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Chapter 8: Revenge

Arthur and Sergei were shivering while looking at Blade but when they looked behind him and saw Mia and me, they looked like thirsty men who found water in a desert.

"Alexander, Mia, i-it's good to see that you're fine...b-but I must ask why you're with the D-daywalker?" Arthur tried his best to keep his voice steady as he spoke in his usual polite tone and volume. If it weren't for his cold eyes, he'd look and act exactly how you'd expect a noble too.

Mia went to reply but I tugged on her sleeve which caused her to cautiously look at me. When we met eyes she seemed to realize what I wanted but went to shake her head.

"Let the kid do what he wants, he's not like the rest of you bloodsuckers here, he's got a choice on what he wants to do," Blade, seemingly also knowing what I wanted, butted in and stopped Mia in her tracks.

I looked appreciatively at Blade who grunted in reply. I walked up to Arthur and Sergei.

"I'm with Blade because he's going to train me to kill Vampires. I used my advantages to get out of a situation, aren't you proud of your creation, Arthur?" I asked with an innocent smile. But this smile only caused dread to flood Arthur and Sergei's lifeless veins. They knew how much troubled they'd be in even if they survived this.

Alexander-001, the first of the Vampire Super Soldier Project or the VSSP, cost a LOT of money to make. From the building of this facility to the procuring of the Genes and DNA needed for his perfection and finally the tools needed to allow him to become the perfect soldier. All of it cost more than you'd think.

But now, this boy they'd spent so much money on already, without even getting to the training, was going to go and join Blade the Vampire Hunter to become a Vampire Hunter as well? This could be seen as a worst case scenario the likes of which could cause a major decrease in the Vampire population.

Arthur may seem like he was overreacting but no one knew the potential Alexander had better than him. Alexander would grow to be more ferocious, deadly and bloodthirsty than any other race that existed, on Earth or not. He was simply a new breed of predator.

And certainly not one he wanted to be aimed at his own race.

"...w-why must you hunt your own kind, Alexander? What did we ever do to you--" Sergei tried to talk to me while Arthur was in deep thought but what he was going to say p*ssed me off immeasurably.

"What did you do?" I said, my voice being scarily cold for a child's, "Well, I don't know...does torturing me for four years count as something like that?" my sarcastic tone made Sergei flinch back. I stepped forward to Sergei, "I'll be honest with you, I really don't like you, Sergei."

He was a bit shocked at what I said, "But Alexander, we were only trying to make you perfec--" I didn't let him finish as I swung my leg as hard as I could at the outside of his left knee.


"perfect--ARGHHHH!" Sergei let out a roar of agonizing pain before he fell to the floor holding his mangled knee. That familiar feeling of bloodthirsty excitement entered my blood again and I had no doubt I was smiling once more.

It seems my hyper dense body and weight allow me to dish out some high destructive power despite my small body. Useful.

As I watched Sergei roll on the floor, Arthur back away in obvious fear, "W-what are you doing, Alexander!?" he screamed at me, the hoarse kind of scream, like the one where you know all is lost and you're about to die. In his hysterics, Arthur pointed his finger at Blade before roaring once more, "He's the one you should be attacking! Not us, we're the same kind of species! He's a filthy half-breed! Kill him--!" he tried to continue speaking but with my fist buried so far in his stomach, I guess the air needed for the speech wasn't in his lungs anymore.

Arthur dropped to the ground, throwing up all the blood he'd drank today. While he was bent over, retching, I lifted my foot and slammed it into his head, pushing it into his pile of bloody vomit.

"Don't ever say we're the same species...ever. You hear me, Arthur? You said yourself multiple times, I'm an amalgamation of DNA, I have no definable species!" digging my foot into the back of his head, Arthur let out a few meager groans.

Seeing his meek behavior, I figured I should've tried a break out ages ago. I guess I had too little information on their abilities.

Bending down, I picked Arthur up by his neck and I leaned over to grab Sergei by his long, unkempt hair.

"Come on, we're going for a little trip," I didn't turn to Mia or Blade and instead walked down the hallway to a 'special' room.

Once we got there, Sergei and Arthur both seemed to realize what I was planning and started to struggle.

A knee to the face stopped those struggles right in their tracks.

I took them both over to a chair and placed Arthur on the floor while I secured Sergei in place. The restraints would hold him - they were made for me after all.

I clamped them down as hard as I could, resulting in slight cracking sounds coming from Sergei's arms and legs. When he was fully secured, I went behind the chair and opened up a hatch on it. Inside were many different needles, each connected to a small plastic tube.

After getting these needles, I stabbed them into different parts of Sergei's body. Knowing off by heart where to put them as they'd been stuffed in me countless times for my first two years of life.

Sergei continued to struggle but I ignored him - if I stuck the needle in the wrong place it'd just be more painful for him anyway, what was I going to lose?

Blade must have entered the room shortly after me as when I turned around I saw him curiously looking at the contraption I'd secured Sergei in.

"What's that chair, kid?" he walked closer and looked it up and down, "Some kind of injector as you've connected the needles to most of his major veins and arteries..." he continued looking at it but I knew he was waiting for an answer.

"It was something they used to drastically increase my resistance to both Garlic and Silver...I guess they wanted me to be immune to those weaknesses because of you," he looked at me with squinted eyes, wondering what I was getting at. I decided to clear it up for him, "Because of those bullets you use, I felt they were made from silver and were covered in dried Garlic Concentrate. I was probably made with the intention to kill you someday, so it's only right to think that I'd be immune to your main way of attacking Vampires - special bullets and blades."

Seemingly understanding what I was getting at, he backed away before it finally set in - they'd tortured me like this for most of my life, would I, a child, be mentally sound enough to learn to become a Vampire Hunter?

Oblivious to what Blade was thinking, I went around the back and flipped a switch inside the hatch and the solution that had plagued me so was slowly being pumped into Sergei.

I walked back over to the still dazed Arthur and held up his head, while whispering in his ear, "This is what's about to happen to you...and there's nothing you can do to stop it..." an evil grin stretched across my innocent looking face as I saw Arthur's face malformed by his fear.

Sergei, however, was aggressively shaking and looked as if he was having a seizure. Slowly, blood started to pour from his eyes but mixed within it was a silvery-looking liquid.

He hadn't screamed once during the whole thing but his face was twisted into a face of pure, agonizing pain. Along with his mangled left leg and slightly mangled right leg, he looked incredibly pitiful.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Sergei went up in flames and--


--he burst into ash.

After opening up the mechanisms once more, I put Arthur in the chair. He had a lifeless look on his face as he knew what was about to happen.

I went through the motions once more and started the machine up again. Once I saw the liquid enter his veins, I got up and turned away.

Even if he survived - which he really wouldn't - he'd be crippled as a Vampire for the rest of his immortal life.

Blade silently followed behind me, while Mia was waiting outside. She didn't want to witness any of what I did. She was a bit softhearted for a Vampire but I guess that's what I like about her.

The three of us went through the facility with both me and Blade killing any Vampires we came across and finally, we left.

The only sound left in the empty facility was the sound of fire and a quick pop-like explosion. Now the facility was truly empty.

Lazyy Lazyy

If anyone thinks his behavior is a bit extreme, he has been tortured for 4 years straight and his instinct are meant for the perfect warrior - he's bound to be a bit bloodthirsty.

Anyway, which girl should be the MC's main love interest? Pick any girl from Marvel and post your answer in the comments~!

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