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Sky of Storms Sky of Storms original

Sky of Storms

Author: Kelsair

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Prologue

Marvin stiffened as a pirate ship arrived at the docks. Through the howling wind, he could hear many people upon the ship shouting orders and running around. The wind pulled his vivid blond hair in all directions. The sun was high in the sky but it was soon to be covered by black clouds from the west. The Merchants on the docks and throughout the town were hurrying to clean up their supplies and put everything inside before the rain started.

Marvin looked at the pirate ship and started to worry. There were no guards running to stop the pirates and the normal dock hands were even helping the ship dock through the wind. Were was his escort? He wondered if the ship he was supposed to be arriving on got taken down by the pirates, but then the great Bladestorm wouldn't be defeated by such lowly people, or would he? These thoughts plagued his mind as he cautiously watched the ship. He hoped that his chosen escort would make it.

A few men jumped off the ship to help anchor, they did a significantly better job than the normal dock hands pulling the ship over to the dock with ropes and then proceeding to tie it down and anchor it, they finished within a minute. Once docked a ramp fell down and more people started to come off, one of which was a tall black-haired man who looked as if he was only twenty-five years old. He was the last to make it off the ship besides a very muscled dark-skinned woman who was most certainly in charge of the pirates. She was barking orders and was only distracted by the man who came out with her.

That's when Marvin realized that the black-haired man was, in fact, the escort he'd been waiting for and the pirate ship was his ride back from Tinia. The man's eyes flashed his direction and even from this distance, Marvin could see the indigo hue within them.

"It was foolish of me to worry." He whispered to himself. "How on earth did he make himself friends with such people I wonder."

Bladestorm made a brief exchange with the woman and then started walking towards Marvin who worried how this exchange would go. Bladestorm walked over and knowing who Marvin was, nodded and continued on fully expecting Marvin to follow.

"Excuse me "boy", but I expect the proper respect from you, as you are merely my escort to the capital." Marvin scoffed while sticking his nose up in the air. Bladestorm glance back at him barely noticing Marvins attitude.

"If you wish, I could just leave you here." He spoke in a calm low tone that made him sound as if he was a good ten years older than he really was. "As for me, I'll be going my own way and I do not care if you end up getting yourself lost." Bladestorm was not expecting the reaction he got as Marvin smiled blissfully.

"Good answer, what is your name, boy?" Marvin asked. Bladestorm narrowed his eyes and spoke.

"Suke," he answered simply.

"Good, I was beginning to think they sent me some pathetic lap dog, but it seems that you are indeed all they made you out to be, hopefully, you can be of some use." He allowed himself to take the lead towards the inn, Suke simply kept his eyes narrowed and followed. "You can call me Gellion," The illusion around him started to fade revealing a very old and grey-haired man who had a mustache and a goatee along with a monocle to top it off. "I've been searching for you for a very long time, Quincey said you would be a good candidate for this mission that I have and I do so dearly hope he was correct. I hear you like challenges," he said twisting around and walking backward while speaking directly to Suke.

"I have one for you," he paused for a moment. "If you'll take it"

Kelsair Kelsair

A little short introduction to start us off. I hope you'll stick around for the next chapter!

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