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Chapter 7: Chapter 7

While Naruto was meeting his partner, the team was also doing the same as the system could accommodate many people at the same time.

Rika walked into the room with a calm expression but the excitement was hard to hide and it was visible from eyes along with the hop in her steps.

She was the strongest from her clan and one of the top new potentials of Japan. It meant her partner couldn't be weak and she was going to set a new record for her clan.

Though, it was annoying to know that Kari had higher rating. She was born with even better potential than her brother and with the power to tame digimon from birth.

She was Rika's rival, though both of them stood on the opposite ends. Rika was violent while Kari was soft.

Nonetheless, Rika had a bright future and she intended to surpass everyone else. Even without falling in love with Naruto, she had dreamt of becoming the Digital Queen and now she thought Naruto would definitely take the position of the Digital Emperor from the current one.

Emperor Greymon was the digimon of the current Emperor and on his side stood the owner of Magna-Garurumon.

There two females in the group but both of them were not in a relationship with anyone according to the public.

The Queen or Empress was the title given to the strongest female Tamer. The current Empress was Izumi Orimoto also called Zoe.

She was beautiful blond woman with style and a great body and her partner was Jet-Silphymon.

Rika looked up to her and the other team member Amara Aquilla also called Magma.


Rika stood in place as her eyes took in her surroundings while the lights danced on her body and after a few minutes, her partner appeared.


Renamon was a bipedal fox-like Digimon. Most of its body was covered in yellow fur, save for the tips of its tail and ears, underbelly, hands and legs from the knees down, and the purple Cancer symbols on its thighs. It also had wing-like tufts of yellow fur on its shoulders and a large, mane-like tuft of white fur on its chest. It wore purple sleeves that covered its forearms with yin-yang symbols on the back of the hands. It had three clawed fingers on its hands and three clawed toes on its feet. It had black eyes with indigo pupils.

It was a digimon well known for its speed and fighting skills. It was a ninja like digimon that suited her style.

She wasn't the only owner of a Renamon since people with similar qualities also got it but depending on the tamer, its potential was decided.

Every digimon had a potential level, just like a human, and it decided how far the digimon could go. Some digimon could never go beyond champion level under normal circumstances.

The difference between tamers was easy to see even without them doing anything because the stats of their partner would be very high compared to other rookie digimon.

Rika was satisfied with Renamon's appearance.

"I am here to serve. Please honor me with a name, master?" Renamon looked at Rika and was satisfied with her master. She could feel the familiarity between them.

She went to her knees and bowed.

"Luna, your name will be Luna from now on and you will get me to the top." Rika gave a small smile as she walked closer and out her hands on Luna's shoulder.

Getting her to stand up, both of them saw what Luna would become.



Sakuyamon was a tall humanoid Digimon. Most of its body was covered in black, skin-tight fabric. It wore knee-high, purple and yellow boots with the yin-yang symbol on the instep, and purple and yellow gauntlets with the yin-yang symbol displayed on the backs of the hands. It also wore a yellow cuirass and shoulder guards (the latter of which have the yin-yang symbol emblazoned upon them), and a yellow, traditional kitsune-style half mask which obscured its human-like face. It also had ankle-length silver hair tied into pigtails, and carried a long, gold staff with several rings adorning the tip called Kongou Shakujou.

She was a Shaman Digimon. It holds the role of a miko, acting as an agent of Ygdrassil's will. Like Taomon, it freely uses Onmyoudou techniques in battle, and has the ability to employ Immortal Beast-species Digimon. It always carries four pipes on the belt around its waist, within which lurk four kuda-gitsune that possess the attributes of "Fire", "Water", "Wind", and "Thunder", respectively.

It was able to use these kuda-gitsune for everything from attacking to gathering information. Just like MagnaAngemon's Priest Mode, it was able to change into Sakuyamon Miko Mode, which administers Shinto rituals. It wields the Kongou Shakujou. Its gloves bore the Zero Unit, and the characters on the foreheads of the red, blue, green, and yellow kuda-gitsune read "Fire", "Water", "Wind", and "Thunder" respectively.

The Zero Unit was connection to King Drasil and gave power-up, and support to the Digimon with such a sign.

Digimon with the Zero-Unit were always exceptional and none could deny Sakuyamon's powers. She was the other side of Drasil and stood on a similar level as the Royal Knights.

She was weaker than them but her abilities and resourcefulness made up for her weaker power.

She specialized in magic, seals, illusions, barriers and summoning. She was also an expert close range fighter and scout.

Her appearance was extremely beautiful and graceful, putting her on a similar level to Angewomon. According to the legends the most beautiful digimon were either Ophanimon or Rafflesimon or Venusmon.

Ophanimon was one of the top Celestial Digimons and savior of humanity while Rafflesimon was like a legend that only lived for few hours before dying.

Finally, Venusmon was one of the Olympus 12 and they were beings on equal power to the Royal Knights.


"You see that, that is what you are capable off according to this system. But, I want more than this and we will go beyond it." Rika looked into the eyes of Luna who stood on the height of 1.7 m and made her vision clear.

Sakuyamon was strong but not strong enough to be the Queen.

Luna took in the scene. She was a logical creature that followed commands.

The system put her final stage as Sakuyamon so what was beyond it. She was confused and couldn't understand the point but she knew one thing, follow the commands.

"Your wish is my command." Luna gave a nod and Rika gave a chuckle as she felt the confusion. She had forgotten about her lack of drive and such because of excitement.

"Don't worry you will learn what I mean." Rika patted her shoulder and walked to her digivice.

It was white and blue with the yin-yang symbol on the back.

Rika was satisfied with the result and finally her mind returned to Naruto, and she walked out of the room with Luna.

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