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Chapter 1: Prologue

In an underwater facility stood someone in front of a glass wall. All that can be seen is their back. They had silver-black hair that almost reached their shoulders and they wore black jeans that hugged their legs tightly showing the curves of their legs and a loose fitting white t-shirt which was a bit see through so you can see their slender, strong and nimble body that was hidden by the clothes that they are wearing. They looked as if they were sculpted by the gods themselves with the gods paying each detail a great deal of attention. Their beauty surpassed all others even angels and demons even some inferior gods.

The clicking of heels can be heard resounding throughout the facility. A female researcher descended from the stairs. The sound gets closer and closer to the mysterious person 'click-clack click-clack' the sound only gets harder and the sound echos throughout the whole facility making listeners have a faint premonition of what is to come when she finally finds her target. She is the grim reaper that is searching for its next target and took away countless others.

The person in front of the glass wall slowly turned around light shining onto them through the water creating a halo around them that makes it seem as if God is going to take him back and they are saying the final farewell before leaving forever. You would be able to see a small ear peeking through their hair then you see their small nose and finally their whole face. They had hazel upturned eyes that seemed like gold is in their eyes that has a trace of laziness. They had cherry colored thin lips that temps those looking to kiss them until they are breathless. Their features made him look like a man and a woman but they are neither and both at the same time. Everyone will feel like crying when they see the body underneath the clothes that is marred by countless scars across their body from the torturous training they experienced.

The beautiful person is Experiment 069 and was talented in almost everything so they were the only experiment to be able to reach this stage. He went through many torturous experiences that can cause any other person to go mad and want to commit suicide or they will be traumatized for the rest of their live but 069 pulled through getting stronger and emotionless or better at hiding them. Their emotions don't even show on their face anymore. The only thing that can be see is the trace of laziness in their eyes that conceals the emotions inside their heart.

They turned toward the researcher holding a file behind them. They were leaning toward each other and whispering to each other. 'Unbeknownst' to them their was a shadow peeking behind a wall at them with countless emotions swirling inside their eyes that can't be deciphered. The shadow sighed and turned around walking away from the scene that held countless regrets. In 069's eyes a sharp glint flashed by that went away so fast no one noticed it.

The researchers came to tell 069 of the final experiment before their body will deteriorate. The experimental bodies can only live till they are 20 because the energy their bodies are made of are extremely unstable. The day they become 20 they either explode or melt into extremely toxic waste and not one experimental body survived except Experiment 069 for reasons unknown and this is a month after his 20th birthday so they are preparing for the final experiment. This final experiment is the soul binding contract with the system. The previous experiments failed because 069's soul was too strong and obliterated the systems souls. The system was designed to mess up other worlds energy so it can absorb the worlds energy or like the researchers like to call it fate. Fate is an extremely pure energy that all worlds have and generate by following its predestined path. If the path is disrupted then the fate will move into the thing that disrupted the fates course. Fate will be gathered and used to heal their world, the original world of 069 and the researchers, they are currently living underwater or - ground to prevent the energy from above ground from mutating and eventually killing them or making them into grotesque monsters.

Fate has countless purposes but its main purpose is strenghting or healing something bringing it to its most perfect state once again. The original world, Galla, is deterioting quickly. It's vegetation is dying, turning black and then ash which spreads the poison with the wind. Any living being mutates which either causes their death or mutates them into mindless killing machines that everyone began calling them monsters. The monsters continue to mutate and getting stronger pushing humanity underwater or - ground nearing extinction. No one knows why but anything underwater or - ground doesn't mutate. Once someone steps outside without protection will quickly shrivel up and die but even then they stay outside for too long.

Scientists spent years designing protective suits that could protect their bodies from the Poisonous air outside for long periods of time. They sent soldiers outside to search for any surviving plants but found seeds which surprisingly didn't mutate or die. All seeds that were found were sent to be tested and from those tests, they found an extremely pure energy that is similar to fate which was named origin. The following experiments were to see if they can make a human being from origin which sent thousands of seeds to their deaths without being able to flower and bear fruit but as humans like to say the sacrifice of one is the greater good of the masses. The seeds could have flowered into new types of plants that can purify the air which became commonly known as Chaos.

069 was one of the most successful experiment but also the one which caused the most disappointment with it unable to contract with the systems, which is also created from origin, so countless systems that were made were destroyed before it can even begin to serve its main purpose. One day, the day before, a system was created. Nobody knew what it can do but it wasn't destroyed when the contract with 069 was being established. The researchers cried tears of joy but also sadness as they knew what this meant, 069 is going to be put into a coma that can last years even decades.

069 looked at everyone and then he felt as if he should do something for the researchers for the final farewell, they had a faint premonition that they will never see the researchers again, so they tried forming a smile but his mouth just kept twitching at the sides. They tilted their head to the side confused but still tried and after countless attempts stared at the researchers with a strained smile that caused everyone to be dazed "Thank you for everything, for being my family and for loving me" A heavenly voice echoed across the now silent room but then in a corner you can hear faint sniffles which turned into full blown crying. A female researcher, that came to get 069 who was like a mother to 069, collapsed onto her knees. 069 slowly walked to her and crouched down with her "I love you, Mom. You may not be my real mother but you hold the highest position in my heart so..." They lifted the chin of the female researcher to reveal the face of a forty year old which is beginning to wrinkle. The wrinkles mostly surrounded her eyes and mouth so it can be seen that she smiles and laughs a lot." Keep smiling because I will eventually come back to you. Enjoy your life and when I come back you can then tell me about it." The researcher is still crying but now she has a smile on her face even if it's strained. She stood up and hugged 069 tightly almost crushing them.

The other researchers tried to keep a straight face but burst out crying even wailing where even ghosts will pale in comparison to the sorrow and regret filled voices. 069 kept the smile on their face but then turned toward a tank filled with a green-white liquid. Their smile quickly faded when they were not in sight of the researchers anymore. They quickly took of all their clothes to reveal a speedo underneath. They forced themself to smile once again and climbed into the tank almost fully submerging themself while in the background the wails can still be heard. They closed their eyes then submerged their face with a single tear quickly merging into the unknown liquid. The liquid faintly glowed but no one noticed as the water turned into an even purer green which gave the system countless benefits in the future. 069 felt their consciousness slowly fading with extreme pain as each second passes as their soul is removed from their body. It brought great pain even greater than what they has experienced before making them silently scream with created bubbles with the last bit of air that was left in their body.

The person in the tanks complexion slowly paled and their lips turned purple. The liquid in the tanks color quickly changes from the person's body til the edge into a murky black color obscuring onlookers view of the person in the tank. The researchers wails just became louder once they saw that knowing they won't see the person in the tank for a long time or never again. They considered the person as a friend or family. They knew that they will maybe never see the persons face even if it is as a corpse. They knew that nobody will be able to approach the tank otherwise the liquid will attack them killing in one swift blow to the vitals with the corpse shriveling up after they were killed.

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