thinking that her assistant came to her rescue, she hopped in the backseat. She was passed her limit, the drug was taking effect on her.

Linhua was mad that this lady just enter his car like that. He was going to throw her out, but then she just started to remove her dress.... he then caught a glimpse of her face.

She was a beauty, and as a man he was attracted to her. She looked mature and strong. Not naiive or slutty.

Shiyue's eyes widen when he saw what was happening, Linhua then realized that he was seeing and ordered him to close the partition. That allowed only him to see her exposed chest. Her breasts were finally free as she unhooked her bra.

He immediately removed his jacket to cover her body. He heard her mumbling " Long ...."

Linhua was nicknamed 'Long' which means dragon, by his grandparents as they saw his amazing talent since young.

He guessed that she was another one of his Fathers gift to him. Thinking that way, he decided to enjoy it to remove their doubts about him.

To his villa his ordered. The drive was a 10 minutes drive from the hospital to his villas gate, and a 5 minute drive from the gate to his house.

As soon as they arrived, he ordered Shiyue to park the car in the garage and he lifted Mingze up in his arms and headed straight for his room.

When Mingze felt the soft mattress of a bed she moaned happily. Linhua ignored the urge to devour her now and went to quickly shower. Five minutes after, he returned and took her off the bed to the bathtub. Before he takes her body, he will clean it.

There were more moaning from her in the bathroom as he was washing her body. He realized she was sensitive when he touched her breasts.

After half drying her skin, he wasted no time to kiss her. He wanted to break this woman so that his parents would not harass him again. He slowly pleasured her body, showering her with kiss all over.

Although it was his first time, from watching the porn video earlier at the hospital, he learned a thing or two. Slow kisses trailed her body until his mouth reached her cave.

Her body was amazing, he admired her so much. With the view of what 'God gave her' exposed, he saw liquid running out of her.

Without holding back, he sucked her up. He then inserted two of his fingers inside her cave. She arched her back at the foreign sensation she was feeling. Moans escaped her mouth once more.

He pleasures her until she came for the first time, then positioned himself between her legs and entered her cave slowly.

He felt a sudden blockage and her walls was squeezing his little brother. She was very tight and he realized she was a virgin.

He push deeper, suddenly feeling happier. She let out a loud scream from the pain and frowned her face, while hugging him tight. He waited until she relax, and kissed her on her cherry lips to distract her. He was her first, as was him to her.

He was very pleased and that made him very energetic. He went slow with his thrust inside her the quickened his pace when he saw her face relaxing.

Soon, she started moaning to him, when the pain was replaced with pleasure, telling him to give her more. He compiled with her wishes and went further in her. As the bodies were joined together on his bed, there was no space between them.

He felt completed inside her. She was enjoying the pleasure he was giving her. She suddenly felt a weird feeling she felt earlier when he was using his fingers in her.

She was going to come again.

When he felt her juice running out, he groaned and exploded his semen in her. He emptied all until some eventually run out of her. He collapsed next to her, adjusting her body on her right side so that his little brother was still in her.

He hugged her body from behind, showering her with kisses on her neck and her ear.

She let out another moan as he was kissing her and he got hard again. He wanted another round with her. His parents sent a nice gift.

Thinking about his parents, he decided to video tape him pleasuring her for evidence to show his parents. That will surely shut down their doubts of his sexual life.

As he got his phone, he positioned it on his nightstand, where their full bodies were shown except her face. He made love to her for the second round, going gently that time but for the rounds after that, he was very rough.

They came many times that night, with him always filling her with his semen.

They were both exhausted, and finally stopped when Mingze fainted. Linhua then stopped the video and then carried her to the guest room where he cuddled with her.

When morning came, Mingze woke up late. It was around 10: 45 a.m. when she opened her eyes. She was alone on the bed.

When she tried to get up, she felt a sharp pain in her lower body and fell back, laying down. She took a while to relax, before she attempted to get up again. She sat up, only to not recognize the room she was in.

Before she could think further, a young lady dressed like a maid came into the room. The maid held up a notepad with a message for her.

" Dear miss, I am Xue Miling, a maid of this villa. I cannot speak therefore I will be communicated with you through writing. I was assigned to bathe you by the master before serving breakfast. Please let me help you to get ready."

Mingze stared at the maid call Xue Miling for a moment. She then asked her, " where am I?". Miling expression remained plain as she scribbled in the notepad. "I am not permitted to answer any questions, please allow me to help you get ready then you can ask the master."

As much as she wanted to run away and escape, Mingze knew she couldn't with her aching lower body so she tried to remain calm to analyze her surroundings first.

While she was showering with Miling's help, she was so humiliated when she saw the hickeys all over her body. She couldn't remember the mans face clearly from last night but she definitely remembers his actions. Maybe for the first few rounds.

As Mingze was drying her skin, her face frowned at the amount of women clothing she saw in the walk in closet. There was a lot of brand name clothing and one thing she noticed that irked her was that they were all dresses, short and knee length. Why was that?

She chose a white dress with blue designs on it to wear when Miling handed up two dresses for her to choose from.

When she walked down to the dining area for breakfast, she was feeling better as she slowly walked on her own. Sitting at the table was a very handsome man reading the papers.

She had seen many male models in her life, but this person was looking like the model of models. As she was the Empress in the modeling industry, she thought that he was the only one worthy of being the Emperor.

The man had facial features that were the best of the best. He was like a painting.

Mingze suddenly thought that it was her fortune to have bedded this handsome man. Ofcourse she wouldn't let him off that easy, he had to pay.

She was so captivated by his handsomeness that she didn't realize she was staring at him." Like what you see?".

Unaware, she replied to him with a "yes". He chuckled at her straightforward response and gestured for her to sit and join him.

The table wash filled with simple western breakfast food, from toast and pancakes to scrambled eggs and fried sausages. She usually had friuts for breakfast but for some reason she had the appetite to eat food.

He expected her to ask for money but she didn't, she remained calm and ate her breakfast. They ate in silence after which he proceeded to ask for her name. Qin Linhua was naturally guarded against Lu Mingze, although he slept with her that didnt mean he would allow her to do whatever she wanted. 'He had to find out about this woman' he thought.

Mingze wasted no time and asked the question she wanted to know all along. " Did my uncle gave you money to have sex with me?"." No", he replied. She was suspicious about him and wanted answers. To answer her question he asked a question of his own" Did my parents pay you to have sex with me?".

"No", she answered him immediately. After clearing up the misunderstanding between them, she apologized for entering his car, and he apologized for having sex with her while she was drugged.

Before Mingze finished eating breakfast she recieved a called from her assistant informing her that she was trending on weibo. She quickly ended the call and excused herself from the table to check the post.

Walking into the small garden at the back of the house, she settle on the nearby seat to check her phone. It was no suprised that she was photographed in her unconscious state in a bed with a man next to her who's face was blurred out.

It seems to be her kidnapper who was also the driver!

Judging from the clothes he had on last night she was 80% certain. She wasn't 100% sure because she didn't get a good look at the mans' face. It was her fault, she let her guard down.

She hurriedly called back her assistant to sort out the scandal.

"Shixue, Ill file a police report on a Kidnapping. In an hour's time you will deny the reports and put out a simple statement that I was kidnapped by an obsessive fan and that I am currently recuperating as the police are handling the matter."

" Okay Mingze. But the gate at the apartment complex is flooded with reporters, I don't think you can enter without giving a statement today. What are you going to do?"

" Don't worry. I am safe where I am currently. I'll be back when things cool down."

With that they hung up the phone as they both got to work. Lu Mingze made a call to the police and opened a kidnapping case while Min Shixue draft up the statement she was to release in an hour.

As she turned around to enter back inside she was stunned. She had intentionally left out being kidnapped to Linhua when they were talking earlier but now there he was standing behind her. Shit!

'How much did he hear?Did he hear everything?'

"Why are you there?" she blurted out in surprise.

Linhua stood there with his hands in his pants pocket , his eyes studying her face.

" Don't you know it's rude to listen in on people's conversation?" Mingze was furious now. ' He was rude' she thought.

After staring at her for a minute, Linhua casually replied," Lets go. I'll drop you off at the police station."

She was stunned. He was really like a painting....Beautiful when quiet!


Exiting the police station she checked her phone to see the time. It was 11am now and they arrive around minutes to 11. she stared at the man next to her and shook her head. It seems that he was really efficient.

He had the officers immediately work on her case as they arrived. Even giving them a deadline at 3pm to find the culprit. 'It really pays of to have a lot of money' she thought.

She frowned as a thought came to her. She forgot about finding a place to stay. Thinking of places to stay she suddenly got a headache. Her parents would worry and nag her if she when to the Old mansion, her apartment had reporters and hotels would add fuel to the fire.

Qin Linhua saw her furred brows and offered her an option.

" Why don't you stay at my place? I'll be out in two days time and the place will be empty."

" Would that be okay? I don't want to inconvenience you." She was not familiar with him so she was hesitant.

" It's the least I can do after what I put you through."

She agreed after weighing her options. She was indeed tired and since he was not in cahoots with her Evil Uncle she decided to rest at his house before leaving later. She called and informed her parents that she was okay and that she was safely staying with her assistant and that she would visit them soon.

She then entered the passenger seat of the car while Qin Linhua sat in the driver's seat.

After arriving back at the Villa, he then excused himself to inform his servants to go home and take a week vacation after the day was finished. This week he wanted to be on honeymoon.

He was suddenly in the mood for more sex with her.

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