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Chapter 3: The results

Please note this section is in the perspective of Harold Jackson (the butler)

I was holding my breath, It had been 2 weeks since I saw, the cute little girl, who's facial features reminded me of my late mistress, oh how I hope she is the one we are searching for.

My Master has been searching for his lost daughter for about 5 years now. The poor child was kidnapped less than 10 days after her birth by one of the maids. The poor mistress was devistated after find her baby heir had been taken, I only wish that once we find her, her highness could have been here to see it.

I finally had them the dna results I quickly ran to his majesty's office.


"your majesty"

"enter" said a hust voice clearly not getting enough sleep.

I enter his majestys office that's decerated quite plainly for a royal office.

"oh, Harold what's the matter"

"It's come, sir"

The voice who was very respect suddenly turned to high pitch squeal like a school boy

" it's"

"yes sir"

"well then there nothing else to be done but open it then" you Could tell that he was nervous. as her took the letter it was shaking.

"sir, are you not going to wait for the Prince's"

"oh I spose your right" he said rubbing his four head "but it can't harm to find out before the boys right and beside I can't wait 4 more hours till there all done with there tutors"

"sir, can I have permission to speak freely"

" yes of course"

"sir, I perpose that you just tell them that you've been looking for the Crown princess, I know the first, second and third Prince's have been doing there own investigation, then we definitely will get them to come down from their studies" I say taking in alot of air in afterwards

" that's not a bad idea, OK go tell all the Prince's that I have news about the lost princess"

"yes sir"

I couldn't help but run for there classrooms with excitement. I got to the first prince room


"enter" two small but confident voice answered

I went in the room

" I thought we told father not to disturb our studies" prince

" I'm sorry your highnesses but its urgent"

"I don't care how urgent it is I don't want to be dist..."

"we've found the princess" I shout out

"what, you found Rin"

A give a nod, then the Prince starts running to the other Prince's classrooms shout and banging on their doors

" Ichigo, kaname, fuuto, light BROTHERS COME OUT OF YOUR ROOM'S "

Suddenly I could hear a bunch of door handles open, then a sworm of boy running to prince Itatchi

All of them start shouting

"what's the matter brother"

then the prince turnes to his young brother's and says "they've found Rin"

even though they were all very small they had all herd the tail of there lost sister the quadruplets most of all missed there other quarter of there piece the most they felt as though they were all missing something, I wonder if that girl also feels like that? . They all fell silent.

Then a small husked voice the youngest prince Fuuto asked " the've found sister Rin"

Prince Itatchi nods

" your highnesses the king would like you to meet him in the drawing room to open the dna results to confirm"

Then all the the boys rush down the stairs to the drawing room.

"Father, Father, Father is it true? have you found her?"

"your majesty I have told the young princes the news"

" ha ha yes I can see that Harold, well boys I need you to understand that Harold went to the orphanage to see if anyone had similar features to use but we don't know if she is Rinabella, we don't know if she already has a new family so I need you to keep that in mind and not get to excited to the be let down OK "

" but father what makes her have similar features to use " prince kaname asked

" I don't know you would need ask Harold that question "

Then suddenly all their eyes were on me so I crocheted down and said" the young girl looks a lot like the late queen, when she was young along with she's very spirited and she has his majesty curiosity. I have a picture of her because I was distracting her from the needles with it, would you like to see "

Everyone was silent as i pulled out the picture of Rin and myself posing for a selfie. Every one was quite especially the king he looked like he was remembering something from along time ago.

He suddenly spoke" well if she's got my curiosity then she probably a hand full "

" she just wants to know what a family is like " I say with out thinking " I'm sorry sir I was very rude just know"

"no its fine Harold"

Then prince Fuuto said "Father can we call in all of the other helpers in the castle to hear the revealing since we're all like family in this castle so family should hear business like this together"

That gesture from the prince wamed my heart.

"alright Harold send for the rest of the servants in please"

"yes your highness"

I was again am running telling every servant I can.

Till we are all sat together in the drawing room with all the maids and princes on the floor everyone else standing not to dear sitting on the sofa.

The king speaks "alright Harold will you do the honour please"

I'm astounded "me"

"yes I would like to find out the same time as my family"

"yes sir" my hands are shaking as I go to open the envelope and unfound the paper carefully. "it's.....

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