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71.66% The Elephant Gate / Chapter 43: A Link

Chapter 43: A Link

Kevin sat atop Sundial and looked around at the distant mountains of the Blue Ridge. Rose was remarkably quiet throughout the trip, answering in short sentences. Had he offended her with his kiss? She seemed okay with, at least at first, but now, an hour later, her uncharacteristic silence was unnerving.

He dismounted with ease, barely registering that this was his first ride in at least 15 years. He flipped the reins over the horse's head, and led him a short distance to his riding partner.

Rose heard the footfalls of man and horse behind her, but she continued to look out over mountains spotted with green flecks of pine and cedar trees. She crossed her arms as if to ward off a chill, although her fleece-lined suede coat was warm.

Mouse whickered a hello as they drew near. Kevin dropped the reins, knowing the horses would stay together even without human intervention. He stepped up to Rose and put his hand on her shoulder to slowly rotate her until they were face to face.

"I'm sorry if I offended you in the barn." He said sincerely. She was touched by his apology and entranced by the frown lines bristling on his forehead. She inwardly sighed; clearly he didn't feel the same lightning bolt that she did.

Put on the big girl panties, Rose m'dear, she admonished herself, and with an effort, finally pushed away those impressions. She smiled up at him.

"No apology is necessary. We are both consenting adults." She steered away from her emotions, still so close to the surface, and decided to focus on the other extraordinary things she saw. "How did you know about Frederick's itchy spot? And Mouse's distress? I never told you."

Kevin was at a loss to explain it. "I don't know, really. I just sometimes can feel things from animals. My child psychiatrist says that I empathized with them, using clues I gather from my observations."

He stuck his hands deep into the pockets of his coat. "All I know is that we talk, but not with words. For instance," He turned to look at the horses. "Sundial knows of a nearby stream, and wants to go there for a drink of water. Mouse is just happy to be outdoors in the sun."

At their names, both animals sauntered over to Kevin and faced him expectantly. Rose was charmed and just a bit uneasy. She cleared her throat as two equine and one human face swung to look at her.

"Well, if he wants to go, let's go."

The stream was not far from there, the water running extra cold. After the horses were watered, they began the trek back to the buildings. This time it seemed a bit more easy between them, and Kevin was happy that the air was cleared.

If Rose was a bit more quiet than usually, Kevin didn't notice.

* * *

After they brushed down the horses and put them back in their stalls, it was time to face the parents.

When they tromped up the front steps after parking the truck back on the driveway, they both looked at each other. "Here goes nothing." Rose said before swinging the door opened. "Hi! We're back!"

There was a fire crackling in a large hearth in the den. Kevin sat down in a leather chair just across from Rose's father. "I'm going to help Ma in the kitchen." And just like that, she disappeared, darting towards an open hallway and leaving him along with her dad.

Her father leaned back with studied relaxation. "How did the ride go?"

"Very well, sir. The horses were well behaved."

"And what about my Rose. Was she well behaved too?"

Kevin went blank for a moment before settling on a safe topic. "I'm looking forward to working with her on the television script. She's already completely the preliminary treatment, and I think she can bring my book characters to the screen."

The big man gave a chuckle. "That's the best non-answer I've gotten in a while. You'll do. My Rose is a strong-willed woman, and doesn't like in decisiveness. You're the first bloke she's brought over for a while. You know, my wife likes your books. She has always wanted to talk to you about your characters and your settings."

"I'd be happy to talk to her, sir, whenever you wish." Kevin wondered if their conversation would include any of the grilling techniques that parents have used since time immemorial. But Rose was old enough to make her own decisions.

"Dinner is ready!" Rose came into the den, wiping her hands on a white teatowel. "It's time for the menfolk to join us." She gave a saucy curtsy before disappearing back into the kitchen.

The dining room was elegant with a marble top table and white chairs. But the settings were bamboo mats and simple pale green dishes. A steaming soup tureen dominated the center, with a wooden bowl filled with thick slices of bread next to a plate of butter. The scent of the tureen was delicious and unusual.

The two women came out of the kitchen with water glasses. "It's Thai Beef Stew, made with lemongrass and wide rice noodles. It's a simple dish, but very filling. I hope you like it." Rose's mom explained.

From Kevin's point of view, it was one of the best home cooked meals he had eaten in a long while. The flavors seem to wake something up inside, and it wasn't long until he had polished off several plates.

"Thank you, Mrs. McEwen. That was delicious. I don't think I've had anything like it before. Is it your own recipe?"

She nodded. "I adapted it from my native Thailand, to give it a more Western taste. I'm glad you like it though. I usually only serve my family."

Kevin stood up. "Do you need any help with the dishes? I feel like I need to contribute to the meal." She gave a tinkling laugh.

"Oh my no. This will only take me a few minutes. Thad, dear, come to the kitchen with me. Suri, take Mr. Hunter to the den, and we'll join you in a few minutes."

"Why does your mother call you Suri?" Kevin asked as they sat on the couch in front of the fireplace. Rose tucked her legs under her and leaned against his shoulder.

"It's the word "red" in the Thai language. Dad calls me "Red" too. It's just my nickname from my parents."

Kevin toyed with a strand of her hair. "I like it. You know, there is red in your hair." He rubbed his cheek against her before bringing his mouth near her ear. "You have a fiery personality too" he whispered before giving her a quick kiss on her temple, a split second before she pushed him away.

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