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Chapter 8: Unique.

2002, Russia, Moscow.

In a space museum in Moscow, Sammael reflect on the last exploits made in space exploration.

The United States, Russia and China, each have installed a small base on the moon for scientific purposes.

A manned mission was launched on Mars this year, in a month they'll reach the planet and will try to land on it. This mission taked more than 45 years to prepared, the difficulty is extremely high, almost impossible. It asked the collaboration of the 3 biggest power to accomplish this prowess of technology. The cost was in billions and lives were lost to permit the advancement of the mission.

It's the fourth time a ship is launched for Mars, the previous attempts all end with an explosion or another problem provoking the death of the crew.

The collaboration of the Russia, U.S and China allow good relationship to be built between them reducing the tensions and mistrust establish by the cold war.

Few months later, Mystic Fall.

" She's just a little girl William, what we did, we had no right, we are not God. " say a man with a voice full of anger and regrets.

" Grayson, there's only room for one God in this lab, and it's not yours. " respond William alias Sammael.

" She's my daughter. And I don't want to inflict all of this on her any longer. I'm taking vervain every days and if you kill me I have take precautions. " answer Grayson taking a step back. 

" If I wanted to kill you I would have done it already. But we learned a lot thanks to her, I suppose I can let her enjoy her life like a normal little girl. " says Sammael taking a step toward Grayson. 

" You would really accept that ? " Grayson asks with suspicion. 

" Of course, I have others business to take care of. " respond Sam.

" I hope I never see you again William Bishop. " says Grayson eagerly leaving.

2005, New York, Sammael's penthouse. 

Admiring the view of New York city at night, Sammael take a sip from his favorite wine and wait for his late visitor. A few minutes later the elevator opens, a man wearing a dark suit walk confidently inside. 

" Elijah how good it is to see you. " says sarcastically Sam.

" It wasn't easy to find you brother, like Klaus you mastered the art of stealth. " answer Elijah. 

" Tell me what you want Elijah, I let you find me out of courtesy, but after what happened in New Orleans I made it clear I didn't have any interests in seeing you or the others. " says Sam. 

" Its different this time brother, I need your help to kill Niklaus. " says Elijah. 

" Tell me, what did he do to make you wish to kill him ? For a millennium you stood by his side no matter what, I find your new desire strange. " asks curiously Sammael. 

" He did the unforgivable. He killed them, Kol, Finn and Rebekah, he killed our siblings Sammael. " explain Elijah with sadness, Sammael hearing what Elijah said let out a laugh. 

" Why are you laughing, there is nothing amusing. " asks Elijah. 

" Niklaus would never do something like that, his idea of a family is perhaps unatural and unhealthy but he truly love us in his own way. " respond Sam. 

" I don't think you realize what Klaus have become, he lost all of his humanity. " add Elijah. 

" I won't help you Elijah, I don't want to be involve in another Mikaelson's dramas. " says Sam. 

" Please reconsider it, I can't find him, he is constantly protected by cloaking spells and your talents in magic could be extremely helpful. " asks Elijah. 

Sammael take a minute to think. 

" I won't help you but I'll give you an advise, stop trying to find Klaus and focus on what he want, find it and you'll find him. " finish Sam. 

6 months later.

" After a series of failures the last one in 2002, the collaboration between China, the U.S and Russia resulted in a succes. The Deodalus VI and its crew land yesterday on Mars, what many thought as an impossible task happened, humanity reach Mars. First the moon and now Mars, the question on everyone mind is what will be next and what will be the futur implications. To answer these questions Dr Michael Griffin the administrator of the NASA gave a press conference. " says the TV animator. 

" What humanity accomplished is extraordinary, in the past going to space was a dream. Never our ancestors would have thought that one day a man would reach the moon but today we have taken the first true step to space exploration. Mars will allow us to learn more about our solar system. " said Michael Griffin. 

" What are you planning to do now ? " asked a journalist. 

" We are considering different options but for now nothing have been decide. " answered Michael before he stop responding to questions. 

Sammael watching this, can't keep a satisfy smile from appearing on his face. He invested a lot on this mission, he is a little jealous of astronauts, be the first one to see something and walk on a land untouched by human or other life forms must be a humbling experience. 

Sam stop his mind from wandering, and focus on the device he is making. 

The device function is to help in the creation of a dimension. If Sammael use only magical energy the dimension will be bound to the universe in a intricate way, Sam's goal is to create a dimension disconnected from all the other dimensions or realities. A dimension outside the universe and controllable only by him. 

He is still far from succeeding. 

The device only make a small bubble, it lack the power to complete the process and finish the creation of the dimension. 

Sammael have to channel all his magical power in the device who change the nature of the energy and use it to create a dimension separated from the universe. 

But there is more than one problem, like the fact that the device can't entirely change the energy, about 27%-34% of energy is lost, there is also the fact that he don't have enough energy to complete the process especially with the loss of 34% of energy. The device still need to be improve but even if he complete the dimension he still didn't find a way to bound himself to it. 

2007, Unknown location.

" January murder is a provaction, a declaration of war, we've let the Strix run around because they sometime can be useful to us but now they are just a nuisance. " says April.

" He was stupid and reckless, is love for batlle caused us more troubles than the Strix ever did. " add May.

" How could he even get killed, he is one of the oldest diurne, a normal vampire wouldn't have the strength to kill him. " says August.

" He could have been taken by surprise and by a group of old vampires, I heard the leaders of the Strix are at least 900 years old. " explain November.

" So what is going to be our response to this attack ? asks April. 

" We should eradicate them, we strike fast and hard at the same time and we eliminate them. " answer August. 

" The problem is that we don't know the location of their leaders Tristan and Aurora deMartel, they could reconstruct the Strix if they are alive. " add May. 

" If we kill the majority of them, their strength will be greatly reduced and they won't be a problem for years, even if they rebuild Strix. " says September, other possibilities are exposed in the following minutes. 

" It's time to vote. " says December. 

4 months later. 

Around the world, all the Strix undergo a raid, violent battles between two organizations operating in the shadow. The humans completely unaware don't know that tonight supernatural blood will be spill over the earth. 

Sammael in the comfortable luxury of one of his houses work on the schematic of his device without sparing a single thought to the massacre being committed on his order. 

2008, Mystic Falls. 

Back in the clearing where it all began, Sammael draw similar symbols on the grounds, he placed a boundary spell early on the clearing to keep anyone from coming and interfering with the ritual. 

Finishing the last drawing, he take something out of his bag, a glass orb engraved with runes containing a massive amount of energy. 

While his organization the Deorum de Terra instigated the first World War for different reasons, Sammael saw an opportunity, a Nexus Vorti is created when a rare occurrence happen, the number of deaths and the scale of the war was enough to be considered a rare occurrence, he drew the energy generated and contain it in an object he made, he had to reinforced the glass orb with spells to allow it to contain indefinitely the energy.

Taking another orb out of his bag he remember its creation, like the other, this second Nexus Vorti was generated by a very rare occurrence, the nuclear bomb. An act of destruction orchestreded by man without precedents in all mankind history. The power generated by this Nexus Vorti is a lot more than the one of the first World War due to the occurrence being extremely rare.

For the drawings Sammael used the blood of a doppelganger, a blood more powerful than the one of the previous doppelgangers after Sam experienced on the donator.

After arranging the 2 orbs on the symbols, Sammael look up and wait for the celestial event, a conjonction of planets, Mercure and Jupiter.


Channeling the energy from the celestial event, the two orbs and the magic rooted on the ground of this clearing, Sammael start the ritual.

"Corpus et Mente. " begin Sam.

"Spiritus Aeternum. " continue Sammael calmy even if the wind is rising and becoming violent.

" Anima Legibus Solutus. " a strange hum start to appear, discernible only by Sammael. He can almost hear the universe scream at him and feel it fight him back for what he is doing. Sam don't stop and don't lose an ounce of concentration, he ignore the hum that get louder and louder each passing seconds.

" Ascensionem Meam. " finish Sammael. Immediately it's like a shockwave go through everything that exist, unknown to anyone but Sam an horrible sound appear simultaneously with the shockwave, a shrill and distorted sound coming from everywhere.

But before Sammael can ponder on it, hundreds of voice resonates in his head, objects around him start to levitate.

Controlling himself Sammael block the voices, his experience in telepathy help him block the thoughts from entering his mind.

3 months later.

The ritual Sammael performed is an aberration, immortality isn't natural but all the immortality spells used to this day's had a fatal flaw. The body is immortal but the consciousness or "soul" is not, the immortal body simply trap the "soul" inside and keep it from dying and rejoin with the universe but in the end it will.

What Sammael did is extend his immortality to his consciousness to become immortal in body and mind. When the universe die Sammael won't die with it, even if his body was to be destroy to its last components, his mind, his spirit will survive.

Sam theorize that the scream he heard at the end of the ritual was the universe reacting to what Sammael achieved.

What he did was so unlikely to happen that the Nexus Vorti created was too powerful to be cantained or channeled. 

He gained others advantage thanks to the ritual. 

His mental abilities received a big upgrade, he already had minor telapathy but now he can hear the thoughts of anyone within a radius of 4km and the more he master his telepathy the more the radius increase. His telekinesis also increase in power, he can now affect objects on a molecular level but he can't control it perfectly. His processing capacity became faster, so fast that he can now predict multiple scenarios at the same time.

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