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Chapter 5: A brothers love

The next day Harutora didn't come to school which was for the most part expected.

"So do you know when Harutora will return?" Said Kazumi.

"Hinata told me she was going to take care of him until he gets back to normal."

Masami walks over.

"Hey Kazumi."

"[What's she doing here]"

"I had a great time yesterday."

"What is she talking about Kazumi?"

"Um nothing i just helped her with her homework at her house ....but nothing happened."

"[Her house]"

"How could you call that nothing you took me to the coffee shop and you showed me your thing."

"Thing what thing?"

"It's not what you're thinking i swear look i'll explain after school gotta go bye."

Kazumi tries to leave before the situation gets anymore out of hand, Masami calls out to Kazumi as he runs down the hall.

"Hey Kazumi!, My brother asked about you so i told him your name is that ok?"

"Sure i don't mind."

Kazumi leaves down the hall.

"Hey Yuki Kazumi doesn't have a girlfriend does he?"

"Why would you want to know that? "

"No reason i'm just interested in him i was thinking maybe me and him could hang out after school tomorrow."

"You can't... i mean me and Kazumi have plans then."

"Oh maybe some other time then."

"[like he'd ever want to go somewhere with you he's mine all mine]."

At that same time at the police station.

"Kazumi Kishimoto where have i heard that name before." Said Saito.

"Kirigamme Kishimoto just uncovered some ruins last month any chance that's his son." Said Sargent Kira.

"It can't be a coincidence."

At Samaki Inc.

"Sir someone is researching the Kishimoto's using the police network."

"Send him the new file we put together."

Back at the Police station.

Saito's expression changes then he runs out the building with the image of Kazumi on his computer saying he was a prime suspect in his father's death.

On his way home Saito gets a call from an unknown source with specific instructions to work with them to apprehend Kazumi he agrees only if they assure to keep his sister safe, After leaving school Masami, Yuki, and Kazumi go to check on Harutora.

"Hey man."



"Oh yeah Harutora this is Masami Matsumoto."


"So living with Yuki wasn't enough for you now you have Masami as well."

"Don't say stuff like that you make me sound like a jerk."

"I'm just messing with you."

"Oh so you live with him that's nice why you didn't tell me that Kazumi could it be that you didn't want me to know about it?"

"It's not like that it just never came up, Hey lets all go out to celebrate your good health Harutora."

"That actually sounds great i'm tired of being in bed."

The group heads out, Saito who at this time is with members of the Samaki clan uses the GPS system to find his sister's phone.

"[If i'm lucky maybe she will be alone]."

Kazumi and the group are walking down the street.

"Hey Kazumi you hear that?" Said Harutora.

"I don't hear anything." Said Yuki.

"That's the point it's the middle the day and it's a week day you'd think you would see a car a person or something it's too quiet." Said Kazumi.

"This doesn't feel right."

Saito arrives with the clansman in black SUV.

"Stop right there Kazumi Kishimoto your coming with us."

"Masami get away from him."

"What's this about? Said Masami.

"Masami i'll ask you again get away from him."


"We don't have time for this take them all."

"No…. no one is touching my sister."

Saito runs to his sister and stands between her and the men from the Samaki clan then a window from the main vehicle rolls down and a bullet flies out hitting Saito in the chest and he falls backwards.


Masami's hair turns snow white as she creates ice spikes from the ground which impale a few cars setting them on fire and makes a ice wall protecting them.

"She's one of them fire."

Masami raises a thick ice wall.

Saito who is on the ground bleeding coughs up blood and scolds his sister.

"Why ..... I told you to never show anyone now you'll be hunted down and experimented on or worse killed?"

" That doesn't matter now, You're going to be okay just hold on."

"Of course i will it would take a lot more to bring me down."

"It's my turn to protect you."

The ice wall begins to crack.

Harutora takes Saito to a near building and calls 119.

"Masami make a dome around you guys."

"Wait Kazumi what are you doing?" Said Yuki.

"I'm going to protect all of you."

Kazumi's eyes had changed the others could tell he was serious he immediately lights his flames jumps up and breaks the already cracked wall.

"Cease fire."

Kazumi is blocked from view by the steam made from punching the ice wall.

"Switch to non-lethal rounds our orders are to take them alive."

Kazumi then walks right through the fire left by the cars he then Fends off the men until suddenly he drops to his knees in pain and his flames Disappear ,Masami uses this moment to open the dome and make another wall they grab Kazumi and retreat as they are running they see Saito get picked up by the ambulance which puts Masami at ease.

"Harutora call Takada." Says Hinata.

"I'm on it."

The group is later picked up and taken to Masami's family summer home however it is a long trip so they stop half way in a small village, later that night it began to rain Yuki is woken up by the storm she walks down the hall of the inn they are staying to see Kazumi but he isn't there so she looks for him outside.

Kazumi who is laying on the roof staring up at the sky has been contemplating what happened back in the city since that moment he's felt different and his flames have been coming out at random moments which has kept him completely dry then he notices Yuki leaving the village toward their prayer alter so he follows her.

At that same time two Assassins from the sub branch of the samaki clan who were tracking the group arrive in the village, As they search the village they eventually find Yuki and take her hostage.

Kazumi calls out Yuki's name while searching.


"[Oh no why is he here]."

Yuki screams out to warn Kazumi , Just as Kazumi Arrives they inject her with a mysterious liquid and her body goes numb.

"What have you done to her!"

The Assassins toss Yuki to the side and Kazumi slides to his knees to catch her.

"It's too late she will die soon."


Yuki's breathing slows.

"Yuki stay with me."

"I'd say she only has 5 minutes until her heart stops."

"I wasn't there for you again i Couldn't do anything at the temple, And she was almost hurt during the fight at school."

Kazumi's energy sky rockets and his flames burned stronger and stronger and for the first time ever hears the voice of his relic.

"Scream to heavens so that all may hear my name."

"Burn everything to ashes phoenix!" Said the mysterious voice and Kazumi

Kazumi goes berserk and relentlessly attacks the two assassins breaking their blades and setting the outer layer of their clothes on fire then he punches one assassin so hard he knocks him through a tree then he jumps in the air and comes down with a kick so hard it crushes the other assassin in the stone making a crater.

All the energy spewing out of Kazumi reacts with the energy inside Yuki by raising her energy in turn Curing the effects of the poison, Kazumi's screams wake the group and they head out to the Alter as they arrive Yuki had awoken sees Kazumi who is beginning to burn everything around him so Yuki walks to toward him.

"Yuki stay back ." Says Takada.

Yuki continues to walk toward Kazumi and hugs him from behind.

"You don't have to fight any more i'm ok!"

The flames intensify ,then a tear falls down Yuki's face upon seeing this Kazumi lets out a scream as all the flames return then a light shines into the air parting the clouds and Kazumi's flames disappear then he falls and everyone runs to him, Kazumi remains unconscious until they reach the summer home.

XEternalphoenix XEternalphoenix

119 is the Japanese equivalent to American emergency services

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